Medic Convicted Again; Case To Highest N. C. Court “Million Days Os Schooling Lost” North Carolina’s Leading Weekly VOL 18. NO. in SATURDAY, DECEMBER b, 195* RALEIGH. N C. PRICE 12c IN N. CL; ELSEWHERE 15c WIFE NABS BIGAMISTS Boy. 10. Burns Schoo Pair Failed To Divorce First Mates Two residents of this city wore bound over to Wake Superior Court Monday by City Court Judge Al bert Doub after probable cause was found on charges of bigamy "toning out of a news item ap pearing in The CAROLINIAN last neck, Cornelius Donaldson, 25. and Mrs. Kuna Smittj Donaldson, 32. h otb were charged with bigamy. Bone of $750 was ordered for thr>ir appearanec in Wake Superior Court. r Itos-mttl) ON PAGf. i) 3rd Week Os Bonus Money Month Opens Churches entered in the current Fvirrus Money Month of the Csro riion Bonus Money Program are moving into their third week of competition. The third week began ' bursday. December 4. and con tinue through December 10. New churches planning on parti >’rating in the contest should ap- Pc’ot someone to collect the pur • 'iasp slips submitted by the mem* eers of the churches each week. Oily purchase slips for ro'erchan d'se bought from merchants who advertise in the Carolinian will *-oint. A list of t.h* sc advertisers appear on the front page of each rne of this newspaper. Killer regarding the Church r 'CONTWrVKD ON PACE #» Madges Ponders Fate According to the office of sailor and Mitchell, local at lornpys. no decision had hern j I reached at press time in the <’M* of Matthew Phillip Raw, ; convicted rapist. , Attorney Taylor had already j conferred with the governor i w hen his office was contacted * joy fhis newspaper Wednesday, i I but the final word on Bass' fate j had not been issued. CAROLINIAN ! ADVERTISERS I _ BUY FROM THEM CALF ? ei Vr.jl'i Metrv liv . sivularri cinder Block Comp,,e,- ''trtrr'<, ln<. O k < lothinK Jompi'ov >’N I ;i • W Km It Cotr party So:” tihor <> fat t , llintror, Heik * nmp.rny W’ toHn M winters RoulJiero OfiJ ToJcpltenr l> CAGE s Carolina Pinter .V light Company C»T!te*d's Transfer ( onipany M't.eod A W alien Company TSiontpann-Cjai'h Company PACK t Hure-Jflt seat Cover Cent*i Acme Realty Company iiiir flossov ifaiieri a- l.ieancn 1 IteitoliC Stores Ciincw Bakery fagi; s ft. E. OuJnn Furniture i o. Efird a of Raleigh 8. M. Toung Hardware Co. Wachirngton Terra.' e Apts Weatherman Jewelers Family Shoe Store Colonial Stores Hjtiir R 5W F fi'iprr Market Mechanic* A Farmers Rina ■he Capital Coca-Cola Rottlim in S. First. ot* Louisville, aranMHR * ' 8 <"i-‘ . •v; ’ BRrr - .... /£?& 0$ ' ' *’ ' y< tyfc~; y .' : ADMITS CAUSING FIRE DEATHS—Farris Royster. 8, admitted he caused fire which resulted in the suffocation deaths of two smaller brothers and a sister at Chicago recently. The youngster admitted he stuck pieces of paper under a pan of frying chicken ‘To see it burn,” and threw the blaring paper under the stove and ran when he heard his mother coming. The three children, Tommy Ray, 5, Beniel, 3, and Elaine, 4, were found dead under the mattresses of their beds. Firemen said they apparently had crawled there to escape the smoke. The father Thomas Royster, 30, attempted to save the children, but was driven back by smoke. (LTI TELEPHOTO). Smthfield Father Holds Cops At Bay, Shot In Leg SM(THf'iKI D—A sheriff';! posse ; captured a Negro man Saturday j night after he had held officers at j hay with a shotgun and threatened |to kill his wife, i Johnston County Sheriff R A. j Henry said June Artis, 40. was cap* 1 tured after officer* allot him in Roilie Vaughan Cempan* PAGE la ! Bloodwortt St Knurls’ Some j M-rhauf's A Fanners Sank Heater Welt Company Cavene»s Insurance Agenry Pepsi-C l.i Battling O ol ftaletgb ( rrolirta Ruild-rs ’ top. HalsoeT Rrafoo.t A poultry f.o to, IJnistefti! Transfer Co A Food siarr Dillon Motor Fu> >n, Company* kisao Service i Ridgeway’s Opticians Warner Mcoi irlalv Delusr Mot: 1 PACK 1« Slepliens Appliance Company Mr. C. Karl Uehtrnan Martin Street Sell-Service laundry The Rood System tmtuslrlal Bank T'irsi.-cttircns Ran U Ai Tiust Company ! Hunt General Tin Company llurlon s Store Hamilton Grocery I Capital Lean Company PAGE IS 1 N. C. Product* 1 White Ol! Company Davis Flower Rhnp ! Gem Watch S io(, Raleigh Seafood Company i Sullivan's firoeer' Wake Finance Company i Raleigh Funeral Rome (Taylor Radi TV Service the leg. Henry had deputjwrd mt* oral neighbors to help in th* cap ture »fter Artif fired on officers. Henry «tnd Artis htd threatened his wife but she escaped with four ol their 10 children and managed to get help from a neighbor, Artis will h<“ charged with as sault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill and with assault wn officers, Henry said. Three Perish As Monoxide Seeps in Cor 1 GASTONIA Tne live* of three ; persons wore lost near here this | week when poison gas seeped into their automobile. They were found m the car, parked just off a busy highway Sunday morning. Officers reported that carbon monoxide gas had crept into the car and killed the trio. The victims were: William Stflfw j at, 23, of Clover, S, C,, James Hen ry Blake, 23, of Gastonia, and Miss Nell Ann Lawrence, 19, of York County, S. C. Tile throe were among the 25 , victims of violence in this state ) last weekend. School At Charlotte Is Burned * CK ARIjOTIE A 10-year-old colored boy was in custody of Ju venile authorities here Monday as ter admitting he set. fire to a room In an elementary school here Sun day. The boy whose name was with held because of his age, also war Questioned In connection with *»p * era! other myr ~v tous fires wsceat-i ly in i.he Charlotte area, hut there: | (cotraNtnso 01s pagf » Man Found At Prison With Gun TARBORO An armed man found loitering outside a prison camp here Sunday night wounded a guard who attempted to question him and then fled into the woods. A widespread search wa* un derway today for the Negro, tden tidied as Charlie Watkins, about 40. Guards trailed Watkins to a cabin in the woods near the camp but then lost his trail. The wounded guard, I. it. Brown, was treated at Fldgecorobe General Hospital and released. Brown said he was making his rounds of the camp fence when ho found Watkins, aimed with a saw ed-off shotgun, loitering near one of the guard posts. He disarmed (CONYtNVBB ON PACE J) ffffWHf MKgg v .-^x r ' v ' ' x ■y »• ••: GET LARGEST AWARD Veteran blast furnace workers Osrar Dansfer, 81. left, and Salvatore Lumella. 39, have been awarded the largest employee suggestion award in the steel Industry. The men, who have worked together on a furnacr crew for 15 years, received $20.000 —to hr divided equally. They suggested away to recover molten iron from slag. A 11. S. steel company official said Hie idea will nave the company roughly $109,000 a year, (tin PHOTO). | New Trial Results in More Time 1 ' At.BKMARI ,F. AMorneys for i a Negro leader sentenced to 2-3 I years in prison began preparing j an appeal Saturday to take ins j eonviel.loo on charges of perform | mg a criminal abortion on a while | woman to the Stale Supreme ] Com I The attorneys for Dr, A F. Perry j of Monroe gave immediate notice of «pp< h\ lair Friday, as soon as i a Slantv County jury conelcfed j him in the second trial under the same ineji. ftnenl Ihr sentence v .ts consider ably heavier than tiie I years t*r. Perry received oil the first conviction fast year in Union County Superior Court An ap P'flNTßfl'fO «>N V\r,p :> Flemming ] Raps Two I Dixie States WASHINGTON Arthur S Flemming, Sec v of Health Edu i cation and Welfare, stud Monday southern youngsters hit re missed | a million days of public schooling | because o f the “indefensible"* clos [ ing of their classes to block infce : eration Hemming told a news confer ence that 3.400 children in Lit* U" Hock. \ ik , and Norfolk, Charlottesville and Front Ro.v --i ?!. V». still were not getting <in schooling, tie said in a. l»rr pared statement ll>al iii, 100 -forien*s each have missed between 54 and (>5 days of poli tic instruction, Thr secretary also su-id it did (twtwoii!) on PAc;r- *) State News \f *+ # IN Brief GRI-GORt JAILED AGAIN ! OXFORD -• James 15. Gregor?, ! 82, operator of a beauty parlor, who | is free under a *lO 000 bond while j a manslaughter copnvlction is on ■ appeal to I if State Supreme Court, is in trouble again, Arrested at a service station near the northern limits of the city into which he drove as a fleet of Stale and coun ty veliicl s dos' d in, Gregory is charged ,’ith posseshon of tax p::id wiuskey, transporting and possession for sale Wait"i* Edmondson was with Greg : t the time of the arrest. Office Aaid the two of them had hi pii ■ of whiskey purchased at j a store Clarksville, V» FACING ARSON CHARGES RA RIGH Joseph Cole. 25 ] of the ’Oil-block of R South street. wa>; bound over to Wake Count) Superior Court Mon | day as probable cause «»*, j totind o ,wo charges of arson, Ipimd of SCOW v res set on a rharge of attempting to burn {CONTINUED OS PA fir, 2) B f VISITS HOSPl'ni I'r:i»ii'is r:tr<jmal Siwllitlac “Msgr. < .rot ri- fiuiHovlf *gu] ll,£i Hill*! irieM ♦** left! look on »>, mirsrw Irnil (hr children in tbr. Burstfj of {hr \,-« y„sii i ixiini line Hwpiial recently Spellman, siair and city officials ail participated in (h*- rlrfiic iiinn m-minnic of fin non hospital. ■' ITI PHOTO*. Episcopal Lay Leader Urges Opposition To Integration fin LSBOHO A ; Fpiscopal layman lias appealed to j members of the denomination to ! nppore w&rt be s stna! I group activity promoting muring I of the races. i Jnnicu W» *. b f’heuhire, chairman ! of Concerned Cbm crimen, an or- ; I fZriHtZ'ti. ;ion of Kpi.scupa! laymen, ! ! sai»i the dtogill r hr referred to | was outlined in a ft Her to church • ] ■ os in North Carolina by iht? Kev i ! Joe ib A Vivi-irttr, Jr, of r.ror-pc. j •Ikm o. spci'ofnrv of th«: department ■ \ ni Jill relation;- to rlrrgy of Iho \ d i o (hfi.liifT, pmihlmhi fil bishoft ill Ihf N© r it* I firollFFi Ojiirf**-. »»!() lh p If* jri' M** i© ’’sravr f ipff alarm 1# the v, rJfarr of \ tb(? i* ' Vt'p. appeal to Of' try* j 1 r ruireh to opposition to j j what **»<■• I>oiiev(? so be a s?nsn • ; artmn of thf» i’luii i’ll who an* at * j 4 Hunters Killed On Highway HALIFAX. V» Four Hunter were killed Saturday night whei their car pulled into the path o an oncoming southbound tractor 'trailer at Halil ax County intersec tion. slate police reported Sunday State Trooper C. B. lore, who investigated the fatal crash, said the car violated the frock's right of way and was smashed broadside by (he trac tor-trailer. / Killed instantly were the driver Albert Logan, 56. of 1 173-22 104 U Avert Jamaica, Long Island. N. T and Alvin Game;, 45. of (341 Union Ave > Mount Vernon, N. Y William Randolph Barksdale. 70 tFONTINI'KD ON PAGE 2) \ races hrid, thereby, destroy m-; what God created white and No Hr: added that his group hv l I the church should return to the ; language of Hv* Bible and Gospel 1 '‘which we always considered the | official language of the church and I leant? off all this sociological dou j hle-talh.” Wr our Niyiiff on thr Or. P. A. Bishop, Baptist Leader, Buried in Ahoskie' f ! RICH SQUARE Hundreds of ! spectators iaimn<>d the First Bap-j | i -i. Church here and overflowed j (into the grounds Tuesday Hi, 2 p | m as last Hies were conducted fi?i j Ur. Caul A Bishop, chairman oi i Ihe Show University truster board ; and president of the Genera! Bap j list. Slate Convention of North C:i • | j > .ilma Ur Bishop died last Friday j i The eulogy was delivered by Dr. 1 hide:. M.n-k Fi.-hei pastor of Din - j nant'.s White Rock Baptist, Church { Ur. O. L. Sherrill, executive sre ri buy of the General Baptist Slab j Convention, presided. Among the ! persons paying tribute to the bap tist leader was Dr. William 0. Slrassner, president of Shaw. Interment was held at lhe family j ! plot, Hcarid Ccrrsclcry, Ahoskie. Born February it. 1 SHU at Rich j Square, Dr. Bishop was the son of i Hannah and llavki Bishop. He re • ived his education at. Rich ! j Square Institute. Roanoke Instill/' i ! b vi;id V;;, Union University j Ordained in Jackson, N ( by j j Dr. J Ij -S. Holloman, V)r. Bishop ! pa,sieved the first Baptist Obiui'b j here and many other churches in i this section at )be tune of his death j Dr. Bishop received the honorary D, f) degree at Shaw University j in 1943. lb- was principal of the Roxabe! DOPE PUSHERS ON TRIAL GREENSBORO Three men charged with -riling ii.imolii lo undercover narcotics agent* will cu on (rial here fhi* neck «Hm (he December term of middle district court opened Mondav. Willie ft. Ilieks. a Tort Bragg, N C., *ergeaul •'tstionirt! niffe .» hospital delaehmeni. was arrest erf (art summer when he allegntttv delivered dope l.ii flit undercover agent here He «* free undet bond. Cecil Ingram, an employe of Greensboro Dm* to, and Ale? under rtiigii Jackson were arrested in July after alleged>4 veiling narcotics to »« undercover agent Both are free on si.SOO bond Hays Says Faubus Violated His Sworn Election Oath WASHINGTON (ANT) Kep. Brooks Hay . <D.*Ark) defeated j in last month's election, charficd j that Governor faubus violated h(« I sworn oath and broke * man-In ' man promise by aiming a last min- j tile write-in campaign to unseat ; him. MADE PROMISE m JUNE At i press conference, flay , raid "there war a seven-day eaui j paign on behalf of Dr. Date At ford, a segregationist, just, before the election wilh the governor vio lating the promise he made to nr i lo stay out of the campaign, and throwing his forces against me.” "in June lht» governor pro- I Negroes Most Natural Cage Stars, Declares White SC College Coach CHARLESTON, S. C. -- Coach Norman Sloan of the Citadel said Monday Negroes are “the most natural basketball players God ever created." arid he doesn't see how deep south white colleges keep from playing against them. Hi,o H i.v ib« p*'i\i Irgr of fM| t f»ss‘io| - 0* «t *’l u On U*r f*;? Ills «»! trull* »»<!*'» than (lin t twu tr tn ihr l»» m>* to hr ptoJoft ii*. hr suif The letter for Rev. Ytvr !'■ M' . .< cording to Ov aiiuv ■ •!.• ■ 1-i Ult each IVili.J) ur rm. j: i>;! . 3 :»nus to ho anny ■■ ■ ' i ded *2 yfta.s and-' j Oxford Orphanage. Survivors lurturiu tu-- ■> ife Air*, j Viola Taylor rk-hs-p; t • *.* -tor F,• ! iA . ,lr.. mid D m W . ;n U ! . o I daughter*, .Mrr. Geraldine M«,jf U* | find Airs, GiW'ri !’ Wbitlr' 1 . wmW'-x s;" • .y WMM*’' ’ MM ljg| j UP !’ A BlSltor miivrd net h» dip into niv fee* | We were Hnund hr et» erth (the nih e.vh Owornll* cun (Uiiafr lake*, sweating vote the straight Drmoenffir ticket;, lie did noi sti ml by bis oath, i do not knot' exactly ohat V did, hoi In the district H Wes not disputed by friend or fo»> ttuvt he was tor my oppon< n{" Hays said he was not "bitter ’ bn rather "saddened” because he fell the method by which he was d*- j tested signalled the end of ”mod< I' oration" in meeting the school :u. fegration problem in the state ami the South. Sloan, addressing % dutriosNl* j service club, said Negroes phy*4- * cully, arc generally perfectly equipped an basketball players “with big hands, slim hips and fast.” (CONTBkVfcD ON FAGS 4)

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