Or. Martin Luther King, Jr., Returns Home Leaving Imprint On New York City NK'V \OK tv Beim ?he r<»*arn- 1 p'i to bi? nm« in Montgomery, i Ate. Luther Kins. Jr. left behind h'm in N»w V >rk City one of the biggest stirs made te an in dividual n thir rify in many v-ar>.. both b - nis presence and by the publication of hi* book “Stride To " ard Freedom: The Montgomery Story.“ Tfit *ntt-*T® rime! fighter for desegregation left Ihe Harlem Hos pital In. 1 pnk for -hi undisclosed ronvalew vnt hprv>o ncfitre return »ng to antis r life With his strength rebuilt following the near-fatal at tempt 0» hi.-. Ill" he rn-sitis 3 Ire turing -ird orgsnir.p* inn program H**f tat*', up o-hfff u left off ill strengthening non-violent re,, is tanc» 1 th- segregation pattern north and south M**an«'hilr “sen Yorkers uill nut S,!On for. ft his i| II ir I '-out , »gr Min the force of hi- ■-> nrrte from (hr fiorfmci on down, fiy , I \ | 1 SY?y®inHf m BOURBON WM * “ '* T ’ v »*• | «MM WAttU 4 -n . IK tAWRSNCteURG. i>m. -w——— r . l , in«, nii ~„ ~,,,, imiii ui i luum , be BRIGHT...be RIGHT wmt The Latest Styles In FORMAL W* BRASSES Mm *We have made special ( -J! ~ ~'^S% purchases in jsceorgeous L’’^ evening wear, just in y '‘///If! i 1 ' j time for the ... ?/// li jI : I' V .958 imm\ Debutante Ball '<'■// V ! y\ • For Evening • y ' */ * y\'\ \\ \', # Cocktail '\ \ 1 • General Wear /?“". No comptnmwwt with fashion / jjfi/'f. X nod xi\le for our dresse* jffi- ■ ’ | . \ * stand m top and give you a ,/. . /J$ I J i \1 V | feeling of well-being when/ * \ JI/ l j |i|\l 1 ' - you K'> out! j ... If \ | v 'tless fshrict port ro/ors. to \ r g ah’k ' im sot th« nfottder, medium / f '| h \ s££ 01//? SUITS - COATS - SPORTSWEAR WALKING SUITS - GOWNS Choose Your Wardrobe Today! IGOODIMNS 1 'lhe Little Shop Around Ihe Comer Comer iSargetl Ai Wilmington L~- .... I hi» huspHs! fr-rtfii «» s bi'igfd with --i'-itfirs ,ind many kept up -a cuastant vied uutstde R,» dm IV and nsrsnnal iirmrui amtes the week nf publii itioP of h> hook had built up to the unhappy climax of th-- stah king a* his book autographing "party'’ Saturday afternoon. Among the remarks made thus far by individuals and reviewers ;.bout tliif book: "Can only hap pen in America" —Jackie Robinson; "One of the j*rc-at stories of our Ainerie-’ir Herilajf." Harry Gol den; May ''.’Hl 1)1*1-111111' a (“iirisiian Hasaie' Bishop dairies A Pike, “By Tar the nvr-.t important book op th- current sit’i.dion in the South -L'llinn Smith "Many hooks record history. ■> I few bonks make history Stride i owar.i Freedom w 'll. 1 believe do both'* Ha*old K Fey, editor. Clhl ist! •->n Cent.ury FDITOIt. IS SHAW SPKAKKR i»r. B- I’owell. president and editor «f <he New Vork Amster dam \cwx, will speak at Shaw I I niver-Uy on Monday, October 'O. at- 10:00 a.m in (ireenleaf Auditnriiim Or. Powell is a na - tive of Newport News. Virginia. He is graduate of Petersburg rollrse, and later studied med irinr it Howard I'niversity Hr j served his internship at Uw I Bellevue Hospital. He was later appointed to Ihe staff of Bell pvur Hospital as assistant roent genolngist. He is a member of n»e »b ban teipve. * life member »i thr SA.AGP; member of *he Advisory ( Otmeil of Now York stale l ominisston against f)is eriminition in Employment; chairman of the sub conintftlee on laws which set up the first I I r.< . in the I'uited Stales fir, Powell is married and lives with hie wife and mother-in-law in BriareHff Manor, New Y ork. THOUGHT FOR TOD V V 1 "The duty of man is plain and i simple, and consists but of two i points; hi? duty in God. which o j very man must fee!; and his duty i to his neighbor, to do as he would i be done by." O FT RESEARGH GRANT A research project in nuivilfon being eondue.ted at A&T College, ha* been recently awarded a grant of SH.6SH for its support hr the National fmfitntei «f gcleßCo of thr j |J. S. riepirtiue.it of Health Education and Welfare rompnsips the (esearrh team are from !<*fl lo ! right: Dr. I'ecile it Edwards, professor of nutrifiop, fta <fir«s~ij«-■ her husband, nr. Gerald A Edward*. | chairman of the Chemistry Department, staff scientist and consultant and Mis* Evelyn Gadsden, re j search assistant. Interracial Concert Explodes Into Free-For-All; Two Are Injured DETROIT tANPi - A f»0 > ! voice u tertacisl open air concert j given last week at Palmer Park { by the Pleasant Grove Youth Choir i was interrupted when a free-fnr i all fist tight broke out among choir members and an estimated group of ion boys A Negro ben and a •-■•'lit- youth were given first aid ai Mt Cancel j Merry Hospital fo> bruises of the body, and released An aidomobilc was damaged he fore a d“tsl! of "0 policeinent ar | rived ciP'i brokv up the altercation Prophet Jones ‘Reneges’ On $5,000 Money Throwaway I DETROIT f ANF * Frofihet ! James P. Jones failed to keep ht* I appointment at Belie Isle last i week. I Thr prophet had announced I through his assistant. “Frince” | Dougl'is p. Rogers, who rejoined i the prophet three weeks ago in ! New Jersey, that he would be on ! Belle Isle to throw away $5,000 ! Prince Rogers said the bills. ! which would fall from the air like “pennies from Heaven, ’ would ! " ~ COMING OCTOBER 17 th You will get a new kind of economy in TpX rpq A Ts Tjf TT T/ i f \\ 1/T h) ra i r U V PROFPORTHOM IP TH) GARS ; | CD J OeanttfuHy new m hetmtifnliy wv ro hnild, Hb« 59 Fords bring .yon a oew kimJ of economy, too, > -a Ford thrift a engixtecvedl fn, ft terta wills, s pedal Ford fed lures like ntmr simmmzed mufflers that wiO normally last tsvic* as long as comnrnrioaaJ mafßcts used on other cars. It includes a new DutKsond 1 -t>s*w Fittiah that la so durable you won’t have to wax tt—frtrr 1 ft Geatttre* an oil filtering system so efficient that vo*» II 4000 miles instead of the JOOO miles often recom mended— before needing an oil change. For greater economy and xdtery. ah 59 Fords are equipped with new, tougher, cooler-running Ivrex cord tires. Best of all, you’ll find that all standard Ford engines—Six or Tbunderbird V-S~-thriv« on regular gas. »>m sait up tn > ornf> on rvevy gallon! To complete 59's most complete econotrsy story, Ford has two separate automatic driving teams, each designed for its own special kind of economy. You pick the one that fits your driving exactly, 1 earn Number One makes automatic driving available within everyone's car budget. U consists of a completely new Fordomatic !! the AWARDED TM* (SOLD MKOAL I (or Or i‘ o-opoorooi—hv *• Coautt (00001* -* Wd.mjl. 00 On kw* WortAo AX 1* o ■( A o SANDERS MOTOR COMPANY Houf Rafc’gh FORD Dealer H. C. Dc&W 1553 SOUTH BLOUNT ST | The Youflh Bureau Raid the trou ble started when a group of about 10 boys started to singing songs near tire choir. They were trio to leave and finally bad to be eejeted, The youths, who 1 rave cot been identified, went ot Ives Field in Higfcltmd Park » mile away where a football same between Highland | Park and Roseville- High Schools was just ending, and apparently recruited help to continue the dis turbance. A short t’mje later, js cars filled : with white youth* returned to the i i be: in denominations ranging from I $lO to SSO. Prophet Jones was to • arrive on the island at 6 p.m, in j i limosines, , j Not, only did the Prophet fail 1 I to show up. but- even members of ! 1 j his flock were not on hand to j i greet their religious leader. Peed bees a 2.1 sugar syrup a* a j food substitute when honey is in j short supply. concert As they piled tom the cars, the. choir boys and some members of the concert met them and e fiet-swinging-session ensued. Police arrived in time to break up the melee before it became too Serious, Both injured hoys said they did n’t know who eiruck them Police tried unsuccessfully to determine who buried a stone through the window of an automobile parked near the scene. You Bureau Police blamed Ith* ! trouble os a few “hot-headed- I boys” I - iiiiiMwiaiTiiiij! ‘ 15c WASH I r ■ «FLUFF : 3C»"™ony OPEN H HOURS—DAY AND NIGHT MARTIN STREET SELF SERVICE LAUNDRY 328 E. Martin Street ERE? PARKING IN BACK j frm. CAROLINIAN WEEK ENDING SATUR-OAT. OCTOBER IS, IMi Apex To Host Wake 4-H Achievement Program APEX—The Ape:* Consolidated School will be host to the Annual Wake County 4-H Club Achieve ment Day Program on Thursday, October 28 Approximately i.OOO 1-H members, leaders and parents ■from alt over Wake County ar< making plans to attend the annua! event which begins at 11.00 a. m. John H Wheeler, president of the Mechanics and Farmer.* Bank, Durham, will deliver tha main ad dress. Be will be introduced by Howard Hopkins, president of thr Cary 1 H Hub. Presiding ever the giant event wilt hr Mary Ray, pres! dent of the Jeffrey* Grove i H riub with bar barn KatriKeor uellng as song leader and Pauline Cofield at the piano, hoth of the Gamer i If Chih. The 4 -ft Pled** wtK be ted by Martin McNeill, president of the Apot t-H Cluh. arid Invora. tlon ofjfered by Nathaniel Slot, taque of the Shepard 4-H Cluh Introductory remark* will b» (civen by Jean Uarolvn Jone-s, vtre president of the Holly Sprtnx* 1-H Clnh. P A Williams, principal of !hc Si $2o° R Si :j| | j r , B _ sm iif'll ||iji SOK cmf?yi * v? ' Unß «m«» l.aa-rmtabiifeg ****''■ Dripe combined with either the Mileage Mater Six or Thunder bird V-3 engine. You get a simpler, more efficient automatic drive teamed with the engine of your choice: the only modem, short - stroke, low-friction 6-cylinder engine offered today ...or the world famous Thunderbird V-8. Six or V-8. the gas saving* are great.' Team Number Two is made up of new' Cnme-O-Matie Drive with a new r Thunderbird Special V-8 engine. It introduces you to an altogether new experience in fine-car performance—harnessing the world’s most automatic “automatic” to the trigger-sharp reaction time of a new Thunderbird Special V-8. And still you get the gasoline savings of built-in overdrive, for 59 the short way to say “economy” is FORD! In styling, the new Ford has already been awarded the Gold Medal of the Francais de I’ Elegance for beautiful propor tions and elegant lines, at the Brussels World’s Fair. So this is the world's most elegant kind of economy! Soon—on October 17th— you can get that thrifty New Ford Feeling in the World's Most Beautifully Proportioned Cars. Apex School, will weleora* to* group and Jessie Teaslev, of th« Rilev Hill Club, will re spond. i4p«ci*l music selection* will He given by the school flea clt.:b with Mrs Ruby P Green, di rectress. and Mr*. M C. William son. pianist. Also featured on the program «•« j two team demonstrations: "Marve lous Milk” by Joyce Piippin and Zula Farrar of the Apex 4-H Club and ‘Electric Hotbed" by Ben Stin son and Joseph Parks of the En quay Springs 4-H Club. The HMIB •S-H Summary will be given by Lemuel Mlat of the Lockhart 4-H Club. KerogtiUimi win be xtvsw < n t.«vH and girls having dene outstanding work daring the MSS Huh year They will 1v elude certificate*! trf merit, medals rash pitjo* and ether ritatinna. The program will rh>se at 12:30 p m. with TMU Winston of the r».rver 4-H Club giving the benediction The event promise* to cUm»« ! one of tbs best, years of 4-H *of*- j vities, >ror)i'd(ng tr> the Waite £>■* N'': r ro Farm arid Home -geet-tg 3

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