' ' ' ' -dwali ■ ■ ■' 'u : : * •• ■ l .. Jg A' a ;~ ' ?* ’ *%w** * tigj ~ , •'- ; dMjk “* J. .-*** -**' *'** *' MORTICIANS’ “WOMAN OF THE YEAH” Mrs. Jennie K. Morris (right), cboicii “Woman n; ‘be Year” by the National Funeral Directors J Embalmers Publication, receive-, a IfI.SR H imiltn :■ M --• tch Award from Mrs. Oliva D. Ffirhardson. Mr- Morris. Philadelphik mortician «»> ri<c*J *nr > - • - B®pl*»- service in her profession and outstanding work in c!vi« affair? during the 21st Annual Na tional Funeral Directors i Mortician* Convention in New York city. Rapist - Killer Held At Wilson WILE-ON Elijah Burgess $2. «-as held without bond Tuenday pending grand jury action on charges ot raping > 10.-3) ooman and murdering h«r e-pcori Eiiri en waived piehm.n sry hearing Monday and was ordered held for (be Aug 25 'ertn of Wilson County Superior Court Police said he had enn- ! f • d both crimes after his arres.i here last week. Miss Essie Mae Artis, 4b, (olri officers she was raped by a man who shot and killed her escort. Chester Joyner, 41 as fhe.v at in a parked car a* a lover • lane near here the night c.f July 28- Bur g ess was arrested after a house ■ to-house search ordered bv sheriff *. U Thompson Ihe -heritf said the murder ’* ■? scon was found at Burgess' home. State News —IN Brief NO DOPE ARREST HEARING j GREENSBORO Sgt Wiliie ! H>cks of Fort Bragg, charged with * telling narcotic:, waived prelim- i inary hearing Friday before U. S. j Conunissioner L Herbin, Jr. and was bound over to the Middle Dis- i trlct Court to trial Hicks was re leased under a $1,500 bond. The 34-yeas-old man, who if at tached. to a medical unit, at Fort Bragg was arrested here Thursday night while making a delivery of heroin and marijuanna to an un dercover agent of the Federal Bu reau of Narcotics MAN HURT IN TRUCK WRECK j GOLDSBORO Roscoe Raj. of near Dunn, had both legs broken and suffered laceration* of !he. head and a back injury HorJnesday morning when hr* sk’fcup truck smashed into a eonrrete bridge abutment a* ft riling Creek on N C. 103, a boul id mile? west of Golds boro A rescue unit from the Goldsboro Fire Department took him *o the Wayne Memorial He-pita I where he was reported holding his own." State Highway Patrolman Willie : Rogers said Bay was pinned in the ; cab and that two trucks were used j ts pull the cab apart and free him ! Ray was quoted as saying that he i ft OVrP.Tf n ON PAGE 2) ■ ( INCHES FROM DEATH Ffc. Thomas Mitchell (left) of Latasdfit. O , and 5-Sgt. Thomar H Sharp jp? Philadelphia, Pa... sit in the truck which the»y were riding in Beirut. Lebanon August 1, when bullets ■ U'id by snipers killed a sergeant riding in the truck with them The. slain soldier was identified as Sr!. Terr** % Mottles. 3®, of Ohatse, Fla, The Army mid the vthitrv actideniiy entered a “No Man's” .section ’J Sksirut. (Newsptfcsa Photo). •phe sf andar & Pr int. i g 0 * S. First St# Louisville, Co upleSen ten ced In Morals Case Mrs Ruth Solomon. 31. s Raleigh j white woman, and Billy Hill, 3?. I also of ihis city, were freed Tues | day on charges of fornication and adultery, but received prison sen j fences after pleading guilty to in- ; j decent exposure. The case was fn i ed in Wake Superior Court Presiding over (be present term was Judge Herman Clark, who allowed a defense motion that no evidence, was put on by the State to support the forni cation and adultery charges. Mrs Solomon wps handed - year j ;n Woman'.'. Prison, while Hi.il re* J ! reived lg months Both were arrested or May 27 :n ! ~n establishment known ?> Mack's . i Tea Room en Cross Street Two po ! ; lice officers testified Monday that ■ , Mrs Solomon and Hi’! were caught 1 Lott Corey Convention To Richmond, Va, In Sept , RICHMOND. Va.—According ft* the Reverend. Wendell C Somer ville. executive secretary, the Six ty First Annual Session of the Lott. Carey Baptist Foreign Mission Con- I vention will be held with the Fust j African Baptist Church, Richmond. | Virginia, September 2-5. 1355. The Reverend V. B. Williams is the host pastor. He will be assisted, by the ; various pastors of the city in en- ; tertaining ihe convention Preceding ibr offcii.il <>nr« tng of this histone missionary convention. a mammoth pre convention musical program mil be held in the Belgium Building on thp campus of Un ion University, Monday eve ning, September J. Professor Admit Two To “White” Schools At Greensboro GREENSBORO • Two Nr urn children were admitted to a pre dominantly white school hern by action of the Greensboro Board of Education Monday, while oth i Negroes who had made transfer requests were rejected Reginald McKny and Con stance Regina McKoy. chil dren of Mrs, Luvater McKny, were (he ones admitted to Gif ■ lespie Tar!. Elementary School. Last year they attended the Blufnrd School for Negroes. During the 1857-1958 session, five Negroes were admitted to the Gillespie Park Elementary School and Junior High School. I‘ is re m bed together during j raid on the place about, noon The judge aa id the evidence pre sented fey the State didn't meet the lecjnicements of lav needed to prove fornication and adultery. The ’aw provider that, habitual vioia tion must be proven Mark Bunch, operator of (he Tea Boom and Mis* Etta Brown, an employe, pleaded guilty «n operating a bawdy house and aiding and. abetting, and were handed 16-mouth pris on sentence??, snsnendrfj «« condition thej psy fines of SSO and costs. Through hit attorney. Bunch a iirecd not to try to reopen the bu siness, which is. now padlocked un- CtSONTTNt’ED ON PAGE 31 W, E !’.)tterr-r?r! of Norfolk, Virginia b (’irrenttv training a chorus of one hundred votr.es, consist ns of tinny of the lead ing singers of Richmond and vicinity. The executive board of the con j vention will meet on Tuesday, Sep -1 ember 2nd, at Fiist. African Bap | list Church Dr W. L. Ransoms, Richmond. Virginia is chairman of | the board and Dr J Harvey Ban • do!pt«. Washington. D C. is vice chairman. The highlight of the session will be the report of the executive sec rets rv It if stated bv Dr Somer ville that tlie r uncut fiscal year tCONTINttrD ON PAGE 21 •. ported that four ptipijr. will return. • ; A fifth student failed Two Negro pupils. Alone Mattt * son and Gloria Jean Blair, re -1 j qucsled tran-slms from the Negro r i Dudley School to the white Senior High By a vote of 6-1 their ap j plication? were denied. However. I Dr. William Hampton Negro ; Board member, dissented with the j dec: .ton, Nine othei Negro pup Us wanted i to transfer from, the Booker T. I Washington School to all-white schools, but their requests were :! turned down. IJ ■ 1 (CONTINUED ON PAGE J*) MEN PROTEST “SACK” DRESS North Carolina’s Leading Weekly VOL. 17, No. 16 SATURDAY, AUGUST 16. vm RALEIGH, N. C. PRICE 12c IN N. C~ EtSEWTIF.RE lsT Seek Roadhme Killer Youth, 15, Found Bead !n Auto ! LOUI3BURG A police search j is unden? y for a Negro coed- j house operator who will be cues- : ironed m connection with the bru- ! U1 killing of a youth. 13, last Sat- j urdav night Coroner Raymond Wood has ' identified the deer! youth as Wilke i Lee Richardson of Lomsburg. EFD • 2 The boy war. found m a blood stained ear rear the Silver Slipper, i i roadhouse near Centerville, 1? miles east of Loussburg; Wilke j Boone }° is Operate; of the . i)y , j bllppr-r. The number one suspect is Boone ' ra-cordißg to the police It? dewrihing Richsrd son's j (CONT.NIIED ON PAGE 1 1 Males Tired Os Looking At The fi Sac.k M yew VOLLC—A. group of effemi nate European dress designers' « accused of rdottih'g'' to 'de-empha sue the feminine charms of Ameri can women when they created the sack: dress a prominent psycholo gist charges Dr Edward C Harris promi nent Negro clinical psycholo gist addressing a. charm class at Ann Prince’s Broadway mod eling school, said that the mass pretest? *»f husband* and sweet hearts has resulted in the sack dress being junked by mil lions «f women who suddenly realised that on them this h''\ Ills' - - type of gown looked hid eous and war one of the re, sons wb? their men had stop- (CONTtNUED ON PAGE 8) Hearing Held For Haliwas WAR RENTON - - Thr Warn n County Board of Education list ened Monday night as attorney., sought to prove that a group of citizens seeking stole funds for a private school are Indians by an cestry. The Warren County court room was crowded bv over 35 persons for the hearing on the request of the group, described as HaUnra Indians, for assignment, of their children to an Indian school. Members of the board of educa - tion ; rotn neighboring Halifax County, where some of the Hall was live, safe m informally on the hearing. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) Congregational Church Wins Bonus Money ! Top Church Bonus Money thi: month will be awarded to the First Congregational Christian Church which reported a, total of $1,683.00 in purchase slips. Fuat prize is SSO 00. The Davie Street Presbyterian Chure h, reporting $1,041 20 wound up in second place. Prize for second-place winner is $25.00. Third prize of $15.00 goes to the Fayettevihe Street Baptist Church which reported $260.21 in sales re ceipts The new Church Bonus: Money Month begins Thuiv day, August 14, and endt at midnight, Wednesday, Kept em•• her 24. The month will be comprised of sis weeks, (here - by giving more churches, a chance to enter and try for lep Bonus Money. Contest rules are found on page 2 of each edition. Read the rule a carefully, arid look on the front oage each week for names of CAROLINIAN advertisers Patro nize these merchants and turn vour receipts or purchase slips over to a representative m vour church every Sunday morning. The awards regularly given to winning churches are SSO, first; $25, second. sls, third, (CONYO4UHI ON FAGS 2j Kerr Reservoir Now Open To Alt Races j IllL IB® a.. I fe. W r* m # 1 ! 11 j * .... { HP ;■ *“ MMfe : * ihrtf conventions join golden \nmversary salute ... it* -aw »,e--.. . f America, the National Bankers Association, ;<nd the National Busbies* L* - irue. jo-..-.i harn . iVierhanlcs and Farmer* Bank on it- 59th annive.r ir.v in Duiliam on 4«s?r.i I. With .wej •• I million in resource?- hank has grown from outfit authorized w»*h jto nip m capital iund m init; }<-.,■ I Hieue are John If. Wheeler, president; N. B. White, chairman of Sic •■•in- Committee .-ir, three national eonvention*; L. B. Frafser, president of v C. Riisiner.N league ar. - ! »fee ?>»!*!» »m ni j: ..n amt Professional Chain; and Miss Sara Poison, president of Durham chapter of Hon cwPes >,«. [ America. N. G. Teachers Association Asks For Equal Distribution Os Escheat Funds j DURHAM The North Caro | Una Teachers' As:Tv, a Negro or- I garuzation. has railed for a con i stitutional amendment, to allow I escheat funds to be distributed to j all oi the state's institutions of j higher learning j _ Escheat funds, derived from I heirless estates, unused bank de | posits and similar funds, now go j exclusively to the three bmtche:- | of the Consolidated University of j North Carolina. Prof. James T. Taylor of North | Carolina College here urged the i chance in a letter to Gov. Luther | H Hodges Taylor, chairman of the legis i lative commission of the teachers i association with a membership of j S.OOO. said that the constitution j j should be altered so that the funds I j can be apportioned equally to all | i state colleges instead of just the i ’ Consolidated University. He said the funds amount to i | “several hundred thousand do!-! Mars’’ and are used by the unfver- j | sity lev provide scholarships for j ! needy and promising students. CAROLINIAN ——— ADVERTISERS I NBSBMBISsSr iPAGE is ; O. tv Clothing ; Marry c. Phillips Real Estate ; PAGt .1 I Creative Home; Corporation | Capital Lorn Co Inc. Mother <4i Daughter PAGE & j Tb» Capita! Cora-Cots BottUn; Co., Inc, ; Hudson-Belk Company ; Mr. John W Wenter!, ,PAGE S Town & Country Tire Companv I Webrter .5 Biks Parhoa- G ■ ill Brooks W Poole Famous Bakery Company Posse Jewelers State Finance Company Security Realty Co. I Firestone Stores I VitbiHstwi Terrace Ape I st,, Ai!tusHn* t College !PAGE V | F»=!)'.'!' Motors, list:. ' Joyce A Biiiey Furniture Company : mnou Mo tot co. i PAGE S i Colonial Store a j 8. M Touhf llardwat# Co Mr C. Kari Llchtma-i I lUvtd G. Alien, Coatr. j Taylor Radio A TV Company I N.C. Products ! Gem Watch Shop '‘Since tliese funds are derived from the estates of anv North, Carolina citizen with non-exis-1 tent, heirs, it, appears only just j and in accordance with the non-! No Charges ,4s Official j Os State Injures Youth Highway Patrolman D. M. Dy- i son said Saturday that he had [ : completed hla investigation and; no charges will he made in the | case of a 10-year-old youth, who j was struck Thursday afternoon by j a. cai’ driven by the chairman o, the State Boar I of Education. Willi am Dallas Herring, 4:3, white resident of Rose Hill, dr>y- j itiK a 3935 Packard, reportedly j struck Joseph Riley of Route I. : Garner. Riley's condition continues j to be listed as fair, according | so authorities at St. Agnes BUY FROM THEM , Raletsh mineral Home i PAGE 5 A. A P. Super Markets | Crosu. Poultry : Ambassador Theatre R E. Quinn Eurnltura Company Poole’s Pie Shoo i Goes Russos Hatters * Cleaners ! Bolden ice Cream First-Citizens Bank A- Trust Co. PAGE 10 Rlood-AorttN St Tourist Homo Mechanic, A Partners Bunk Heater WeU Company Cavenesa Insurance Agency Pepai-Coi* Bottling Co. oj Raleigh Carolina Builders Corp. Watson's Seaiood & Poultry Co , lac. Winstead Transler Ce. A Fori more Dillon Moior rinanra Company . Dunn’s Esso Service i Ridge way a Opticians Warner Memorial* Deluxe Hotel PAGEJU I %. K. SCres* Co. ! PAGE SS ! The Hoot System Indust.i. i and P>g?ly Vtiggiv A fas Realty Company New Lincoln Cate ! Electrical Wholesalers, Inc. Lowe* Grocery J Perko Cleaners ■ di.criminatory tradition* of our: | democracy that these funds be ap- \ | portioned on an equitable basis to! i all of the state's institutions of i I higher learning 1 wrote Taylor. j Hospital, where he « . ■> aid to be suffering front bead inju ries. Voting Riley is the son of Lcßov Riles of the Garner ad dress. The accident occurred jury north of Cleveland School Road as Herring was to Dh ? !, to keep HO •.i'O-’- evnor Lo.miiv* v, : - ■ tba officer said Herring 3:, alleged to have told officer Dyson that he war, headed north on Htghway 50 when he taw the boy arid a playmate on the left aide: of the road. Another car, headed south had just parsed the youngsters when young Riley dashed from behind the vohieln and iruo the path of Herring’s automobile. (CONTTMILIJ ON PAGE 2) ATTEND PHARMACEUTICAL CONVENTION -- Dr.. R E Wim barley, dr.. left, and J. I', Hamlin were among the North Carolina Pbirmacißb attending the convention of the Nationa! Pbmna'tuthal Convention ic Tiftsburgh Pa last week, Accompanied by Mrs ft t Wimbtrlev, a member of the Woman'.'. Auxiliary. the b >< 4,1 group ar rived m Pittsburgh Monday night of last week and departed for fti- Fiidav UlOfflir.?, Tire. j M ffv. Dg*. Wtmh£?l±y> chaplain nf t.r> ~ ■sfpfyp- 4 iM&t. *pptwa- ptrsoAF* *«« & ixu£u&&£ ph%i 'fr&is- And children ‘ REP. AI*AM f'LAYTOif POWELL Powell Is Victorious In Harlem ] j -*-*n Pov-t'.i, j r „ o': '&*- j fested Earl Brown. ,1 Tamnianv i Cnngr w : , T»>-rday. i £<r-f f»f *?«"'' f )>f:- - 4 ■.. I resfc.fi:- fcy rn.ir, twrziln nt „ ! ff> f jft Art r*.n -.•? i c-.r *i/ f •'' Ottt of -* i Os H* ir< VZ'A r l«.jn Sheriff Hill Not At Kbit loLo fezy oei. may continue to u-e the recreation areas of nearby Satie; v hit:? Point, on ,?ohn H Keri. Reservoir with no feai of wferff-rencs from Vance County authorities B herd! * A said y?<,r.,l l* y ih . { ';;■■ ) . -j, to bar the Negroes from the ri i ',vea,tl«>n aie.-m, fftc-mefleciiy intended for use of whit' on b, hecabse *n, rimuerty i - owned hv the {■•••leva! *lO - and no t irial --egreg*- tlop vs periyip fed Co ft! ell -aid he had recev. ?.J several complaints ihst ’arse number?, of Negroes had made ik 2 of the pieme sheltei s and swim {COr.Ts? l r !!!) ON FACE 2) Attorneys Argue In Holt Case ! m JLUfCCS 80Ilf..WARE | Tnlking ineftireb'e'. hoarse at : tanm. evos. ed vr=i'ha! swords last : Friday ae they diieruiecj t-heir I sides in case of Joseph Hiram j Holt. -Jr , vthe Ralc-ign .-c-ho-'l ; hoard ay <-fa! arguments before ■ | Federal Judge Edwin hartley of • the V- B. Ra stern District. Court. The Holt case is jfce first, tnie j eration test in Raleigh and will no doubt Met the precedent for the j entire State. I Young Holt .15, previously at tempted to obtain a court order , which would permit him to enroll | m the all-white Needham-Srough ton High Schoci. The boy has j been, denied entrance twice by a {CONTf.VI.IRO OS PAGB 3)

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