% itifrrEi ' MfifT* Wk , :j| ' v '~m jifi * MBjBwBKgWBI $ w M\> -Se . Y&ssj&V /niffil Jgfeaj^g 3RM!lf&l&' "• daflyßk. tBS jM&j RISE TO TUI OCCASION—These wen rise f„ wave dollar bills in response to a call for funds at a mass meeting of Nocrocs at Atlanta, Georgia. last week. Local leaders in Atlanta called the meeting to dis cuss the implementation of a recent federal court decision lhal ruled segregated seating on Atlanta buses to be illegal. 11/I*l TEIiiI'HOTO!, At 2nd Annual Institute: Public Relations Directors laud Weekly Newspapers BV CHARLES K JONES CHARLOTTE The Second Annual Public Relations Institut.- wag held at Johnson C. Smith Utn sity here last Friday and Saturday. » .r ' i'll r. A ,f k u.-i-n \ i V/aout i.'.'l t, ' -i ,i "c firs A ■*■ f\V C GU'i ,*• >* Br Mt < oiop *r v Tire Till :, son o'r Mr .John W Win*e,'. rtaiej~u Loan V .otlfinn I’AGfc « crroli’ia Pi>w»’ A LtslU f'tuopHlt.' Ca mulls Bakery Rali-ith Funeral Hotnr K E. Quinn I itrr.trtn«■ < „ First-Cfttzens Bank A; Trust to, New Lincoln Cat* Wise Domes, Inc. Davlr Street Lorn laundromat PAGE: 1 Sanders Motor Company Capital Loan Company, Im Hamilton Grocery Ualeidlt Seafood < otnp.nn ttollte Vaughan ( it, tAGE * olontvl Store' (Worn Cut Hate rtf,nr* i ,113 CJ t, cUJVJCE* 1 ™ * * * ■ * S2O-‘2*i6 *>« Fir tat wt.« Lotiisvilife » Ky« | session. The Rev. J. A. Gaston, pro i motional officer of Smith U. s I School of Theology, gave the invo cation. followed by words of wel ,’i»rn,.- by PreSHtotß R P Perrv. The first discussion centered a round ''College Public Relations " i Participating on fhis panel were j Dr. (marks A Ra,. N. C. College, j Durham; Joseph J Bradby. U? v mi | lon Institute, Va.; Dr. H. 1. Fontel- I lio-Nantou, Fayetteville State Tea* 1 chcr? College: Ellis F. Corbett Adt j T College, Greensboro; and O. K. I Beatty, Livingstone College. Soli.-- i bury. All are directors of public I relation?, : ‘ Publicily W ith A Pin-porp." was j discussed by Gilbert Alien, DPR. i | Wiley College, Marsh,ill Texas. | | The afternoon session opened at j j 2:15 with “The Daily Press and ; ! College News Release? " being dis- j j citf'f-ed by R. L Young, managing j editor of The Charlotte News; and | t Earl Heffner, night city editor of i The ChatioUc Observe! (CONTINUED O.' PAr.jr 2> 1 Publishers To Meet J INI INN.-VI !, Ohio— The Na- I lona I Newspaper Publishers As- M'l idtion w ill hold a hoard and membership meeting here. J.m, Vi -1. iliiiiam O. llalkcr, president of the association, stated that on Saturday. Jan. 21, the pub lishers w ill nicei jointly with the Summit Meeting Committee. 't (his session. Ate. Walker said plans will he worked out for following op the Summit Meeting held in Washington, T), C., hast May. Roih meetings will be held at the Sheraton-Gibson Hotel. lie* Jtmf attempted hr tt r£l?t r r «>•. in dip Ninth Durham are* disr iog a a I day period loot a mounted to about N!7O i.tft ( apt W K Gisivfi said that resident-• of the burlarirrd area !wd taken turns pal rolling the streets at, night, packing shotguns vide? and pistol?.. 'We hope those people ran get soine rest and sleep nov ' he said. Mr. C Kss*& mm •■•*^4^ : 'K-% - '3r [ ~o^^j lu£mfck Ij| IN sH.sr.Aflf. Mrs. Evelyn Thompson, right, sobs dcsparingSy mi the shoulder of weeping Mrs. Jonpip Simpson at Wadesboro last week alter a judge refused to upset a juvenile court ruling that sent their two little boys to a reform school for kissing a white girl. The boys are David Simpson, 8, and James Thompson. 10. Attorneys for (he N.A.A't r. who sought to have the hoys released, said the derision would be appealed. H IM TELEPHOTO). ■ - 'Vh,.' . >*sHr> Mj ** • -isaF- W^ : ■" ■ ■ ■ : • ; -Y' • PLvV. • ’JSrj BLOK FOWLER . . . faces new charge Fowler Out On Bond In Shooting William 'Buck! Fowler. 30S L« 1 Street, this city, was charged with | assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill Tuesday, in the shooting of Mrs. Aibertine Connet Richardson, who reportedly lives | in the 900 block of S. Blood worth : Street. PovTea's record includes j over SO arrests since 1037 He will : face trial on February i in City j Court. Fowler is charged wilh using a .38 eaiibre pi.sto) to short ihc victim in the left upper and : lower leg and striking her a I hout the head with the pistol with intent to kill. Investigating the case was Offi cers Norman Artis, Alfred L. Grigsby and C. J. Senwetkert, Officials at St. Agnes Hos !»ital listed Airs. Richardson as “resting nicely” Tuesday night. The incident is alleged to have taken place around 11 a.m. Tues day. Fowler's bond of S2OO was • paid Tuesday afternoon by 3. w L, Lightner Confined At Duke Hospital ______ i La wrence Thompson Lightner. j president of the Lightner Funeralj Home, Raleigh, is confined to Duke Hospital, Durham. His con dition is alleged to tie “critical.” (CONTINUED ON PAGE t) * !&*2xVlyL '4K’v!ySsy?j i*C'■ | ‘A>.- :il|iP - ' *TT irTiW-- -r : • 1 * ■ - ,; liiTnffiaiFWfa iimi>»i.i««iitfwrTOra'iffFiwaßiKaWir M . •"•'•’M&Qrssi. {&£«> W&flr# '* Tgmrjy > ag WHHjfe. :-, Jw*gß®ffiwP. savsl --i? *?•;■. *- V ’Wr : fy -. Sgs .’, : .-A mm#* i agf 4js I88P£ ; If /9|' "‘ IHAMMI PA' IVTOONSHINX —■ Framed between two .fliart furs of lYlconshinc whiskey, Woodrow llimter sits in tJiarlottc lasi week wiih a “woe is me" expression on his face. He whs allegedly driving his truck the wrong way on a nne-wa.v street when police stopped him. The trouble really began, though, when, according In police reports, olfieers found IR gallons of Moonshine in the trunk. D PI TU l PHOTO). Youngster is Hid For Safekeeping OWING,S, S, C. A 16-year-old youth was being held in the penitentiary at Columbia for fate keeping Monday in connection ; with the fatal beating of a 74-year 1 old white woman wufo .? shovel. Laurens County Sheritl c. LV Weir said Lawrence Childs. Jr., had been charged with murder in the Friday after, noon death oi Miss Cariic Ms /.ahrth Stoddard. who «a, known an "Aunt < aerie." ( Jan holdup of a service station here, Padrick identified the men a.-. Charlie Walti r Campbell, 36. James Nicholson. 22. and James Bostic, 22. all of Laurinburg, and Herman Bowden, 26, ot Wilmim: ton. Padrick spid they had Iren chatgod with armed robbery and assault on A. T. Watkins, operator of the service station ’’adrick also said that Earl Frank Davis, 32, of \\ toning - ton and Samuel Davis, 21, of Wilmington had been charged with conspiracy in connection with the robbery. Earl and Samuel Davis were held here while (he others were in ihr f CONTINUED ON rxGP •) Raleigh And “Bull City” Host Talks 1 woof the state s top NAACP olficiats spoke iu Raleigh nrd Dm ■ un last Sunday .ss the two cities staged meeting , hr. !•:. I dmonris. prf*C d!!ii of Ihr CtrinMuito branch ant) professor ,-h Urnnrtt ( <»). ' * here, ' iHikr before. Ih* Italcjgii branch and arfmon i.bcrj (hr .tijoiriin- ).i cuniinur •n fight f)| IV,rr Unit For.; ,-j .: ■■ 0 f T^ a . j hot, '-vms found dead in h;s hviie | Here Monday. He was IH. Wilkins apparently dud from a heart attack. Wilkins was named A . Unt i,,. hor Secretary lot hii -nuttional Af fairs in March. 1!;,V! IP- resign'':! irom (hr labor post lasi Nov cnbr Hc was one of tin- eng mat members named to in-- ij %; i i> ! , 'fins Colon.itv-i-Mi :,( : op h\ Con fcnN'pMiKn on page n State News Brief GOLDEN HI HI I EIHD \EV .7 RALEIGH - Harry Golden o Charlotte, editor and publish! ; of The Carolina Israelite, and an ihor of “Only In America, win : peak in Shaw University's Greet • leaf auditorium Tuesday, February -'i. at 8 p.m., according to infor mation received from Dr. John Hodman Larkins, who is arrang ing the program. (continOeo on paiu. two)