Segregationist Group 'Folds Up' f Bobus & # y Thousands Mourn L. T. Lightner Hh Hh + 4“ "f 4" "4* Hh Knife, Gun Flash Western Style: ‘M.&& v&fe S ?Ivytfftfe jfflßPitSji ffnjyw g§Mj ** xjlrt\ L l 'itkiSf *■ *■' S'ffiw •tt.uFi mWn ■HR SSPS jßw aSKMis sHE &&& W4NrP&yB ' 4 y : '*-vTh- |k£* •»*** :£ r3s2f *5/3 tw HH HH c jßltlL &2ff Father Os Seven Slain; Two In Hospital After Gun-Knife Battle At “Binßand” Albert Hudson. 33. of 805 S. Person Street, v. r. slkacdly stabbed to death at hts place of busi ness, The Bird land Club, S. Bioodworth Str-:=.S-, M • ' - 'Jp ■ J % V ALBERT HUDSON Organization In Forsyth Closes Shop WmSTON-SALEM’’! The Cm *«fll Government Council, Inc., a Forsyth County segregationist group, closed its books, last week end after officers decided they tfo'titE not muster enough support Council tnemben: voted to cancel troNrmtntn on paqf. n / ', I . a ■ THRONG PAYS I.AST RKS'.’EGTS TO MORTICIAN Scenes recorded during the funeral of l,awrence T. Mgiitncr. 10, manager of the Idghtncr Funeral Home, arc shown here. Mr. l.ishtner, who sucrußihctl last Wednesday, was fttncralieed last Friday afternoon. rj~t 11 .£••. j j, j/\. N VOL 18. NO 18 j Also confined to St. Agnes wasi ! Wjlliurd Mayen Mmls 25. of 3201. •S. Tarboro Road. Bo!h mjt being; treated for gunsh-t. wounds Mialo !o!d detectives th i Iw; and Terrell were in tlic club to-j cet-her and that fatal shooting of K S Sadd- North Carolina’s Leading Weekly SATURDAY, JANUARY 31. 1950 RALEIGH. N. C. started to argue. Miah said Hud tan then pulled a gun and start * ed shooting at Ter mil. Terrell is said to have staggered out taward the street. MiuH decided that he s CONTINUED ON PAGE 21 ler. 23 hy Policeman B. A Nee bit, 3 s !, ne-’r Saddler* home Friday, Anithontiat* also said er in vert i i gal ion showed that, shotgun Saddler j'-*as carrying contained a she!' (• OMWOKD ON r \*5F TWO» Photo on left shows the Rev. Robert L. Shirley, pastor of the Davie Street Piesb>terian Church, delivering the eulogy. On his left is Hr. W. R. SlruKsrser, who offered prayer. The Rev. A. J. Turner also participated in the rites. The next two photos reveal the throng of .4- JIIT ' l; Integration Leader Sends Ike Letter MONTGOMI:nY An Lnfegm tion lead®' sen’ a letter to Pn - j dent Eisenhower Monday outlining i s six-point, plan to prevent future bombings and “Liberate Negro <* from oppression " The Rev. Uriah ,1. fields, presi dent of (lie Montgomery Restora tion and Airiplioraiitip Society, said j the letter wa* sent after the Jo-- : tice Department turned down hi,; “urgent request - ’ for an iovestiga- j tion of Negro church bombings in | this deep south- city Fields said tin Justice Dr- ] fCotmmjED on pa or -> Government Slates School For Norfolk Sailors’ Kids WASHINGTON The Govern ment announced Monday it will set up an integrated school next month for 500 Navy children who live on the Norfolk, Va , Naval L ightn cr '$ Pro ft Ic A pictorial review- of the late Lawrence T. Lightmr appear*, •n this edition on page 9. The CAROLINIAN felt that its reader* would be interested in mch * feature and put forth every effort, to make it *■* in teresting a* it should be. Funeral scenes recorded la** Friday may he found at the bottom of Dm page. PRICE 12c IN N C ; ELSEWHERE Ho 5,000 View Remains Os Undertaker BV ( n \«l.s> St. JO NFS j H has been said that ‘ Good me ! often die .voting." In the opinio of many Raleigh it <:s J U torsi*;- V. -■ Un* death ot IjAwercnce Thompsc Light n«»K at the sice of tedfy losing cor i niioosnees early Tuesday mnrnin j (,'shtner ’••■ ..<• admitted to St. Agn< ! Hospit.-d ir t'vi -?flernoor,, but sui cumbed 'Older srt oxygen tent : Duke v/cii >•< -day after it va- di ciried at SI A.gnej that attache* h-t a*sner. ItWI. INUKD OK PAGE is fb. v unlers Norfolk's closed public herds five reopened before then. Arthur 8. Flemming, were t.vry of health, education and welfare, a!s« told a news eon trrepce liic administration i* preparing legislation to permit ihr federal government to set up schools for * htidrfn of mill i w,v personnel wbo live off. of military hi*te«, J Present law permit* the govern -1 Hicnt to provide achooling only | lor children who live on federal I property when other public edu cation t* not available The Navy announced last week it would reek funds from fI*m (CONTINUED ON PAGE SV over 1,000 persons who r»(hmd outside the "filled-to-capar.ity” chureh during (he funeral. Extreme right picture was snapped at Mount Hone Cemetery, where Lightner wan interred, t'iettired in photo, seated, from left In right, are Uwyn Hayes, 'brother-in-law; , -sos! ■' 1 "MW* ■Wl»Wl''«WWfc wt i ) r ’•'-' -•«"♦<••- ' T !•>' rOWEM CHATS WITH CASTRO llcprwntalivr Adam Clayton fowl! •K.n.v.j speaks l 0 Rebel leader Fidel Castro, right., during the January 21si demoststralions in whirl* lens of (Imusauds of Cu bans gathered to cheer approval of the wholesale <•*<• utiotis nl Batista “war criminals". fourtl ore- Os the two IT. S, Congressmen invited to Havana, Cuba to witness the demonstration. The other was Rep. Charles C Porter (O-Ore.i. «CPI TLLKPIIOTO). Gov. Collins Os Florida. Calls For Patience, Understanding DAYTONA, Fla.-Florida (lover- - • nor Leroy Collins, lashing mi! ail ! 1 those who would do away with 1 | schools to prevent integration, j Monday, railed for patience and [{ ‘ " ' ' r ~~ . State News ! —IN— j UNCUT O? CARO! IM AN t iimiVH Kll.t,tel» IN WBFCK NLV BF.UM ... ,tor Hunch Hi!-j iUarii. 51?. uncle of OA ROLTNJAN ’ | employee ' Thomtts Hilliard, dr. I ' Wii,. killed r,nd thn-e persons in j,lured Sunday unfit when a car I j dri'fi hr, Mrs. Ida Adams, 30, a ' I Garner school teacher, left the ’ j road feu uules north of Nov- ■ j Berts on U, S. i oven W iierl. Hilliard died of head injuries j short!,'* after arriving at the flood Shepherd Hospital here, according to Dr. J, F. Lit tvivm. Mrs. Adams sustained i set ere lacerations of the arm | and irack and chest injuries. Her husband. Samuel Adams, ;i.>, suffered facia! lacerations and an injured right shoulder. Yvonne Coleman, 4, of (vac- i (CONTtVOBK OK PMlt 21 Mortician’s j : I i Son Killed On High way ] | i ELIZABETH CITY William ’ T. Lowe, Jr, 31, son of a Hertford ! undertaker, died Monday of in ju ries suffered Sunday night when 1 Ihe was hit by a ear near Hertfeid. 1 The highway pHrol sunt that * ear driven h.v .lohn William i Tuehiood, 3Jt, «f Virginia ' Beach. Vt . utmrh f.-awe II H.ovttNtiEO ON Plum n under; lauding in solving race problems Ho said d v.:, - tru :,ie" that IT. - tain groups in ihr ■ would abolish public ebools because of emotionalism, he idily. crass indif ference. or politic || ad\ ;i:• t ly.' 'lgnorance is the greatest in f oy known to human progress,” Collins Harry Golden, Editor-Author, Main Speaker At Sits® 'fussily •.*&age —ptfg| -<%%% Shaw University’s Green leaf Chapel is expected to be filled with an overflow int*rr«»<:ial and inter-religious crowd Tuesday, »;•. 3. at 8 p tp. to hsar noted auil'-oi Harry Golden. Golden was schodul- | ccC on Df'Cvndv'j- I .j. iusk. bin the ; affair was postponed because of 1 tile CUOVV f,\ovi7i. fCjlifil \i)C SchfYCM «f P*Hh 'lever Synagogue vdM $1 ve the inx creation prior to .1 iwiiKi*v*l j sHocUodi footuHn# Pail? Crump., baritone, Herompanledi by Har ry #rU“Smythe. , Show University President WjJ* ’ CAROLINIAN - ADVERTISERS l*Akl $ Raleigh «.ivim;s A tiian Astoria turn t'amteigh tiiriittare Comp'ii: Horton's r-tsh Store O. «• H Used fata p,\«2B 3 Wien-Oisi*’ Mores Surety Extirruilu.ittn* Company PAOE S Hulllon-Sdk Company rirUCitUrr.i Batik A Trust tn The Cnplt/d tv-Fii Uniflim; Ce. Famous BaKer' IXivle stii-et Coin i.iundt’om.i* PACK s K V,. QotlW) Tore tore Co. hjfeish runef*i Homt Watson Shel* Service Station C)li«teart s Transfer Co. PARE 1 !to!lrr Vauftbas (i t'apttrd Co*/! Ce raleieh Sertoed compen* Mamiltoo Grocery Mr Walter Chevrolet Comtian f’Afre s Colonts! Stores flaleleh dommtisioc Snows, tn? * m Toun* Bardware Standard i tew Work fs Taylor Radio * TV Servo » Mrs. Margaret Hayes, sister: Calvin E. Lightncr, father; an aum; Miss Barbara E. Llghtner, daughter, and Mrs. Roberta t ale f.ight ner, wife of Ihe late morlieian. ISTAI'T PHOTOS S';V f'HAS R. JONES), i told more than &/0 perrons at * j Sfeavh of Conurmrcp. j He 3 id ho ks convinced lixere | rirl/t citi/.pns ea«*< fowled j good will in nh-; relations and : : > fj fits '<> ■ , Ham KiU’-seli wiU u « i i • ■ j Th>: i* ediffif of irS | Hdo Ily - ( j Joitk Under his edilorcirm, *.b --! <|§\*sp*p<»i • drn.itof.ton Sc- rcoed !cd so VIIC of lire VCTlvt'S mos!' (Sj;- i 1 i( i (• I Noted IT i*»rrrv;il2>? aiitbov cdi'or *nv.t?iV’n J*;m of UIP .V«"vs ;imt Od .«o ver VMI introdn.-' < *O?iU n The are Jfrhpjw* an*? .pn*riia!M U ((CM'iM, !t> ON V\< i >) ,Mr 4 kit| UU-hmait ; Oth.Wtt r nt BUite Store 1 Mfitifti’c f’<* I P /SOI’ Aft ; B)<*OrtWOl11l . ftiOClst t*( u>c Hesiti VFc-)J CamptfSy ; A&fm* * | Pf u••.!»€*?la Bou-ttns so. of EaieigH i Carolina Bullet«”» Cotp ; so't’s fk Poultry Co. la*:, i Umstc-H? Transfer Co. & IFYk»*l fiii>: =• j Dillon Motor f'inMMs# Co-mp^n*. ! OunK‘». SRT'dr* Wd^r.way's GpfVi.t>i>" ; Warmer HorrurtJi D* bi\* Hot! I U A A P S»?per MttkPh The Hood System Join Gem S;ir>p f M^Uoir’S %tnl>a«»Jid.or WcftA.yo Grocery tfaletgh TV *erv\'-* PAGE I* MarMc Sett-Se; if.* k?ms i Acisi* Roalty > Whitt Oil CoTOpamv , *f. C* Product* j Mechanical A; FanM.ftf* £&«& | 'Wimberly HftfKHhtl# I ftaftMteV*# CtTOf'ttTV