SUICIDE ATTEMPT THWARTED Pairolman Benjamin Fish nan takes 13-year-old Mabel Bryant downstairs from her Bronx. Neu fork apartment recently after a one-hour ordeal during which she Jangled from a window and threatened to jump several times Mis Br.'ant was taken in an ambulance *o Linrofn Hospital. Woman at :ight is unidentified. tlTl PHOTO)- Irate Man Slain Over Ruddy* $ Wife GARTSBURG A man was kill ed at pmnt blank shotgun rang* Monday when, according to vit rhe reached for pistol dur ing a ’violent quarre) W iiihm Heary Massenburg, t Garvsbort N«|r«. surren edred to sheriff s deputies at the scene of the slaying. M-isa t-sb'J’i claimed he shot Gar land Vinrenf ?.f> in self-dcfeitue ". hers he tried to keep Vincent 'STATE » BRIEF 1 CLINTON MAN SHOT WITH RICE CLINTON An argument over a $2 debt had strange consequences recently One man had to be treated by a physician for nee kernels in his right shoulder and the other had to post bond for S3OO. . Odell Parker, 31-year-old resident, has admitted filling a shot- i run shell with rice and peppering neighbor Raymond William;. 22. i when he didrt’i repay s $2 loan, Parker is scheduled for trial at the August 26 session of Sampson General Court. PLAINTIFF FAILED IN PROBE «ILNON Miss Essie Mae Artis, 36. who was allegedly raped I late Na(>nda> night night by an unidentified man. has been placed in the county jail here, the Sheriff’s Department announced W. R Pridgen, chief deputy, who is handling the ease, said the de* nartmenf had two reasons for jailing the woman He said that she has been placed in the custody of the ,iad for he own protection as a material witness for the State and be cause the department feels she has failed to tell officers alt she knows Miss Artis was in a ear with a man identified as Chester A. Joyner, 4X, also of Wilson. BOO y FOUND IN SAMPSON HOUSE CLINTON The badly decomposed body of Levy Stevenson. 65, was found Wednesday in a tenant house on a farm owned by Barvev (CONTINUED ON PACE 2) M'}-. ««* OFF TO JOIN COLLEGE ALL-STARS John Baker, Jr . North Carolina College's all Cl A A tackle from Raleigh. N. < . h shown i hoarding an airliner recently for Chicago, where he will play with ! (he College All-Stars at Soldiers’ Field on August 15. Baker and John ! Simpie. Mai' land State College back, are the first stars from pre- j dominantly Negro colleges to earn all-Slar berths. Baker Is, the son I nf John Baker, Sr., veteran Raleigh policeman 1 | from beating Mas r -enhurg‘s i wife- Bessie, 23. The incident j occurred on a neighbor s porch | J Witnesses told office!? that Mss- j j senburg fired '‘hen v incent geach- j | ed for ?. weapon in his. hip pnckel. j | Massenburg gave deputies a pistol ! I which be said be took from Vm- j | cent after the shooting. Vincent. wa,s a resident of nearby ! i Gum berry. N C*. KASPER MAKES PLANS ■ ■ —M. Q -L. i IA I\ j VOL. 17, No. 45 SATURDAY, AUGUST 9. 1958 RALEIGH. N. C. PRICE He IN N. C.; ELSEWHERE 15c Lake Death 'Accident' i + + + + + *f Hh I Leaf Season V ioience Flares ! Rules On iFataiitf i Wake County Coi peer Marshall | W. Bennett told THE CAROLIN IAN Tuesday afternoon that there teas app.wenlt.v no foul play involv ■ <ri in the death of Willie Perry. ,j 30 ".'hose body wag recovered i floating in Longview Lake last Fri day. rroN'T.Nf tn ok page Z) . 1 i' ISP > * ;.l, " r '^1*2,,:,:,. AMONG THE BAPTIZED A crippled woman is helped from the waters off Orchard Beach, Bronx. New York. July 30, after, she and other members of the Jehovah’s Witnesses sect were baptized in a j mass ceremony, The baptism-b,v-immersion rites, in which 7,130 new member-ministers were taken into ! the fold, was bclleeved to he the largest In modern times it PI PHOTO), Patterson, looker And Martin Re-Electeil Presidents As Three Conventions Close DURHAM—The president* of 3 national conventions were re elected here at North Carolina Col- Bonus Money Month Ends; Headline Set The last week of the CAROLIN IAN’S Current Bonus Money Pro gram ended Wednesday, August 6. at midnight Th® deadline for sub- I mitting purchase slip? and receipts to the Carolinian office is Monday, August 11, Watch this newspaper for an nouncement of the next Bonus Month, Contest rulet, are found o« page 2 of each edition Read the rules carefully, and look on the front page each week for names of CAROLINIAN advertisers, Patronire these merchants and turn your receipts or purchase slips over to a representative in your church every Sunday morning. Th!- aw ards regularly given to winning churches are; ?r»0. first 525. second; SJS. third; and $lO fourth. j! The receipts should be submitted to the offices of The CAROLINIAN 11 at the end of the Bonus Money per- | j iod They aie counted and awards ] are give?: to the churches which j' spent the largest amount of money j, with CAROLINIAN advertisers. j ! I® your church already com- ; 1 peting for Bonus Money? If not, j j (CONTINUED ON PAGE SI) I I MAAN VsNAACP GREENSBORO The Mutual Association of American Negroes, Inc . recently organized here, plans a most daring pro gram of six projects for raising the status of Negroes in this are?. May be. in its long-arm reach, it may touch the lives cf non-whites on a nation-wide scale.. Probably the largest plan of the MAAN at present is a pro posed private night school for Negroes. The curriculum will he j designed to reduce illiteracy among Negroes through instruction | in reading, writing, arithmetic, personal hygene and good citizen i ship. Samuel S Thomas, founder and executive secretary of the . j organization, said the MAN hopes to work out arrangement . i with A&T College to use certain facilities for the trade and do . j mcstic courses. Among the other project', envisioned by the organization are . (!) A Christmas season campaign sot $50,000 to build a | swimming pool here for Negro children; (CONTINUED ON PAGE 11) lege, last week Dr. F D Patterson ( was re-nsm?d as president of the j National Business League. Mrs. Jessie D. Locker of Cine in- • nati, Ohio, and M. C Martin of Danville, Vi, wore renamed as heads of the National Housewives League and the National Bankers Association respectively, Mrs. Christina Fuqua of Detroit, — — CAROLINIAN ADVERTISERS FROM THEM PAGE 9 Lowes Grocery A. & P. Si;pet Markets j page .< TajJo. Radio 4 TV r,impair ; KitM-ClUr.eru Bank & Trait Co E'ttrd’s ot Raleigh ; Caroline Motor bale. Ambassador Theatre PAGE .1 Cross Poultry ; State Finance Company Ponie s Pic .simp j Capital Loan Co., Inc. PAGE to ! Mr John W Winters 8100-jwortO St. Tourist Home Security Realty Co. Mechanics A Farmers Bank PAGE s Heater Well Company Hudson Beik Company Cave ness irisurani« Agency PAGE s Pepst-Cola Bottling Co. n( Raleigh Borden lie ( ream Carolina Builders Corp. Nelson-,. Lnc Watson’s Seafood A Poultry Co, lnc. a. e Quinn furniture Compan llmstead Transfer Co, A: Food Store Allied Aluminum Compan; Dillon Motor Finance Company Riii,ct> Window C, Dunn’s Esso Service TV Service 4s Appliance Company Ridgewav’B Optician* Pigsty Wlggiv Warner Memorials raioiinn Powei 4 Light lompi"' Deluxe Hotel PACE 7 PAGE 11 Motti,” Conii'im Wayside Furniture IP Auio Super Market Fatnour- Bakery Company i O’Neal Motors, hie. Brooks W Poole Carolina Buirk Company S. H. Kress Ui Co. I Joyce <*>. Bailey Furniture C'>mp.’inv Betty Gav i Dillon Motor Co. PAGE IV j PAGE H The Hoot System Industrial Bank (Me C Kart Lichtman Eottou’? Cash Store David «. Alice. Conti, Acme Realty Company i N.C Products New Lincoln Case Clvelia Beauty College New Fuqujy The I* re Gem Uafrh Shop Atlas Sewing Center Raleigh Funeral Home Electrical Wholesalers, lnc colonial stores Perko Cleaners | S. M. Young Hardware Co. Surety Exterminating Compan 'Town & Country Tire Cnmpaat i former National Housewives Lea gue head, was .-elected t« head that group during Mr? Locket's pres • emu* in Liberia next, year. Durham a Mayor E. J E'-am and | North Carolina Governor Luthei H Hodges were among dignitaries greeting the three conventions du ring the week long meeting in Dur ham. I TAKBOKO (SPECIAL) -Some : think it. was the intense heat of the weekend. Others shake their | heads in doubt. But each year as the ’Tobacco Season’ starts in eas tern North Carolina I'July and Aug ust* violence also beams to flare | with asosrted crimes from cuttings : to killings, largely attributable to j the ‘extra money' comma into the ! ! hands 'of agricultural workers and j tobacco employees. KILLED OVER \ QIAFTER At. nearby Leggetts community. | j seven wiles north of here Sam j Dancy, age i? 5, ivas the victim of a | fatal shooting near mid-day Sun ! day white congregations worship ped in two churches less than 300 yards away. Edward .Speight. Jr , age 25 as (CONTINUED ON PAGE Race Baiter Make Speeches | WETUMPKA. Ala. Race bait- j • cr John Kasper was taking it easy j j this week at a Southern plantation . j near here, Kasper, doing some "fishing, j thinking and resting' after eight ! months in the federal relormutoiy j j at. Tallahassee. Fla «a*d he was ; i looking for-vard n> hi: trial in Nashville. Tout, on riot inciting charges as a means of ‘exposing the filth and dirt, in Nashville City politics.” After making preliminary ar rangements for Hi; September trial i in Nashville, Kasper said he was. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 3) i Attorneys j To Appeal ;. Va, Case \ RICHMOND, V- _ AAA CP *l - lorneys said Tuesday they planned i to appeal a federal court derision that added .-.even years to then al ready four-year-old fight to end segregation in the schools of | Prince Edward County. Va ) U, 8 District Judge sterling - i Hutcheson ruled Monday that the t county must comply with the sup- . i re me court's- desegregation ruling ’ of 1954' at the bc-gitining of thd j . chool year for 1365 ’’ The derision was lauded by state officials white .VAACP s ; attorney Oliver VP. Mill of Rich mond issued only a terse ‘no comment” w hen asked his plans on a possible appeal The deeds ; inn to uppeal e;ime liter. ■ j Hill, representing Negro plain- ! | tiffs in the case, had asked Hutch?- (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) " WAKE MOTHERS FEATURED AT DINNER These five ladies, whose combined ages tolled ttot years, were, guests of honor last Thursday afternoon as Mr .Ruth Morgan of near tv so'Ml hw.t«s! them at a dinner in honor of Mrs. Rosa Perry Seated, from left to right, are Metdames India Strirkla’id, 86, Fosa Perry, 67, and Gu.von Perry, 83. Standing, left to right, Me.sdamr.s Ellen loud, 91, and Lizzie Burns, ' 74 (STAFF PHOTO BY CHAS. R. JONES). £s&% '••*'',/■ ■$* "’• - V s ri?T«™^ln 'ss2s$ f ' , " > -tfflf*”* ' ' ’%S£W‘* ’ i j&tfeifsSr rSHEsi SIMMS} . «aMSHSKt ENTRANCE-—"MISS NORTH CAROLINA” Miss Betty Lane. Evans. "Miss Vortb Carolinai wheeled through the lohh', at Net*, ark - N J- Airport by a .porter or* her arrival last Tuesday. Betty, *-vho hails from Greenville, will represent her staff in the “Mi: • .America” beauty contest at Atlantic City, New Jersey, in September. Pu t) ils It* Ci a i l l l a w w*q I*** p JUk M-P ff/li f I "gfigpi 4t- §'"4^ j** O*C JL %jp I A § s4.*j # 1 CAEKBOHO Action <" , n rea.- - signmertt applications from Negro pupils seeking admission to » white elementary school jwie «ill bn tak pn by the Orange V runty Board of Education on August !.!. A munbei of t'fjjipsts hr reat signment forms h 3? been received . * by the board but Supt G. Paul Carr declined to say whether any ! Negroes were invoiVed. A spokesman for the Negro group \ said. Probbaly two or three Ncs*-> parents have requested the Corn - Pro’Segregation Group Snsii CHARLOTTE- The Re v.- Mm;! trie Moore. Jr a hading episcopal : minister here, said Thursday that : pro-segregation movement within (he Diocese of North Carolina is a "very smalt minority,” we hope i The minister added that he doe:- 1 not think the movement has ‘’the : support of 100 many leaders of the ! chore...- ” Known m ''Concerned Church men, the movement van made pub- i list, last Wednesday night by i* ; treasurer. Phillip N. Alexander of j Charlotte Alexander reported that the organiration will irc'iit the or j rramsed .1011 ebßTh .financed afivf of i'ltegrationi ,t v, ithin .buirh l J f j-,phi -ital I >.*.«£ *rt Hh rat<*. t;ih y l ‘ Lnr-, Wcbh Chmfrr of HilCh-v ; ■Hi i? the rhsii 'i --r> of the Com ( :•?>- : •-/J Chu v.i'men ‘H? a ‘on of >v- Im. Kt Re. .!-• K Ch jt re iovmer L - S-rjo of tic - Tiw Rev Moore r-fgt that Char lotte clergymen plain no iramed*- «te action concerning the move ment. "I have talked to several nf rr r.brcther clergy this morning’* he i paid, ‘and they, like myself, arc distressed about this. Rut ve don't : plan any meeting at this time, Alexander, who bis been i’ associated with the Wee klenhuiif Patriots oi 'North Car olina. Inc., 3 oro-sesremation I organiiratlpß, indicated She c»n- 1 it is !br>m;bt that the 'nj’tiir!V of iwe'-Mise Im hind the tersest* nil! depend apod »be results of the referendum held on Angus, :* to decide whether the l‘oro hi boo? Administration v’iU merge With Use Chape! * Hill tjchool Distrirl.- rand their children to the Chsir; B?fl schools. since Ihej e are nobs in Carrboro A v;0 twi pupil tui (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2» fbsircbmrys I* in :- - {■, counter the diocese stated ra sitwa that enforced segregation is un-Christian. The Churchmen believe AIexan (CO.VTINX-KIJ ON PAGE 2> in Holt Federal Judge Cdv—, ?,*. SUnii- - hear i,n>' .juirvrits ,n tho' J"- Hiram Holt agatet is iialeigh School Board hm-e on A.u- Frotn the evidence pre?e«tM in thswe argumentr -?kd that »» a pre vious court hearing the judge- will 'iinounre h.- linn! dr-t’-mn on !loft's application to jilichd the s]]. mte Needham Bwmghtcdi High N; hoof. Briefs are expected to be filed on Anguj-t 7 hv Holt's attorney*. tlerm-iM Taylor and Samuel Mitch ell. and attorney-- ,T C. B. Ehring haur Jr., and Thomas Fills. repre (CONTlNllEfi ON PACE 2)

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