2 THE CAHOLIHiAH WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1358 ** '* nr ~~ T “ ~ ; ~ i State Briefs FROM PAGE t) FOUR CHARGED IN RAPE SPINDAI/E—T»u white i«cr< and two Negro msti have been ' failed here on charges of rap ing a white mother of alx early Friday morning. The woman pc ported that the two Negroes held her while the white men ! assaulted her. She said they | thfttened to throw her into a ; 75-foot-deep well if she resist j edi their advances. Rutherford \ County Sheriff Vance Wilkins | reported that the men arrested i were: Clean Goode. 3fi, Wll tietn Dillard. 18, both, colored i of near Spind&le, Lawrence j Guffey, 36, and Troy McGfn j nls, 48. both of Spindale. ! | Wilkins said the alleged hs •aaits took place in the Guf fey home on the outskirts of j Splndaie at about 12:30 a.m, Friday. **lo r DOWN AFTER ASSAULT PLYMOUTH A 24-year-old , men, Louis Issue Paling, was snot fn the yard of his home near here about dcwT! Satin day after he re portedly-ciimlu&lly assaulted an other Tran's wife. Charged with the killing is Joseph Lewis, 27, of the Pea Ridge section, who is be ing hold in the Washington Coun ty Jail without bond. Lewis’ wife was reported in critical condition. Doctors said she was cut on her throat and one arm and that she had been raped. The sheriff said that Failing reportedly broke a back window of the Lewis home, entered, raped and beat her severely- BUDDY JOHNSON TO PLAY BALL HERE RALEIGH —Members of the Al pha Kappa Alpha Sorority have reported that bandleader Buddy Johnson and his orchestra will play for the Debutante Bali here NOvfembri. 28 at the Raleigh Me morial Auditorium. This will mark ! the first time a big name band j has played here on such an occas-1 ion. FIRE CLAIMS MOM. FOUR SMALL KIDS (CONTtNUJD FROM PAGE 1) their mother's side but they were unable to escape the flames The blaze swept the house quickly, resisting efforts of volunteer firemen io bring it under control. The children who ran !o safety > w ere Gretna. 20, Johnsie Mae, 18. j and Thelma, 9. They carried with j them a 2-vear old baby, Gloria. Oskhurst Fire Chief George Me- i Mantis said he thought his unit ; probably arrived on the scene j about 15 minutes after the the was ; spc'ted. "Bui. there was nothing «r could j do," ha-sa-d- HERBERT HILL OF NAACP IN SHAW ADDRESS (CONTINITD FROM PAGE 1) because- they are unskilled. Vie are faced with a new . wave of technological unem ployment of Negroes and there is a nerd to develop a fine re servoir of technical and scien tific skills. Hr pointed out that the N.A.A.C.P. i* clamoring for fair employment practices. but could net fight for fair economical opportunities until • the Negro prepares for skill.-.. Negro potential ta/mt is going j to waste, he observed, due to He- j srro Jim Crow schools that do not ; offer curriculum.; comparable to j BEAUTIFUL ~g * j FLOORS Mi : » Sanding j • Finishing I ; » Cleaning • Polishing TEinple 3-9358 Pridgeon j' I\ 508 Rock Quarry WC THE CAROLINIAN •’Covering the Carolinas" Published b; the Camlinian Publishing Company 518 East Martin Street Raleigh, N. C. {Entered aa Second Class Matter, April «, IMO, at the Post Office in Raleigh, North Carolina, under tba Act of March. iß7si). SUSSCHDPTION RATES: (Six Month* • One Year M-50 Payable in Advance. Address all com munication* and make all checks and interstate United Newspapers. Ine., money order* payable to THE CABO- I.CNIAN. to Fifth Avenue. New York 17. N Y-. National Advertising Representative and member of the Associated Negro Press and the United Press Photo Service. P. R. JERVAY, Publisher The publisher ts not responsible for the return of unsolicited news, .na tures or advertising copy unifß* ne_- *;-,s.*r,v postage accompanies the .'OPV Opinions expressed by columnists m this newspaper do not necessarily represent the oollav ot 'hit oaper Church Bonus Money Buies Ail purchase alt pa or receipt* presented to your church mutt com* from •tores advertising in the CAHOUNIAN Each week carries a date in the Bonus Money period Purchase* eligible must come from the etr>r» during the week the "ad" appear* No purchase slips representing a business should be svfom Itted fell receipt! must come from Individual purchases Ail churches In Raleigh and Wake County *re eligible All purchase slips muvl bear the name of tils store from which the our ehase was made All purchase slips should be submitted in the name of the church, and should be in the office of the CAROLINIAN the Monday following close of Bonn* period In order that nmSller churches may have an equal opportunity to ehere in the Bonus Money the following regulation <s expedient No church of ever 2ho members will Nt awarded Ist Bonus Monty consecutively, I t should a church ot 100 or more members receive Ist Bonus Money after the first period. It would have to well until the third Bonus period to be presented !*t award again, except where a church has 2CC or less members, then it could win top Bonus a words consecutively However, this does not mean that, second end third rwards cannot be sought consecutively Consequently every church group has the opportunity to secure *r, award every period. N» purchase of over $3'H) from anv one merchant during a week can it counted. There Is a ceiling of MS per person a week Tor grocery purchases in the event of the same amount of purchases by mors than one entry, the ■ ward will be divided. Weekly purchase touts should he shown rn each packet and total placed on the outside of the envelope carrying the period’s entry along with name and address Bonus money earners will he announced to the Issue following the closing of carp period fg'i entries remain the property of The CAROLINIAN All tails mg I* rtml when the names of the Bonus Money earners are an nounced in The CAROLINIAN, and no responsibility la accepted bv this nerve paper beyond that point. . No rf*c£!pts ifoiii teaofei wtii »c «** , <*pt lift*®*- the white schools. The speaker was introduced by Dr. M. M Adams, Shaw Universi ty counselor. BURNS FATAL TO WOMAN AS AUTO STALLS (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1) nition in an automobile in this j county. F‘i<»ro in ft had allegedly "kept ! company” with Mrs. Ford for some : time and they are said to have i been • very fond of each other.” The origin of the fire also re- j mains a mystery to officers. How- j ever, it is alleged that the gas tank ! became ignited somehow. GOLDEN BLASTS SOUTH’S MASSIVE RESISTANCE tCON'JJTNUErt FROM PAGE t) Griffin to deplore the Sunday bombing of an Atlanta synagogue, since he was among “a few poli ticians” who have encouraged ■‘maskive resistace" to school inter gratlon. "This massive resistance non sense against the law has given the green light to bigots and half insane racemongers,” said Golden. But he praised the people of Atlanta as "nearly a million of the most warmhearted and de cent people In America - peo ple of good will and honor, particularly on the religious level.” Golden was here to address the Chicago section of the National Council of Jewish Women. He is also publisher of the periodical. "The Carolina Israelite.” in which his witty maxims first bccraie popular. RACIST LAYS PLANS TO MAKE SCHOOLS PRIVATE sponsible for trie bombing. Kasper announced that Dale BirdseU of Baton Rouge, La had succeeded him as execu tive secretary of the Seaboard White Citizens Council. He said he would take over the newly -created post of execu tive-director. Bird sell was described as a ! former editor of the "Southern; Digest.'' He sa.d Birdsell once was! a director of "The Southern Gen-! tlenier.” an organization which j later became a White Citizens ] Council in Louisiana. COURT HANDS SETBACKS TO ARIL AND VA. (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 15 tering Little Rock's schools under ; federal court orders. Refusing to review a lower court j decision invalidating two Louisi- j ana state laws designed to bai j Negroes from attending state upporled schools Its action left .he lower court ruling standing. Denying a hearing to the Del aware Board of Education which was ordered by lower federal: courL to prepare integration plans for seven school districts in Kent and Sussex Counties. The action meant that the board must get along with desegregation pro grams. , In another racial case, the court refused to reconsider its June decision, which per mitted Philadelphia’s famed Girard Orphans College to re main ar institution for white boys only. Once ordered to admit Ne groes, the college changed its charter to make itself a pri vate rather than a public in stitution which would be bound b.v anti-segregation orders. Thu racial cases were among a mountain of appeals quickly dis posed fby the court following its special suxnmei term in which it refused to sanction a2H year de lay in integration in Little Rock’s public schools. Foui high schools have ectm clooetl to prevent de segregation . KASPER MOVES TO N. C. (CONTINUED FROM PAGE D ized.” Kasper said he will form a po litical party to carry out his seg regationist policies, and that hie party will “eventually be on a par with the Democrats and Republi cans.” DELEGATES RE-ELECT ALEXANDER (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1) desegregation of public schools. Negro parents realize that ad justments must be made by school boards but it should not take a lifetime to make these adjust ments. Among the .nuns ms.de the state organization during the past year, Kelly listed increased voter registration and the admission of a few Negro pupils to previously 1 ail-white public schools in the Slate of North Carolina. In his conclusion, Alexander urged that during the next Gen eral Assembly, we must be on the ! alert for legislation that threat : crus our continued vitality in many ! areas of civil arid human rights." Paraphrasing the words of Franklin Delano Roosevelt in a ! speech at the Friday night mass j meeting last week, Mrs. Ruby Kur ! ley, Southeastern Regional Sucre - j (ary of the NAACP, told an au ! dlencf! at the Martin Street Rap ! tut. Church that “the only thing I we have to fear in til- integration | i fight is fear itself.” The meeting featured the first i mass meeting of the North Caro-1 I lina State NAACP Convention j | which to being held in Raleigh j October 9 through 12 Mrs, Hurley traced the series j !of operations on the sick man j (Jim Crow) and announced that, j as of the Disir Ist Court’s decision j of September 28, “We are now, faced with the job of burying I SEGREGATION which is a dis- j 1 tasteful task, to southern whites.” i Urging Negroes to stop “think- j ine like you’re in slavery,” Mrs. Hurley called upon Negro citizens “to renew their minds” and think in terms of freedom and puraui of happiness which the race has not quite caught up with ’ The Saturday session of the; Convention included speeches commending “token integration in the schools of three North Caro lina cities—Charlotte. Greens boro, end Winston-Salem.' A set of resolutions to this ef fect contained the following ar ticles: 1- We commend token desegre gation as a forward step and urge our branches in the state to co operate with school ooards with a view toward full implementation of the Supreme Court decision. 2 W.j are still willing and anx ious to cooperate with an all school boards who are making an effort ‘in good faith to comp': with the laws as .spelled out in , U. 3. Supreme Court decisions. During the (lection session, the j following officers were elected for new year. Kelly M. Alexander. : Charlotte president, W. R. Sax on, Asheville, vice president; Mrs. | Ruth Morgan, Wendell, vice-pres- i ident; Earlylc Crosson. Norlina. j | vice-president: Rev. L. W. Wertz, j j Hamlet, vice-president: C. A Me- j I Lean, Winston-Salem. Field Scc- I rotary: Beatrice Burnett., record | ing secretary; Wilde Mae Win field, Roper, assistant recording ! secretary; C. O Pearson, chairman of Lc ; gal Committee: N. L. Gregg. Greensboro, treasurer, Dr. Grady j D Davis chairman of Church Committee: Dr E. R. Edmonds. ueensLoro. chairman of Educa tion Committee: Mrs L L. Gra ! ham, Burlington, chairman of j Membership Committee; C. E. : Devane, Raleigh, chairman of So- I cio-Psychological and Legislative! j Committee:; Rev. William Fuller, ; Auditor; Dr. Marguerite Adams. I chairman of Youth Committee. Chief Counsel Thurgood Mar j shall, ace NAACP attorney, who j spoke before one of the Saturday i sessions of the North Carolina iState NAACP Convention, declar ed that, “we should have faith in the Federal Government to main- : tain the public schools. When you tear down the public schools, you tear down the government.” Marshall urged the delegate* not io be discouraged “when they say the NAACP is closing the schools. They are deliber ately trying to escape their own handiwork. We’ve never closed schools. But once they are closed, they shall not be opened except on an integrat ed basis.” The Chief Counsel pointed the finger at Southern legal official-, j who allegedly are tying up the ! issues “so we can't fight, segrega ! tion.” He added that we’re y tting I more lawyers and more money -1 and if we don't have enough lav, - | yers, we'll gei some more. It is: just a matter of time before ! our white citizenry will wake up j and find out that they've beer, ' fooled. Concluding his fiery address, Marshall emphasized that the Federal Constitution guaran tees desegregated schools “and why should we (Negroes) wor ; ry about what some little small politician in high office can say lo the contrary.” “When the masdvc resistance j j segt eg (.lionises of Arkansas and Virginn closed some of the pub- j lie schools, they shot cock robin \ with their own bow and arrow.” j said Roy Wilkins, Executive Sec- j retary of NAACP. speaking at the \ ; Sunday mass meeting of the Fif - | teenth Annual Convention, N, C. Conference of Branches of the NAACP, in the Raleigh Memorial Auditorium at 3:30 p.m. i The “cock robin” allusion elec : trified the audience of some 2,500 , and brought forth thunderous ap plause. Wilkins said that North Caro lina is bragging about its token in tegration of twelve Negro chil dren m Charlotte, Greensboro, and Wmston-Saiem. but the “real | truth of the matter Is- -this state j has no plan for integration at all.” ‘'Negroes in North Carolina | must not be lulled into imtr tlon, because the Pearsall Plan i has only permitted Integration j by eye-dropper.” he declared Commenting on the failure of North Carolina to request transfers ot their children to previously all-white schools, the NAACP Executive Secre tary said that the Supreme Court has blue-printed a eourfcf of action; but it cannot take your child by the hand and put him into integrated schools. “If rrtarc Negro parents make efforts to get tbei. children in white schools often nearer to; their uomos thru the present Ne-; ero schools, they can make a test i cf the legality of the North Caro-1 lina pupil pi act. men t law,' Wil- j kins said. j The speaker pointed out, that,' In the test caves, if it can be! j proved that the Pearsall Plan; discriminates a:,ali;ist colored pu- , : plls. it is subject lo immediate j | doom." W'lnn.. ...• id that iy LIGON’S LITTLE BLUES Members of the Little Blues of the J. W. Lisron Junior-Senior High School here arc- pictured above. Napoleon Johnson, captain, is shown hi center of front row holding football The Little Blues are undefeated in six start* this season. They are coached by veteran mentor “Pete Williams. They journey io New Bern this weekend to play J. » Barber High Schooi in a homecoming tilt.- ' '' ' ‘ - ' ;s SEE V[ GOLDSBORO A v.eek of special services will begin at Ihr Si. J uke Disciple Church, E. Elm Street. Goldsboro, Monday, and continue through Sunday, The Rev. C. H. Boykin is pastor. The week lias been designated as “St. Luke’s Pastor Week.” The following churches will render services during the week: Monday, | First African Baptist Church: Tuesday, Free Will Baptist; Wednes day, St. Mark Disciple: Thursday. Barnes Chapel Baptist; Friday, Rocky Mount Baptist: The public is cordially invited to attend these ; ; services. CP&L Honored By j i Newcomen Society j NEW YORK - The Newcomen , I Society -if North America, an in- : I ternation.il organization of busi ness an.-- financial leaders dedica- i | ted to l'v> ideals of free enterprise, j ' paid ;i,honor lo Carolina , ! Powei k Light Company here las! j j week. Lour- V Sutton of Raleigh N. : : C. prerarant and chairman of the 1 | board if CP&L. was guest of honot ' j and principal speaker at the first j ; dinner meeting in Newcomen's lit- j j 58*59 vc.* i Approximately *SOO in- 1 : mistrial:::!*, financiers and busi- , 1 ness executives were present. | Suttoi. was introduced by North ! | Carolina's Governor Luther H. j ! Hodges Both are members of New- j i comen. Fodft'- dre« a paral!**t he t" ****!: U"ro’'"» Power I.i-*ht Co’msny’s 50 years of progress arid the remarkable story of a state and its dramatic emer gence from the despair and desolation of Reconstruction D;ivs lo the r-oy th emt sound development of today.” In this present period of develop ment. he said, “wo arc emphasizing ! research and education and vol ! unteer leadership on the part of I bush-u'.-.- leaders Loins Sut ! ton is -i*ch an individual i who demonstrated that not only I could an investor-owned and pri | vately managed utiiitv adequately ! meet the power needs of a state but also that a great corporation could be humanized . Sutton in his address, outlined i the growth of CP&L from a com ; pany of four unrelated properties j in i9OS to one serving 403,000 cus [ tomers in a 30.000-square-mile area i of the two Carolina® today. Descr-oing the Company’s parti mnation iii presen! and future dc , velopmert. Sutton pointed out that i throng a the eiforu. of men of | high jailing m the state and the j NAACP. proposed anti - NAACP j bills were defeated in the recent j North Carolina Assembly. He ad ded tbsH the large increase in Ne ! gro voter registration in the state was a heavy influence. “11 the Negro vote in the state could be increased from 135,000 to 500,000, Negroes would have no trouble in getting to see Governor Hodges," said Wilkins. “And I be lieve that with that number of voters—who knows —maybe we could get to be Governor.” A public offering was taken un der the auspices of Charles A. Mc- Lean, Field Secretary, with the ! appeal cunur.; from Mrs. Hurley, j Southeastern Regional Director j who stirred the audience to lay $1,178.43 on the collection table. I Other participants on the pro : svttin included: musical program i by Mira Lloydine Perry and Ernest Maase.nburg and First Congrega tional Church Choir: introduc tion of speaker. Dr. W. L. Greens, executive secretary of N. C. Teachers Araopiation: remarks, Mrs. Ruth Morgan, Wendell, N. C.. Invocation b,v ilev Robert L Shirley and benediction by Rev, J. W. Junes. Kelly M. Alexander. : presiding KK KiJaNSMEN BE(»IN TERMS iIN BEATING (CONTINUF.n FROM PAGE 1) .lack Bentley and Robert E Wal ! arop, who received one year each, | were sent to the Greenville County ! Rehabilitation Camp. File Shite charged that the boat ■ ing of Cruel) was planned at a I Man meeting during whieii Ko- I Chester woe wmvd by hie Ktfn ehf'ptc! ilo ciups, - . CP&L’s new plant construction ! | budget for the next five years ex- ! 1 coeds sj2,-, 000.000, largest ever un- ; ! dertakan in any similar period, j | Industry of the Carolina* has 1 : flourished because of such an a- i ! bundance of electric power. Sut- j i ton added Describing the versati- | 1 lily of the area's industrial seen- ’ ■ ! omy. he said: "Chances are better ! ! than 30-50 that the next time you ; u.jbt ei'i-’rotle you will be srftbk | ing bngr t-leaf tobacco grown in 'our ser ice area, processed in | North Carolina and rolled in paper ! made in North Carolina. 1 "The next time you shower, | you're likely to dry down with a j i Carolina towel When you reach , ! for Carolina-made socks, if you ; | examine the label in the bottom | . of the drawer, you may be sur- j I prised to discover that the dresser, | ! too. was manufactured in our state, j | “Our casic Industries still are j i textiles, tobacco and furniture; but ; j our mrafacture is growing in num- ; i ber and diversity. The variety of ! ; manufacture in the Carolinas is I broadening—into synthetics, min- | ; orals, metals. electronics an d j ! others. ‘ “Inilnstry and material sci ence—to which this Society Is dedicat-d —long aeo discovered the advantages of our water resources, land, mines, forests, people and mild climate,” Sut ton continued. “In more recent j_ months they have discovered ;'' another attraction--the climate of our governmental admini strators A climate conducive to i more pleasant and more pro fitable operations.” He praised Governor Hodge? for j I courageous revision” of the state's i I corporate lax structure to further i attract new Industry. ,i Bridge Club ; Holds Meet i : j At Kinston I I 1 j KINSTON The members of the , j Kinston Bridge Club spent an en > j ioyable evening recently at the , j "home of Mrs. Alyco S Hubbard on | Macon Street. ! Mrs. Miry G. Williams, club pre , sident, presided. The business ses . sion included a detailed report of la.t year’s activities, outlined by • dub sec’rttary. V. M Payton. Re ports were made by Me«dnm«'.* M. N. Leitac find A. S. Hubbard con ’ cemlng the Woman’s Federated ! Club meeting which was held In Enfield recently. Following the busines* «e«- jon, «be social hour was held at which time two progres sions ->f contract hrider were played. Throughout the two i m-orresrtons, music was heard from hi-fi recordings. At the end of nlayinr time, scores w ere tabulated and first club prize was won by Mrs. Ellen B. Ber rv; Rubhcr-nti was Mrs. Arne G. Moore. Consolation trophv was awarded Miss Anna M. is ay, md Mrs. Clementine S. f Srninim v.,5 ftUCS'i prize A full course dinner was served bv the host, ss. Birthday felicita tions ;md birthday nresents wore given i.o Mesdames Ellen E. Berry and Anne G Moore Club members playing bridge wore: Mesdames F E. Berry. M, G. ! Irahor, S T. Flanagan. M N j I Leiino. V C Mill«r. 7.. P Miffhe 1 ). ! ! 'L G. Moore. V M. Payton. V. W. I ' ■ nvt iG r, Wlifiams arid yrr* A ] ' JVi. Kaye', 1 BBS Students Hold A Fane! Discussion DURHAM Durham Business j College upperclassmen recently held a panel discussion during the j first assembly program of the i •school year. The panel had as its j purpose the interpretation of the i I and responsibilities of students as rules and regulations, requirements i indicated in the student handbook. ‘ The student handbook, which is given to each student upon enroll ment. contains all of the pertinent | information that a student should | know about the college and about I the general regulations concerning students academically and other wise. Miss Ci'i'tha James, a senior from Jackson, North Carolina served as moderator for the panel. Other participants were: Spurgeon Thur ston. King William, Virginia; Joe Catherine Tucker, Newport News. Virginia; Marjorie Taylor. Kittrell, 1 North Carolina; Coniine Gillispie. 1 Case City, Virginia: Emma Bessel • lieu, Myrtle Beach. South Caro- I Ima: Shirley Wiley, Burlington, i North Carolina; Gloria Pittman, • Durham, North Carolina; Ada I George. Havelock, Loretta Poole, i Darlington. South Carolina; Cyn ! this Howell, Taylorsville; Decoders S Horton, Durham: Lorenzo Peay. i Durham. North Carolina: Nathan I Whit". Durham and Maurice Word, j Norfolk. Virginia. METHOD NEWS BY MISS »ORA STROI 1) CHURCHES OAK CITY BAPTIST METHOD Mid-monthly ser ! vice was heir! at Oak City Baptist Church Sunday morning at 11 o'- clock. The assistant pastor, Rev. C. L. Manning , is u credit to the mini stry, He speaks from God's word | with faith as well as eloquence. The young folks are mostly in | charge on these Sundays. Their i choir renders beautiful music for ! each service. St, James A. M. E was the scene ! of a Womanless Wedding Sunday 1 night. The Berry O'Kelly boys ! club spnsored the program under ; the direction of Miss Wilder and ! Mrs. Sills. Everyone enoyed the 1 effort. SERVICE SUSS WEEK The Lay members of St James ! have a three or four nights service i this week. Prominent speakers are scheduled to speck at each of these services. Toe members and friends ! are urged to be present. THE MISSIONARY CIRCLE Mrs Ida Thomas entertained the | Missionary Circle of St. James A. M. E. Church Sunday afternen at 11 o’clock. After a lively business session the group was served dain ty refreshments by the hostess. B. O. K, SCHOOL Remember our P. T, A. Meeting ' for Berry O'K.dly high meets on [ Oct. 211 at 3 p. m. Come one come all and help plan for our children s welfare. SICK Mrs. Collie McCray is quite ill and Mrs. Louise is sick in our town We are praying for their speedy recovery. Mr. John Hyman is on the sick list, He too has our earnest prayers for recovery. DEATHS Mrs. Beatrice Utley Haywood of Washington, D. C. formerly of Method passed away Sunday at her home. Mrs. Haywood was born and reared in Method a few year ago she with her husband and three children moved to Washing ton. D. C She will be funerallzcd from her church there Wednesday at at high noon. Wc extend to the family our heartfelt sympathy. ! Mrs Coric A. Parrish and Mrs. ! Florida A. Sherrill left for Wash ington, D. C Monday niuhl to attend the last rites for Mrs. Bea trice- Haywood Mr. Bryant Bethea will go up Inter to attend the funeral. Mrs. Mary Curtis Fowler is visit ing Method and Raleigh. Mrs. Fowler resides in Lynchburg. Va She came down to spend a few days I with her mother Mrs. Louise Cur tis on account of hoi illness. Mrs. Mary 1. Harris and the writer attended the funeral of Mrs. Louise Bauch Copeland at Cary Sunday. Mrs. Copeland was funera ls zed from her home church, Mt. Zion Baptist. Cary and was laid |to rest In the Williams Grove Cemetery near Method REMEMBER Some days will bring the gold en sun. Some da vs the rain wIR fall Bid we’’! V,r glad for PV < • vope • for i,oa uum aeuu ilo.ni uii. Sigmas Stage First Meeting, Planning Oratoriaf Contest The Eta Sigma Chapter of Phi i Beta Sigma Fraternity held its I first mooting of the fall last Wed- | nesday night at the home of Bro- j j.ther A. J. Turner, Fayetteville St, ; Presiding was Brother E. L. Rai- j ford, president, who conducted a | short business session. Plans were j made in connection with a pro- ; posed oratorical contest. Principals throughout the slate will be con tacted regarding possible orators among their student body. A date for the contest, has not boon de- i eiaed upon. Following the business mer-ling a : Yes, We All Talk By Marcus H. Boulware DISCUSSION TOPICS In group discussions and panels, j we have three purposes: namely, i i ili to inform, f 2) to exchange j 1 ideas and opinions, and (3) to of-! j for solutions to various problems. ’ The phrasing of the topic will de- i I pend upon the purpose of the dis- ! j mission. If the group wishes to bring the j ; audience information, the topic j : might be stated something like j ] this; I RJiarckatte !, RHAMKATTE Watts Chapel i j Baptist Church held its regular [ i monthly services at 11:30 a. rn. Sun- j i day, October 12 with the Rev, Isaac I Lee. pastor delivering the sermon. ] The Baptist Training Union met j i at 6:2." p. m. with the president in i charge. The topic discussed was: j i ‘What are the Christian people 1 doing to encourage youth 9 '’ This j was led by the president. Mr Alton j Matthews. Night services began at 7; p. m : with the Rev. Otha Kearney as the speaker. The junior choir of St. j John Church will celebrate its IHb anniversary on the 3rd Sunday . night n this month at 6:30 p rn The speaker will be the Rev J. D. Davis of Lenoir. The Rev. L. M Burrell of the j Cary Christian Church will preach j at Watts Chapel on Tuesday' night ! October 21. Services will get under- j way at 7 o'clock This program is , sponsored by Miss From a Mims and ; Miss Doris Kearney. Rev Sister Bessie Campbell, her gospel chorus and prayer band will j render service at Watts Chape) on j Friday night, October 24, beginn j ing at 7:30 p. m., sponsored by Club i No. 6. Mr Chester Dc-bnam. cap- I tain. The Rev. James Avery of Johnston Piney Grove Baptist 1 Church will render service at Walts i Chapel on October 22. SICK j Mr. William H. Upchurch. Lane? i Burt. Jr.. Mrs. Beil Badentine and Mrs Mary JV-1! Richardson. VISITING Pvt Nathaniel Mims was home over the weekend to visit his I mother and grandpa rents, Mrs. j Mable Mims and Mr and Airs. ; . * * i j ! RESERVE Q9!> II 050 t >*/:.- QT. |H jmU PINT fcalvert I »x**:kw If JiPSCtU «A a Biwir/ Wtofrf American Whiskey CAIVOtI OlSfllUM CO. if Y C. • 86 PROOF *5% OM'H dflllMl BflBH3 • KLENOrO WMISKfV ! I 1959 DESOTO AND PLYMOUTH ON DISPLAY OCT. 16TH O'NEAL MOTORS, Inc. ! 415 S. BLOUNT ST. DIAL VAnee 8-3221 Nf. 0. Dealer | L ! social hour gran enjoyed by 'be brothers. Serving os hostesses were Mesdame* A. -I. Turner, Guil bort A. Daley end George R. Greece. Sigmas present were O. E. Li^: ' - nor, Sr.. Nathaniel Sorrell, Dr. A C. Deberry, Dr. L E. McCaule- Or. Nelson L. Perry. John D. Han i Dr. Grady D. Davis. Dr. J. Thom: Hamlin, J E. Lytle, Geor;: Greene, Guilbert Daley, A. J Tur ner, Charles R. Jones, E. L Raifor ■ Dr. W. L, Greene, Dr. O. L Sherri M. Arthur Dees, Oxford; and G. C Hawley, Creedmoor. Hubert Thomas, respectively. “What ore the vocational op portunities in the field of public health nursing-'’ On (he other hand, if a group merely wishes to ex change ideas anil opinions, it can use a topic as follows: “Is desegregation of our public schools proceeding too slowly?" Finally, If a group wishes to offer a solution to some prob - lem. it might use a topic like this: "How can we solve the racial problem in this country’ ’; or "What is the best way to de segregate the nubile schools of the South?”, “What is the most economical way to provide every American citizen with adequate housing?” READER: If you desire a copy of my free group discussion pamphlet, send a. stamped and self-addressed envelop. Write Dr. Marcus H. Bo'-hvavo. SI. Augus tine's College. Raleigh. North Ca; - alma. * .j ~ THE RUMORS ARE TRUE! 1 m the vv CHEVROLET is NEW AGAIN! NEWEST AGAIN! * new form « new grace » new fed * new spam NEW '§9 Trucks too! THURSDAY OCT. 16 SIR WALTER CHEVROLET N. C. Dealer 2078

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