F/w ' IsJ WkG^aK£/Jf Jr A VISIT WITH SANTA Snmc children just :)'s *•■< to (o rise «>!;• hunta as it appears here wiii Ou<’>;i ir.r/ier. l».-ri. age I. and her f.-year-old '“' slurry. May:* they an- mis« shy h«l u»-l«i-.«Ha Kant* h;,d already talked will* them ami v,;i'. (canine m. << - Hu-m Co tad: in other children on another <o" aC a <■> ■;• tr> si !<•, S. C. ( hrbtm •;■ i> ,; t> remilly M.T* : r PHOTO 1. Tiny Knife Wound fatal To Hob Who Made 3 Hospital Trips; Repori Mode Felrigh police !iavc arrssteri Don McLesn. 13, and charged Mini with j ::umli’r in the death Sunnay morn- 1 ;•' : of -V -m Gutlock, K. of 75*: i . . ■ U* . do SI. > rt. UuHoci; died on the operating i table at St. Agnes Hospital offer • making three .appearances there in j >•** than 21 hours for t ••raiment ei j n tiny stab wound in the bark, T. i NEW YEARS EDITION The v-w year's edition of The < tROI.iMAN. dated .fmmary ", will |»< printed a*, she regular time next week, Carrespi-nd'-n** jrr advised to stihmll tin'll- news o«»py at photos i- hrfon no later 1 *'■! ll rn«*«da«. December >0 “Carolina Kissing Cass" Learns; Group Works To Free Two Boys S’ NEW YORK. N. Y. ~ Legal act- . reform .school alter ore of thei ion has begun to secure the release had allegedly been kissed by or of David "Fuzzy” Simpson and bad kissed a seven-year-old white •lames Hanover hpmpson, the girl. night and nitie-year-old Negro Conrad I.ynn. well-known boys of Monroe. North Carolina. New York civil rights lawyer, cornmited for indefinite term;- to acting for the parents of the 1 FACES BEATING CHARGES | LEXINGTON - A 29-year-old Negro, being held in an ntidk elosed nil. ha* been formally charged in connection with the heal ne of an elderly white couple, Sheriff Homer ('o\ Wednesday issued the warrant* again** Matthew Llndisaj of Midway. The man i» charged with breaki'ie ♦"d entering, yysanlt «Hh intent to commit rape and assault with with a deadly weapon with intent to kill The victim*. George O'Ferrell, 80, and his wife. *9, are under going hospital treatement. They said the man sained acre** to the home Tuesday »*i<r*i♦ by asking for permission to make- an emer gency telephone call. The prisoner was taken to an undisclosed jail because of "high feeling’’ in the community, Cos said. Asa T. Spaulding New ’ N. C. Mutual President DURR A .if ()n Oeeei'nh-.' v 17 1 (lu.c;na f!v regular monthly meet- I ■» i 3 <• Up Hoard of Dii-- ‘.urs ol i North C'-roUtV! Mutual Lite insur- ! »-ico Company. Asa T. Spaulding Ilk ■ \ 1 4-HA T. SPAULDING ■“5 Rhode.-, as. i tarn coroner, da } c.itU'r ;<. ■ ..., . ■■ . ■ i The knit* round pro* received j li ove :. in .a fight a? the j j Union Bus Tormina} at 2:30t p. m i j Saturday. At 3:p.m. Bullock sjpproaeh rd City I’uiroiuian I. )’■ loon ii! at the corner of Hargett I and Wilmington Streets and v-as elopled preEirient to succeed ! '•Vllliam J. Kennedy, .fr., whose re- i tirement os president of the tom- j party becomes effective January I 1959 Mr Kennedy tv as elected presi- I ilynt on August 2. 19a’ following j the death "f C C. Spaulding, the j third president of the company. At j the annual meeting of the director- i on January 13, Mhe, Mr. K< timely j was reeledod pro; itlcnt, also chair - j man of tin* Board of Directors. Ho will continue as h member of the Dom'd and serve as an advisor and con -u It a l it. Mr Spaulding became a full time, regular home office employ ee of North Carolina Mutual on March 31, 1924. Prior to that date he had been a supply clerk in the home office during the summer vacation period for five years. He was the first of tin- company, home office personnel to embark j upon a program of scholastic train- \ ing in both the accounting and ac tuarial phases of the life insurance ; business He completed his academic cn- | reer at the University of Michigan i ovitm i o ON e\,.i '.) -'•••O' vert that, hr had Seen •■•rt. The offioor cent him to St. Agnes Hospital for emergency treatment. The asif, corner raid :\vo stilcbcfe were taken to .close :!><• .‘round and Si. Agues official; i t leased hint. However, iater Sat | urday night. Bullock again appe.'ir i erf ;,f the horpita l and complained S lha| he was feeling quite ill, lie was given some medicine .:'•»! I'eleast'd again. His fluid and f- ),')i I ip In the hospital wu made on ,'sniitlay morning at which time H IIM IMTIJ ON f •«'.• two boys and for the Commit tee to Combat Racial Injustice, last week appeared before. Judge J. Hampton I’rior in Monroe, with a plea for modi fication of the Negro children’* sentence. North Carolina juve nib- law permits the judge at (he original tri.il to make - 'til *<-'!licit! modification* of ver dict I Judge Price, however, ruled a i Sons* the plea for modification in j the case of Hanover Thompson and ! Fuzzy Simp on Originally the two j boy; y>fiT fried on three charges of { ■; a ill; and uiolcslniE three -vh if - I girt- age, -ax and seven All three : charges stemmed from the same | incident of playing in a ditch with | a kiss by one of the girls allegedly i set a? the price of her climbing TONTTNCRD ON PAGE *> INVEST!CATION IN ARKANSAS The Legislative Councils tlomniUtee Investigation into alleged subversion in Arkansas got un der wav December iii, Ihe review was opened by former Id Gov. I !#. Shaver. NMCmr in the spectator* gallery were; F. A. Yonnr.. -date Ireasurrr for the NAAC’F, left and, Mrs. 1,. C. Dates, president of Ihcj Arkansas .Slate NAAGIM I I I TELEPHOTO). * Raleigh Priest "First" In Rome :'Vv"7- /TrTrrri' cci North Carolina's Leading Weekly VOL 18. NO. M SATURDAY. DECEMBER 2?, 19SS RALEIGH, N C PRICE 12c IN NC ; ELSEWHERE 15c Girl, 14, Faces Bomb Scare Rap +++4-4 ■ + 4 + j Three Bound Over For Rape; One Says "IHave Been framed" Fuller Says He Was Not On Scene FT rHAKUI r «, .»ONT • (An Exciusiv# Press Interview} j "! have beftrt framed, f don't know nothing about it. and i? 1 could Just find the boy that i work , v, ith, ho would bear out -my story.' These were Use words of Hilton Fuller, ~-S. of it-17 Washington Terrace, when in terviewed hv this writer In a ■ cell at WaHr County Anil Von da> night. Kulh-r K charged with rapinir Airs. la*t*iso fined 1 tur, H7. a while woman, of I! *S Curfman Strerf. Kriday nlgld while "•hr was allegedly i»’(d hi three ether men. 'I hrpe ivert hound ore in Wake Superior Court. Tuesday CCONTONtfEIJ ON PAGE 'rt Rev, Hadden Left Raleigh 2 Years Ago ROME—-A Raleigh, N C„ eol | ored .seminarian was ordained l.n --i to Use Roman Catholic priesthood ; at the North Anrericnn Seminary here Saturday, breomme the firs* j of hi - race io complete studies at ■ J the 100-year-old institution i ! The Rev Thom nr P Hadden i - was sent, to the -"cmlnary here :■ from North Carolina *o study for * : Hr- priesthood two years ago after several vears of study at Si Mein ' rad Seminary in Indiana The Rev, Franci* R Afoe 'lain. a native of Baltimore, Mrt.. who laler moved to Charlotte, N, c . wag ordained , i (ivn\t ■’> os inni -> RECEPTION BY THE NEW CARDINALS Mexico's Jose Cardinal Garibi Rivera, right, greets H iiti’s ambassador to the Vatican, Benoit Alexandre (sealed left > at a reception in Home December 15. hosted by the former and others oi the 23 new Cardinals created by Pope John XXIII. Center man is unidentified. (UPI PHOTO}. . i Doomed Man, 23, Cries While Sitting In The Gas Chamber PARCHMAN, Miss.— A voting man wept Friday as he was put Io death in Mississippi’* gus i ham bet fo** the murder of a baby Alien Dean. Jr., '*•>. of Lao Yyle Spirit Prevails As ‘ Sate City” AidsFamflies j GREENSBORO City firemen • nd Greensboro mfdenia proved • bey ha,d the Christ,nm-- spirit of i giving Saturday by plavim; Santa I Clans to two colored families left j homeler, by :*n early morning fire | which destroyed their houses. | Chief Ira R. Bilker of dlffrict 14 j Final Week Os Bonus Month Begins Tlie sixth and final wok of The CAROLINIAN’S Bonus Money Month begins on Thursday. De cember 31, ai midnight. Churches participating in the Bonus Money Program arc requested to submit io Tin? CAROLINIANS office their purchase slips not later than Mon day, January 5. In (hr past churches purlici 1 paling In the program have collected purchase slips from (he members each week Us# ally, rath rhttrrb appoint* an <« on t Keren on »*Aot .*» tel, who said be wo.* "r> ad' in die", wa,* strapped in fhc gas chamber as I 0? pm. and WHS pronounced dead IA min life* taler. • feaid his appeal foi contributions J I for the Ifi persons brought, 'dor- I | rns of calls from all over the city,! "We've gr>( D*e station half filled now," Baker said "Our /links (save peeked up beds, chairs, toys, suits, clothing of nil kinds, blanket* . , •«ud we have pledges for money. We even Slid a lawyer cal! up cheeking io see if (hear filings fCONTfNIETI ON PAM ’1 State News Brief FINED (OK SHOOTING SELF RALEIGH-William It. i Bill' | Johnson, 38. of the 300 block of j Bragg Street, charged with at- j tempted suicide, was given a 12- | month suspended jail term and taxed costs o( court last week by City Court Judge Albert Doub (CONiTNljri* ON I'.Vig '!) I I'lepn way Artytenc elf 1,0 df all for killing 18-monMvold Negro! Shirley Atm Hayes last April Wit nesses lostitled he killed the child | a f her mother rejected Dean? i attempts to date her n«-.yu walked quick!; into fh r gas. chamber. He was silent as guards *»tapped him m *»•*• death chair Bui shortly he lore (be deadly fumes snuffed out- his life- hi began weeping and mutter Jog Incoherently Prison Chaplain K B. Hicks an id ! Dean told him short.ly before hit. death that he was "ready to die " j Hicks -aid t>»n refused to el if, - 1 cuv* bis prime. No Probable Cause Found In Knightdale Axe Death Eugene Evens of near Knight- . dole v. ii, freed last week h*. i j coroner's jury of the axe rluyiny j of liis hrothei-in-iaw, a coord ini; | to a report from Coroner Mar-! shall W. Benncfl William Bel", died Decern , her in nl, Bt. Agnes Hospital here] from an ave wound in the lionet i which he allegedly received from | Eva sis on the night, of December 8. Tiic six man coroner’s fury found no probable cause, Bennett said Bel! lived if the home of Robert Evans, father of lugene, and Dial bard feelings over Bell uol paying Ids shore of (he grv eery MU developed into a fam ily fight. WEEKLY ADVERTISERS OMITTED Regular 'listing of CAROLINIAN advertiser* Is omitted this week :c pii ctieaU.v all file mere,hauls are using (heir space to extend greet i ings. Bohns it Probe Will Continue In )reensboro < ;t:KKNSBORO - A t-t.ye&r-ol* • ! was taken into custody Thurs* day arid, turned over to Juvenile authorities after sh« admitted [mkifjp 3 hsmh .•a 1 i (fn % local school. Poller (Jtlrf I’ H Calhoun iioiis'dli: Relations t our* authorities ivere e.irrv inC old •» further tnvestigstion. Sb* uas not identified. Earlier tiny week Greensboro d*- ft-ctives said a 14-year-old A* cock School student admitted calling th* school Isst Wednesday end report in2 *haf a bomb had been placed in (tip building A hearing in that • i..r has b'-en v et fnr Dec. 31 In Gudford County Domertlc ft<'i lions Court A Ituo reward ha.- been needed for information leading *o the ar ■M and conviction of anyone m»fc nrg such a pfiirme call In th'if area V ••ex of tlvf Juvenile* hare ; /»- Stern roade liutdir. •’■<! «>f Deers have declined In ■■ «e httTv Ihev beca-me *-- n- 1 Iftrxvet er. ( iCntuit saitl the first arrest «;c "( tic hm, ' I of an mis mi v » iovpxMf.'ttlon made in comet (ton with the -■•vral bomb threats received recently." rhe \yeof- cs'-- was lie- f--D : invent -joS of silt’ll ,l)t-- -s to h > sol vr d here. Youth Killed Under Wheels Os A Trailer WINSTON-SALEM - A Teen ager was lulled instantly near mid night. Sunday -vie. n he (ell be neath the wheels of a tractor trailer truck after leaping upon tin* vehicle. Police said De Wallace Harris, Hi, was crushed to death. (< ONTIM K! OS' PARtI 31 j *arry Wills Passes \s u VORH The famed •‘Biack pa.toh.er ’’ Harry Wills. 6S. who fried for -u x-eats in «aj(! te set a <ia-U ;tf lack Dempscv's world he," ‘v right //•'«-• died Sunday njeht as pet - hup* the mo«f famous "va. croui'erf >-hy mp/on"’ in boxingr’* history, rhe ex pup passed at te-wlsh Afcmoriiil Hospital, where he nils admitted December 8 Kith hi acute case of appendicitis. x hospital attache said Wills died d diabetes From U*2o to 1326, •■Vifl* hounded Dempsey for * diauce as the litle but circittn* stances always prevented the mute It. Belt reportedly went, te town and bought e lonf of bread and a pound of bologna and returned to she Evans .residence. He had been drinking, the coroner said, and reportedly announced, “I'm going io feed all of you 5.0.8.’5, The house is occupied by ten people, j .Robert Evans asked if he was included and was allegedly skip ped down by Bell The cider Ev ans, according to testimony, run into another room and returned armed with an axe Just -v Robert Evans re lumed h* the room with (lie weapon. Sew nett saitl. Bell w«* advancing on Eugene Evans <CONTTNUED ON PAG B 3)

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