10 THE CAROLINIAN WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. OCTOBER 18. IS?.* The Raleigh jscYn e roNt;RA TI LATIONS BJtllH AND GROOM The many friend* of the hndr ; and groom wish to cong: v.iialu- Mr and Mrs. Roosevelt El}k>U. \» ho were married last Thursday even ing at the home of the Rev M I', Booker, pastor of the Maple Temple Christian Church here the bride is the former Miss Sylvia 1 agon SYMP VTHY !X I1 MH O Kalrlshite* arc In deep s>m with thr fellow Ins fund iifs: Calvin Copeland In thr death of his wife Mr*. Louise Baugh Copeland .inrt Mrs \n nir Beil Fincher and favnll) in the death of nee brother, Mi .Tiime* rowel! of « hiinC" tl! Mrs. Fincher left by plane Sunday to attend tin- funeral »ers ires on October lit. ITTEVDI n NFtV BURN Ml FT Delegates end grand officers who attended the Household of Ttuth and Odd Fellows Convention *n New Bern recently were Mrs Violet' Pullen, Mrs. Isabel! Adams and Mr. D. IT Reid. HAPPY RTRTHOAYS EXTENDED The CAROLINIAN joins the friends of the following persons in extending birthday felicitations: Charles R. .Tones, CAROLINIAN managing editor, who observed his natal date on Monday. October 13: William Taylor, October 13. and little MiSs Elaine Walker, who celebrated her birthday during the month also. NORWOOD AUXILIARY MEETS Thr Charles T. Norwood A merlcan Legion Auxiliary No. 157 met October 12 at the Home on E Cabarrus Street. November 11 will be Veterans’ Day and there will be a turkey raffle held. On Monday cern tng. October 20. there will be a call meeting for members and the auxiliary at the Home. All are areed to be in attendance. ROSEBUD GARDEN Cl IT* The Rosebud Garden Club met ir'i 1 'iMii'M 1 1' —BB it 1 T~TiirTiTTwm«Mnf 1 R£LSKA VODKA 1@ k-S QUAJRT IfXl Proof. Made from Grain Cockeysvilie, Md., US. A. Bimmawnir mnv— BhifFFlif rrVriSr ■ArrVT>Titte , r.-7nifirrnnrMtftr I T-'-4r^^ : » maxaawwwryacmwsMiagnilWg* Howblqisadoliar? Stew rJc&r? cm hett fc% nasrf topnmiw Jf yrae a*** nJnesn *eg«fcK4y. ( Opai yam mmm hm md txw MECHANICS & FARMERS SANK RALEIGH - DURHAM ' | Pepsi - Cola Bottling Co Os Raleigh j mS HILLSBORO STREET. RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA TFL. TE 3-1071 i On ihi'i ;■ .it the home of Mrs. Jac- i >;■ hue '• -.'pci Mrs A A Cooke ! | t i espied After devotion and a j ! i • icf bnsiin rs .session. Mrs. Eva P. : | Wile.v mmie a splendid renort on ! a film 'howri the club in Septcm bet at liic Richard B. Harris Li iv-N'.-y on the arrangement of cut flowers and m*v to dry flowers and arrange them. The members j werp favored by some encouraging I remarks by a visitor. Mrs. Aridic Gotham Logan. A delightful course j .'•.!* served by the hostess. Mem j : vs n.-esenf were Mesdames Lucy ) Evan«. Auliie flre-'ie, Jennie ‘ t nai'l:'* Jacouel'ne Cooper. A. A ; Cvvkc, Mow Margrave, Tsaheße 1 HodtPV Mabel Young. Tde Deir) E I*• Wii ' Nellie Small, J. W Jone*. ' F!ov,» Ceiten and Lessie Blalock. ; Thy next meeting wilt be held on \ November 12 at the borne of Mrs", i ''!- 'to+a.i vaxtKf vatu* **** * 2 11 1 r ——— >; j Mr. William H. Taylor Sr., in I charge It was Installation Day and the principal of Cary Elemen tary School, Mr. E. F. Rayfora, was the featured speaker. Morning wor ship got: underway at 11 o'clock with the junior choir in charge j of music, under the direction of j Mr William Wilson Hurdle. Or- j papist, Miss Cardriennc Stanley Scripture was read by the Rev. J. A. Lester and morning prayer was offered by the Rev. Daniel N. Howard, Sr. A very inspiring ser mon was brought, by the Rev. Charles R. McCreary pastor of the | I Calvary Baptist, Church of Dsn- J vißc, Virginia. His subject was: ! “Measureless Power Os God." It ! was taken from the book of Tin- ! hesians, 3rd chapter and the 20th | verse. ST. PAUL A ME—Sunday School j opened at the usual hour with the superintendent. Mrs, Hattie Mit chell, in charge, Mrs Geneva John the Baptist's very appear ance attracted attention. He wore cloaek of camel’s hair, probably an undressed skin or cloth of the coarse wool, and for a girdle bind ing it about his waist not a gay sash or a studded belt, but s leath ern strap. His food was locust and wild honey, DR, G. F. MADKINS We must be overwhelmed by the ordinance of baptism itself. It does of itself give salvation. Salvation is not external, but. internal. Bap tism is a sign and seal of what has already been accomplished by an act. of God. The ordinance is a most sacred rite and should be re- 1 garded as such. Therefore, men should not. quibble over being sprinkled or emersed; what dif ference does it, make when it comes to salvation. The people we are told flocked to hear John the Baptist and were stirred by his addresses. King Her od, fearing lest the great, influence John had over the r>eopte might be used by him to raise a rebellion, sent him to the fortress of Macher us as a prisoner and had him put to death. What is really Important in man is a change of heart through the Holy Spirit unto salvation. My Lady’s Doings + + + In And Out Os Town Brown, pianist. Miss Jessie Me banc, chorister. The pastor, the ' Rev. I. S. Penn, Rave an interest ing review of the lesson. The | morning worship service began j with the choristers in procession, Mr. Thornley of St. Augustine Col lege, guest organist. The pastor took his text from Job 23-3. ‘O That 1 Know Where I Might Find Him! That [ Might Come Even To j His Seat!" Subject—“A search for 1 God Jt was brought out that, as Telephone TE i-8777 Bloodworth Street TOURIST HOME Clean. Comfortable Rooms Radio and television 424 S. BSoodwortb St. Raleigh — i I* your Eire Insurance adequate ! on yonr home? Was it bought to cover your home ten year? ago or five years ago when the ! value was half what it is now.' The value of your home L* worth protecting. Let Carer.Ps* j Insurance Agency give von full protection on your home and furnishings. BEFORE TOII SUFFER UN NECESSARY FIRE LOSS. CAVENESS Insurance Agency j 116 S. HARRINGTON ST CALL 3-3563 Dial TE 3-3563 ROY CAVENESS, Jr. ROY CAVENESS. Sr. • COMMERCIAL i # SOCIAL Consult Us ior Reasonable Estimates Prompt Service Phone TE 4-5558 ——THE— i CAROLINIAN ! PUBLISHING COMPANY i 518 E. Martin Street Raleigh, N. C. I OCEAN FRESH SEAFOOD } f| Ask For Watson’s Fryers || : || At Your Favorite Store jp j | WATSON’S i ; Seafood & Poultry Company* ine. f 230 Cameron Strswi Wholesale Depth Cameron Village Rock Quarry Reed * Raleigh, N. C* lUT4ST E A D’ S * TRANSFER COMPANY • GROCERY STORE 1 . : .. LIGHT AND HEAVY HAULING LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE Courteous Prompt Efficient ED. UMSTEAD, Manager 602 S. Dawson Street • Tarboro & Martin Street# DIAL TE 2-9478—-TE 2-9212 'inance or Borrow On Your Car S Through The I Dillon Motor Finance Co. | E. D*ivie Street Phone TE 3-3231 g S i 5 ‘ uma^i the gold is separated frm the dross, we are to be tested and tried, but when the period of testing is over, we then realize we are being puri fied; it is then we are ready to face the trials and temptations of life. Wc were uplifted by this won dfci ful message INSURE YOUR HOME AGAINST FIRE Consult ij YOUR LOCAL AGENT BANKETS FIRE INSURANCE CO. t Durham, N. C. 1 —-J COMPLETE | WINTER UA h, Y\ CHANGE ■'Sabt'T OV Est 1$ OIL CHANGED 9 GREASING & RADIATOR DRAINED 19 Washing $ Polishing Dunn's Esso Service 503 S. Bloodvorth St. PHONE TE 1-9496 LYE GLASSES |i Unquestionable Quality Prudent Prices Dicicjeujatj’a I t I iiH 111 limn—twi j L* OPTICIANS, I* * • eroffi»slatvsl Bid*., *■»**■#+*•*#+#*■*»#*+* e#eva v Everything for . . ■ BUILDING REMODELING REPAIRING * LUMBER * MILLV/ORK # ATHEYS PAINTS • BUILDING MATERIALS • RUSSWIN HARDWARE Dial TE 2-7563 i camp* | BUILDERS CURB, 217-219 N Dawson St | RALEIGH, N C, FULL LINE OF GROCERIES Your Patronage Appreciated