/ v 'K. N Bohus $ sOM*^ hinking Water Poisoned! f 4* 4* 4 + 4* 4" 4" 4” 4* I HOLT CASE LEAVES STATE': Court flt Richmond Gets Case The Joseph Hiram Holt- pc hoot integration car** was appealed for mally lo the U. S Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals a< Richmond, Va. last Thursday, Aito.; a administra inn- re'nedier when hr failed In i p 11• person at a hearing i-rfr, r. the School Board last year f-amuel llltrhtl! and Her >v in I Taylor, attorneys for Keif, had annniinrf d earlier i; j'%-r.vi;eo t?N PA&« D Mental Exam Ordered In Poisoning CAJRTtt AfiP'! .-Itjnje 1 VanCP Fovr» of Moor* Recorder's Court ha* ordered a. mental examination for Mi ' Talilha McLeod. 42-year* c’rf r 3ident of the Lobelia. Com munity. who is alleged to have dumped poison dust into the well of a neighbor. The case had caused can «i den hie bead-scratching a •norig the leral authorities be cmof the lack of a law con cerning the poisoning of drinking water. However, a law about contami nation of foodstuffs, also the as sault Jaws, "with intent to kill,' wer<» used as basis for the »v --ran* signed b.v owner of the well Tommy McCnmmon. Mrs. McLeod pleaded guilty to dropping in a small quantity of poison dust used to spray tobacco and cotton, though she reported that she hadn't planned to kill y*' body, "only to scare them." -dir said that MeX'rlmmon had been ‘'nicking on her.” Whether it would kill s tier- CCONTENTED ON PAGE ®) Collision In Wake Kills One S.U'BU'LON An automobile at tempting to pass one car dammed into the rear of another one Satur nr) - nipbi. knocking it into a park ing lot at a mght dub where it brushed agamet three others. A vnung woman was thrown fMM*i one of the ear’* and fatal iy in,lured when hi* hr another our fhre* other persons were injured. The Slide Highway Patrol iden tified the dead woman as Miss “*■ oldie*-- Harre IS. of Flt 5. Ra leigh. She died before an ambu lance could reach (he scene, on N C fifi. three miles North of here W h Fuller 25, Rt I. Wendell, driver of (he 1954 Old;,mobile, and I far! ti - "4. Rt i, Wendell, were i ah-o in.iured None of the Injuries 1 were believed serious Officer? said no chages had ! been fj: ;d pending an iiivestiga- I :ion ihr. mi«? Fuller's car jnd s j IMS Chevrolet driven by K. A | Terry. 25. of Mil 7th Avr., Hopewell. Va., were traveling north when Fuller tried lo f ' s Ferry. A t about (hr *,;itne time, a 13.) ’ Chevrolet driven t If OVTIVUED OV PAC.V, j) » . North Carolina’s Leading Weekly VOL !7. NO a? + + + + 4' +• 4- 4- Dr. King Improves After Bouts With Blade And Pneumonia In NY .MISS MARION ANDERSON AMONG 15. S. DELEGATION Singer Marian Anderson, attending, Ibe United Nations General Assembly at United Nations, N. V. listens to speech hj Japanese Foreign, Minister Ailchrio Fujiyama on September 18. Others shown are I>. S. Secretary of Slate John Foster: Dules. center, foreground, and Delegates James Wadsworth, left, and George McGregor Harrison. (ITPl! PHOTO), First Race Fight Os Season Staged At Charlotte School CHARLOTTE—The only Negro student at Central High School here. Gustavos Roberts, .17, scuf- j lied "-Pb a 15-year-olrt white pupil j outside ino library of the school j Priday after the white youth at ! REGISTERS IN ALL-WHITE LMVERSITY George A. Starke. *>f Orlando, l'hi.. on front row sits in the auditorium at the TJniver •- it v of Florida l.aw School last week shortly be fort registering to | attend the all-white university, located at Gainesville, Fls Siarkc Is an Air Force veteran. (iJPI PHOTO). SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 77. 1938 RALEIGH, N. C. I iegedly ; lammed a door in the face |of Rone; ts and hit him with hi* i fist j Principal Edward Sanders, said j ihat nc understood the two boys I "brushed against each other acci dentally and same word* were ex changed. As a result there wa* « tussle.” he concluded. The principal said that "Gu* tavus accidentally fell and hit | hi* head on the. corner of • swinging door,” The fight was j broken up si that time by oth er student* and Roberts cam* nut of it wiib a, knot over his j right eye and a bruised left eye. Some bruises were reportedly I sustained by ths white student, i also. Sanders said Hhe incident was ; being investigated to determine i what happened. He added that a ! boy bad come +n his office and j identified himself a* the one who j had pushed Roberts Sander* said be expects to decide on some pun ishment thi* week. Gustav'us reported that th* IS-year-old white boy bad fumed to him iw the library door and said: "Nigger, yen want to fight?” tCOWTfNTTEB ON PA (TV » | Segregation i Ruled Out It Graham Gaily CHARLOTTE— Evangelist Billy Graham has celled for his Char lotte ciussde to be the beginning of * revival throughout the South that will sweep the nation. A crowd of 13.175 persons white end Neyro, unsegrejfated. packed the Charlotte Coliseum Sunday for the sermon in Graham's hometown crusade. A), least 1.200 others heard the sermon by loud* speakers in th* nearby Ovens Au ditorium. Graham pointed lo Charlotte as an example of the world's troubles. Charlotte bar. more churches per canita than any other city T-yel ft ba* on* of the highest (CONtTNttKO ON PAGE *1 * PRICK 12c IN N. C.j ELSEWHERE 15c Noted Cleric Recovering j After Ordeal NEW YORK N V It war dis j closed Monday that the Rev Mai ! tin Lather King, Jr Southern Nc- I gro integration leader who war { slabbed and wounded critically i lasi Saturday by s woman, has de veloped pneumonia. D; King had ' recovered sufficiently Tuesday. i j however to walk around some. A Bjwkesman at Harlem Hos pitai here said X-Rays reveal rd a small patch of pneumonia in the right lower lung of the 29-ye*r-old minister who led the successful bus boycott in Montgomery, Alabama two years ago. The spokesman said Hr. King " a *’ OK M. I„ KING. ,IR j Tlireateoifig j Latter Sent j ToFla.iom j MIAMI A threatening letter ! was sen? to * Negro mother who | sought to enrol] her three children | in an ad-white elementary school ! here, Authorities sa'H ihii wonU, j The letter was signed hv the ‘ Jr. | K.K.K." O. R Clin*. Jr,. Assistant U. s ! Attorney, said it. was sent Friday | to Mrs. Wilson Thompson, whose (COKBNOiifI ’ Carolina power A l.igh? Compas' Twin City K.idln * Appliance Co Self-Service laundry PAGE 5 Carolina Brick Company Gws Russos Hatter* At < iratiet* Washington Terrace Apt*. O'Neal Motors, Inc. Joyce At Bailey Curnitnrs Company Billon Motor Co. PAGE 8 Family Shoe Store | Colonial stores j Bavtd G. Allen, Contr ■ Taylor Radio C TV Company * Acme RealG' Company * I 1 I'jh'v-■ • m&m. ; tWsWMfiMk-- . .juMmm \ Southern Governors Are Urged To Obey Decisions LEXINGTON. Ky. - Maryland s I Gov. Theodore McKeldin said Sun-'! j day he is willing to propose a res j oiulion at the Southei n Governors' ! Conference endorsing the racial I integration of schools, i He conceded, however, that such ! a resolution would have little I j chance of being approved by th- j i gathering of. 14 southern and her I der st.a > e governors which opened I Sunday afternoon Arkansas Gov. Orva) laubio. speaking at a separate »e w * j conference. said he would hare j no objections In (be r.onfe retire’* taking up the subject of school Integration. Faubns said the type of ir-.nlii i Ex-Major League Star Suspect In Arson Case GREENSBORO —Thoma- F Al ston, .!•'* of Route I. Greensboro, held fO' the path several days on charges of sotting fire to-a church near nc.re. was identified last week as former Major League baseball star Tern Alston, according to po lice reports. Officers, arrested Alston on chat gey of sotting two fires at the New Goshen Methodist Church, located about one mile from the home of Alston's sister Maurice Kornegay, district solicitor, vs id Alston was being held under S.'i.flOO bond for trial !p Superior four), but that he would ask that Alston j he commit fed jo the mental hospital at Goldsboro for a 3A dav period of observation Vl ake f orest College Reveals 5 Negroes Sought To Enter I WINSTON -SALEM- According j | to officials of Wake Forest Col-! j lege here, five Negroes have, in- I ] quired abou* admission In t.h" i j Baptist, college within the part! I two year*. A. 1,. Aycock, Director of j Admissions, reported that two ! of the Negroes filed formal i applications to enter Wake j Forest this fail its freshmen. The two were not admissa hie because of their scholastic records. Aycock stated. He ru'd that he informed them that he could not admit them because of their race and because i of then not having the academic j requirements. One of the applicants was a resident of Sierra. Leone Africa. ?. British protectorate, bordering Liberia. The other freshman applicant was reportedly a. North Carotin i*At Plnae.i* Cbstjutn i N.C. Ptoducta j Ctve.Ua Beauty Colltge I Ueot Watch shop 'S. M louci p.‘iri'v».ie Co Raleigh funeral Home Ml. C. Kart Licbtmd.i PAGE 9 A A. P. Super Market,* The Wool System Imtuatriel tUajt The Capita! Coca-Cot* Bottling r.o. Capital Loan Co . inn. Ettrd • ot Raleigh PAGE M Sl,jcidworl.il »t, tourut Bam* Mechanic* & Pause ri. Saab Boater 'Veil Company ; Gave new tftittfAßcs Atteef 1 Pepst-Cbl* Bottling Co. of SalM{b i c ,-foltaa Hull-tars Carp | w*tw*'« Seafood * Poultry Co , let, i Umsteatl Transfer Ce. & Pood Stcte I EHUon Motor Ffanoce Company | Bonn* Esso Service i Rldgowev * Optician* < | Warner Memorial* l He luxe Hotel j PAGT 11 | *5. H Ktrui Company Raleigh Saving* & Loan Aaoot laitou i j Goodman's Ladle* Shop ! PAGE IS j ' I Pigtrly Wiggly Stotrs ' P £ Quinn Furniture Company I R.alctgb Cott-mlssloi House, In, I Horton's Ca.-h store 1 New Lin,oli! Cats *ti Lon he would support would Yi for the national administration to respect Lie rights guaranteed to the states by the constitution and to cease unwarranted interference w state matters. ’’ McKeldin said, ! think ii would be good lot Ibr south for us to recognize that l!• c Conxtttdtion and thr .Supreme Court's interpretation > r the law of the land ” He quoted Abraham Lincoln once remarking that "A revet cm -■ for the law, not obedience, nos re spect. but. reverence for iav should be Iha political religon of Ameri ca," ff nNTlM'tn ON PAf.t IWf!) .Investigation regaled tn*f Al ston spent some time yt a mental hospital ip 19.13. A !ei -phone call was u-io-.H by polite Saturday from SI Louis in whith Alston s background a former hie league player d;. dosed. Alston admitted having played baseball in the Major League l According to officer Alston had (jtnrrelrd with liix sister and had been having trouble, hut gave no explanation for setting ihe files which seamed several hundred dollars worth of damage Hr was arrested, at Etc bone of bus sister soon after the for:- were rcwriNiJKO on r-u;r ::i j tan, Aycock claimed that, he could not, recall the names of the stu j ' dents, nor the home town of the ! Tar Heel. Older inquiries h 1 Icc-c d! x came from i Winston-Salem resident who wished to enter (CONTINUED ON PAGE Cl , j ■ nR OFFENDING HIS HONOR .Johnny Gray, a 15-year-old rest dent of t ittle Rock. Ark., smashes his fist against the face of % whit ß student during a scuffle on 14th Street in the Arkansas city last week According to Gray, be and bis sister, Mary ipartially bidden behind Johnny), were enroute to . ' • ' > :''V' ; w t : n :-A.. ,£.£4 t :s c ;< s ' *** '-it 1 K**-*- -rritH - f l - * #s*A* **4L*~*~'K i‘ 'Vf* TsXtew • ..s SSHft i A* ml-. ter }*l "V#- ,%-4- c * .*r *'/' *■* Hr .LfliA •-Us*-? :* V ifL* K kte*"».*'•s• ••* • *: | ■..' * .'I. 1 T” .Lu m -f-’t 4 !-Wf 5.1 I ,« 5 2'T «..*&•:*«¥ A•«, y .... M I S S I i, I D L SIGN LK THRKATENfeD George lam prad, iigtit. ,t masonry ctntfree tor, was arrested i'txf w-erfc on suspicion of assault with a deadly ueaintn affei guided missile designer Harold Clark, left, shown repairing gt.-vs, ar cuscri him of throwing > chunk >«f concrete through vvuv --i hearing on a charge of m.irdr-r n *be Porciuurutn-, Cotmf" ilecoidvi ■ Court tin., -certk B'vsn is charged «ith murder in tbs f-t --'a! .shoopog of Mis-- M-tlr- - Re---'! v: a lU.-.r: -,omt, jn Wtnfall a? 10 \ iq, '-;.irinay My-., fj S-. c-i it . a-, dead i-n ai.-r: vc: a< the. C’hov. an Ho«pit -! whete she -• a.- taken by a pni» a‘* 'chtclc Slicrih White reported that Mi 1 Revel was the same person involv ed in ton fatal shooting of a Negro inan n-itt'ed Skmner about one year •lyo in Hpslforri COI.LCC.f-r-l lOlfMA! OPf'NfNG R M • K,H— Iterimi •>o*'r ,, r's ;»i :-t, rtipivlipaV f ollfjc will ii- hci-t Thursday. September -.. j. o c?n in Ihf ,-nlJi-"r r-ni«-K ehairm>n of the Bo»rd r>{ r ne-ice.. is ill p-c-.i-l- The w invited I-' -iffend RI'siVESS mu Kf.F ori NS OUKHaM - Freehmr-n and u:rning students of the arcs and 'i'enne - nr- began cla*-sc» at Ihe Business Col- Vcc here for the. third acaderote • car on Mo"L" moniins Rng. traliort fer tte- fa!! ouarter is .-til! in proc.css The college w*as th« redniert of a recent tiwAird gunn h.v the Durham Business and Pre tesional Chain to the now busi.ne - '’cemed by the orgati!7nfiori ar, the I c».l-t-ra i -in- in Ihr cite rnroyi p c hj-aring ntlfl KUPUAY SPRINGS—The Coron n->. H-’aim- was held Mends— eight it ‘he Recorder’s Court here (CONTtNCRD