6 THE CiABOUNIAN him* (AiiiN'. SIM lUtvv, OCTOBER 18. 1953 - Miss PMiipps P- ScSwyler, Brilliant Pianist, Will Perform At Raleinh’s Memorial Auditorium Nov, 20 Mim> Pl.ilipon Sc.Hiylrr. whoi] Vi!! s|. pC'f of li Mrinu.n;) i : Auditorium Mi * ur<•••)>•»! IH: ".row ill more it ’’lenrii'ui. I." hum any H 1 !.i' 1 ; H:K ( I ’ ' dai Mi s Schuyte' Is being pu'sen 1 -. i rd by K.bain IV .nolo fi< iViin . tbpir Hi',line 1 'll •: li v i: ■ ! ’ :i,'i li Col lee Fund Bend'll Al, Mil i";ii i.v M ■' o* I'o:., 1 I’.'' It i :itd t 1 Me i t marked I in; i> i-n* h." -i\ m • 1 I if! pil," III.' V.il »»:■• ( . r ■ NT* york and ain>ii«T !nm i ■ miss mil. om’t whi s! 5 a ■.. - - t - ii - uti iTn'ii iwmiian■■nm IClWWMiMiiMTiiam i-z.um.- jsuiaM■— -i— — -h -T-nirr o-arirr muirt w mvnin ii i'iiminm mu it n wiMßii / j at- 3 A&3 | j j cmetfUMZ -1 • •***»* ** - -y-J %/* •"* < I fieemy m e>m . . . ygcesHan . , , m Heims < because you can watcS? jwif rfwMMCMWJ true! Out twicn yftdtly carnin*® maJtc savings grow quickly.., safe teirwwfc* oitjnl policies orotect you. against loss ot vj ml .loiters, Open vnm: »erount now . , . •miu «■ ii, (''fiiii.niy Hk p-.-i*m ujf in. y: Raleigh Savings & Loan Association 219 P*y*.t*evilie r!i"ne VAm-e 8-2321 Wist .I.f »•! 1 i). |l 1 1 ,c| I It,' f!.’>S(.nr| llnr APEX, N C. Krw ( ymcinn village Braiifb National Piano Tejchors CElVild, A ’.irii! urne lawn* «.iio was soloist, for the Young People's Philharmonic Carnegie Hail concerts. Sh* re* reivr:! U-f'r sold medal award. At m\ h-n* compost Worn began to up* )> .* a r cat oreiieetK-! program*. »vlicit Miss Sichuyloi ’vas seven • lie : ived tile Mti.-.ic F.dlica tion I/, irue nu ds! Also when she was even ah*, played at the ‘A. i.i-tTs Pair, and a d-i> was nam ed in Sut honor. n ■ Srlni.vlfr lii ■. ImvellWf I hrottr li out Europe La{• i n Vmo'ii.i. Uir ltd ted States, Al".i<;i .ind rtsewhere In the wiivld, i'lHtidinjr a current ;rip 1 In M.iska. Hie Ji-’Mv Time* said: ‘A display >.) c.bere i-.cnius lasi night l*v Thlllnpi? Sehuyter . . . drama tic.. Impassioned, au'oia, btll hen*." Miss ftchuyksr toured South America, hs.ving left July fi. 1958. Bhe Pew to Buenos Aires to por» form fcwiee with the B>jeuos ,Aires Symphony Orchestra at the Colon Opera. House, pla*vins the "Oreig” md the "Bettiovan 1” concertos an July 13 and 20. respectively. On July 27, Mica Schuyler ap peared on a one-hour musical oro ava:n over Radis Mmido In Buenos Aires playing the Gershwin ‘■Rh ipsody In Blue" and "Concer to in 9"’ with ovcheatra. Returning to the United States. Miss Schuyler appeared en route in Paramaribo, Surinam: Aruba, j MH,hoi lands Antilles; Port, • aii- I prince. Haiti and Son Juan. Puee ! l-/j pi re She is niwr e»=d an srUniat. j with the Honolulu Symphony j orchestra in mid Augiist-. Commission | On Rights lames Six WASHTNOTOti, D. C. Atoto Senator Harry A Co?« and Mary land State College. President John T. Wilhenus were among mx pwr «r>-,a named last week by the Com mission on Civil Bights to its Mary i i.*v,.-z Adyi s Tormnittec d*b«> an | nouncemnnt was made by Dr. John i A. Hannah. Coni mission chairman and president of Michigan Slate University. Senator Cole, an attorney, has j also .served as Assistant Attorney i General of Maryland, substduto j trial m«jriefea*e and justice of the ! peace He is .s to Commis sion \ First N. C. ] State Fair Held In ’63 (The firs t/N, G. diet cTatr was faaia in 1853. The first M. e! asbestos roof of Hie Arena, Is supported entirely by a nefwork of nobles. One of the ma ter livestock shows of the nation is held at fsirtime in the Arena. The colorful fireworks displays at the fair offer the finest opportuni ties to earners enthusiasts to get choice transparencies The biggest display of farm machinery held in j the Carolina* ooch year is at the fate. A?? many ajr twelve county ? H club exhibits are awarded from S2OO to |3rto for club swards in copipejdtions «t tho fate. Thmp H hwcri-ts esf feewm tm to AT/5 f OT Vocational Am culture sxhibiis si. lh« fair. TTio 12th annual State Fate Folk Festival, under the direeften of Bnscorr, Lnmnr Lunsford, will pre terit three programs daily In front of the Arena. If Viighlisrs *FW,hy t fftinkin’-aclch, capi ■ teHntte wßsre slsvef* "MlS'* t*■ • MlHtr CHOM M O AT ST \l (.1 STINTS Miv. Gloria Gardner, Miss Freshman of 1957” i» shown crowning Miss Shirley Eeavy, “Aliss Freshman of 19. W Eonking on are left to rigiii: Clinton Dugger, president of Student Council. Poughkeenste, N. V. Durothy Henderson, Henderson; file ri» Gardner, Orlando Florida; Lacy Patterson, Liberty; Marguerite Raines. Raleigh: arid Charles A Haywood prcsldenl of class, Raleigh. Miss l.eavy halls from Fayetteville. | Begin* October 31: i ■'myyamtmsKeivrffif'- wyr.vsmr.vnifvsmsMV'^eyvvmyniaommmmmeHF 4.0, Smith Plans Homeconing CSARLOrnS The Homecom ing week-end at Johnson C Smith Ucivarslty will Include a football gume, ahimn! dance buffet lunch, coronation, grand fellowship, annu- , si par«de. and s homecoming wor- j ■ ship sei Vos The array of aciivit.ies begin.' : Friday evening. October 31. with ( coronation exercises. Anne E Aus j tin, a Junior in Ihe College of ! Liberal Arte from Wilmington, will j he crowned '‘Mis* Johnson C ! Smith,*' followed by a bonfire on j lho car pit*. The Charlotte Chapter of the local institution's General j Alumni Association will entertain j with He Annual Homecoming j Dance Friday evening beginning at 10:00 o clock During intermission, j the chapter will crown “Miss Alum | I ni." The general Alturuti Assort- ! alien hohte its meeting Sat j urdav morning, November I and thr annual Homecoming I Parade through Hie city " f Charlotte begins at noon S*» | gent organs cations throughout the ram pus s a | collective effort Os pharmacists to j focus attention of the public on j the need for better health rare. I more frequent medical examina- | lions and bet.er sanitation. This marked the seventh obser- j vanco of this week by students of Florida A&M University since in struction began in Pharmacy in i