The Standard Printing Co, 220-226 S. First St, Louisville, aS North Carolina’s Leading Weekly y VOL 17. NO. 44 SATURDAY, AUGUST 2. 1958 RALEIGH, N C. PRICE !2r IN N. C.; ELSEWHERE 15c /ft Lover’s Lana Woman Raped, Friend Shot HALIWAR INDIANS TO APPEAL Request Os Haliwars Rejected HALIFAX The children of ■? group of citizens who describe!' r-s as Hahn-sr Indians were assigned Thursday to Negro schools by the Halifax County Board of Education J Tfi Knott of Koajioke Rap id: one of the lawyers repre sentic* the Ha liwars, described the action as a step in proeed tire th» group must follow in seeking Featsall Plan grants for atteEdoit Negro schools The n.--ct isovf Kriott continued will be to ask the Board to reas sign .he students. If this request 15 denied as «-ould be expected, the Board would then be asked to he'd a hearing on the request. Knott said The Hauwars h ; -c m an area in r'suing portions r, f both Halifax and Warren counties. Last year, Wr.coll.icted the money tc open* -e priva'e school for their chil dren who jn n.-rrjou? rear* had i" rr r-'d Negro v-h'-jo!?' ' Under *he Pearsall Plan, legis lation designed to help preserve segregation in schools, tuition grants, ire provided for parents who ob.-rrt to sending their chil dren to school with other races. (CONTINUED ON PAGF St STATE * BRIEF HAD ‘PREMONITION’ OF DEATH DUNN The father of a 28-year-old man. who drowned Monday morning because he misjudged the depth of a pond, claimed, as his son s body was brought to shore, that, he had a premonition of dis aster Around 2 a.m. Monday, claimed Calvin Watson's father, n? thought he heard his son's voice calling him, He went outside his house and looked around, but found no one. When he returned to his bed, the elder Watson asserted be told his wife that “Something bad is going to happen." Monday morning when he arrived at his son’s home be found shat, the son had drovneij irs McWhJete.r Pond and th* sheriff and others were dragging for his body. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 21 Aged Woman Is Bobbed And Beaten; Assailant At Large SCOTLAND NECK An alarm was out Monday for a light-skin ned man who attacked an elderly 11 Oman with a stick of wood, club bed her unconscious and fled with her purse. Mrs. A. M, Perry. 84. was hospitalized here Sunday with head Injuries and suffering from shock after a, relative discovered her on the floor of her heme, She told Sheriff H , CREDIT UNION WORKSHOP PRINCIPALS - Among the prominent persons taking an active .1 rolf in the Credit Union Workshop conducted laid week at A&T College were from left to ® ~ Webster, managing director of the North Carolina Credit Union League. Greensboro; Na hanie! Barber, treasurer of the City of Gastolna. a consultant: B. W, Harris, dire ctor of Short Workers federal Credit Union. Ambassador’s Daughter Changes Story On Sorority Bias At College Failed To Apply. Says Undergrad GARDEN CITY. N. Y. A Li berian ambassador's daughter said Monday that she was ‘shocked and disappointed" to learn she couldn't get into a sorority at A delphia College, but the college said it was all a misunderstand ing. Miss Jeanne King. !#. daughter of Honorable Charles King. Liberian ambassador to the United Nations, is a so phomore at the college and has been eier'ed co-president or her class for the coming school year. (CONTINUED ON PAGE O A, House the man broke into her home late Sunday night and attacked her with the piece, of oak wood. Her purse, which contained a small amount of monev. was tak en. House said Mrs Perry’s assail • ant cut through a screen window to gam entrance to the home tCONMJWtIEIJ ON PAGE, Jr» \ - vtiilsli *jH$D flHSsjßif i|i"l HOME SHATTERED BY 81-AST -- The home of William Black well lies shattered after dynamite bombs exploded in a. racially-mixed neighborhood of Birmingham, Alabama recently Three white men were placed under arrest following the incident. Two of the suspects were apprehended and beaten up by Negroes who spotted them in the vicinity after the blasts The arrests were the firs! in ten years o« residential bombings at Birmingham (UP! TELEFHOTO' America Gives Reusing Welseme To Ghana Head . WASHINGTON - America; pread out the Red Carpet. Wed-; nesdsy for Ghana's Prune Minis ; ter Kwame Nkrumah upon his &r- | ; rival at Military Air Transport j : Service Terminal and one of Ins’ : first political utterances was ins j approval ol a summit conference j held within the United Nations to' work out same solution to the j Midegsfc crisis, Met At Air Port By Vice President .Nixon After acknowledging Vice Presi-! dent Nixons welcome remarks art the airport, the 48-year-old As- j rlcan leader stated that he had I arrived at a time of great inter-j national tension. Recognizing the fart that hr represented only one Artrl fCONTlNUr.® ON PAGE » Boyfriend Sought In Murder Case KINSTON A 33-year-old wom an was found dead ir. her home on a farm near hoi e Monday and of ficers said they were looking for a “boyfriend", for questioning The bodv of Miss Rachel Whitley j was found early Monday mornins j by farm i or heir. She veas lying on ; ! he bod m a pool of blood . j Lenoir County Sheriff Clay j Broadway said the* the yvotnan had (tONTtNtiEb ON PAM, 2) Wife Os Ex-Local Policeman: sàsadf Mrs Thelma Wallace Young, for- j 1 merly of Raleigh. was killed in an \ I automobile accident between Bat ! timore, Md.. and Washington. D, C ! lasi Thursday afternoon as the car in v.-htch 'he was riding crashed j tnto an abutment of a railroad un ! ter pass, The wisp of Walter Young, former Raleigh police officer, now a patrolman in Washing ton, D. C.. Mrs. Yottng was a native of Wilmington. A* the lime Os Mrs. Young's de-eth, Woman, 46, Tells Story Os Attack WILSON Deputy Sheriff W H Pridgen sail Monday night that officers had found no trace of an unidentified man who raped a woman near here Saturday night after killing her male companion Miss Essie Mae Artis, 46, Wil son, told offirers that the man shot Chester Joyner, 41. Wilson, Satu rd a y night, while they were parked in a lover’s lane nea: here She said the man then lad her into a wooded area and raped her The woman walked to a nearby -tore after the attack and summoned officers. Of ficers using bloodhounds car ried on a six-hour search of a 2G-m»lr area hut did not find the man. Pridgen said that, Zepedes Jones. 55, of Lanes. S. C war picked up for questioning but, did not match the description provided by the woman. Pridgen said, however, that Jones was being held for fur ther questioning 6th Church Bonus Money Week Opens WfiH th»> week has finally arriv '•d. The sixth and final week of the C'AKOLINIAN's big bonus money month h- ran Thursday, July 11. and will end at, midnight On Wed nesday. August 6 The deadline for submitting receipts will be an nounced in next w paper OnteM rules are found on page Z of each edition Read the rules carefully, and look on the front o.w» each week for names of CAROLINIAN advertisers, Patronize these merchants and ♦urn your receipts or purchase slips over to a representative in your church every Sunday morning. The awards regularly given, to winning churches are: SSO, first, $25, second, sls, third: and 510 fourth. The receipts should be submitted to the offices of The CAROLIN IAN at *he end of the Bonus Mon ey period They are counted and awards are given to the churches which spent the largest amount, of money with CAROLINIAN adver tisers. Is your church already com peting for Bonus Money? If not. contact your pastor right away, acquaint him with the rule* of the rentes* and start your church on the road to useful winnings. Churches which have been aw arded Bonus Money awards rennet (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) PRIME MINISTER OF GHANA ARRIVES Prime Minister Rw»m.- ku ruWdh of Gfeasm •i?th , £i m Washington tor a three-day state vis*H vi'£dfss*s<la.,y. and ■ allfd imjnc r <*'. f * *'*' r ior ■) Com < fpMMcp in the I nH.fd Nations on the Middip East Ekhstd M. on .»« ho j n ?? j*?. • greeted the visitor at the Washington Airport. (UP! PHOTO) the famth> had resided in Wash ington D. C for one and one ha if years. funeral service's were conducted Rater Johnson, Decathlon MOSCOW—Rafer Johnson, from : ‘he Utile central California town of 1 3.500, Kingsburg. set. a '■ orld-ft-ccrd m the decathlon with 8.302 points j as he helped to win the United j States track and field meet with j Russia's male Pam Monday night ; by beat!",; their Soviet rivals 126 : points to 109, Johnson gave, onr <>f the greatest all-around athletic per formances of modern tunes in winning th» rurgerl 10-sport event which featured the two day track and field meet The athlete .'-'cored 3,302 points i m his due! with Vasily Kuznetsov j j of Russia Johnson holds the listed Near Race-Riot Occurs In Virginia; 10 Whites Nabbed FAIRFAX. Va.—Fairfax Coun ty police disclosed this week they broke up a fight between Negro Nab Youth In Death Os Merchant MONROE - A 18-5 ear-old youth accused oi a series of burglaries here, last spring, was held here Monday fo* grand jury action in the slaying of a Monroe storekeeper. He is, charged with murder. Investigator Tom Broom of the Monroe Police Department, testi fied at 3 preliminary hearing, that the youth. Shelton Hopkins, had ad mitted fatally wounding Floyd W, Stack when surprised at the store by the owner 'ast March 21. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 8) -—~~ CAROLINIAN ADVERTISERS PAGE, * 8 H Kv*S» U Co. PAGE S Auto Finusce Company Washington Terrace Apts. Winn-Dixie Stores State Finance Company PAGE 5 Hudson-BeHr Company The Capital Coca-Cola Bottling to, Mr. John w Winters Firestone Stores K. E. tlulnn Furniture Com pan Pigsiy Wiggly Southern Bell Telephone Co. PAGE 6 Swain Awntni Mtg, Cnmpan- Rusco Window C Allied Aluminum Company Electrical Wholesalers Inr Gus Russos Hatters & Cleaner, Walker-Martin, Inr. Lowes Grocery PAGE 7 Conu-Gower Pontiac Company Joyce &■ Baltey Furniture Company Dillon Motor Co. D. A H. Motors, Inr. PAGE 8 Colonial Store* t>. M. Young Hird-vatr Co Mr. C. Karl Lichtman David G. Allen. N.C. Product* Gem -hop Cl veils Beauty College SU'clfch Funeral Home 1 ti cm Chestnut Street Preshy | trrian Church with the Rev Mr ! Baskerviiie. officiating Tuesday at 1 2:p m Burial follow'ed in a Wil \v\ i rig ton cc : mete; >. i world record •« ith 7 935 points but Kuznetsov beat this v ith »n 6,015 ; performance this spring, j Johnson won five of the ten j ents on the decathlon—the inn me | ter dash, 100 meter run, discus i shot put md javelin He placed second in the. broad jump and 110 meter hurdles, third in th. high rump and pole vault ! and fourth in the 1500 meter run ! last evert on the program Young 23-. year-aid Johnson s-rid. "Mv object was to win UO» to set world rPrnrH ? took each event one at (he litrsw WONTTNirKD ON FACt S) and white youths earl'- Sunday morning and arrested 10 of the : whites. ; Police gave out only scarce da- I tails of the near race-not in t.he : Negro Gum Springs residential | section of Fairfax County. The white youths Including seven juveniles and three a -1 Unite, claimed three Negro | bovs were following on foot two while girls along I’. S Route 1 near Gum Springs, pohee mid Details of the fracas were no: disclosed. However, the windshield , of one of the cars was broken County Police. Sgt, Hilary Jenkins saw the disturbance and broke it up by sounding his siren He arrested two car ! loads of white youths and took them to a substation. The thud | car sped away, hut tfaf driver ; later came voluntarily to the ! substation, police si id None of the naatte? were re?? ~; ed. Police said the 10 were beinr; j charged with disorderly conduct. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) PAGE 9 Pools’: Pie Shop A 4s r Super Markets Croif. Poultry Wrarus Electric Company Brooks *V. Poole TV Service & Appliance Company Capital Loan Co., Inr. I Security Realty Co. : Town A Country Tire Company Ambassador Theatre Borden Ice Cieam PAGE 10 Rloodwortb 8L Tourist Home Mechanics A Farmers Bank Heater Well Company Caveues* Insurance Agency Peps!-Cola Bottling Co. of Raieigb Carolina Builders Corp. Watson's Seafood A. Poultry Co Inc. Uinstead Transfer Co. & Food Store Dillon Motor Finance Company DOan’s Esso Service Ridgeway's Opticians I Warner Memorial* : Deluxe Hotel i PAGE 11 Public Service Company of N ' . Famous Bakery Compart i Nelson'*. Tn< ! Sure-Fit Seat Cover Center ; PAGE 18 PerVo C'eaner* ; New Lincoln Case Aetna Realty Corc.-.c-c * Ho-to-i* Cash, The Hoof Svstem Industrial Bank “ur- s include her husband’ ♦.hi frtv erine. -1. Coiuta 11 ce. 3 % o n 6 ?c v* . Wg,! - tf«-, j r . i 1-2 hfr parenfe m-.- «*£ Mrs John .Wallace* on? brother John eh - and sister Miss Clara M&e Wallace A crad'i3t- of Shr-v University, i.his city. Mr? v oimg ‘vas a teach fi of retarded children in the na- iton's capita! Sh* 'a •*.- roll ein sumniii school this yea" Thi Vininj- resided on Hill 9t v Uen they resided m this city, 7 Charged j Os- $f S(j 0 POCKY MOf.'NT S'-- '-n mem bers of g lairtN't near Middlesex have been charged v.-.-th larceny and receiving in connection with the theft of approximately $3.?00 from a. Na-h County farmer Sheriff Glenn Worn hi* of Na*h ( Maty said this week • hat the money, which was all >n SH»o hills, was mowed from the home of IVilham Corbel* of Route 2. Middlesex. The-' charged «-i»h Jarrenv ar* Barbara loan Rogei 18. Lamar Willie Roger;. 21 and five children whose i"' ~ range from 1 years to years' The CAROLINIAN doe? not print tne names of tumors char ged with criminal offense; The theft v as disco- pt-ed in Wilson when on: of the vounc slttK purchased a ' SSO watch with a Sift# hill The clerk *>•■>? vtspici.wis and notified t-o!"* „} i-N.. I, -> f nr,' fin# Nash f:o«nt>' Sheriff’s Depart ment. After -i-j invests ? ♦!(■•* ! *'h!(.h lasted all day Sunday Nash County ••.fficers recovered *3 554 Corbett did not know that v money «•*« tr> ';' l n■; until he- war- nohited b" c.fficeri: Corbett fold of Goers that thcr* h-f • i r.-rj c; SfO to 54,000 m th* box. Gov. Faubus Reilssted By Irk. Citizens • LITTLE ROCK. Ark - The riti | 2«n of tiii • State ga> a (Severnor Ot- I vsl E. Faubus an overwhelmtag en dorsement of fcts unrelenting stand against desegregation of the schools Tuesday Faubus swept to a ! landslide triumph in hi? bid for a j third-term Democratic nomination. Two md ore-half hour.? after ♦he polls closed. Faubus. held a tonooo vote lead over hi:- two . opponents. He needed over 5§ per cent of the total to din renomination •without a "prim ary runoff. He held a margin of in per cent Normn triton is equivalent to elec tion in heavily Democratic Arkan ; sas, Faubuif had 186.19? votes of the i 230.535 cast afte; 1.655 of the 2 321 j precinct? had been tabulated Chris F-nkbiner. a packing company ex* 1 -r.uhve. had 32.030 and Lee Ward, state judge, polled 32.315 A fence and emotional campaign was waged by Faubus and bis op* : ponets. eertered around the govep* i nor's controversial actions last Sep -1 tember in ordering the Arkansas ! ?-’atioiia) Guard to turn away 1 Necro students who had been i rit.vA Central High School.

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