Nude Woman's Killer Sentenced 4* + 4* 4 s + 4*4" 4* FBI TO CLINTON, TENN sdadf North Carolina’s Leading Weekly VQL 15. NO 7 “Catfish" Cole Quits v . tt i^k ' UK ‘ viA' 1 4 i NO 11!, IVHL TOWARDS WOMAN Dr. Martin Luther King Ir.. mv-*"’ with his mother, left, and ■ hr. »itr at Marleni Hospital. New l ock City. September 30 during-his first news conference since being ■ : i rbbed h> ills, fiola Ware Curry on September 30. Or. King '•aid be had felt no ill will ‘owards Mrs. < urr' ll* added that he knows thoughtful people will do ail in their power to see (has she gets the Help ihr apparently needs if she is in become a free and constructive membe? of society tl.’Pl PHfITOI. Le, Bishop W. J. Walls To Speak At S2O Million Dedication Sunday NEW YORK CITV The F' Rc’ w. j Walls, senior prelate. . AME ®on Church "ill be one of the principals when 7.500 religious and civ;: leaders, led by President Eisenhower, will take part in cor - . . INTEGRATION VI NORFOLK With six schools closed by (lie governor of Virginia. Norfolk Catholic High School is going into its fourth rear of integration, White and colored students are shown to* tether after school last week. (DPI TELEPHOTO). f" GIVE THE j UNITED WAY I _ j! SATURDAY OCTOBER f I S9SS nersto'ie laying activities, Sunday afternoon. Oc% 12. for the first! national headquarters building of t Protpatanf and Orthodox church* j es m i,he United States. The 20 million dollar Inter-! RALEIGH. N. C church Center i& being built on ' River--Id* Drive, between 119th ; and 12011 streets and is schedul ed to be completed Dec 1, 1959. It, will house many denomination* ! al and mterdenominetional agen cies, including the National Coun cil of Churches, and the IT. 8. Office of the World Council of Churches. (CONTINUED ON PAGE ?l Woman, 54, Killed In Wake Crash | 1 Mr? Bonnie Baugh Cope land. .->4 who was employed «» » cock at the borne of Commissioner of Agriculture ? V. f&iagi Bal tentinc. was killed Tuesday when bee cat crashed into a tree near Fuquay Springs, Mrs, Copeland, who had worked for Bail: ntine some 20 years, was fatally injured in the accident which took place near the Ballon line homt about i:SO n m She died at St Arnos Hospital one hour later, >'CONTINUED ON PAGE *> Assign Two More Pupils At Charlotte CHARLOTTE- -Nathaniel Abra ham, 11. stilted school as the only Negro pupil at otherwise white Shamrock Gardens Elemen tary School Tuesday, The l>oy was one of two Negro pupils added to Cimilotte’s school integration program last week, making four Negroes assigned to formerly white school? here. The other pupil war, Fannie Waterman. 15, assigned to the l CONTINUED ON PAGE i> PRICE 12c IN N. CL; ELSEWHERE »'• Leaves Klan To Run For SC Governor MARION S. c. - The Rev. i James W. 'Catfish.* Cole of Man- > on announced Monday he has re-! signed as Grand Wizard of the ! Knights of the Ku KIUJi Klan to i devote full time to % write-in : campaign for governor of South Carol ir.a. fine told newsmen he turn rd in his resignation during a Hireling rtf the Grand Coun ri! of flie Knights nf the Ku K!u* Klan held here. !?« dr clincd (o say who serves on the Grand Council hut did say tiie Council is eomprised ol 13 members. Cole, who raws he is running as a write-in candidate against dem ocratic nominee Erne l F. Rollings for governor m the November general e’ecLon. said be would make three campaign veches th is " ■ ek * "1 will speak Thursday night in Greenville. Friday night at Spar tanburg and Saturday night in Sumter." Cole -aid. He sa’d he would talk in front : of the county court house in each ! city and each speaking would be | gin a 8 P.M "I want to devote my lull time to my campaign and of course it was too much for me to do both • lobs.” Cole said in explaining his I resignation as Klan boss, ‘‘My resignation doe« net change my views «« segrega tion and Integration, hu* be cause of my campaign for governor 1 feel it best to hand (CONTWVED ON PAG* Z) White Youth i Threatened In Norfolk ~ i NORFOLK. Va—Slxteen-year old Hugh McClure, who said hi? life was threatened because he is trying to transfer from a white tto a. Negro school, set out, for ' Richmond Monday to see Go' .-f Lindsay Almond. The vouth, one of 10.000 Norfolk ; white students whose schools ha v e | been dosed because of Integration, j said In 5 would talk with the Gov i ernor about the transfer to Book er T. Washington High School, j which has not been affected by ■ integration. Ts he transferred to the Negro school, however, it also would close under state law shutting down integrated schools McClure and his mother \ Sold police they received five threatening calls Sunday and J (CONTENTED ON PAGE Z) CAROLINIAN ADVERTISERS BUY FROM THEM PAGE 2 Creative Semes Corp. Mr Chester Prldgeon Pee-Hew Ferko Cleaner* PAGE 5 Rhodes Furniture tampan' the Band System Industrial Bank rh* ( 5 pit a 1 Coca-Cola Bottling Co I Electrical Wholesalers. Inc, PAGE X Hudscn-Belk Company S. B Kress A- Company Mr John Winters Raleigh Commission House. Inc Martin Street Self-Service Laundry PAGE e Colonial Stores Family Shoe Store Mr c. Karl LJchtman Capital Loan Company Acme Realty Company Make Finance Company N. C. Products Civella Beauty College Gem Wa>ch Shop Raleigh Funeral Home S. M. Young Hardware t o. PAGE 1 I A. A I*. Super Markets ' Raleigh Savings 4- Loan Association O. K. Rubhe ' Welders 1 Efird's of Rclelgh Wright Gets 25-30 Years For Murder BV STAFF WRITF. R. Circumstantial evidence hip ped 8. 29-year-t?id ex -convict, last Thursday and he war convicted cvf second-degree murder In Wake Superior Court whore he receiv ed a sentence ranging from 25 txr 30 .years. The man. Rufus Wright, whose former address »;«« 1130 Coleman Street, wps on trial for his Jiff for the slaying of Mrs Bernice Curley Johnson on January 18. Wright was tried on a first degree, murder charge during *he previous term of Wake County Superior Court. A mis trial was declared after the lury hung eight to four for acquittal Building the second case on circumstantial evidence, the State attempted to show' that Wright, in comprny with the John&on wo man. parked his car in the 300 block of Cannon Street, beat, dis robed. and stabbed the woman with broken branches for some 800 yards pushing her through a wooded section of the area At the trial, evidence showed that the woman left a blood-stain ed trail through the woods. Through cross-examination, i< wan alleged thal Wright es caped from the woods in (he fifth block of S. Boundary St. From there, he called a r-a b (CONTINUED ON PARK Z) Bombing Os School Is Federal Rap WASHINGTON - Legal expert;, said this week FBI is armed with ample authority to investigate the bombing of the desegregated Clin ton. Tenn- High school The FBI power to move into the ca.e is based on two federal court rulings. The first was an order issued on -Jan i. 9156. by Federal Judge Robert, Love Tay lor, directing the integration of Clinton High Schools. A followup legal a slat was provided G-Men in (he broad injunction issued by Taylor in September. 195*, against fCONTBVUED ON PARE *> Dr. Mays New UNOF ! President | NEW YORK Dr. Benjamin E j Mays, president of Morehouse Cot i lege, Attama. was elected presi ! dent of tne United Negro College | Fund at Ihe organization's annua! j meeting held here Tuesday. He succeeds Dr. F. D. Patterson. (CONTINUED ON PAGE El | DR. BENJAMIN V. MATS CAGE 8 Sloodwortk St Touriift Hon'.." . Methanlrt 4 firmrrs Bank Heater Well Company Carenesa Insurance Aten* i Pepst-Col* Bottling sent Raleigh Carolina Builders Corn Ratios » Seafood 4 Poultry C»‘ to- Umstead Transfer Co i Fo"d Store DIUSn Motor Flnanie Company Dunn's Esso Service Ridgeway's Opticians Warner Memorials Deluxe Hotel PAGE 3 Sure-Fit Seal Cover Center OK. Clothing Company Joyce & Bailey Furniture Co I O'Neal Motors ! Dillon Motor c ompany I City Motor Company I Hunt Genera! Tire Company PAGE 12 l Conn-Gower Pontiac Company I Horton's Cash Store ! New Lincoln Case | Plggly Wiggly Stores 1 R E. Quinn Furniture Ompanv i Taylor Radi • A TV Service j PAGE K, McLeod 4 Wits"*) i Vir*t-Ci£itens Bank 4 Trust ["ejts' I Famous Baitery J Ambassador Theatre NAACP CONVENT ION I f APERS -- Roy lVilltins. rind from left) NAACT national seevwtooey, beams with delight as lie discusses ihc purpose of T.irhreMa's school inlcjca lion program* VVijUns will be principal speaker Sunday at 3:30 H.M., Oetobei 13, at the closing mav. meeting of the !,Mb Ynmntj convention of (he North Carolina Conference of NA \CP meeting in Raleigh’s Memorial auditorium Or, R. R. Edmonds. ' left I Greensboro educator *T a.. 13, at Martin Sired Baptist Church I.C B. HARBI N KOTO), Wilkins, Mitchell And Hurley Are Among Keynoters Os NAACP Convention Hero | The North Carolina State Con ference of Branches. National Association for ibo Advancement of Colored People, seeking to knock 1 down ihc last racial barriers left >n North Carolina, will open its 15th Annual Convention in Raleigh. I Thursday. October 9. with a Minis! I ers meeting, which will focus | attention on • Effective Utilization I of the Moral Resit rces of the Cow | munity in Support of (be Full ! Fight, for Freedom.". Hr Edward 1. Odom .lr.. Bass’ Appeal Declared One Hour Late i Herman L Tayloi. attorney fm i Matthew Phillip Bass, condemned 1 rapist, ci eated a legal hassle. Tues j dav when be filed an appeal in the : case on-' hour past the deadline j Baiss, a former janitor at an in. ; xurawp. building here, was yrr- I fenced to die for the rape of s \ white woman on Juno 12 Taylor's lateness technically i gave th* State grounds to move for a dir,missal of the appeal “Us j too grave 3 matter to seek advant ■ age of one hour r delay on fbeft ! part • ;:,-,ie) Attorney General Mai j com Sea well Bass wa? handed the death | aenfencc in ihc Wake Superior Court In the rape-slashing of Mm Sa»ah Reels Mahler TN. mothet of tbtor children, The woman nay cut with a hawk-hilled knife during the j assault ay sh» worked late In the building. Attorney Taylor contend? ip the ' appeal that numerous ‘’prejudicial (COMWved ov rxr.r rum State News Brief K ASH’S R DENIED BOMB GREENSBORO John Kaaper eelf-sf bid high pne«t of segrega • Hon, denied herr Sunday that he was In any way connected with the bombing of the Clinton. Ten newsee High Hrhoo! Ksspei blam ed the bombing on the NA.ACP and the U. 8. Supreme Court, At the same time, however, he aid it was "a great victoiy lor the white people of Tennessee " Asked if h«» would advocate bombing Inlegratcd schools Here, Kasper said, “Well, yes if push comes to shore and there Isn't any other wav,'’ | Kasper, who railed a news* | paper Sunday to ask about the bombing, said hr spent the (CI(INTENDED ON PAGE T) Bonus Money Month Enters Second Week The Church Bonus Money Pro gram moved into its second week of operation on Thursday. Octo ber 3. and will end on Novem ber 13. The month will be composed | of six weeks, thereby giving more j churches a chance to enter and ! try for top Bonus Money. Churches receiving prizes last work for participation in the pre vious Bonus Money month were: First Congregational Christian Church, first, prize, SSO; Da.vie Street. Presbyterian Church, sec ond prize. $25 and Fayetteville Street- Baptist Church, third prize sl. I nfiiext mile* are foimr! on (CONTINUED ON PAGE ti National NAACT ( hurch ‘Her rrfary. will give an analysis of the NAACP Church fr« gram Rev. John w Fleming of Shaw University Raleigh. W ill deliver the Mlttjsten Key note Address and Hr. Roberl Shirley, pastor Davie Street Presbylcrian Church, Kileigh "ill he (he Ministers' Banquet Speaker Thursday evening. Hr. Attorney For Jimmy Wilson Maps Appeal From Life Term MONTGOMERY. Ala < ANF) - rite caae -if Jimmy Wilm«i may no! be c>-ded. his attorney hint ed following the announcement, from Gov. Folsom that the 55- yrar-old Negro's death sentence had been commuted to life im prison ment. Fred Gray. Wilson',, attorney 1 •-■aid he felt that, ufc imprison ment- is “extreme and harsli pun- J ishment tor what Wilson did. Wilson war sentenced to death for robbing a white woman of $t 95. “ t intond to do whatever l ran to see that justin' is nt- “Billy Graham Wouldn’t Preach Mere,” Cleric Tells Biased Group The Rev fjeiald Prinun, s Ra- ■ trigh parlor scolded his emigre- j gatfen Sunday morning after j ■ lure Negro university student 1 were denied admission to the tor vices. At.l of the youths aie student at Shaw University, ■> Baptist m~! sUtution. and had agreed to "sit ; in trie balcony" if they were a!- j lowed to attend the Calvary Bap- t net Church, located near the. uni- i varsity Jesus belongs <«> Negroes as well as white*,." Ihe Rev. j l*rlmm told his congregation Ur admonished (Hern Ibal “Ihe j judgment o( God" is upon ARRESTING HIS BROTHER Policeman Marvin Jones, left, slips a pair of handcuffs on his brother, l ari N. Jones, at Hartford, Conn., last week. An unidentified officer looks on at right. Police Earl Jones was found inside a. delicatessen while the two officer* were investigating a robbery-in-progress report. (UP! TELEPHOTO). SUPPOR T THE UNITED FUND - -•' - v 1, - | (i‘. Have; fW-'P of (,h« School of Religion, fshaw- f'nl veisit\ i. Chairman of the Church 1 nipirtHn of ib, vo.r b Carolina VAACF. RUBV HURIT V TO HRUIVES. kfvno’if: address '•t • Hub,- Huri°y, ’southcss?- irn Regional Secretary of Atlanta, U ON J LM; ED ON PA.GE it fiirtoij.v Hope t aifl rill! sludving the ,rg ,J nr.: in. voiced,’’ Gray said A< pews nnfprrticr following hfv vytioTt itl ’he case, Folsom said jjf had authority to reduce Wilson’* sentence nnlv to life impris on nn-n! "f have given him ciemeficy and if will h, up i« (he pardon• parole board to see how long hr. has to serve," Folsom viid. Wilson would I',-!- f i-o >«?»•?, 15 ; years in prison before he would l hr elig.blc for parole from a life 1 sentence. utin rlu ,*"3 e shlireW ; door to th* s people Tlv: mmlit*) called upon tnoJS vho denied Li* student* admis ■ic*n to pray for Gods forgl"?- nefcfc, ’ Bill' Graham ® “ , uldn t preach is this church Rev, Primus said Hr *ef* to preach wh«f Negroes are net admitted." AI thou gh a few of the church i members walked out during the 1 service;-, man” of them went for j ward after the services and told 1 she pastor that they supported his I stand m demanding toe church lews he open to all