"BEATNIt KS” LEAVE HAUNTS These- arc of the on** hundred self described ’Beat C.rp• er it.ion' w-hn left their haunts late August 11 for a tour of downtown Safi Francisco. Cal. lo see how the ether half lives. After touring- several fashionable hotels and stores they withdrew to the co-existence Bagel Shop to discuss the arrest of their leader. Eric Nord, on charges of helping two teenage girls run gviv from home, lIJPI TELEPHOTO). Little Rock Ruling Is Reverse 5T LOUIS Pimtx* Judge Harry J Lemie; a order suspend ing integration in the Little Bock Central High School for 2 1-2 years " a; set. aside by the Eighth U. S. C ireuii Court of Appeals on Mon day The 6 t decision reversed the ruling of U- S District fudge Harry Lemley, * Hope.. Arkan m. resident. Lemley. at the re nnet* of the Little Rn<-k School Board, suspended integration at C entra! to permit s 'Tooling est period.” The one dissenter in the decision oa: Tudge Archibald N' Gardner cf Huron. South Dakota Board Faces Contempt in School Case NORFOLK. V-v The Norfolk School Board after flatly turning down eli of the 151 Negro students seeking to integrate white schools, v,-sited Tuesday for moves by at torneys for the children and a fed eral judge who threatened a con tempt citation NAACP Attorney* were expected to ask U 3 District Judge Walter 5. Hoffman to review the rejected applications as soon as possible probably this week five hours before the borad an* erunced it had turned down the applications Monday Hoffman ll '3-T.?d its : if they flag rantly violated' his school deseg regation edict 'they are in con tempt of this court—even if they do nothing.” Hoffman made the contempt warning in a hearing on the va lidity of « local assignment plan set up bv the school board to cope with integration request* He called for further briefs on the plan and promised a ruling on its legal ity by the opening of schools r See* 8. Toe school board, which met at (CONTTNT’ED ON PAGE ?.) CAROLINIAN —,, - ~ BUY FROM THEM TAtjt 2 Paifijh I'vimtrUl Lean towjunv Fcrlr* Ftp Shop JK' !mM BWr Cpmpin.v F.tlfijh <.omHusHM M»u»k. Inc. l. arslelrh Furtiiluet Compaiiv FetSte t. leaner* PAGE J t. Ladiej Shnp t ami's. fjir Fmt-Utittu;. r-.-.tth A jfru»t Co. Ml* Coujit) Driie-ln Brack*. W Poole '• * ‘ «l Bra* —Auto kales larr.ouj Bakery Company Foe I .?' :■ Plumbing Company I lift tv Realty Co. PAGE A Badf.nS Bel.H Ccmpanv Mr John B H uiten T .ctor'i Tuto Farts * H Kir.J» Com pan v I I AGE J JUleljh Funer.;! Home ijsm tFatcb fe.hop Civelia Braut.v College N C. Plc.iJ>K.ti> Try lor Radio A TV Company Tat Id g Allen Contr. Mr. C Kan iichtman S M roans Hardvarf Co C denial store* FACS •) Crofi Poultry A A P. Stipe. Markets State Finance Company lorm & Country Tire Company O It. Clothing .ambasratlor Theatre Surety Txtertrmating Cwfuiv. P-. £. Quito! Furniture Company Borden fee Cream J VP i'ctutn? Company HlntonT. Beauty Shop PAGE $ PtoeS»iu-tl» St Touriat Rome Mechanics & Farmers Bank Heater Well Company The Little Bock School Board announced Tuesday night ‘hat it will ask the U S Supreme Court to stay the Court of Appeal's rul ing } hat overturned a lowpv court's UNC Admits 13 New Students; Total 22 CHAPEL HILL -- The Umvern ty of North Carolina '-!. s will have thirteen new Negro stu dents, including two women when classes begin late in September. Negro enrollment will reach 22 the nine Negro men who were in school neie last year return w ■ ’ ■ '-] " •*.. tSUHEIMi.. ..... - .. i **. . MTS? HARRIETT L NI NV Funerai Bireetor To Bo Tried; Failed To Bury Body Io State | GREENSBORO Perry Brown I of Brown's-Funeral Home here » i arrested Saturday or) a charge of j failure to obtain a burial transit j permit Brown posted a SSO rash bond for his appearance in Municipal-County Court, on August 26. The charges grew out ->f Brown’s holding the body of a one-day old | baby from June 12 until las* Fri day before burying it. The child was buried af*er i Detective G. L. Dempsey, who Cavene#* insttrant* Agancy Pepsi-Cola BotUins Co, of Ralmgfe I Carolina Builder* Corp, ; Wauoa a Seafood A- Poultry r,<>.. Inc. I lira stead Transfer Co. & Too n si.or* Billon Motor Eiaaara Company 1 Dunn'* L'rso Service ■ Ridfoway'* Opticians Warner Memorials ftetux* Hotel !PAGE 9 j Joyce to Ballev Faurnmu ■ I *• no ur, i Dillon Motor Co. ! O’Keal Motor*, toe. PAG! >:•: Horton's Caen Store ! Carolina Power * U.rht Comprnv ! Caplet! Loan Co, lac lower Grocery The Hoot System Industrial Bank i Wisely Electrical Wholesalers. Inc. j New Tincoin Caie PAGE is At me Atito Ser>;ice I New York Cate Acme Re- "♦*/ C ompany Rooeyeuit Super Market Pepsl-Coia Bottling Compan' PAGE 11 Edwards Electric Comnanv Standard cinder Block William A Myatt, Contractor j Green Cleaners 1 Rainbow Cab Company I idea! Plumbing &■ Heating Company ! Murray Tire Service PAGE IS i Buna's New Esscv sti vltsnter j PAGE 16 i 'lnter Bearing to Parts Cows pan? i Acad'' Mixed concrete Company ' Blount Street Poolroom Mora* Grocery Company Rrlclgh Nchi Fouling Compart' Rilelgb Funeral Home CAGE 1? Raleigh Radio TV Service Company decision to delay integration at, Central High School Judge Martin C Matthfs real cf. St SjO'ai'- 'vvnfa th c ni2 i joiMy oDmion which stated thf* ?? Th c fjiiivipfSfity to le grated severs! years sgo at a hich time one Negro m i; admitted r* in*, graduate, school ft has. contin ued since ihrn and has been extended to the undergraduate level without Incident included in the 13 new admiss . .".ms foi the coming yeai is one un dergraduate. He is George Talm j-adge Grosby. Jr, of Fuqua,y , \Vpriß,§s. The women student' will be the • firs! admitted to a regular Uni | versify term Others have taken I special courses, included teacher j training. Seven of the new students, irt ' eluding me women, have been ad i mitt.cd to the graduate school. They | are: Van Sizar Allen of Greensboro; Isaiah Haywood Brown of A&T College. Greensboro; Junius Butler Francis oi Whiteville: Harriett. Lou is* Nunn of Raleigh; Roland Her bs!* Sored of ASr T College. Greensboro: Foster Ter'-y, Drake ford of Johnson C Smith Univer sity. Charlotte; and Ella B Booker (CONTINUED ON PAGV P) • employs the baby’* mother, leamr-d of Brown's failure to htiry the baby, officers report ed Detective Dempsey agreed to pay the vetn.nnder of the btJ! for the child's burial, police said Brown reportedly refused to bury the baby until $35 of a $45 bill i was paid 1 ha-c-o < done- anything wrong." Brown said Saturday He declined | further comment, however, The buriaJ transit permits are it ; sued to funeral directors as depu j ties of the county health depart* ; meat. I Bonus Money l Enters Its 1 2nd Week THli is the second week of the current Church Bonus Money Month The Month began on Thuris* | day, August. 14, and ends as, mid* ! night. Wednesday. September 54 It J vi3 i be comprised of six weeks, i thereby giving more churches a ' fiance to enter and try for top bo* | nus Money ! Last week checks were awarded I‘o the following churches: First Congregational Christian Church. ' SSO; Dame Street Presbyterian i Church $25: and Fayetteville St. ! Baptist Church. sls. Contest ruler. a?p found on page 2 of each edition. Read the rules carefully, and look on thf »iii;it nave each week for names of CAROLINIAN adver tisers Patronise these merchants and | turn your receipts or purchase j slips over to a representative in j • our church every Sunday morn* I in a Awards regularly given to win* | ring churches arc SSO. first; $25, j second; sls. third, and $lO fourth If your church is not already (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) DEAF MUTE GETS NEW TRIAL ——-———i—————-—————.——i-.-———l_. . VOL. 17, No. 47 3 FACE DOPE RAP Garner Is Scene Os 3 Arrests The arresl of lhre» memoer: of a Route 1. Game> family on cnai.v:- of violating narco*ic-t hi" s nounced by authorities Tu-vdav. Mrs Christine vviiry Pi-i-'r, 39. a '-rhont fencbet -nd I.or father. Jacob Wiley, 65. charged with selling j half {CONTINUED ON PAGE ?.) ] rue boiled do”T» to whether pub* ; lie resistance, including mob < io* t ience. constituted sufficient cause to nullify >t>. ordci of me federal - court directing the d .iMr Rock j School' board io proceed with its I integration plan ” A strong section of majority opinion read. "We. y> that the time has not yet, come in these United States when an order j of a. federal court must he u < lerrd down. whittled away *r shamefully withdrawn in the j face of violent and unlawful acts cf individual cHi/env , . I Dissenting Judge Gardner, 3fl. {COVTINIWP ON P»!jE ■■ As Car Hits Abutment | FREMONT Four person: wove j killed and a fifth injured early j Monday night when the car in j which they were riding crashed ;n --| io a brides abutment near hon-\ j State Highway Patrolman V. I. J Morrow of Kinston said that the i car was traveling at between 45 ! and 60 miles an hour in a 35-mi!-’ ; an-heur zone when if. struck the j guard rail of the bridge over the j Atlantic Coast Line Railroad two miles south of here on U. R li7 Morrow said th*> cat bn«nr«-d off the guard rail into the bridge abutment and burst Into j Haines. 1 Morrow identified three of Hie , dead, all from Kinston, a. Charlie ; Lee Fair. 23, William Henry Fair, j 41. and Rosa Lee White. 32. The 1 fourth victim was tentatively iden i i.ified as Floyd Cox. about 40, of j Kinston j The filth occupant of the rar, | Annie White. IS, of Kinston, was i taken to Wayne Memorial Hr.: piled I in Goldsboro where she was treat* ; ed for a broken ankle and lacei a i tions of the head and face. Mortwr said he had been r,t »yle to determine who had been d.nv* ! mg the car. NAB SEVEN ON BOOZE COUNTS RALEIGH -Raleigh police had a busy Sunday morning Which if. | suited ip seven srre&ts for ooe.-c - won of non-tax paid whiskey, Sgt G. D. Pearce reported. Each wr placed under bond in the Wake County Jail. Bruce Evans. 4fi. of 721 t, Davie Street, va» charged with nesses* ; sion of six quarts. His brother. 0.-- mer Evans, 48. of 717 b Davie St. ! was held for having one quart Others rounded up In the »»*s airests were Mwy Ntewart, 28, of IM N Fi&lter Street with one quart; Moselle Monroe, of 33f South Street, one quart; Pearl Martin. 60. of 12$ E Da vie Street, one quart;' .tames •tudd. 50, 310 E. .Jimea, onr ninl: and Willie Young, 47, 1005 E, Jones Street, one pint. WANTED MAN GIVES UP WINSTON-SALEM -- A posse of ! 50 officers surrounded a barn marly I Saturday and Lewis Kiser. 20. who J had blaated at two depute* with s ! 1 shotgun, surrendered meekly. Kis* i I er jumped from the barn loft and j | gave himself up after throwing out ! j the shotgun. Officers said they yell* j ed at Kiser to surrender for about j (CONTINUEI~ON~ PAGE 2) North Carolina’s Leading Weekly SATURDAY, AUGUST 23 1958 + +. + + + + American Legion Is integration Target SAVED BV FACE Robert Daniel*. 40, is curled bv Bremen front the 20 fool-deep french wVr be and Harvey Spearman, 60, were buried under tons of earth for more than an hour on An. u-.t S The side* of lire dram ditch caved in on the men just 15 feet short of finishing a mb n f la.vinr dt • . file. Spearman was dead when firemen dug him ouf. His body, which partially covered the f Daniels, apparently saved Daniels' fife Daniels suffered a compound fracture of Hi* 1-ft aim and short- i i l l TELLUHOTO). Kills Own Mother With Rat Poison; Sentenced To Life RICHMOND Va. -- A Halifax j County man is ser* ’ria a life sen- j tape* in stale penitentiary after 1 pleading guilty to murder in the ! rat poison slaying of his mother. Booker Clark. -W, of Crystal Hill, i entered th* guilty plea before Halt- | Winston-Salem Board Admits 3 To School WINSTON-SALEM Four Nr ; groes here will join sine and possi- | isly seven in Greensboro in attend- j anee of white or prcdominentty | while srhoojs this fall under North j Carolina * “Limited Integration" | program. The WinGon- ».*|em School j board Monday admitted three Negros to previously all-white Easton Elementary School here under piovlMon* of the state’* , IS8& pupil assignment ad One tvag admitted to previously all white Reynolds High last year a«d is scheduled to return this j frl.il Last week, (v o more Negroes ; were admitted to predominantly i white schools in Greensboro, which j already had at least, five holdovers j from last, yeas'- history-making io~ ; tegraiion mew, The Charlotte ! school board is scheduled to con- ! eider integration requests this ; week. 3 Teenagers Given Long Terms For Housebreaking ■ Three teenage youths of Raleigh j who pleaded guilty to a total of 18 counts of house-breaking, larceny j and receiving, were given long pri ! son terms Wednesday m Wake Sn j peri or Court. j Howard Boone, 18. was sentenced 1 to a total of is years. 10 years on j one count and five on another. In | the other counts against Boone j Judge Herman Clark gave him five j years on each with the terms to vun concurrently with the first sentence. Given five year* on each count j was Eseile McLeod, 17. His terms ! are to run concurrently. Louis ! ; Armstrong' Guthrie, i7, was sen- j I fenced to two years in prison on j ; each count, the term to run non- j j- currently. The three youths pleaded guilty j i Tuesday to the 18 counts, but- RALEIGH. N. C. fax County Circuit Judge G, E Mitchell, Jr.. Saturday. He told the court be pi" ret poison in hi* mother = mod but had net meant to kill her. The mother. Mrs. Tninir Bells Clarke. 60. died July IP. • Monday, the Winston - Salem j Board approved admission of Ken i kenth Richard Cooper, 8, his sister, I Roslyn Dianne Cooper 7. and a i neighbor, Norman Earnistine Cor i ley. 7. to the Easton School. They | will follow in Ihe footsteps of j Gwendolyn Yvonne Bailey. Ift, who > gained admission to Reynold* High | last year when racial barriers were ! cracked for the first time, i But the board also turned ; down mx other requests from Ne i gross seeking admission to white j schois here, and the board - lone | Negro member, the Rev Willis w I R. Crawford, termed it a • back ; ward step.'' Winston - Salem NAACP Rrcsl- I dent Cortez Puryeav. who attend | ed the meeting with several other represerttatlevs of the organization, raid “We are very happy about the Easton Si hoo| transfers,' 1 but said he was “disappointed'’ about the six rejections ! Judge Clark decided tr» wait until | Wednesday to pass iudg e ment. ! Man Declares Return Near PINE FORGE, Pa 'AJNTP) The crisis in the Middle East is but a. prelude to the difficulties the world will experience preceding the second return of Christ to the world, a Washington. D. C. church official said here Friday night. RETURN OF CHRIST. ONLY SOLUTION Speaking at the 13th annual sum i tntr Bible conference and Camr j meeting of the Allegheny Conter ftONTlNtnSU ON PAGE Z> PRI CE 12c IN N. C; ELSEWHERE ISc j Comornnwedlthi' A'tornrv y :.i : ', ;L. McKinney aard Clark probably l would b* returned to Halifax m | September to fare an indictment | charging him with the poison sla v ; mg of MiFh/abeth CaiTintiipn i of South Boston, Nct-o in 1953 YOUNGEST -STUDENT AT COItIMBIA Yhlrteen-year-oid George Miller, of Mooresvllle, sits in front of I'm Memorial Übrai ■ at Columbia University in New York City. Miller, whose ambition is to ter«t hi?- country as diplomat, is Columbia’s youngest enrolled summer session student, Miller was idmilled as a, special student on ♦be recommendation of hi?; high school principal and the permission of Professor Arthur *V. Thompson, of Columbia, (OPS triOTO;. SayJudgs Erred in NAST-i VILLK .N C. Jkohnn'e D. Knight, 32-year-old deaf mute gav ■-f f'«nn the gas chamber by tbs ■State Supreme Court, goes on trial fi r his Sil'r for tin second (mu* in Nash County Superior Court this week. Knijbt was wnieniwd t<i tipi'ji i vp,n- -i,,n for the slay iti; of * white woman, Mrs, Myra. Brown Manning-, with ■& hawkhilt Unlfe 'nf! dumping hr)• hor’v m * woods ar-ur Ball rv in piiiv If),Vi The Supt-ese Court onipM'd 3. new trial on S»oi!Ilf!- (It,- trot •-1 in refusing to permit fhs fury to con.-.idor a IrsM i chatgo than first degree murder. Knight ah.i> is under uidir* merit on charges of assault w ith intent to commit tape and kid naping She iff Glenn 'Womble. of Nisid County r-ud he obtained a w> session from Knight in the slaying by v. ■ 't >" not «f and by use of * sign language The men had bests w.wMnß m a hog tot nr-. - the Man ninff home on ’he d?y she was slain, Legionnaires Are Seeking integration In. -i -p• cj> rail m,-- »tag held ** 'ho C ha; i' , T. ; r orwj ~-j p es » 157 of the A merits?, ts legion Sunday, '.-egionoaup 1 01 Divi'-on S: . North Carolina Department of the Anver u : n tj."-yion. voted unanimously to seek full integration of all Legion nairrs in the North Caroline De nar • of H-- /-r.-i- . i• Legion. This meeting tuit m >.ot *0 .1 trr.elnti.an ? -<-- v f -d a* <h« Asheville. Convention dstff tio.d each post to si v ■- -■ ihe sentiment of is «»mhr-n ?r>d -pr,d rr pa r.<r■ ,1- t-r in 1, 3. In-h ti> rvpr?;.;. *!■!«• de.-p-*?- -'I fhc tiiembf*: relative to Ctdj. son BiVs, aNiti-a||im in the- 5? * ■ payftUtnfc without v otitic- statsu The CoraniatvJet of D’- Pb-nrinier Vines of Ra!e.:2h. w«- idod fioev the meet in* A ••heck of the registration revealed that ap~ ntoximatplv 8S prr cent of the post, hi Division Six were reore sented The V-hfviii* reseluHatj stemmed from refusal of th® Knatution Committees «f the De.pamnent fonvenUon in Ashpfiiic •<* ronsidn l«t.i#tK from Division Six ask mn for sir <-‘er represent.*tten on **•» v;; fin us •Muntnittee.g in the rftnventi'ni The motion for full integration " made bv T-f y ! .-i n com • -'idf.l of Thomas Jackson Post te®. of Hsmiet. M Jai • -c-n ••' -i aps '«•*} »b*ir iwn of a sp-on man commute® to f. up machinery sot full integra i hose appointed to work with fCONTfMIEB Or. PAGE ")

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