a OSCAR COOLS OFF Spectators at (he opening; g#mc of V O. Slate's amnia) i)i\ir Classic here rot more than they bargained for In the opening game between No, i ranked Cincinnati and Wake i forest, Cincy's Oscar Robertson (13), N’o, | player in the nation, collided with Wake's Dave Rudd 02,! not shown) and the two went down fighting. Referee .fine Knright is shown restraining Robertson as M ake's Olin Broadway (44) attempts to help. Cincinnati defeated Wake Forest Monday night, but was I downed by North Carolina Tuesday afternoon. <1 PI TELEPHOTO*. Klan Leader Suggests integrating Exclusive Sections Os Hires Cities OLDS MAR, Fia Florida Ku > jested that Floi ,da integration Kluar Klan leader Bill Hendrix sug* * should begin at evclusm reaideti- Bandit Who Robbed latta Bank Identified As Former Resident LA7TA S C. The goateed . Negro bandit v'ho held up the Lai* * la Bank and Trust Company Tims- : day. taking $23,509, has been ideml tidied as Henry Parnell, 23. a form j >m resident of this sin all North ; eastern South Carolina Town A IV-year old Negro youth, (Trr j ro t r-gette admitted he drove th» j '350 Ford in which Parnell attempt- j r-d his getaway, Leggetts claimed i he is a cousin of Parnell’s, and j -aid the bandit now lives at Kansas i. City, but at one time had Jived in \ I ,atta. Rayburn Cautions Against Denying Dr. Alford Seat WASHINGTON Speaker Sam Rayburn has cautioned democrats if would be a “major operation'’ io deny party recognition to Arkan sas segregationist Dale Alford, it vrv disclosed Monday Rep John A, Htntnik (D Minn,) mli) Rayburn used these " oM* in replying to a tele trie l said Alford should not be allowed the privileges o# t demorral ill the new rttttgeciis A'ford a ••egregattonist member n f the Liltlr Hook School Board, defeated Rep, Brooks Hays 1 0- ArV i in a write-in campaign, ftp made an issue of Hays’ moderation on the integration iw-uc Rlatnlk argued that since Al International Yearbook To List Asa Spaulding DURHAM - According to infor- i n ation released from London, the L’cß I dition of “The International Vrar Book and Statesmen's Who?, '•"ho" is carrying a biographical .''trii of Amu T. Spaulding vice president. actuary and controller of iiic North Carolina Mutual Life In surance Company until recently. .Spaulding is now president-elect I of Iris company. The information on Mr. Spauld* I iuf was gathered several months ! Shot Thru Floor Claims Life Os Man In Forsyth WINSTON-SALEM -- A fit of anger resulted in a freak accident which killed an unsuspecting Negro man in the basement of a home, police reported Friday Police said Willie Hall, 55, died when a bullet fired from a room J over his head went through the floor and struck him Authorities said Frod Rogers IT;,-! them he war enraged because Federal, state -ittd local au thorities used bloodhounds and airplanes in (be search which continued from shortly after th<- F.MS p, in robbery Tuesday on into the night. t’oifrr also questioned Cooper Parnell, who said |tr was {he robber’s uncle, and a man Men tlfied as John C. Mcßae after searching Parnell’s rented room. Parnell entered the t.atta Bank < CONTINUED ON PACK 3} ford dpt cited the party’s regu lar nominee, he should hr re garded as an independent. Such a move, could keep Alford from obtaining important romrnlf fee assignmentii, patronage and seniority. Alford insists hp is a democrat even though he defeated Hays, the regular democratic nominee. AHord war not invited to the house democratic Caucus the day before congress convene* nest month, But souihani house medi hers were expected Io move a! fh opening of the Caucus that he be invited to attend (CotrrrMfigD on PAc.t ago. hence he is listed with his pie vious title. The International Year Book is published by Mercury House in London and “includes the names of some of the most, important poo pie in the world today - and in numerable Ministries and Govern mental departments, Embassies and Legations throughout the world,” according to its descriptive materi al. he could not find his wife, and came home with “pistol in hand ’ In a fit of anger, police raid. Rogers fired into the floor - and then remembered that Hall lived in the basement. Rogers said he i ran downstairs only to find Hal! dead Roger.'; war charged with man slaughter .and released under SI,OOO bond. happy new year tie I sect io is of Tampa, SI Peters burg and Miami. dn a longne-in-check jibe, Hen drix said Friday the KSans favor token school integration -for white People who "preach equality, ' He raid most of them seem to live in the more expensive resi dential neighborhoods of the state's huger cities, 'We believe (hat integration of ihe area ve have mentioned will ' aii.dy the Negro leaders and prove iiiat reii biggest citizens are hop c i with the Negro and accept him as equal ’’ But. be added "The liitlr people of Florida will forever fight, inte gral ion." Freezes To Death S VLISBL til A St-year old man was found frozen to death in his parked ear Friday and biv woman companion was hospitalized for treatment of exposure. Doctors said her hands, feet. and legs were frozen and may require amputation. The wom an Miss Johnnie Mae Gordon, M, was quoted as saying she and Blondelle Elder had park ed ihe ear about midnight Thursday and fallen asleep. Police Thief Dave Shuler said (he windows of the car had been rolled down. A FUTURE OF BROTHERHOOD Waging their own personal fight against “apartheid,’' Iheir country’s strict policy of raefal segregation, this white woman and her “adopted" African son. Jacobus, study together at a farm in South Africa. The woman and her husband asked that their names be kept secret test (he government take away the rhiid they have raided as a son since he was a baby. Under South African Jaws, ihe couple eoirid ne"er legally adopt the fcoT. (DPI). - ' 1 " . Executive Will Sue Restaurant the carolinian North Carolina’s Leading Weekly VOL. 18. NO 11 SATURDAY, JANUARY .i. !9>R RALEIGH, N C. PRICK 12c IN N. c.; ELSEWHERE fSt* 7 Nabbed In Charlotte Terrorism Mystify Shot Feis Youth juveniles Face trial For Terror CHARLOTTE - City police said arrested tn connection with a wave last week seven Negroes have been of juvenile terrorism which had rer suited in the boating and robbing of at least 10 persons on Charlotte streets in the past: week. “ "Police Li 7. ft. Hall said the seven had admitted taking part in five assault end robbery cases. Four have been bound to Mecklen burg County Superior Court on charges of assault and robbery- Two more were arrested Tuesday and the seventh surrendered vohintari ly, said Hall. irnxTOOfcb on r*«r. t Trials Set In Guilford Bomb Calls GREENSBORO • Two teenagers faced separate hearings in denwu tie relations court on charges of making telephone bomb scare calls. A 14-year-old Negro girl w ill ap pear Jan. M Police said she has admitted making eight telephone calls saying bombs had been plac ed in Negro schools in Greensboro. They also sairj she made several false alarm fire and ambulance calls. A H-year-otd while pupil at Aycoek School here appeared tl OWTimjKD ON PAG* *) * iSjjSjjjjS^ki^^ " *~ if "***' -iSI . Sm *•« 'lßßßli'wßifiiTffTif 4mmp CONVICTED m!RI>ERBB BAPTIZED— Jeff Clanton, convicted murderer. arms Gilded and in a reflective mood, is shown being hap tired on Christmas live b> the Re Jesse Mr Faria nd. Clanton was sentenced to life Imprisonment for the August 25, 1957 shooting of Ernest Page, Erie, Pa. U P! PHOTO) Deadline Given For Submitting Receipts For Bonus Money Month gfr&pilJ&rfe The current Church Bonus I Money Month is over, It ended at i midnight Wednesday, December 3! ' after a run of six weeks Thof-r | churches which participated ur the j program arc requested to submit i their purchase slips or receipts at j the office of the CAROLINIAN, I ‘tlß K Martin .Street, not later than | Monday, .January 5 Cliurehr participating in the pro ! gram ir, the past have collected j purchase clip?) from the members i each week. Usually each church j appoints an officer to be in charge of collecting the dips • CONTINUED ON PAGE f) State News - IN*— Brief VANDE KG 111 I ! 11l It ROTS CHOIR A Christmas, concert was pre sen ted by the Kit trcll Junior Col lege Choir recently In the audr torlum at 8 p.m. The Kittrell choir is direct ed by Charles Alston, ,Ir„ and it presented excerpts from Handel's Oratorio, “The Mes siah”. Participants included: William Vaudergriff. baritone, Shirley Canady and Sadie Miller, sopranos; Dorothy Baldwin, alto; and Robert Howie, a guest tenor from North Carolina College. The Christmas performance war ffovTtwiu-.r, on r age. jj| Hospital Lists Alien’s Condition Now As Fair Officials at S: Agues Hospital j | listed the condition of Harold Lee i ' Allen, 16, as "fair'’ Wednesday ! I morning. Allen was shot on a side j j walk here about I: a m. Saturday I j morning by an “unknown sssss I tent.’’ Tii# youth who lives at, nH : -S Fast Street it, being treated >i ih# hospital for a bullet wound in his |pf| xidr just be low ihe heart. Insurance Official Charges Bias At Facility In Georgia ATLANTA A N<-s;ro inf-urance . executive who said be ”.as refused I RTVfce «t the lathe <jf his choice j filed suit in federal district corri j !>crr last week to end segregation • mi the rortatirso’f at the Atlanta I Municipal Airport Not ire of the •.)».) h r H D Coker ! of Birmingham. A1» given be- 1 loro, but formal filing was delayed j by legal technicalities. It was hip I fourth suit attacking city, county ' and state segregation practices to j be filed bore C oker demanded a permanent Injunction against operation of thp Dobbs House restaurant at the airport on a segregated ha sis. He named as defendants Mayor William llartsfipld, the city of Atlanta Hobbs House Inc., airport terminal manager .lack Stray, and B. F Buttre* airport restaurant manager. Coker, who said he must, fiy of ii'll U, the Allaula Hi rport on btisi- Ja TWO FACE STILL CHARGES GRAHAM Two men far* clmrgcs of operating a still f<*| louring a raid by Alamance (fount? sheriff* deputies which net, W *■' gallons of moonshine, an SMI Gun o bile and distilling ei)i)jp meut. W, T. McAdams of Route i, 'Meha.ae. was charged with oos- Wkiii| »<niipmeut for the Illegal manufacture of whiskey and yrKh transportins non-las paid whisket Wtllbvm Ramsey, a, Negro of Route' 3, Mehane, was rhargel with siding to the dle-ga! mane faelure of whiskey A search of Ramsey s home also netted the deputies 1* dltinnnl gallons of moonshine and 180 pounds of sugar CAROLINIAN —— —— ADVERTISERS BUY FROM THEM pa nr, s Horton » t jun Store Central Drug Stoss PAGE 3 Raleigh Savings £ Loan t jjocutino h H Kress A- Company R B. Oulnn Furniture Co. PAG E A Hudroe*Bplk Company B. M, Voting Hardware Southern Bell Telephone Company Mr. .lohn W. Wintcri* PAGE 6 The Hood System Industrial Bank Raleigh Funeral Home Famous Bakery Davie Street Coin Laundromat Surety Exterminating Company PAGE 7 Collie Vaughn Co. Gus Russo* Halters A Cleaners Sullivan's Grocery Capital laian Company, Inr. Raleigh Seafood Company Hamilton Grocery Firestone Store Washington Terrace Apia PAGE * Colonial Stores Raletgh Commission House Inc. Mr. C. Karl IJtchman Taylor Radio A TV Bervie* Pavis Flower Shop Standard Cinder Block Co PAGE !» Honeycutt Super Market .1 f Pcpeev Compativ Wood's S-I(C2.tr Store Consolidated Credit Corp i.oilg Meadow Farm* ’- . * ' ; , .-m --, r , mamini 1 Reports indicate that Allen was talking with two friends «n the JfHt block of S. Blood worth Street w hile other youths were shooting fireworks near j hv - Allen r sajd to ha*’# suddenly | felt h sharp pain w ins side and j noticed blood on hi;s clothing H;r j friends said that they did not know ! tctnmsfUKo on pnan zt I note, charged in the complaint that I the restaurant hostess refused to J scat, him at the tt-hle of his choice (CONTtNtiri OS' PAGt' Si I No Negro Bands Invited For A!a. Inaugural MONTGOMERY, Ala Only white bands will march m the inaugural parade for Alabama? new governor this month Ed Ar.sr, chairman of inaugural ceremonies. said Gov.-elect ,Tohr Daltor.son decided not to in'ite f’.OMLNIIED UN PAG® 27 T R «rlgj» A Soe * ommuntty Drug Sim* IV. T. Gram State Finance Company llnlop Finance Company Mae's Into Servlcentnr New Bern Avenue Open Ah M»tk»t Charles Department Store Kelilih Furniture Company • f'Neal Motors. Inc Raprr Super Market Raleigh Industrial Loan Company PAGE in Blood worth St. Tourist Homs Heater Well Company Caveness Insurance Agency Pepsl-Cola Bottling Co. of Raleigh Carolina Builders Corp Watson's Seafood A Poultry Co,. Inc. Umstead Transfer Co. A Food Store Dillon Motor Finance Company Dunn's Esso Service Ridgeway’s Optician* Warner Memorials Deluxe Hole! PAG® II tSem Watch Shop Cm stead's Transfer Co Kflrd’s of Ratctgb Carter's, Inc. Flrat-Cltliens Bank A Trust < e Rosroe-Grlffln Shoe ( otupan*' PAGE I* Mechanics *■ Farmers Bank Ptltsbnrgh Plate Glass Compans Wake Finance Company N’ C Products White oil Company Acme Realty Company Marlin Street Keff-Seretre Laundry

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