Ike Called High Court's Errand Boy pppQocrVCsSlrxifw^vQSoi-Cl'". ~'»,• ‘Orxw*v&£s jQDCKXtf&f>QG£oEfSvj&iai*iv , ?OGnrr9&M*lortWJvnLvSi*vOVWl l lrA*MJl*jV'..K/\Hy:/vdrmiUMii ■ ™™* -" ■ I s !■!■ 11 ■ **— North Carolina V Leading Weekly VOL. IS. NO 12 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, IQ.SB RALEIGH. N C. PRICE 12c TN N. C.J ELSEWHERE 15c Sentence Thiee In Bomb Hoaxes ‘THEY CIME AT ME WITH BUTCHER KHI7ES:” KILLER Lecture And Fines Given N. C. Hoaxers WILMINGTON ~ Three Wil mington area youths haw become ihe first, persons convicted In connection with a recent series ! >f "bomb” hoaxes in North Caro lina schools. The youths were fined SSO each and given 30-day suspended sen ■ cnce* Friday, on charges oi bis orbing a school. They originally bad been charged with inciting a riot Recorder' Court officials Mien lifted the teenagers as Bill Mit tltie and Phillip Sullivan of Wil mington and John Colpcci. XU of nearby Wvfghtsvflk Beach. The youths wen- arrested < CONTINITm OS PACI n Rev. Shirley Resigns From Davie Street According to Attorney F, j. Carnage, an «Her. the resignation of She Rev, Robert. L, Shirley, pas tor of the Davie street. Presby terian Chureh. since April of 1057 has been accepted. When contacted for verification 'f the resignation, fisc Rev. Shir ley refused to make a statement. T, J, Culler, clerk of the session, «td the church will use supply pastors until n new clergyman can be found. No reason for the resig nation was given. Camase reported that the pas tor resigned effective last. Wed nesday 1 night. (IW'ItMmB ON pagi. r> .IgSpi* •’V tfflw TSHBfW • i -%: A ' > , mhsi^Si RfV. new:;;, (. .-ilitti.fr .Hfth Bonus Money Week Is Underway The fifth week of Ti.c CARO LINIAN s Church Bonus Money program cot under way m the city Anri county Thursday, December hi. and will close at, midnight on Wednesday, December 24 The month consists of six weeks and will come to a close December 31. New churches planning to parti, ffipate in the program should ap. ttONTPnimo nN»-A(,i >, 820-116 S. i’lTLt l,on Isviilt » *'*.V* IfclNtbWi '*■ , v \\ J\t< t nil,l) Mrs. Oh»c \brni» holds her two-year-old daughter, l.ydi.j Sanabria Ahron. shortly after t f-.vear-otd Stanley Guinn was killed saving the little girl’s life in a falling elevator of their apartment house in New Vork City recently. Stanley, Lydia's mother, and *we men nere in the elevator when, with (he doors open, It began lo fall. Stanley instinctively nicker? up the little eirl and threw her not onto the sixth floor of the building, but was eon eh l between she descending elevator and (he shaft as he threw her. His body brought the car to a halt on the fifth floor, where the adults ware able to cel out. il'IT PHOTOi. Janitor Implicated In Theft 0f58,161 At Hickory Bank HICKORY The FBI said last week a. 51 -year-old woman hu.- Ix'en arrested in connection wtt-h. the embezzlement of $8,161 from a Hickory bank by a Negro jani tor. The woman, identified :v Ethel ROBS CAB DRIVER CHARLOTTE A cab driver said fie was robbed of $23 Mon day night by a gun-wedding colored man lie had picked up as r< (arc, police reported. John W. Uittiamv driver for Baker Cab t 0,, said that after lie had driven the malt to the address he requested, the passenger snatched the microphone from (he cab radio, broke it, and then robbed hint at the point of a pistol. Williams said the man fled down an alley. Police sought the bandit Tuesday. ADVERTISERS 1 smar i i>At*K :i O i 15 Street * oil* I O. h. tkiUhl!}# i'o 'iuii 'r ; FyMtfe ;* t ni.vtt fir# ■» T*f’tt.Hf (*y i ri. H itrwh s-nnt.. a !.■.,„ r,'Dr.umiii . tr ! *• Caci«-< oLi (o --! . »ol>e W WiMtrrs . HWI»,QB-Iselk l. unlit -ih ; CAGK •> •Vi‘< it.itti,... * Farmers Bank I The iriitjff System Impr,ln.il Don!, I l ainmii Buker.y i i i ~t!tdr\ Surety FMciipltialing c.'n. i Oavtii l lower Slum r-'Ar.K ; CaicUna nit irk Co. Rure-FU Neat Cover Center Chile Vouciiti Co FitQhutgh Plate r.ujo cotui-ttitv Atari in Street Sett -jen Ire l..iiindr\ fins Rtittso* Hatters * Cle.ioers PACiK 8 Colonial Stores : i vrmpsott-I.viH-h i c* inr aa i I N.vmard Cinder Blot-k if. 11. 15. Quinn Furniture t o. ! Mr. C. Kart Utotimao i Faintly SWioe Mom | Taylor Bactlo * TV Sen ior I Saletßh Coiii-nissiou lion,,- to, CAROLINIAN . Carlton of fifjeknry. was arrested jby FBI agents and Newton and | Hickory police on charges of tin j 'awfully concealing and possessing | funds obtained from Mm First Na tional Bunk of Catawba County tu Hickory. BUY LKOM HU M i*a oe *> \ I* '• lorc * .Mla> Cental i 0 hi < •t • "ph • A Ti i ’■> Vt • j t»i» f'prr.ive ‘’ACC H) ! UvA)fi t r *>'? !■ b*. T<LDn i>i Mow»• if »i>t? ( SJ»H JlfJiM ’ * ctt'to.s J:»s'is‘,l j|t*H ,\..(Tir> )'-• 8»-1 «'i*J;t Untiling Co. * irohiiff r. nilfit'ts totp M 8' .ifutid A pyiMtr.V l !»»«'. Um.s{«*;tff t'r.itv. r <n a f t\n\ Muit fHi’oM !' e olor I n.«!»*«• l,o!ril>.iis.Y nnti'h r\lc<* ffiilSfWay's U ’tisi* j Memorial!* U?‘ius<.‘ Uolc! n f]?y*phtn.N AIJRIj.UDM' to. f; «I: Je 11 S'MiofMl l '>mfra*»N '«iiitt* t omj'.m v N. (*. I’rod aMs Waleir h run oral It »mr WaN? riiv«n« r J o«»tjj.'nv s *. Al Virunt; lfardAv:»rr c i>i \y,n*di s«iftivs.i*’js> r-rwery \ JOB COM* |)!« O ' ’’ACL U> "MS'* If -Dfto I'lf, ■JamMltm {' ,0 vry f 'at.Mt.iM l.f»nn Company. ln< . Hortons I ash SHjro Janitor Charlie fhiins Mar tin had told the fill earlier this week that he took the SH.IOI from the harsk Mhtlc I ( ON I vl 'l |t UN CAf .t , 6 Escaped Prisoners Recaptured WILSON •• Sis Negro prison • era. who fled from Hie Wilson County Jail Hunday, were back in custody Monda• One of the men -eve luniscii up at the Wilson Police Station et about noon Mouclhv end ftt« other five were picked up a short time Inter in a restdonl-ial ami. here. The prisoners, nil awaiting trial on felony charges overpowered dOVIINOtO ON »*AGB, ft ! State News --1 :S i Brief | i i' ATAI-LY IMUiI i) ON HtUmVAY WUITAKKHS - Willie Apnle hite was killed just south of here j on busy U. S 301 in n bizarre aeei- j e'ent i nursdny night. A group of j .toy- found the man in the snow ' hi the highway and tried to move •ilin lie i- repo' ted to have iol i , the bey. that hi’ was paralyze,i (< ovriwut »i 4> ,s p.vi.i ;• ZtlWis fdt Mow Confesses Murders Os 2 Sisters NTA TJSSVTLLK - A NT > ear old Nefro «lip ms spied gunning down two Negro women in f,hete 'leiroom Frida?/ night surrender ed tneckL- U> sheriff’s deputies •hotth- before noon. Hot unlay at. hfe fathers home, iiedetJ County Sheriff Charlie Kuaspk: *®id Lew is Chambers. K-i-. Suite vslic, confessed to the rouble slaying hub claimed pelf ;?• 'psr.e "bera-use they came at me > •« Lmchpr knives.” The victirtv: Mb' id, !il: a■! . '‘- 1 - l,".nn !V»A*e,(rt- Uj and her sister, Mr - Susie Ms.v Gilliam 33 The sheriff said the shoot ing occurred ii» llu hablr of Mr. arid Aim, Forrest t hac>- bees where the sisferx shared ;i bedroom. Mrs. rh.imlH-is is diONTKI'HI yON i'A(;r t» Bus Cass In lean. Must WASHINGTON' The Supreme Court- ruled Monday that the courts must, hear Uie lawsuit of a Negro who challenged the valid ity of a. Tennessee law requiring segregated seating on street, cars rind buses. In a short, unsigned opinion, the court, overruled a. three-judge low er court, pane), which dismissed the soft, of the Negro, O. 25, Evers The panel ruled that he boarded a Memphis bus solely for the pur pose of instituting a lawsuit. The lower court, also held that Fivers, a postal clerk and former Chicago policeman, did not represent Negro bus rider-, in Memphis because he was not a freopent traveler amt thus had no real legal right U> challenge the fan. hut the Supreme Court said the (CON’MNtrO ON PAGE ts VT CiVll, RIGHTS HEARING William I*. Mitchell, right, half rises from his seat as he an ’-vers a question pot to him by Robert G. Story, loti, vlee-eltairtnan of fin - Federal Civil RtgMs fom mission, which opened < formal hearing on the Tuxkeger Civic Association, (old the Commission that only 3*} |ici rent of all Negro applicants for voter regisirolion In Alabama's Moron County daring (hr past eight yea is have hern registered. iCI’I IT II Blast Ike For Stand On Rights MON I” iOAi.EEY, Via. The Montgomery Chapter of White -1 ritiwns Council wrote Pr«’.i||ent j Eisenhower last, week accusing • urn of “slavishly” serving as an j ’ «Tnwci boy” for the U. ft. Su- { pmne Court, The Mter was prompted by ' Alabama official}- who del ice th< Eisenhower's denouncement of Civil Right* Commission b,v retus* . mg to turn over registration re cords. Tim President, called the ae-t ion "reprehensible.' The Council letter said. "This week certain Alnh.ims oi - t’ <*s t: on p/ici ’> Klan Wants iTo Build Near School 1 ATLANTA * The Ku Kins > Klan wants to build a $500,000 | heademarters next to a white ele~ j mentary school here and an ai - j derinanic zoning board, which must rule or. the plan, expects to ; hear protests. j A-Lakewood Junior Chamber of | Commerce Committee has drafted I»■ protest citing the history of i lawlessness and terrorism of pre i f.r.-'Hiie.y i irww henriru Mm | Rian name, i James V Huh*, commit tee chair-. ! man -msd tin Jaycees were e*H | iny no. other civje org&ni&a-t-iQns to i j help them fight the proposal i .when n roes before zonim? com. i mtfetee nest Monday J’f.'siHrnt A M’rii-i i : u DuumTo oh i’fi,i n Hew Bid For Trial lenled John lasper i 'four,. . Kacirt. -lohn Kasper. ;.-Mif« li! -• ri to Ms ; months and fined SSOO last roonf-'n i on an ineit.it!;.' to not. charge, lost ' hlf- bid for a new trial Monday, ’ Cviruuiaf. Coin*!, ,uc's> ■ ctonier ! Weimar overruled. thr new trial i request arid r! bond at 500, The j care will mo to the State Supreme j Court., probably in the March s term, Kasper claimed that (no jprpis were * prejudiced 1 ' 3- C vinst him and In- also ehai'g . ed 1 hat the 'iinirnaiion given hy the state was "inl'lurmil.’i-- lory,” (CONTOniED ON PA*. 1, n j woumn-rr rj . tl«. .(TT -IT (IX Jlfllil “KmgFish” Dead LON ANGEI.IvN. (sill—Mar ry "Tim' Moore, 70. who por trayed '‘Kingflsh” on i h«* \rm>s 'N Andy television series, died at a. local hospital fast Satur day. penniless and forsaken i reportedly by all hut his 43. year-old wife. Mis great wealth of natural humor had dwindled away as had hi* body. Owe weighing 34!? pounds Moore was a mere sr> pounds when hr died. Hr was a victim o( pulmonary in herciilosis and was hospitalized ill Oeloher. Mrs. Vivian Moore, his wife, wa at his bedside when death c;» me. * \ \ v m# V v - ;•• >VK v ' !? ,./ a Jf y : nni w- •„ S' ~ i | ' ' g ,f. . ■ j SjSSb '"Has ”» -S* a v 58? , * H fIP j&Jy, ygte ' rt, . ... life S - | iii jAMbBt• THE IK FIRST SNOW—These Floridians are shown enjoying their first snow. The young ladies, all students at St. Augustine's College, peeved in the *l4 inches of “white stuff” which fell over the Capita* City last weekend. They are. left to fight: Misses Willett Deßosr. Gainesville; Edith Wheeler, Fort Pierce; Estelle Hall, Miami; and Claudia Thompson, Miami. Or. King Sees Moderate Approach As Acceptable Atlanta The Km Martin 1 •ufiJtT King soys a morif-reh ap proach to integration would be acceptable to ;< !uajr>n<..v of Nr riroe-t to the South if it means ultimately achieving first-class citizenship. .Di’ King an up: ■.•!;'..i.,ii)n leader, told a mars intograUonisfc meet ing la>t night that so-railed “mo* derate I '' integration plans would be a ''dead!'- device” mile -* i.hei are sincere. He satd these must not he iWlfnituetcrP-d so ui, merely to preserve status quo of segregation "America has a deadline to dadf rAI -I Ai T A ;hkk Mi Gov l-eroy Cullina hits promised !hf|( the }>tittc will iuMft prolcci Uv lights of Negro frank Peterson. charged with the murder pi a while sharecropper and his two year-old dang liter. Coffins said, however. tims t***i erson wifi not he '’pampered e; favored because of Ins race." In answer So 1 miivM by an NAACP official a; kin" pari.u. ami to interview the Nr-;ro before his i trial in Roiufn.v Collins said Pie erson will be permit-tod fn > r-nM talk with counsel and friends as-j listing in his defense. *'K«t whom hr sees ami where and when will depend upon his own desire, and the lii Gastonia, Cops Arrest Him GASTONIA - A rounr. patient who slopped at the Gaston Memo. 1 al Ma«pi*ai Saturday roorpinn 1 rientified l>in).-,el£ as Crown Prince Kaw wwa of Übangi-Shari. » colony in French Equatortst*Africa. Ho explained Unit hr was on his jnenf ynd 'f it doesn't solve it? prdbJeins now it may be to late be told a. southern Chris ion VMpkM;: confer* nee pjeet • im: He i. president of the ergani ration He traced the history of the N c gro in America through what, hi catleil three basic period 1 :; begin niu" with •la.very He said the May, 1854. Supreme Court decis ion oil school yctps-'iei! it.’ii markee the end of the '■separate but. c ouuT’ period, and the binunniri? o! a nc\; period ;or the Merro in A - norma! rules and procedure* :: l l veouf'’r» »crt **( this sor! and noj iv,; 1 yvhat any special in t err* 1 orga ni*:j Hon leader . jii.iv desire," tfifll j> s said. The rcqtir.'.f a •*•• made by NAA CP Field fib ,-retov.v Robert- V. Hanndprs. Tampa who 3a id tonic tiling other than n court assigne lawyer whs needed to guarant* the defendant a completely tm biased trial. i’,-;,.. son an e\-convi«l wh fled 10 New York following i'n crime. confessed to flie ulaviß} and attacks on the sharecropper wife and owicr two children. He is brine In k! in Jail al Pen .'•aeofa for safe keepinr. way to Atiau'a for a speaking en : agepicnt and warned treatment : for a kidney ailment. He was tea j veling by bus. from # rimtiar en i,3ccmcn! in Winston-Salem h* cause airline fiig;>(. wera ground jcd by snow, he said. His six-man i retinue had proceeded him to Geoi | am to prepare a royal welcome. ! Thin same story has alleged!>■ j been told to hospital staffs in Cut : pepper and Danville, Va„ recently, i in Winston-Salem a few day* #?■ j iri High Point Wednesday, But tJv ! staff sf G-ihiunia had not heard it I before They tcrated him The story was checked and i* ' turned out lied the mar: 3 ve;. 1 pnme u: Edward Lee Wood. 38, <- ‘ fifis Kowarna Tiupola Adcmole. If { was kteotittnd as »n sc Os fro* i PiiiiadcSpina by an FBT report. Wood has a lengthy police record ! New Sellool | Committee | Organized RICHMOND, Vll a/vrat I',’ - Lirtmioud tv, kirnts. teas ins i< | future cin,sh bct-woen u rtcndlre ! dosogTPgaUon suit sgalnst tut city ! and fitato anti-tntPKi aUuti laws, 1 have organised into the RicnindVeta Area CommiUvt to pi-esenre l-tob-* ‘ he Schools. Tiir group, .ihich hdd iis organizational meeting Mon day night, is affiliated with a statewide orsantealton dedi cated (o keeping public schoh open and adopted the same statement of purpose pledged itv the state group. t i oN ir.'i i.r» on cam. o

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