V i BROKEV CONNECTION The body of Miss Adele Shields, 35, s! the Bronx New York, lies slumped in a phone booth in * bar af ter being- shot is the Bronx last week. Police have arrested Faftol sian 'arses Johnson, 29. in connection mth the shooting. He is mar ried- (CPI PHOTO!, Argument Over Light Bulb I li Fata! Far Chatham Wan F.TTTSBORO A 34-year-old Ideal " Oman who shot her hus band 'nth an automatic 22 rifle and then put a pillow under his hr-ad while someone called a doc tor has been released under bond of S’ mo, Mrs. Ethel Mae Mt Dowell admitted the fatal shooting of State News —IN— Brief INSTALLATION SERVICES BET ROCKY MOUNT Mount 2:on Baptist Church, Rocky Mount, will engage in the installation of its pastor ail day Sunday, July 27 Services will be held at It.a m. and at 3:30 p m. Dr Hylton L. James, pastor of the Berean Bap- I tut Church. Brooklyn. New York, < will preach at, both services The Rev. George W. Dudley will be in stalled as the new pastor. GIVES BIRTH TO TRIPLETS ROANOKE RAPIDS The wife of a farmer gave birth to triplets at her home last week. One of the children was under hospital care, but the other* are j reportedly 'doing fine.' “The triplets, tiro boys and a girl, avers born to Mrs Frances Jones, 71. of Henric, mother of four children, ranging from two to seven year, »f *,ge. They were delivered by the wom an’s mother, Mrs. Katie Owens (11. Mrs Owens now has 55 grand- j children. The girl, Connie, five pounds. I Si* ounces, was born at 11:25 a m. i Ronnie four pounds, was born at (CONTINUED ON PAGE 3) Dr. Frank Toliver, Asheville, Hew High Schools Supervisor The appointment of Dr. Frame k Toliver of Asheville as State supervisor of Negro High Schools "as mad® last Thursday by Dr. Charles F. Carroll State Super-; .Edendent of Public Instruction. Dr. Toliver will take over the DX 53.ANK, TOIfVXR I her husband to Deputy Sheriff J. A Farrell, Jr., but said she was provoked in the act when her husband argued with and abused her about a light bulb and the amount of light in the home According to Deputy Sheriff Farrell, the woman related that in the scuffle her husband, David Lawrence Smith, was shot. The Smith woman has been charged with “assault with a deadly weapon, to wit a rifle, in flicting serious bodily injury, re sulting in death." The shooting took place at. the Smith home at 10 pm, in South Pittsboro. 2 Brothers Drown In Wayne Pond GOLDSBORO Two teenage] ; brothers were found dead Sunday' ■ in an irrigation pond on the farm •' 'of Carl S Cox. m Grantham ! Township. 15 miles west of this ; city. Robert Cox. IS, and Eugene Cox. ] 14, had reportedly gone to the ' pond with another youth, who fold I officers that neither of the vie- I tima couid swim. The unidentified! I youth told Deputy Sheriff Mo, sen j | Britt that one of the brother was i wading in the pond when he step ped in the water over his head 1 I The other brother as. tempted to j save his brother, but drowned in the attempt Members of the Goldsboro Res cue Squad recovered the bodies in 14 feet of water, approximately ] 45 minutes after they had become j submerged. The youths were sons of Robert Ccx, Route 1, Goldsboro. post vacated by Dr Samuel E ! Duncan, who went to Salisbury to j become president of Livingstone ; College on July 1. The educator comes to the State ! Department of Public Instruction i from the Asheville City schools j where he has been serving as principal of the Stephens - Lee High School. A native of Atlanta. Ga , Dr. Toliver received his bachelor's de gree at Atlanta University hie ■ master's degree at the University j cf Michigan, and was awarded! the doctorate degree by Columbia ! University Before going to Asheville, Toliver served as teacher and principal in the Statesville City Schools, professor of mathematics at Virginia State College, and for the past sev eral summers has served as professor of education at Tennessee Agricultural and Industrial State University. \ Dr. Carroll in commenting onj his appointment stated that Dr i! Toliver -'has demonstrated rout- ' ' fffnj i m.. j ’ (CONTINUED ON PAGE » 7 SEX OFFENDER GETS 2-YR. TERM dadfaf VOL. 17, NO 43 Inspectors Shunned At “Private School” Faeflitles Below Par M Arlington ! ARLINGTON Va —A group of 5 county inspectors who wanted to checs the safety requirements of : s model private segregated school were turned away Monday 1 at the school’s front steps. -Jack Rathbone executive direc-: tor of the segregationist 10th Dis trict Educational Corp.. turned; down pleas to enter by inspectors j for the Arlington County Plumb ing. Child Care, Electrical, Buil ding Fire and Zoning Depart ments. The sc hoe! was opened last week in a six-room stucco house a:- a demonstration of j how private schools :e Company Auto Finance Company Harris Wholesale Inc. Famous Bakery- Company Borden Ice Cream Prices Shell Service Station Efird’s of Raleigh ® H Kress s.- Co. PAGE 10 Sure-Fit Seat Cover Center Bloodworm St. Tourist Home i * Country Tire Company Mechanics A Fanners Bank it. ffeater Well Company HutJ..tm-Belk Company Caveats* Insurance Agency TV w ,” . wu } ter * Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co of Raleigh . PpU * Be * Company Carolina Builder# Corp Plrciv wiefu? 1 * Watson’s Seafood & Poultry Co., Inc. _ Omstead Transfer Co. Sc Food Store 1 r < tu- nn Furniture Company DtUou Motor Finance Company « GroCery Bunn’s Esso Service I , ~ , . Rldgewav’s Opticians Carolina Power * Light Company . Warner Memorial* I -a Company Beluxe Hotel I Allied Aluminum Company page 11 Rusco Window C - Dixie Loan Company la , - , Davidson’s Jeweler’s L ®; :lr b Furniture Company Jeffrey s Food Market c,r."' Co ' Cus Russos Hatters A cleaners Surety Exterminating Co. I Mitchell Printing Co rw n D , i ' f,.Jl ar if* Lon* Meadow Farms, tnc. n- i uick x.O. Nash Steele-Warrea. tec. PAGE S Bynum Printing Company « sto ' es i Viythe Safes A Service David G Alien, C.rmtr. State Distributing Corp. i fpltal Loan Co. Inc ! Byr \uvt Lumber Company Clvella Beaufv Coliege ! Yancey insurance Agency Gem Watch Shop : Martin’* Florist rtv.sfgh Funeral Home Aladdin -ales Inc. f, c „ fcstl Llchtman Ho-eveurt Super Market c C e, P r aurt * ; PAGE IS S-iLLloang Hardware Co I Acme Realty Company p *“« .? . ! New Lincoln Case ib" * is s 2f« Market# i Horton s Cash Store Cross Poultry | New Fuquay Theatre 7-Ud Bottling Company ' I Tie Soot Bystem Industrial Bank I SATURDAY. JULY 26, 1958 + + + + + + -f 4= In Little Rock School Cases 1 Judges Musi Rule •fTTBt WHERE THEY LIVE Six adult migrani farm workers, including this family of four, are housed in this 10-by-14 foot one room wooden .shack in a labor camp at Cheriton, Virginia. Cooking is don« on a two-burner kerosene stove on the shelf. The government has called the 1,000,000 migrant farm workers who roam the nation “The most underprivileged people in America " Year after year, the, “fol low (he seasons." moving on to where ihe crops are ripe- This is typical 0 f the housing in migrant labor camps The average migrant family earns about SI,OOO per rear (ITPI PHOTO;. Blind Man Held For Coroner’s “ Inquest On Suspicion Os Murder BY E. RUDY YORK FAYETTEVILLE—On July 16. a 40-year-cM farm laborer, Alonzo j McGirt, was allegedly stabbed to death and Sheriff's deputies arrest- ! ed blind Albert Smith on susptc ion of murder. 'Blind Albert" as the suspect is known, is a familiar figure to many Eastovev and Fay- j eHevilie residents. Deputies arrested “Blind Albert” j as he walked along Highway 301, j near Rock Hill. He told the offs- Bishop Spoitswood Stirs Zion Bodies At Confab RALEIGH N. C j cere that he was or his way to the : Sheriff's office to report a ‘Ta ; mentation” he had heard at the McPhail home where he lived | He said that he and McGirt had . "had a few drinks together' at about 10 p. m. Tuesday He said he . went to bed. latching the door that ! separated his room from the one in which McGirt slept j Smith said he heard three men'' j come to the front door sometime later He told the Sheriff that he _c—. COLUMBUS, Ohio “The ! church today must bear our Chris- | tian witness for freedom It is not j enough for u? to subscribe to the : story of freedom taught by Jesus i preached by Paul and proclaimed by the early church fathers. It is not enough for the church to en dorse a credo of freedom. The demand of society the ex pectancy of God, the purpose of the church call for the minute ful fillment of the implications of free dom in practice, in brotherhood, in 'he spread of free men and in a free world of democratic ideals," thus said Bishop S G Spottawood, in the opening message to the Gen- . era! Christian Education Conven- i tion ar.d National Youth Council, A. M E. Zion Church, which open- j ed here Sunday, at the All Ohio j Youth Center with more than 1000 j youth in atendance Bishop Spottswood rang out a clarion call for freedom to men the world over “We must preach freedom until the doc trine penetrates all men every where and translates itself into the spread of spiritual inter dependence among rhe peoples of the worid Freedom en circles the culture and histor ies of mankind s false divisions* based on language and geo graphical barriers and include# men of ail nations rares, cul tures and custom#* in an ab- j sorbing brotherhood of man that proclaims the efficacy of preaching freedom”, said the (CONTiNVEtToS PAGX ft PRICE 12c IN N. C.; ELSEWHERE 15c j yelled to McGirt asking him not to ! let the men in the house. McGirt ! ignored his plea, the blind man j | said, and opened the front door j (CONTINUED ON PAGE I) | » ->, - T-rgvjv's'* —■. .-. | kf'P M *1 f ■ V/l !! i. WM |f;C iisSSSfe. ALBERT SMITH SET ELKS' CONVENTION HEADQUARTERS—IJr Robert H. Johnson (right), Grand Esaltod Rule* ! ©J IBPOE of W, shake* hands with Theodore R. Hagans, Jr., genera! manager of the New Dunbar Ho -1 te! fa Washington D. C. signifying agreement on arrangemets whereby the New Dunbar will serve 3* ' headquarters for the August 23-30, 60th anniversary national convention of the Elks. Standing by are : Herbert E. Jones, convention general chairman; Clay Claiborne, Ihe Grand's’ proas secretary; and Frank F Davis, convention committee member. An estimated 60..53# to 75,809 persons are ex 1 be on hand for the convention. Rulings us Full Court j I j Ordered ; > j ST, LOUIS The chief judge j of the TL 8 District Court of Ap- | peals hM ordered all .-even judge; f : on the court to rule on the appeal ; : of an order delaying integration 1 jat Central High School, Little • j Rock. Arkansas f j Chief Judge Archibald K Arch. 1 : bald ordered Ihe judges to sit. en • banc for the pleas to reverse an-j j set as'd# the ord°r Tire hearing. J were set for August 4. i None of the judges is from tiv ! Deep South (CONTINUED ON PAGE S) I Johnston Man fen Victim; [‘‘Accident/’ Says Accused A 47-year-old Clayton resident was shot and killed at a ctigr.t spot near Shot well about 12:40 Sunday morning. Novell Rave pronounced dead on arrival at St Agnes Hos j pital with a large bullet wound j through his chest, according to j police reports, 1 Lenwood Whitley, 24 alr-o of I Clayton, reportedly admitted the | shooting and said it was acciden | tal. He is being held in the WakA | Only 2 Weeks Remain In Big Church Bonus Program The fifth week of the current Church Bonus Month began Thurs day. July 24. and will end at mid night Wednesday, July 30 The month consists of six weeks and will officially close Wednesady, August 6 ftu*es of the contest are found on page 2 nt each edition Kr *d (hem enrrfuf!v, and look on the front page each week for names, State PTA Camp Observing Twentieth Year At Bricks The 19n8 camping season will 1 mark the 20th anniversary of the j PTA Camp for Children held at Franklmton Center, Bricks. Nortn Carolina, for children ages 7-12 years, inclusive. Sunday, July 27, will be a Red Letter Day tor the Camp I Employe Os Case given Term Here James Wilbert Saunders, 30. of the 400 block of Dakar Street, ac cused of assaulting an eight-vear old white girl at a case here last Saturday, drew a two-year sen tence Monday m the Wake County Domestic Court Although Saunders pleaded not puilty, he did not appeal his sen tence. The defendant had been charged with placing his hands on the girl in the rest room of Toy's American Grill, located on r Martin Street, Saunders was arrested by deteethr »n > warrant signed by the girl’s aunt, -L \ JAMES W SAUXDEKS Detective Sgts J. B Upchurch and B. L. Ennis, investigating of ficers said that so far as they knew Saunders had no prior sex offense record The man had been employed at the case where the assault occurr ed for several year; The girl is reported to have gone to the -omen's restroom and could not reach the light switch. She then allegedly went out and asked Saundeis "ho >as dressed in a. white uniform, to cut on the light for her. He did this and left the room, Later he returned and asked the child to stat'd tip. When she refused, the man is said to hate, stood her up and fon dled het polios-- declared. launder» left the restroom afterwards by crawling out of cojrriNtniß on page ?> County Jail without privilege of bond pending a hearing. Whitby was booked for murder by Deputy Sheriff Ed. Watkins. The. bullet entered Kaye's left chest and came out of his back on the right side Off icers dug out the bullet which had lodged half-way through a. thick door. Watkins said that the bullet was fired from an old make pistol, (CONTINUED OS PAGE 2) i of CAROLINIAN advertisers. Patronise these merchants and turn you* receipts or purchase j slips «mer to a representative Us your church every Sunday mor ning. Award.:, to wupnig churches are. > ,o. fur-* second, sls. third: ) And $lO. fourth. (CONTINUED OK PAGE 2> when special observance 'rill be held—pkuie lunch at noon, and pageant presented by campers at 2:00 p in. Suffici ent recognitions,, tributes and citations will be given the (CONTINUED ON PAGE 3»