8 THE CAJgOUIttJUf WEEK ENDING SATI f? DA V, OCTOBER 18, 1958 tiMm* MSBS& ~ | WOMEN'S PERSONNEL COFNCIL The following young women art- officer:-. of the Women's Per sonnel Council. of Shaw University for the year 1958-50. Seated left to right are Juanita Dancy. sopho more of Pinetops, reporter; Julia Raker, a sophomore of Henderson, vice-president; Shirley Parker, a senior of TVewton Grove, secretary; Mary Saunders, a, sophomore of Raleigh, assistant secretory. Siatid ing, kfl to light are Mary Taylor, a junior of Zebuion; Social chairman, Dean Carrie L. Harrison, ad riser. tlelten Covington, a junioe of Wadesboro, education chairman. svot shown on the pie, tort is l.u riJle Edwards 3, senior of Rocky Mount, chairman of the dormitory improvement commit toe, This •roup composes the executive committee of the Women's Personnel Council at Shaw Cniversify and will »>r responsible for directing the program for the year 1558-53. State College! Answers QUESTION. How do I an about hai mg tny cotton classed by the i North C aroliria Cotton Clashing Os- | VN.SW'Efi: Hav« your cotton sinned where a bonded sampler i .v.-flliable After a bale is ginned ; and sampled, ask the ginner to 'end the sample to the Cotton Clarsuiß Office in Raleigh A few day; later, you will receive a bHm ( tag from the Cotton Classing Os - j fire nivine you the exact grade | sno" rtaole length of your cotton, i Qt EfsTlON: Why are North C arol) it growers receiving 1 more tor llteir sweet potatoes than growers in Louisiana* ANSWER: Mainly, because i (he marketing systems In the I" o states are different. In j North Carolina the grower j pays ail the marketing expen- j ses; in Louisiana it Is the ship- j p<>r «ho flays ihesr expenses. I In addition, North Carolina * growers aie about 1.009 mile' | closer to major eastern mar- I kei-. \nd aecerdlng to Henry M Covinglott horticultural , specialist for the N. C. Agrieul- j fora I Extension Service, North Carolina buyers have be-n willing to pass a high percent- j s;i> of the sweet potato selling prirp ,« to (be growers. Ol KSTTON: Should T disc a field . pf before setting pines? A'■ T.V i ; T!: fin, Experience has 1 shown 1 a) pine seedlings do bet- I “L» » '*ef in -.•■< eds and grass I v. V* ’•>.«•») they *re s<*r in bar* i r;! l 1 whiter demonstrated this ■ U Co'-i. dry winds completely '• 1 v pines- set on hare soil, - bile ; . re! in weeds tnr grass ••!. ed suing pines in weeds •• i-d a a•; r- is some rime difficult i-H weeds are cxlr6me ly i-rg* <,m.' discing may he rtc ec.'sary Rut > rmember. bo pot Hire any de-;;rr than necessary j ■ :u« m.n-Jy disturbed dirt. around I the reni.: of pine .seedlings can re* ] dure their survival rate also. -■ ——■— - rafroimo Our Advertiser* ... S .98o! IfT fejte® lg| || Appk Jadfe II ||| Ar»ple HI | ' C’setaN Acpia Japk »* e Re»*i«»« it ?«*(? j! Vifgfpi# fruit Branrty Oishlllng Co ! Istentewn, N. J. * North G*rden, Vs, PREPARE FOR COLD WEATHER OIL HEATERS COAL STOVES j WOOD STOVES I Pipe and Elbows Repairs -—See— S.M. YOUNG j Hardware 130 K. Martin St . j Dial lEmpie 2-7 U1 CAPITAL LOAN CO. INC. I YOU FURNISH THE PROBLEM WE’LL FURNISH THE MONEY $,1.00 IS YOURS Recommend Our Service To A Frit n If We Make A Personal Loan To Them—We Will Pay You I $2.00 CASH. GUT «. BASDEN Manager 210 SOUTH WILMINGTON ST. j ACMEREALTYCOT Real Estate - Rentals - Surety Ronds j Fire and Automobile Insurance II WE BUILD AND REPAIR HOUSES j || Dial TE 2*0956 & 529 E. Hargett St. Uate&h, N. C. || st 5*300 i Application Accepted By Phone j If You Want Money Fast See Us WAKE «.f!S&! IS W. Hargett St Phone TK *> mSTRLSSEO * P-Rioch ®)ca«cr'Klp*S)_ .SBK U ♦ CONCRETE PIPE * CONCRETE BLOCK AND BRICK • CONCRETE STEPPING STONES W X/ RALEIGH—DIAL. T£ 4-2557 DURHAM-—Dial 2-44*1 * KINSTON—Di.I 3514 Better Buys Better Terms ! On Better Jewelry All Funerals Cost Less -at the— RALEIGH FUNERAL HOME i Compare Convinced! aagjigf RALEIGH ~^h~- Fwneral Home r,r' 3.:5 z cabarrus st L ___ L _ j L * | CIVELLA j BEAUTY COLLEGE | Full CMne to Reaui} Cultur# and Classes in Frifeonaltty and | Charm, For IniormaUon Writ*: i Mrs. Christiana J. Pitts President 400 EAST MARTIN STREET Kaleish. N. €. ■^,.su»ASii^M«gatag«S4'i'wavireuKaaaaaßMi4tit*rTc&^Bi*<iu»iiiiumM*i~iM>».-unaaawpHirMM4 i r»Brr'iiiiirrii*iiii*i miwi nw— m iti mo u. w » rn it iti—iu>nrwa»n’xaaMKMNKMßMi 1 in 1 ■ win inuiii » 1 Open To Negroes; CAREER OPPORTUNITIES | ftv Staff Writer CAREERS IN GOVERNMENT j This, year thousands of young j | people wil launch e.areuiß as ci- i 1 >. ili.'in employees of the, Federal 1 i Governm*'ut They will take their j placer a mono more than ;! million | men and w • u 1; who provide the many services the American people ; : require ,»! their government. Dospih- flic fact that one out of | ; nine wo;kept, in the United Stale. ! I i:; eiripioyed by the Governnsenl at 1 sonic lev, 1. public ficrvicn is often I j overlooked as career choice by j N egyn^s. Your (ifivcrnnicnt is the Na tions liiggcst ciniiliiycr, and one ol tlio finest. Its vast work force staffs sonic 70 depart ments and agencies mucins: from the VommlKsion of Fine %i- 1 1* in. ilifec paid eurploy cc,. to the Department of l>c sense, with mere than a milfinn civilian workers. IN Herat cm- I-pMS * 1 v ’*’” at "•<“f• SS ■, i U,: Colonial Saves You Most ... Serves You Best! POM LGIN ROAST li hitlr ftr lltrlj | Ito , iw, mm. mmmt mm* mm TUONOMKV! FOR BREAK FASTI OSCAR M.AVFR. SIKTIO m m IT* AH A ®»n oAbun lill c BREAKFAST SPEOAU:—rtCfc-OE-TITF.-NF.SF GRADE "A* MEDfI W Nl/E krfsh GET YOUR PUZ-O ENTRY BLANK Tun To Fifty . , , Tun To U in! MORE THAN 1,000 FABUIOUS FREE AWARDS EACH WEEK! (id your ft'/ O cni/y blank at Colonial Stores NOW and play this fascinating new came It's simple. delightful .. . easy to •o|« r. .-«• net in on the fun and get in on the awards. You aren't limited to one award—you may win several! Regular iu.3id> requite no pm chases! To be eligible lot Bonus Awards, buy any erf the featured PI T O Bor»«s; Iff.mr" and haw? your Pi >y.-0 fn«r» brink stamped « Colncnat. pi k up week’s PUZO entry Wanks with complete, easy mstractioM cm yom next visit to Colonial! This W <o-U \ Pif&O B-rmjm The*m#i TKIPI F ACTION PC*WI3ERM> DPTERGEWT 3-8 1 ft 43c ir 53c V'SORTtb FLAVORS PUDDINGS MY T FINE 3 29c j ' 1 » '{ HU mi lOP-QIiAUTY I>OfJBLK-REO IOHM4TH4N Anm pa w* a a PPLES©S~ Z 9 s. ive with Sav-a-Stamps for Christmas gilts...for friends and family! Bh mil Ulllll 11l mil laTIH—MIHTIIII I 111 mill umi mi him ~,, .... 11, IWKWIWIIII 111 II 1 IWll l Mlllim IIIH BY yp3>. « jsjg -Is i tffi sjw yo yfwi®?! sifflag tgg ,g» ?§] H ' '' ..V -c. V,?/<* Olcnwocd Village —111 W. Morgan SU - Xortliside Shopping Center—Cameras Village . i 4 I ployee* work in Ihoo-aaids nf smtsli.itiottih thrpughout thr t nited Slates, in the Territori cs ano possesions and In most foreign countries. They per form ;»Jnu>';l every kind of ; work fount? in private employ ment as well a* some Jobs pe culiar to Government, i Gov. . indent workers pri:i! and J mint our money, control narcotics, ! regulate immiArdtion and collect ! taxes and duties. They help to con* serve and revitalize land that is | unproductive, bring eleclnciiy into j 1 ur.'.i homes enforce Federal laws, arid administer social security They operate !he atomic energy program forecast the weather, and protect rational parks and forests They conduct research on pn,y sics, chemistry, electronics, metero rn logy, geology, nmlaiiurgy, and ether rUcntifie fields. They con trol the national airways, stand ardize wu ights and measur es. ha*v ' d<c relfilions with other etnmlrir*. mm mm | Kronomr EnA frrt j €oc| fm develop flooa - control meaauica. end peidojuri hundreds of other service? for Ihe Amorieun fkmple. You can gel an idea of the Gov- ] eminent s manpower when you ] consider that mo r e than 20,000 Federal employees are ai work >rr the pin-ncal scicncet'. nearly r-0,. i | 000 in engineering, 10,000 in tin; . I social -eienees. 17,000 >.s pecsoi.nel L administration and industrial ie • Jaiione, 15.000 in the biological vi i once*?, 60,000 in medicine and alitod ) field,-’, 0 ..100 in edbciliou, 77.000 in If You W,!i!t To T„K.' Die * it!-') i)w of ;jf* 0. Karl ; ‘ ichtman I til.ll VE 2-0959 - I un,o tiit r .wwi. 4/ 5 INSUttAATL , sk : I COM/'ANT ' POISE CHOPS 1 j ( cnti'ra tg> fiib FRESH-MADE CHEF’S PRIDE Potato Salad s 29c AfTID CHIT S PRIDF Pimento Cheese 5C 53c DELICIOUS CHEFS PRIDE COLE SLAW A 29c FRESH MADE CHEFS PRIDE Chicken Salad 49c GEE,ATTN WITH FRUIT- CHEFS PRIDE Sunshine Salads 33c SAVE 16c—MAXWBLL HOUSE REGULAR OR DBtP <;RINI> hot CUP COFF^E*™“™'49c' MVB lit—CAUPBUUL.’I HONDRMIEI) MOUTH CAROLINA GROWN SWEPT \ U.S NO. » Ml-OW \ FRESH GR.RBN MI'XBD Potatoes 4*29c Onions .. 5c Salad SSo Ifr account ns and #!'«-•*I work, and j ! 18,000 if mathematics and slatit- j | tier rfo oe continued) Oj SO *> | ' ",»T m9O PROOF I 2.40 //'if™ TN j "■ CENTURY | . CLUB jji'jMti&tojM &THAISHT BOURBON | NATIONAL DISTIU £R$ PRODUCTS COMPANY, U. Y,. 90 P PC l PORK CHOPS Cm!fit -i ul Loin r-A>A TO-SERVF. “til-'FT* PORK STEAKS . . . » 69- t r ONOM k, A L V<f aTT POR W NECK BONES .... - 1 7- NIC F THICK. SALT PORK' FAT BACK - 19 , FARM BRAND PUftM FORK. SAUSAGE - 39' OSI AR MAY) R HR! ART AST 1 JNKS SAUSAGE « 69- Prirev effective 1»1 Nk«) Coioml •»«>«' tfv»vt <vhirrtvv(. 1 0 Qmuitit] riebte resww). So#f sold h» ft*<«iec«u WR PS JDK. ROUND Chocolate Cake Sf 59c: CHEFS PRIDE Cottage Cheese Z 23 r ~ MRS FILBERTS, MARGARINE U 28c IK' ZEN SEA BROOK FARMS Peas & Carrots 5 SS 89c FROZEN CS CUT CORN SSS 89c I Th*- Worth Carolina com crop i is vM.nl at more thran SIOO tail-d ' lion this year fsfg

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