fsfr ceqfes were (• ;>H'J !>v tbr VFaJfet t ”‘iiitv R {•••order rtf Djerfs he ir r*n August •• and 8 to the fol low in? ftSraonv. Pear) Sati&elor. 56. of 3!2 E.u.i Jontr street. Raleigh. uid Florida Lss Bridges. of <512 Fast Jones Strf;*t. R»lei|Ji. Worti'i Rogers Jr , ?2. of KFD 6. DRIVE SAFELY!! ■XiXu, Mm:xtt*ztt^jßsttzmTMßX&T2eeaxxMantt~'sz!?:: . nnrrr— m mii nn~ii « i h i u IN RALEIGH IT'S pmi^^MssTig FASHIONS INSURANCE BUILDING final cleanup of Summer merchandise Way Below Price! Summer Dresses $3 -$5- $7 s 9 Reg. to 24.95 Jr,, Misses, Half Sizes Formals Reg. $25 to $35 $9 msmatmxxm£Z&t£ex*Kttcm*miia*wmzMZ&ctt>rM& Were Now Cotton Blouses 2,98 100 Tee Shirts 1.95 79 Co-ordinates 8.95 4.00 Jamaica Shorts 2,98 159 Clutch Bags 1.00 ,09 Handbags 298 ],OO Orion Shrugs 2.98 jQQ Jewelry LOO ,39 UmbreHaa 5,98 2,69 Baby Doll Pajamas 5,98 2,00 Baby Doll Pajamas 2.98 1.59 Cotton Gowns 3,98 2,00 Cotton Gowns 5.98 300 Swim Suits 10.95 5.00 Summer Capes 3,98 2j.)0 Nylon Stoles 3.98 2.00 Broadcloth Pajamas 3.98 265 Nylon Slips 3,98 2.65 KFNTHPKV I I Kcß,utk 9 I viCIl I UIiJU |f|: Bourbon Whtskeq f BOURBON i| * . § « ' fti VL-iti t b ■ IIIIIIAI#l*t» I I ww,SVii - M K{N7iJCKV • ei«ieiN.mi. omo .M WHI\KpV fI >• ‘ ,o r M - "W- g : i» nignt i THE BOURBON DS LUXE COMPANY. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY. DISTRIBUTED BY: NATIONAL DISTILLERS PRODUCTS COMPANY—B 6 PROOF—CONTAINS 49% GRAIN NEUTRAI SPIRITS IWeiih, and Sarah Aenss, Burton of RED 6. Raleigh Henry i, Walker. 27, of Com merce Street, Bridgeton, New Jer -*'v. and Eileen Lavenia Snipes, 20, of !? Chavis Fiaee. Raleigh. Textile plants are expected to use around 8 1-2 million bates of cot ton in ITul L, \ • m, : 4. ■■ I : * ■>J3 ■ ■■ . 4»Mw . ' .'•••• •' ■ :>■ ";L . ■ .:■% :.V.V. ■ ' | , % , § iMI •*' *• . - mum ; ,.n. ...': 1 ■ ' vuv-: tjgßSgSOljHgHgn MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Ulysses Williams Rovboro, announce the marriage of their daughter, Eurydice, to Rii j dolph Verdie Smith, Fayetteville. 'The bride is a 1355 graduate of | North Carolina College at Durham, member of the Alpha Kappa Al pha Sorority, and is employed as French teacher and librarian at tlie ; Berkley School, Aberdeen. The groom is also a 1955 graduate of North Carolina College at Durham, member of the Alpha Phi Alpha fra ternity and is employed by Sloan Kettering Inst Mute for Cancer Re i march. New York, N. Y, Ever-Expanding FAMU Adds Something To Vocational, Technical Institute Area j TALLAHASSEE When the ! doors of the Vocational-Technical i Institute 3 t Florida A&M Universi !ty open .in September, students j will bind that something new has j been added to the ever-expanding 1 program. They will be greeted by j a now faculty member, Mr, Ed j ward W. Claud, who is responsible | for the development of the new area of study-—refrigeration, Heat ; mg, and Air Conditioning. Mr. Claud earned the Master of j Science degree from Bradley Uni j versity of Peoria, illionis and sub sequently joined the faculty of the Institute during the summer. He has heid teaching positions at Ten | nessee A&I State University and at | Fort Beivoir, Virginia. He was a j civilian instructor of Refrigeration at the latter place. The new program ri l ! provide training which will qualify persons as refrigera tion engineers* assistants, re frigeration servicemen, air con ditioning technicians, heating ventilation technicians, m 4 air conditioning equipment sales men Although the program is term inal in nature, with the Technical j Diploma being awarded at Its com j pletion, training received during the two years of required study adequately furnishes the back ground for further and more ad vanced study. In addition to the framing piovi ded in Refrigeration. Heating, and Air Conditioning, the nlstitute is contminning to improve and ex pand its offerings in the following areas: (a) Technical-Level Study Automotive Technoloy, Building Construction, Drafting and De sign, Elecrtical Technology. Radio- Television and Electronics, and fbl Vocational-Level Study; Barbering, Cabinetmaking. Carpentry. Cosme tology, masonry. Machine Shop and Welding, Painting and Decorating Plumbing, and Printing It is the objective of the in stitute to successfully train stu dents, in addition to the w* tionally trained craftsmen, wh« will he qualified to secure and advance in jobs in which abili ty to make practical application of mathematics, physical sci ence. and other related tech nical knowledge is required *0 a high degree of excellence. These persons are technicians. The Institute offers many shop laboratory courses during the year for the industrial education depart ment which was recently reorgan ized m the School of Education and which offers teacher-training cur ricula in the areas of industrial arts education and trade and in dustrial education leading to the bachelor of science degree. Some of these courses are in the areas of metals, transportation, woods, gra phic arts, plastics, leatharc?-ft. elec tricity, arts and crafts, and techni cal drawing, Adam Powell Loses Paper s Support übw York: e center rnn diiets the only program of its kind in VA and Hie Armed For res. II has helped 170 blinded veterans to “see’ with walking canes, to overcome tear in do me ordinary thing?;, to use power tools and appliances for the blind, and In become Independent, useful eili-rens again. Honored guests at the ceremony marking the center's loth anni versary July 10 were the SO blind ed veterans currently in residence CAPITAL LOAN CO. INC. YOU FURNISH THE PROBLEM WE’LL FURNISH THE MONEY $2.00 IS YOURS Recommend Our Service To A Friend. It We Make A Personal Loan To Them—We Will Pay You $2.00 CASH. G ITJ? H. BASDKN Manager 210 SOUTH WILMINGTON ST, OWN YOUR OWN HOME! 1 Write For Call ladder of T j For More AH Our 15 ■ ‘ Information p, •*g JL KL . T Flans "***s£. Any Time 3 Rooms 4 Rooms 5 Rooms „ 6 Rooms *e , J “ 1 [ .- T ■ -Fj- LPL... I ■» j“* f £ j Ldc’T.. 1 = I KITOd l”i?;ot 4 L b JTbed^ ill n J •* | , f v 9 ,w *. „„ L Fp-*"- >-, r" •*»-» J ' j... .J. ®i "Ml OJj’iwuw * - If j • ■ ] { ■ J *■•{ *ea * ,i ww* ««BrafesJ jer=m-ii=» « A-jaaem „ j M«s KM isrnajl" !«KSM {.rviueeu I jaBBSh* 1 J 1 £i ° • i I , n-l-SS 3 } !«*«* j 9 P '?> >U I J— r- I S I - T| J LIVIWO PM BEDR Cl BED **_—f H—.-jawma! .& «wwJI t VnumM ■w™* (11,1-5,4 fll, 11* N ItV 5 * I' 4 y y w ' i c i i The WmW9W. The PPWfTTON The KINGSBURY y=i WESTOVER 15 DIFFERENT PLANS TO CHOOSE FROM “« 1 DOWN MONTHLY PAYMENTS AS LOW AS $30.86. HOMES CAN BE PURCHASED ON 72. 66 60 OR 54 MONTH BASIS OR SHORTER PERIODS IF DESIRED! matwmxs *«H&OT*gaiaKirm--— jfamma.iMmmmnKtmu3DsesK3Ma-gswvmfatiimimitU!%Masimamumi» FARMER BRING THE DEED TO YOUR We Do our PLAN PROPERTY WITH YOU Own Financing li'SIAl A \frHMiT No 1 Anyone We Will Build f 4 iINA' vIl LU Farm Is Who Has A Anywhere p fi Too Small Deed Can. Regardless NO RED 3 ay UJ-ilB Buy The of Location „ . . or House Os Or Type Os TAPF* £ftCo t ©BT Too Largr4re*a'vrA£ TELEPHONE CORPORATION open .. . _ „ . r ,. . From 9 to 9 yg o 4n< 910 Downtown Blvd. D,d y And *• * O 5 *.# ll* Raleigh Sunday Afternoons Serving North Carolina and Virginia ion- the 18-weeke rehabilitation course. Attending the observance were distinguished pioneer medical and 1?y persons in the specialized f'eld of rehabilitation of the blind from across the nation. Chief of blind rehabilitation ee tlvil.ies at the center e.s he has been since its founding, is Russell Williams, a native of Indiana who war blinded by an exploding shell m France in World War IT. His '■tiff specialists include four in structoiv; in Braille and typing, ifi orlenter?., four manual arts thera pists, and b counselor. A typical day at the center fo rbid.---, orientation and mobility, Praille, writing skills, typing, shop work counselinK. THE CAHOLHIMK WEEK INDING SATURDAY. AUGUST 18, 1958 BY ALICE A DUNN (GAN WASHINGTON < ANPI —Mem - hers of the Elks fraternity have been urged to prepare themselves for a, great session of the grand lodge which meets' here Aug 24- 29. and to Ignore the suit pending against, the order in New Jersey. ‘‘Tills suit is Just about the samp complaint that has arisen against the order sporatically and spasmodically from time to time because some of the brothers be came. peeved and moved by pas sion and feeling,” declared Perry W. Howard, grand legal advisor. Nothing New The suit is nothing new, according to Attr. Howard, ’‘because we have had those outbursts before, from the ■very ineeoiton of ti»e »rganir»* Asthma Formula Prescribed Most By Doctors—Ava iI a bl e Now Without Prescription Atiackl i» MtnutesV»« Relief La*?* for Hours? RwTwt,W.Y, fSp*>l*l >—Tba «;.thn'a fonnola prascribed dure than anv other by doctors for their private patients is now available to asthma •offerers without prescription. Medical tests proved this formula stopssstbraaatlacksin aiinutesand gives hours of freedom from recur ,T«nca of painful asthma spasms. This formula ig so effective that it. Ha the physicians’ leading asthma prescription—so safe that novr it can be sold without pye9cription— f m tony tablet* called Primate*, e®. Clou ” Hb saM the «rde.»- was solvent, and eotildl tok# cars of any obUgattonss coming tip -igainst it. A certified public accountant ba<* oorMfied the of the order. Tim legal advicor said he did not believe any “honest judge or otherwise, would knock down a temple carefully constructed for 60 years, which ha* built, up a multitude of members and per haps in millions In property m local lodges and spent thousands on scholarships and other develop ment* of youth.” "in spite of the rumors that have bee put out, through all these years, this organization is a sage of progress,' he emphasized PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS .Primatrae opens bronchial tubes, loosens mucous congestion, relievos taut nervous tension. All this with out taking painful, injections. The secret is—Prim* tenecomblne* 3 medicines (in full prescription strength) found most effective in combination for asthma distress. Each performs a special purpose. F.o look forward to sleep at night end freedom from asthma spasm* ... get Pr.matene, at any drugstora. Only SB|--money-bsck-guarantee. $ >.»&. Whitehall l-'hareotoeai OcaipxtoJ* 3