Duke Students And Faculty Group Seek Integration iPipij ' 'ss mV? •■# • • mum f mis Mopzij Dr. Julian ? Others To Speak Here MOM STABS ONE KID? DROWNS TWO IN PAIL “Children Better Off With God,” Mother Teis Police CORBIN, Va. - “The children will be better off with tht Lord,’’ said Mrs. Winifred Browder to the polio ai’h r she alleg edly killed her three offsprings Tuesday. Mrs. Browder said she was satisfied that God would forgive her The woman, who is 33-years old stabbed five -year-oid Jo . Ann m tli'- throat with a pair of scissors and drowned the olli'i two tots in a pail of water. They litre hngrar, Jr.. 3-years old. and -O-mojifh-old Sidney. She- said: "I thought, they would hr better off . . thev were so) voting that, they have a long ways j to go "T res r et. leaving God, but I rio:i ( resrpt my eh.idren briiis; iu heaven new. I knew that Ruling On Greensboro Golf Case By Supreme Court Due WASHINGTON - The Supreme Court agreed Monday to rule on a civil rt?rh!.s case brought by .-4. x Ncgtue;; who were sent,clued to 30 days in jail for U’espa.-x-in-. v.lvn lfi\v irk'd to play poll on a public couv- c mi. Grerusboro. The Nt-.-troes were arrested n( Ihe Gillespie Pork Golf Club lire. 7, 13.1.7, after Ihcv paid ends fern and started out mi (be runrse despite ostlers to leave. the morse. onee-eitf ourruted. t);i(i been leased b> <>veniif-fti*ro so if could be run us a public--but mb nttmiei pat course for whites Oil!'. t The court row will hear hiuu tnetibs or the Negroes' appeal and ha)td down r written opinion la ser. In ,j worn! civil rights case, the “INTEGRATION IN 10 YEARS?" MEMPHIS, I'ctut.—Dr. K. Stanley .lopes, world-famous Me thodist evangelist iml missionary, predicts that school integration will be accomplished its the South in the next HI years. When it happens, Jones f«id :> church audience .Sunday nigh!. "Our Democracy w ill bp sounder and our consciences clearer.” lie said fears of intermarriage arc groundless. “Sf: legation in the South now »> only ,i figment of imagins Heit Negroes work >» our homes, handle our food and care tor our i * yonilf. tVb*t differenee does it make if Negroes sit alongside oar ' children in schools.” JUMPED FROM BURNING PLANK Four of the eight Navy airmen who parachuted to safetj nviiiri a. bnrnins patrol plane, point to the spot on the map where the plane crashed near San Diego. Calif., recently. The survivors said the two pilots of she aircraft save sip tlietr lives so the other men could leap |o safety from the torpedo-laden craft. Left to right arc. Allen I- Van of Hnrrodxbur#. Kjr.s | wl.ewis H. Wheeler, of Marquette. Mich; Lawrence Gahbcrt of Belinont, Mich.; and Richard ReisHman, of San Diego, Calif. fl’PI TELEI’IiOTO). the carolinian North Carolina's Leading Weekly VOL. 18 NO 1« SATURDAY, JANUARY 17, 1959 RALEIGH. N C. PRICE 12c IN N. C.: ELSEWHERE ISc God didn’t approve of it. but i knew, also iw a Christian. if f was realty son;,v tie would forgive me. • I asked for forgiveness, af ter I killed them." she eon •tCONTINIII li ON twee > j court refused to hear a Savanah. ! ■ Ga.. Negro woman’s challenge of j i racial segregation In federally : aided public housing. Mrs. Queen , 11 ChoenV appeal was rejected in ai i i brief order. Two lower courts nil- j •; ed that technically sire had no] rich' to sue, Tlic North Carolina golf course vs ached the Supreme Court \ after the Negroes involved had! been twice convict i-vt in the' ! Greensboro Municipal Court of j : breaking a state tre,spans law. rise North Carolina Supreme | Court reversed their first eon vie i : tion on a technicality hut affirm- : ed the second on -Tune 4. IPSB Be ' tween the two decision,', federal J! .Judge Johnson J. H c.s ruled I that Negroes could not. be ejcclud- . ' cd ftotn the Gllesnio Golf Course • ?eoNt.;vuEi» on page s> .0* lllllil ' lljjmSmff M fgSk |f feMMaafe. *£ DR. I‘s,R<'V S„ H fl ’ 4 *s ~.!o speak February It; SUN: t Chan ce Seen Now Co r Legislation On Civil Rights WASHINGTON Liberal Sure tors Tuesuuy forcemv only a slim chance for civil rights legislation ; in the wake of the Senate’s refusal ; to make a major change in its aa ti-fiiibuyb'i- rule. The fpitr-duy filibuster fight end i d Monday night when the Sops'ie j approx *.-d. 73 tv -2, a comoromiat* !by iv: .iov at a: Scpfj r l..yridi»!l P. ’ Johnson )’!>>■ . providing for ••> Ha'iwa Indians’ School Til 'wo-yea; old fight waged: by the Halle - a Indiana of Warren and ITaiUax Counties came to an; end lost week when U was reveal ed that they have won their own school. Clint of tin long battle, began !| two ye. ago when the Haliwas ! bonatmeted their own private in* t slitution near Hollister, wits reach- \ cd when the school war designs t- j cd a pr.tt of th<* Warms County j Public fit o‘ System The -.late Mioci'ted f. i•— iris PBMHMI: ' $ Smjwesf ; Wm fro V- §k*m Wpjfefev,.. Hp i JgpjjPPjSl ||p ' Gi i; M.P JOHNSON ... to begin series . mild rule modifiertioti. But (hr libera! bloc. v. hich .sought tighter debate curbs, prossi.HCtl to renew Hi- buttle in flic next congress. Sen. C lif ford I’. fuse- (R-N .I.t. a leader of the bipartisan gi .nin. •- r Gs; "This is only a battle and not tile war." The Johnson nix? Vision provide.: it OMi.srtai on ever i) and money to the Hollister school which hereafter will be operated by be Warren Coun ty Board of Kdncaiion. (( ONTfM R» ON PADK IHO) Stale News Brief • i !•!AG IT vu: I RALEIGH Tim Raleigh -mu Wake County Business and Pro- j feseiooal League ov.-t at the Blood* worth Street YMCA Tuesday nigh; of this week, Cailcr Charles Smith. • Jr., president, presided. Reports, of (CONTINUED ON RAGE i) i CAROLINIAN —— ' fiBVERTfSERS i M BUY FROM niEM j hT ‘JC ffJ* *f ** ——— jPA (»», ? j Modern * inam r i n j sloi*?au's i'#.bh stor* !PAG* .* i«tr».t -cUi/iMt* R ntK a tnj.M omum? , PAG* % nil* i( oLi Bottling t o ( M. -John >V Wintffh | Wimbf rlfy Klee.tri-*’ v’»>n»p;in . j PA tv! f. i R h. <|:jiito I'unuttii!* t n. I Halfich V nnprjtj Homs' | K^armiy’ij Grcrcry .Surely Kvt ermine tins Odom int St.'atr St:»rr ParoiSua Power a Ueiit C.vmivuiv PA OK 7 Raieitjii Seafood t onapsnv i Capital I.oan Company, Im j Route VaufcHin Co. ; Hamilton Grocery PAiiF g Col'Hilal Sfoith The Hood System Indnslrial Bank Standard Cirntrr Block Co Taylor Barilo A TV Her vice ;Mr C. Karl IJIi Ihrt, Raleigh OnnoisMcn House Inc. PAGE r t i A A P ?sii|ipr Market# Institute Os Religion is Planned j T'!>r.'.~ nationally-known journa* • I'ots and authors, an outstanding scum list 7i United States Senator, i ;| t*d tlf' Father of Modern Hepub* lie,-in ism" will he featured in Ra leigh's twentieth annual Institute of Religion ih'Kinnms January ID Speakers will be heard on fix sue ii-:-, :ve Monday nights op the -jen- i red (home of "Man s Expanding (Tbit . SiKDied!- d by Hi ■ United Church, the Institute has long been ! ; a cof,-:’Ts;in|i.y institution and all • wv. I Otis Mill be open to the public i l.cadtrig i»ft the series on .Janie i f -if' hi %vpl he Gerald W. Johnson. ! Carolina native whose i rot ered more than thirty years 1 and v bore journalistic l carper has ! covered more than thirty yeaars | Most re-rent ly he has been assoc! ; a tea with she "Baltimore Sun" and : "New Republic Magazine.” He has j I a’ o produced a popular television ! j program in Rail (more and has pub* M ONTSM I’I) ON S' MU ») Georgia U. Halts All Admissions Atlanta Admissions to all] ; whools. in the Georgia State Uni - i | versify System were stopped in- | i definitely Monday by the State i Board ot Re-ymits. The action vas in compli ance -Ailh a recommendation by Governor - Fleet Ernest 1 Vandiver. Following the fed eral dislrirl court derision Saturday that qualified Nc ernes must he admitted to i Georgia State College of Busi ness Administration. Vamli*- ver suggested that all applica tion'. he suspended until the iconriM t> ov pAeui j»> j Crippled Man Hams, ISf VS(IN \ ee-lppteft ir.on i burned lei death Sunday night v iiep fiep enveloped the iwiis house in whith he Jived alone PolieF i hie! John Medlin >w»»ii that ihe body of John AVI! lia.m.s. 6S. was found in the doorway of hl« house, lndir«t ic.£ be apparently tried to flee (he flaming structure. The fire apparently “started from a stove, Medlin said. I '\nr M.jif < rranirt' l : h ••••■< one store- ». ,\tiihMf,.i*tfti ritralte i >moo;. Baker- Nee Uncoln i air ll.tvlp Sn-cet tint! Kurilnm.it iyat Illusion Terrace At?t»• I‘AGf: if. Binuri worth M. Tourist Ho" | lintlri Well fompatu *’Rv»net.'i fttfuraiiee Agenc" i l'eit»FC«!a. BottUnir Co. ol Rale I kti ; 1 .1 roll ft it Bulkier- Cot |> WsiMjn’s h r food S- Poultry Civ , Itie, Uni strati Transfer Co. & Foot! Store j I» lion Motor l iinmee Company ' Uturn's Esso Serviee Ridgeway's Oink-ian* ! Warner Memorials ! Com Wato It Shop -8 11. Kro-s A Co. Raleigh TV Service ; CAGE IK I Met-ho tiles A: farmers Bank Martin Slrccl Self-Service Latmdrv At me keally i IVltlfe Oil Company N C. f'rodtirl,* Wake finanee < omp.tny Sullivan's Grocer. | S. M. Voting Hardware Circulates Petitions At Durham DURHAM Several i.'iiUr- Unl vetfdly students. with .some (ac uity bock)nr, are circulating pc f H flttlr iiiplmup pe,r*y«,r.. I * H ,u * <» \n ,m in ei a I rex la ol ion.s m |.|-,c univer sity's admission ixriicy. Three ' interested .students" are circulating a petition pmenr. 1 1;<■ i university's undergraduates. A | well-organized group, which in cludes some faculty members, is CCONTJNRKD ON PAOK t) Records Os Voters Are Given Up ! la. Agent) for the U. S. Civil Right-- Com* j mission Tuesday won the right to examine disputed voter i-«-s*».-t.... i lion records which a defiant Ala bama judge had withheld. Juogo George WaJlan of Cireuit Court, admittedly' inviting a tail term for contempt, turned the voL | er fiies over to humediy called ; . fCONTINUED ON PAfife >.) Flames Kill Youngster At Raleigh A .six-year-old girl succumb • ouLurduy night to bum- she re • •cived when her dn- s ca.iighl. fir> ruin an open lu-uJcr. I’earlir Vac W.itUjiv. died second and third - decree fwirii;- ii liii I* duel ir-. said I’ovprrtl her Imk'y from Peek (o liiiri-s. Her death t a me ai si. Agues Hospital sonm six hours after (h<- fire Police ;>a'd bad beep ,sI ,i - um mqfr the heißer l;-;;, run fJVIt into a sty>of when the clothim- I'temed. Her mother, Mr.-, Lotus'" Watkins, who wui' iwiig a neigh bor's telephone, saw the child running with her elothin • afire. She rushed i.o the girl and smothered the flames with : blanket, but wax too late to pre vent, the fatal bums. .. ■ .a i w i«ik ( i|v and | ill pi CM'ot associate editor us the New \pfl Age newspaper* will ■ speak foi Hie Mplip Kappa \i- ; pha's I'ounder's l>:*y -unda’. . 1 ,f;i U!<:ir.v 'Yt at (he churn u’elerk isei'VP'C il Ihe | it' ( IV) pt Ist i'hui'd' WAITING IVIR CASTRO Followers of rebel lender Dr. Fidel Castro bold a Cuban flng over their deep onfside (lie Nwttenai Hotel, Havana, rreenlh. Ilr CnslroV men have taken over the eily’ ant? jja vtiita is awaiting the arrival of the rebel chieftain. tjiri PIfOTOi. c id oi Hampton In-Jbute. Virginia, departed fr«m xjew York's Idle■ uilft .Airport hist ’let'll for a two month lecture and discu-sion tenr u Use .Asian Kepuklie. Chosen by the l N. state Ih-parf!>.-!>: to inici pres this eoimlry in India. Hr. Moron v. ill speafe I" crmips of s.-h-i u inii cdtiealors. government and business leaders and i»JH<*r group' Tliis is Hi, Moran’s second assignment from (Re si.H- ft-psrlmeu' Hr t appointment was i» head ihe i >. «Jeh ::;;ina to the V. ... Indies Conference in .l.rniaiea. ISS'h wlih'h niarkcrl the res! time N'.fiii hid he n elmsep to head a delegation from fir, rousiiry (,i ln!i-;nal ional cotifcrenee. "‘Carolina Kissing Case”- Ipp2a'£il 3 Lsafei -'m I WAI'BTBOnO riebm-l Y. A,!. ■ I han>d, pre-fidant yii Un; U»Sfc)'»i Co"n --•• I !.y Gtiaptn* of. the Nationei A so • | tion for sh« Advancoinfui of i Coiorcd P*:<};. , lijM pei. -,M n I [ | week that the d.ccif ion r,;,ardin: ! two youngsU-rs would be appcnled. I • j A fH'lition mptcsling Uw rrtu’p i ; from Morrison Training .Softool | the t'.S’o yo'./Dd 1a • In Wins ton "■ Sal em Area ! W lN£ T O N -8 Al. ha t 'l' w n homes burned to Hu: around ikp; ' here bite Fra:. \ and a vouti;; mo ther am! cbdd had a nm row * ' cape ;u our of i.hc bfetzes. Tlw home of Mi ; t.i-. . & r . ■ h'-i.T! Pi-jch e;\ aL-if' e-t,. i- (. . ; Aiif,..,... ~ i ft ■i■ «Is u thins was .iuv-4 iioui liUc hou -c (comini i;u on r \<.[ »> ]P” “ _ I Steps into Path - '.Vins ton i JattMvs .ifeui >O, o $ Goldsboro, VAfs jk*Hrnu l*i*r Si fhr V* 1 t.o sljt* hi j < {fH I ft-V:'. 7: fj f ’■ I X Goldsboro, tv if* tu Hired sh - • i i’Uv tjri-f itrda\ sitorni«ig when }?#? i *i* il»lo Uio of i ijn # rural OiJJr ROflfSl rvf ptc-i