dfdaf pM •;£££&: ,«fc sJSI /'. Jim Crow \ Faces Fight In /VJ Citv *> TRENTON. N J. Anfci-dit- ! crimination organizations joined \ Tuesday night to fight builder ‘ William J. Levitt r. attempt to ex- j dude Negroes from a huge pro-' nosed housing development whichj in effect, wild result- in an all-! white town. Levitt, who has built two “Le- i vittowns." one in New York and J nothr.r in Pennsylvania, amioun ced early this month that he! »ould restrict sales of houses in' his new project in New dorses to wliitf-u --the Lertttowo project in Sew loik originally was clos ed *« Negroes. However, mans egro families purchas ed home? there during ihe pa:-* few years from white fa milies, » A croup of approximately 2SO persons, about evenly divided be-; t.v ec-n whites and Negroes, fcim- 1 <AS an organization to be known as i the New Jersey State committee; against discrimination in housing. George 8 Phfaus state deputy ; (continued on page r> Taxed Without Representation, Tar Heel Morticians Declare j SALISBURY— It wa.- brought to the attention of the North Car qlina Funerai Directors and Moi ficians Association, I no. at its 31s annual convention which covenei in Salisbury, recently that un ethical practices were being per petuated within the profession. These facts were brought to the attention of the Executive Secre ORDER STILL STANDS Federal Judge Harry I. I-emlry talks e" the phone at Little Rock. Ark- last week. He rejected a request by the NAACP (hat he stay his Order suspending integration for ’’ J-? years at the Central High School In Little Fork. The MAAi.f Jiked the V S. Supreme Court to nullify (he court's ruling, but (he tribunal derided this week. to lei the C $ Di:-*rirt Court of jfcusais, fit. Louis, Bio. handle the request (UP Photo). jam® 1 •■'AN. rr’i-viP.' ~<&&€fg*ls¥®Wi AMERICA'S LAST HOPE Miss Alt hen Gibson of New York [ City, became America’s final hope for a championship a* Wimble don, England after Barry Mac Kay of Dayton, Ohio, Inst in the j men’s singles. Miss Gibson defeated Shirley Bloomer of England j I Tuesday. She •. a heavy favorite to hold her tennis crown Dr. Duncan Inaugurated As Livingstone’s Prexy SALISBURY-—Dr, S E. Duncan ; newly-elected president, Living atone College, the capstone of edu cation for the AMS Zion Church formally took over his duties here Tuesday, I LOO AM. after a brief welcome ceremony by the faculty ; of the Summer School and Dr. W. ' J Trent, whom he succeeds. ! . . . The ceremonies j took pla-c, out i ,U,nr; DR. J>t NC \N mcn •. -n Ul.-.T •-voo spoue for the group and told Ho"- pleased be was to see Dr Duncan at the heed of the instilu ! iion that was so near and dear to him It. is to be remembered that | Dr Trent served as president from 1925 to 1957. Dr, Treat pointed <>yi that Dr. Duncan grew up with Liv ingstone and that his was a. great heritage, having graduat ed from many of the depart merits of the school. He spoke of how Dr Duncan came through the elementary school's of Salisbury, thence through Livingstone and on to Cornell tary of the State. Board of Em -. baimera and Funerai Director a Clyde O. Robinson. The members of (be associa ' lion feel that they are being taxed without proper protec tion and that the office of ibe Executive Secretary is not 3 (CONTINUED ON PACK 2) University, where he earned his Master's degree and Doctor of Philosophy, Hr ended by saying, “This is the happiest day of my life, because i know your capabilities and ! am sure Livingstone is in good hands.” Dr, Duncan expressed his grate ful appro iahon for the warm wel come given by Dr. Trent and the group. He pledged his dedication to ihe forward progress of the school and said. “I pledge to de vote myself and life to the perpet uation of the traditions of Chris- ] ian Education for which Living- , stone has been noted for mere than three-cmai ters of a century. Dr. Duncan then presented his wife, the former Miss Ida Hauser, who aiso is a product of Salisbury and has madp a crest contribution t« the rdu rational life of Norib Carolina. She was warmly received. The ne'.‘ president brings to the church-related institution a wealth of experience a:- an educator Hi? father, the late Samuel Edward (f’ONTtVUEI* ON PAGE D - f Is Burlington Becoming , Base Os Klan Activity? I BURLINGTON - - The Ku Kiux Klan apparently is making Bur lington it; base of activities in North Carolina. A visit here Friday by self-styled Klan leader James W. 'Catfish' Cole of Marion, S. C • and word from K kinsmen in Greensboro in- j' dipate That the K'KK is planning j some -o:t of parade and meeting for this city in the near future. Burlington police, said Cole stop- | ped by headquarters here Friday ; lor an "amiable" chat and some . information as fn applying for a j parade and a public meeting per- | mit in Burlington. Klart Kilidd irhaptain) Geo. Inmate Is Quickly Recaptured SPRUCE PINT N. C —An in- j mate of the Avery County prison ! ramp escaped when he fled from ' a road gang working near here ! Friday but W 3» recaptured * few i hours late* , Prison officials said Fun troy \ Merritt, RO, of Greensboro, was re- ! tCONTTWEP ON PAGE S 3 : CAROLINIAN —— ~ ADVERTISERS — BUY FROM THEM PAGE I Holm* -t- D*vtyp 3uir » Dillon Motor Co PAGE 3 MMflt Seal Core* Ctnter ■ SiitMsn Window Co. i Cross Poultry ! Taylor Radio l TV Servlee Wake Finance ( orapany SBei tr'.. <il Wholesalers. Use. t-lp Bottling Company | Swam Anniet Mfe Company Town 4- Country Tire Company PAGE •. I Southern 6'!! Telephone Co nudson-Belk Company Mr ■'ohf \V Winters , The Capita! Cpta-Coia Bottiusg Co tnt. | Slate Finance Company Johnson Mattress Co. PAGE 6 Famou Bakery I Star I Inoleuin 4 Tile Company i Lowe Grocery New r.lmnln c ale j Brooks W. Poole 1 PAGE 7 ! O'Neal Motors. Dir Carolina Motor Sales Capital l.oan Co.. In*' Joyce & Bailey Furniture companv PAGE 8 Union Finance Company Mr C Karl Licbtinaa Raleigh Funeral Home Uasid G Alien. Cnntr ctvflij Beauty College Rirst.-CMu.ens 9>nJt K- Trust Comjuar 6sc Watch Shop Electrical Wholesalers, fnr. NAACP LIST REMAINS SECRET — .... H VOL. 17* NO. 40 SATURDAY, JULY «. m$ RALEIGH, N. C. PRICE 12c IN N. C.; ELSEWHERE 15c IV.C - Trained Tennis Q»cct- Althea Last U. S. Hope! Advances To Semi-Finals In Wimbledon Tournament ! WIMBLEDON. England 'The j United States’ chances lor a trn ; nis singles championship are now i | resting solely on the deterimued I ! shoulders of Miss A! then Gibson j of Harlem, New Ytrk Barry MarKa.v plunged mil of the men's singles here Tues day. Miss Gibson, Ihe, defend ing women’s champion, skill ed the blink of disaster hot self before she forged into ihe women's semifinals on a fi-3, fi-R, <5-2 victory over Miss Sib! lev Bloomer, Britain's No. 1 player. Within one point of brine down ,0-8 in the final set, the tell Har | lem Miss finally harnessed her i powerful game. She proceeded t.o j reel off six games in a row with : the lose, of only fom' points. Miss Gibson’s next opponent l? 1 scheduled to be Miss Ann Ha\dor., a Briton, who scrambled for every ■ point in upsetting Miss Matron 1 Bueno, the Brazilian stylist, 6-3 | 7“5' McKay’s loss left (he * mi rd Stales without a represen tative in the men’s semifinals for the second straight year and proved once again Austro lia s domination of the. tennis game. Three Australians and a. Dane. Kurt Nielson, still sur vived play »s laip as Tues day. Mac Key 22. of Day I on. Ohio walked off the centu court after his defeat, disappointed but not downhearted, according to friend Miiss Gibson :& a heavy favor ite to win at. Wimbledon. Dorset! of C.reenshnrn said he knew only that "Something is going to take place over there.” He said tie had not talked s<i!ti (CONTINUED ON I’AC.F, Woman Bqudcl Over; Faces Murder Rap i Miss Etta Louise Douglas. HR, a parolee, was held on first degree murder charges Tuesday in the staying of an e!dei!y veteran of : Wo'ic! War 1. YORK his homo early tcomwuxn on page r> 8. M. Ynun- Btrdware Co. NX Product* Ambassador Theatre PAGE <i Winn-Dixie Stores Gu» RtttMt Harters A CJeanei:. Mr Bossie M« NeWI Borden Ire, Cream Poole's Pie Shop Auto Finaflio Company Goorlmati'i Ladle. Shop PAGE 10 Washington Terrace Ap* Blood north ft t tourist Home Mechanics 4 Farmers Hank Hester Well Company Caveness Insur.-ince Ageui $ Pepsl-Cola. Bottling Co. si (Laic tgb Carolina Builders C-otp Watson’s Seafood & Poultry Co, Inr. limsread Transfer Co. A Food Stor* Dillon Motor Finance Company Dunn’s Esso Service Ridgeway's Optician* Warner Memorial* Deluxe Hotel PAGE 11 B. 1. Morgan Sinclair Sfrtlon ! Carter's Inc R. t Quinn Furniture t timpani Sandy Band Village American Horne Products PAGE IS Kelly Auto Sales Acme Realty Compin' Bunt General Tire Compat!' The Hoo i Svm em Industrial Bank Horton’s Cash Store Perkc Cleaners ‘ Hetnrltv Realty to. Sbfi formerly resided in Wilm ington. N. C . where she lived wit h | Dr. Hubert A. Eaton and attend- j ed the WiUiston Industrial i School. Althea showed great pro - j raise ar a tennis star white in the! "Tar Heel" city. State May Be Sued By Ex-Prof. ALBANY. Ca. «ANP‘ C's noon King, the 37-year-old Me - aro professor puL in a. mental in-i atitution when iie tried in eniei ; the all-white University of Miss- i iissippi, said upon arriving at. his j father's home last week: that, hej plans to return lo Mississippi, re - ; tardies." .of any artien that miy he taken against him. King, who first broke into I (Me news when bis criticisms of the NAACP forced a student boycott that aimnj.l closed Al coi n Ay M college. arrived here coalless and without luggage •ess than 24 hours after he was released from Mississippi's Whitfield mental institution, r -V had been taken there after state highway patrolmen seiz ed him on the campus of the university, where he sought in vain to become the first. Negro lo enter the institution. Instead of being admitted King was seized, held incommuni cado for 48 hours, and then held at the hospital for 12 days. DOCTORS FIND HIM SANE lie wa* released from the ho>- ; pital after 17 doctors ruled him to be sane, and a writ of ha be a j corpus was filed in Jackson, Mis.-, court demanding his release. Hi detention also kicked up a storm of criticisms from the NAACP. Meanwhile, King still faces ; charges of disorderly conduct and disturbing the peace at the uni versity. it, is unlikely, however that he will be extradited to stand trial. Extradition between state i is normally not done when only a misdeamor is involved Both charges are misdeamors. King said however, that he' would return anyway, but didn'; say when. Explaining, hr- said: "I would feel like a pretty poor c.l a - if there is a part of America that I can t return to. j, Although lair offHcaiv, f CONTINUED ON PAGE NC Pair To I j Face Charges Os Bribery WFTTEWTLLE A father and son have teen charged with frying to bribe a city ohcema i who arrested the youth after a 10-mmutf/chase through town Police Chief Wade While said tlial lames Hawkins, IS. Brunswick, was stopped by Officer Bill Rhodes am! char ed with speeding, (leckles* driving, failure to heed a sir en and » stop light, damage U ONm'M ON PAGE 2) saďa AT WHITE HOUSE MEETING Preside! Eisenhower pose, if? his office ai Washington on June %% with Negro leaders, follow ins a conference dealing with -chon! integration tod other matters affecting the race From left to light a r» Lester B. Granger, «»«•.#• tire secretary of the National Urban League Di Marlin tiiihn King, Jr., president of the Southern Leadership Conference; £ MURDER SUSPECT William .Boh) Brown, :>??, above, f 3 *he« of Miss Minnie jean Brown, one of the nine Negro student:, who in ifgrated Central High School in Little Rock las* Fail is bring held on * murder charge in Mie Arkansas city. Blown ,s being ouestioued in connection with the slaying of Elmer E :>< ■■. «s. n%> Tune Thu-? hsillela were found in the dead man s body. <UP! T1 I t PHOTO’. Cumberland Raid Nets S 3 Violators Os ABC Laws By K. KUnr YORK FAYETTEVILLE -- In a well planned raid on 'Draga! whiskey sales which look .six months to complete city, county, state and federal law officers rounded in Winners Os Bonus Money Announced A check for SSO will be present - ed to the First Congregationil i Christ.iaii Church as winner of the first-place award m the Church Bonus Money contest which clos ed Wednesday. June 25. at mid ’ught The church member »perT a total of $3 408.07 with CAROL \ INI AN advertise* during the past | six week/-. Second prize of $25 will be aw arded to the Davli Street. Prer-hv. terian Church, whose members spent $1,374 13, Fayetteville street Bapti.- 1 . Church, reporting the stun ut $•450.22 wiU get the third place sls prize. The new Church Bourn? Money Month began Thurs day, June 76. and will end at midnight Wednesday, August 6 The month will consist of six weeks and new churches in Raleigh ant! Wake County are invited to cake part in this gigantic promotion. The first week of the current month ended at midnight Wed nesday. July 2. The second week began Thursday, July 3 and close (CONYIN GEO ON PAGE • 27 Fayetteville Negro citizens nirJ 26 Negroes outside the city limit. ■ in Cumberland County, i ' They were, charged with selJin : , hot.h tax paid and non-lax paid { whiskey. Several of the suspec' ■ had several separate offenses ! charged, ranging up to seven war | rants against one woman. The officers assembled in City Recorder's Courtroom at. fi p. m Frday, June 27. gr.ri moved with precision to spread out and brir-t j in the suspects from the McCotri ha Club, Red Bird lon and Son ■ ny's Place. The Club Delesa we - I visited by one officer in plain I clothes and several uniformed . city policemen. However, the one i suspect that they apprehended (CONTINUED ON l’V,l .*1 ! ——----- - • - ' . ~ ' ' ! TOUTH DHOW*; . IN MFM POND CATAWBA James Roosevelt Hartw-\ 33. Rout*- 2, Catawba drowned Tuesdry whrt* swimming m » farm pond abouts; r ~ m.;:; from here Members of the youth' t-'v'iv who w.-re '-dimming ws*;: ' turn. said HarDy.-e was ihe fir.-.i of the group io enter the v Per The • said he swam about Ivlfwoy aero ; the pond then dwpveared as 'n* started back toward .shore Rcncun crews recovered his body soon* an hour afte: the drowning DOCTOR'S HOSPITAL SUIT DISMISSED WILMINGTON Federal Judge Don GUMam Wednesday dismissed a suit, filed, by three Negro doctors seeking the use of the operating room at the James Welker Memorial Hospital here An order signed at his home si Tarboro. held that the federal courts did not have the jurisdiction in Uir case He ruled that al though the city of Wilmington and New Hanover County support tfc hospital financially, they do not control its opera lion Dis. Robert \. Eaton, Daniel It .tang ud Samite! 1 'hr- f<> ed .soil March 23. !*>;’,t; on behalf of themselves and other »rro dorters They named the hospital, the heard of County t'ommi.--- ionrrs and the City Cowne.il a;, defendants. (CONTINUED ON RACK 2) Frederick Morrow, While House administrative ofii'm the Presi dent; Asa Phillip Randolph, vice-president of the AIT -CIO. AHor. ney Genera! William Roger*; Rwm Sk'iiaP, specie* ss?l*C*at to the President; sad Roy Wilkins, executive secretary of the NAACP. (tPI TELEPHOTO I. l Court Ruling Is Hailed By ■Two Leaders MONTfiOMERY. Ala.-Ths Rev. | Rev. Martin Luther King minister | anti noted integration leader, hail jed the Supreme Court's NAACP ruling Monday as most encourag. ' lug”. The high court upheld the NAA. . CP's right to keep its member-hip 1 LM away from scrutiny of a state j and dismissed, a $1,000,000 contempt fine levied by an Alabama iudgs. Kev I L Sutth'.north. Eli wingbaw integration leader, whose ,-htirrlt was ihg target of a homtmig a’tempt during the week-end. >aid of the ru!- t«;, "Thank Gorf. At Cast we von t have to suffer from to. pressi vp m easnres"> | Louisiana State Senator M j Kamaeh warned that the decision j "Gives the green light to the Ku i fQux Klan,” The cl' ion wrap:- a cloak of | secrecy around She .NAACP and is j tantamount to making secret, so ! pieties Immune from authority of j ‘he stale''.' Rainach said i The decision was certain to cause I added concern in off Kin! circles throughout fht* South A number of southern states have either birtlaw ; ed the MAACP or put the agency ; under f ■ irt inspection William Shaw, aUei««.' tei f.Vu> l,r>!jjaD.n’ tr.i.-, Lvg'.-fjt its Gnmniittee on t-egtegahoa commented! ttn* the deci-iew was "in tine « -Us the sub- *•? - \trnri nf <h° court to tls» (CONTINUED ON PAGE 21 Little Rock School Case Is Rejected WASHINGTON Th* United States Supreme Court ref aged Monday to shortcut the usual pr cedures and rules directly and promptly on an appeal from an. order :,r ;psnd:ng desegregation »n L’iti’’ Rock. Ai.tar’v.s.s. So so doing the court said it »-3R sure that .‘he t : s>. Court ®f Appeal? in St Lotus. Mo. would act «n >br appeal? "in ample time to permit *tr« axe men to (n fas made lor the tier; school year." Noting that the Little Rock desegregation case has been before the Court of Appeals in. SC Louis in one. form or an other three dilfereni times, (he Supreme Court said; "That Court is the regal i district court here concerned, and court for reviewing- the Orders of the appeal and the petition for < stay are matters properly to be. an .iudicated by it. in the first ui stance.' The c-v of the Supreme Court* order Monday a lecting a reatioft for a quick ruling on integration at. Little Rock's Central Higt School: ' John Aaron, vt al. petitioner: v, William G- Cooper, el. al . nifru bers of the hoard cf directors cl the Little Rock, Arkansas, imiv ■ pendent- school district and Vir gil T. Blossom, superintendent d school. On petition for writ rX certiorari to the United Stater 1961, a plan of integration ther*. - (continiieo oN page 21 dfafa

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