’ * ' •' yngm LOAD SHIFTED ~~ This f*»l truck, which belongs to .lames Calvin Raines of Washington Terrace, shifted its load cartv Monday morning after a fire weakened, and this Is what re sulted Raines was rounding a curve at the corner of Tarhoro Road and £. Davie Street when the accident occurred. Travel ing only about 5 mites per hour at the time, h*- was uninjured Firemen were railed to spra.v j water on the oil which spilled out onto the street. (STAFF PHOTO BV CUAS. ft. JONES), j Question 3 As Body Is Found » MARION —Marion police Mon day continued to question three Negro men in the fafeai beating Sunday of the elderly white wid ow of a. former' mayor of Marion. Meanwhile, Police Chief P. W ■ Smith reported “still no leads Monday m the slaying of Mrs ; F Wilkinson, 63, at her home .Also, the State Bureau of investi gation joined the probe, ■Smith said Mrs. Wilkinnui ; 1 patently was beaten to death s “blunt instrument" of some ■ and her body tossed down a. cellar stairway, ”H> have leads to a mount to anything at present '' Smith 'iaid as he, continued his investigation at the brick home. of Mrs, WtfuriMm. Po, lire said the throe suspects were being held without charge for further questioning. Smith said the three were form erly employed at the Wilkinson ; home, They were picked up short J ly after will end James K. Wil - j kinson had discovered the body of their mother. Smith said a motive for the slaying had not been, established. 1 He said a pathologist's report (COrrtTNtJKD ON PAG? ’) • | School* Trial [ GREENSBORO -- The Dor- | •ham School Board Monday I ; raissd objections to virtually ' all questions asked by attor neys for two Negro girls seek ing ® court order admitting them to a. white high school and declaring the North Caro |Una Pupil Assignment Act void, i In reply to interrogatories j j submitted in Middle District i Court here the board objected j M 3 ail but four ot some. 40 ques tion* asked ic the integrroga tory. The questions deal with school board policies with re- j gerd to assignment- of children ' and with board activities prior' to the school term in which the ! two girls wore refused tram , f«r«. _ 1 !’ * *'■ *’ !'■ H•. t: 'I ti - I | • t Little Rock. Arkansas recently, but the head usher slipped them oft into the biMinent bv then' and they left without heating the .erraan Photo shown. Self to tight front rot*. Charlie Wash Miss Mae Willie Barbee. David Barbee, and Miss Mamie Rodgers Back row left to right. » h Jase King, sod James King. L C. Bate' piominent publisher and husband of the president of Arkansas • R4ACP, said he thought the group nan duped by segregalionisU. who telephoned them, pretended to be i li» Minister o# the eknrch and invited them to the services, il'Pl TELEPHOTO). Bass’Wife, Lawyer Say !He Has Lost 60 Pounds Was the death row prisoner. > j Matthew Bass, mistreated by I guards at the state's Central Pris ! on? j Thi« is the question the State i Bureau of Investigation is expect i ed to probe. Bass *.e •niirnii’H to dir September ft? nn a charge of raping a white woman in a Ra leigh office building lasi June I'.’. He was accused of brutally ! slashing (be woman with a knife, and she was in critical conditions for several days. Attorneys for Base have ap- i | pealed the case, and the Supreme j ! Court is scheduled to hear the | j arguments on October 28. After bearing rumors that her husband was being mistreated i M>'s, Bau-ss and Attorney Taylor | went- to the pmon on October IS I to talk with Mm, No Negroes Present As Private Schools Open UTTLE ROCK Ark—The much i ! talked-aboul-whiw-private schools j ■in Little Rock finally ope tied on ! Monday following the closing of j | the public schools seven weeks ago, ] Some Son white high-school sen-j ions registered with the Little Rock j tri'ivato School Corporation aadj began attending classes Tuesday, j When enrollment is completed. ;mj additional 200 is expected to be I registered. In another section of town, j slip another 30ft pupils of all j Business League Reactivated, C. C, Smith, Jr. New President At a luncheon meeting at the : Bloodworfch street. TMCA Tu.es day the Raleigh. .Business League was; reactivated aft*: several years of inactivity. Officers for the p oup > eve elected. Elected *»» end ihe organ)- intton were the following: President, C. C. Smith, lr., vice-president. I J. San.-on; secretary, J M Holloway; as sistant secretary, E. 1,. Rai ford; treasurer, M K Alexan der; parliamentarian, Charles U Frazer. Tin executive com nit tee is composed of Messrs, Sanson, Holloway and Alexander. Three additional members are to he elected or named by the president. ; In his acceptance address to ihe ■<•©of president, Ms. Smith who| I ** district manager of the N. C. j _ fcovrrsPKP on pagb sv i According to Mrs. Bass’ state ment, Matthew Bass told her "that he had been beaten about the head and body by four prison guards with iron pipes and that they turned a. five hose on him, all while he was in hi; prison cell and that he knew of no reason why they had done so." My husband further stated that hr was being ill-led, was being krpi In a, dark dungeon i without bed or mattress, he I having to sleep on a stone floor, and that hr had been spilling up blood for several j days without receiving or br ing given any medical treat ment," added Mrs. Bass. | The charges were contained in | affidavits presented Thursday to i Bupcuor Court Judge Herman F fcONTtSI'EI) ON PACE }) ' grade levels rcgisfrivii in * H,p(i.( t l>?ufh High Thni'l ! utter* cla-scs u,lt brgtn next week. The school is establish rd as a bl anch nl llle churrh - ! wjftj tfeudents a igft N%'* ■ : :toc.s not »r. school since i-hcy clos | rd made no attempt to register in i the private segregated schools, i Private school authorities sa-id (eONTTNtT.h ON PACK P ■ ISP ■ I •si % ! I ' ■S r SMITH *B Escaped NC Trusty Gets Drunk, Kills Woman, Injures Two Men fdsafe North Carolina’s Leading Weekly | VOI. IS, NO. 1 Baptists To Gastonia lues. + dr Hh Hh Hh dr Hh Hh I j > | 11 mi Mn<rinn iftCpv* iviMdUli GASTONIA .Once ,? v«ar j . me-' «..ogc> from .-’fiilt-ited church- j 1 --. organ l ;?■ njeef with ter Gi-ijci ;i State 'i!- . upon fo* a j. - - -i 1 -, - The j »ms i ouvting will r>r !'- !r.t wall Use , ,-yi J’aal Baptist Church. Gai-lonia. toe Re>-,-it'l.d K Ackei, patter, i October 38 3fj. As u uni. 'tr program ooiriwub- j : tee n*s corns tip with an cutstand- j i n? r.- design-'<i to inspire ; ! arid to inform. The theme is; "The * ! ' -, . ”.? f ' r . : 1.-v, liffi.hirt and ( vans,* ' -< f " -"22. K ONTSMIfcO ON P.Kil .’) Stage Se t For A, New I Bus Suit ! BIRMINGHAM. Ate Charge- j i filed Monday pcairn-* 13 Negroes i | set ihe Mage for a leyal te.*.-t of : j Birtruiu’haniT "driver option" pel- ; ! icy on bus soatins. { The Negroo;., nine mer and four i women, were lodged in city jail on charges of disoideriy conduct'. * conr.pi! acy to couimit a breach of 1 i the peace and conspiracy to cause j j a breach ol the peace- They were! j placed under bond of SOOO each.' The group hoarded two buses and look front srate after n j meeting with integration lead er Rev. F. ! ShuttleswoiTh. 'the action followed the city commission's rrrent repeal of bus •*e?i'e*at(o«i l.i vy and i adoption of Mihstitnlr ordin -Hire leaving Hie sealing of (in- jin* i fi «i*v ry r .’i New Bonus Week Begins As Month Nears An End . Churches enta-rd in the CSSfo- j 1 linian Bonus Mfcmcv race are mov- j jmg mto the fourth Ufr k whirls 1 j begins Thursday October 23, and i, I ends at midpv Ist Oclobet 80. The I ’ ! current bonus month will end on j j Noyrinher i?. | 1 CAROLINIAN ——— — I ADVERTISERS i— ■vmsssßsmmßzr m)Y {jROM THEM , , FAQS. 2 ! .'|J‘ ! .'SO *>ervl< f-Dter I PAGE 3 • ''other A Daughter Mere. • Raleigh Savings A Loan A-sonatiun {.lertrlMt Whole'- Jm., .tohason Umhe ( ompanv !Mr lolio W H'(n"rrs , Family Shoe Store | PAGE HurtMnj-Belk Companv PAGE b Colonial Mote, Mr. Kji) iJthtniHo Capital Loan Company Acme Realty Company train Finance CompsoT N C. 1*,.,,'m, ‘ ■ Cl veils Bejulv College Gent SV.i'rh Vriop Raleigh Funeral Ham* S. M young Ha id wap i PAGK V A. a-, p. super Market: Nasli-Strr !f-H ,irrr n. lot. ! Ambassador ! n,f,, : The Hood System Birins! rut H -nk ! Tayloi P, ,tii tv server- Sl-Heigit Commission Utthsp, Inc, Firestone Slores !• v>.i > ! Blood ivortl, M ror.' !=.' H'onr Mechanics A *,|-,!er, Prnk Heater Weil Company Cavenes® In«o.«n;e Agri" •,• Pepal-Cola Bottling Co. ni Raleigh SATURDAY. OCTOBER 25. 1958 1 M ii‘-i 1 .ii Kiui, Klan v. n » i Edwards leaf hroiigh a copy of a Salvation Army publication is he leans agains: i wall outside the Grand Jury chamber al Atlanta. Ca,. las! week site state sought in dirt mi nte in conneetion with the recent Jewish Temple bombing there He said he intended to keep she Rian out of the incident. MiPt TELEPHOTO). Assailant Os Dr. King Is Indicted, Cleric Testifies NEW YORK— A 43-year-old wo-! man was in dieted Friday on so attempted firs', degree murder chaise tn the stabbing last month! There axe six werko included In ! tbss f?onu? Monin order that additional ioca) and county churchffs will have a chance to enter and try for top cash awards, j frONTWItEP ON PAGE ?) < fin'Ma jJilAMevs. !cu j W.>itM>a'» Seafood A Poultry t> Inc I Pn>Rf«*‘l Co i rood Store ! Oil!ob Motor Company i O imp's £.vro f.e»vir» Ridge” ; - CiotKMnt ] H ; met MemAtUU Deluse Hot.; PAOti S O O fll Motr.fi nii Clothing Companv ! iffioua Bakery •ittoi) Motor CntEpanv 'AG* U First-Citimtu B»nk A TMi.u Company vow Lincoln Cat* Horton's Cash Store wunt Goarrai litt Cotayaii' AGE it ) iird's of Raleigh •\H*s Cowing C. (iter rtSsly ms*!j Store. I .v H Km.. A- Compa>>• navis flower Shop j CAGE IS j », E. Quiim Ftnutturs Company j Certio Cleaners Mi -ioseph Winters ; Carolina Power *. Light Ompait** Mi« Russos Hatters A, Cleaners Martin Strr»t tlelf-Srrvir* Laundry 1 ft‘p Co'r-Colr Bottling to I Washington Te*rat" Apts, , j t-’AGt. It j , npnrtrnan's t rdiro Shop 1 * 1 rile Press Club, In;. I RALEIGH. N. f . iof the Rev Martin Lilt,ho Km : Montcomery. Ain,. Integral u .’.i.cler Howard Jones assistant dir-tr •iUorney -said '.Jo accused worn. Mi i rob Ware Citrrv, would | arraigned Monday. Mrs Cur who has been m Bedew Host lal undersoins, oeychtalne *tah ination, could be sentenced to (CONTyVtJIKD ON PAGE f.) TALKING SHOP—Vice - preside at Richard M. Nixon met with Illinois Rentihliratui at cte*w I*«t week <o open 3 6 day campaign tour in behalf of HOP congressional candidates. With Nison t» famous tisrk star Jesse Owens, left, now running for count y cotutfftifts toner Nixon ’■aid the GOP ca.mo.tiy* t* j picking up and “we have every chance to upset those *h« predicted defeat.'’ (t3Ff TEX.ISPSCTJSC PRICE 12c IN N. C.; ELSEWHERE 15c To Murder,” Man Claims DILLON. S C -A 48- >.< ar-olci "Moon Baby ' wn! go on trial here I Thunday for tne murde: of si widowed mother of four children j •slain when the moon was full over i a swampy come-cry hideaway near here. Quincy Bullock found sane af ter he confessed the killing of : Mrs. Carolyn Ba,field, 28, will face I i-he Genera! Session Court, fol lowing his indictment Monday by ' the Dillon County Grand Jury. | The 18-man panel return •rt a true, bill after a 1 (l-iutn • CONTINUED ON PACK g> King Goes | To Jail, Not Africa WOODBINE. Ga -The uapie dietabir Rev Cletmon King, the i man who was labelled insane when i he attempted to enroll at the Ur;- , erstty of Mississippi recently j iidrd in tail nn a warrant sworn i ut by his wife. King several days ago an •souneed his B.iet to Africa" movement for skilled Ameii (continued on page 2) Admits Negroes WASHINGTON iANPi— the District of Columbia Bar Asso •<Ucn has fmaiK voted to ad ■ i Negro lawyers into it. inbership 'ppcificslly the issue, de d bv a vote n, .'>B3 to "'M whether the Association :»ws would b" emended b ung the word "white" from 1 1'.bership requn etnents he vote v.»a.i 48 more than ’ necessary two-thirds ma lty, | - j ASHEBORO--Whits Craig, .Jr. I "7 a trusty who walked away from j the Randolph County .tail Sun ! dav. wbn charred with murde: ; Monday m toe fatal shooting o: a, woman here The worrian. Miss Dorothy Hill 27, died Sunday in a. local hospi tal She had been shot three timet ! m the cheat and once In the sto mach. Police quoted Craig a& say mg he "must have had an «rgu ; snent” with the woman at her : home. The shooting occurred a* of fleers ‘ought Craig for an earl •er shooting spree in which t men were slightly wounded- Officers said Craig told then? the first shooting occurred when the two men milled * knife on him, Police said Craig had been drinking heavily. Police Chief Clarence Lovett aid officers had. not been abb so determine where Craig obtain ed the pistol used in the shoot ings. •CONTINUED ON PAGE 2? jgp l -*■ ■ #^|Sj f 1 ■\ in . - -iillPi ' / fit 1 7 xSotvß&lk AUTHOR ACCUSES POLI TICIANS—Harry Golden. Char lotte- author and publisher, smoked a cigar during a press conference, at Chicago. 111., last week. Golden said that Southern politicians are encouraging such incidents as the dynamiting of ■‘i Atlanta, Ga., synagogue on October 12. He claimed Southern politicians are lighting fire* of carial hatred by encouraging massive resistance to Integra tion if ft TELEPHOTO! j ' " —IN I MPs MARS f!,sti -FLAKEH RALEIGH - Mr a Carmel Car-. o.G-ton !vi « i. ad’-cor to AmbasM* Henry Cabot Lodge, o? the United Sta‘> Mi; on to the United Irony, poke at Shaw University <•!< Monday evening In discussing ir acnei J development of the iled Nation, she pointed out i {!■•; (Jpntia! has m op more tn" 1 ?! in emergen ■ .lUiations from 1956 to 195* VC- ,ve been ir > v -'■ o, - l.g ' rid wir Thi “e. sh“ declared, inri the Genet a) A j lombly des’t ;<h -.••• eiai -itu.rijam mhich wer« a mnwtigp on page ts

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