DISAPPOINTED *— lamps A, Julmvori, Jr., a It-year-old Chicago j resident, Slaves the Capitol at Washington January 28 after learning that tie was not selected to serve as a page in the. House of Represen tatives as be had believed. Johnson had flown lo Washington from : Chicago under the Impression that Rep. Barratf, O'Hara, (6-IIU had | chosen him for the job. Key lawmakers said there was no vacancy a- j mong House pages, and that Rep, O’Hara would riot have been entitl- | ed to fin the vacancy if there had bee,! one. (UP? TELEPHOTO). Baptists Into Mammoth Fund-Raising Campaign fn a recent meeting of represen- ; tatives of the Executive Committee j of the General Bap tint State Con- j vention of N C., Inc , and the • Steering Committee of the Show University Fund Raising Campaign j at the Baptist headquarters build- j tng in Raleigh, plans were laid | for a comprehensive and intensive j campaign, designed to raise a total ! of $200,000.00, during the next nine ; months, on behalf of Christian Ed- j ueation and State Missions. A program of action was set hi motion tor the raining of One Hundred Titousam. Tto, Ur* of this amount by Mar- $, at which time will be held ihp Conventions Ail-Baptist As- ! DIES AT 118 IN FLORIDA TALAIIASSEE, Fla. ,\ woman died near here last week at the aje of 118. Birth records substantiated the age of Mrs. Celia Crawley, who died at the home of her son, Lonnie Preston, 78. The woman was born a slave in Gadsden Counts Jan, 6. 1811 and outlived tour of her children. She moved here in 5888 and worked as a midwife until she retired iff 1954 at the age of 104. Her sou said •■he was active and to care for herself until she fell ill three weeks ago. Soda Shop Wrecker ■, Man Given Prison Sentences Judge Albert Doub hit a hard blow at the constant break-ms at I the Burnette Sweet Shop, w. South J Street, Monday when he sentenced ; a woman to two years for almost I wrecking the establishment last | Sunday, A man, accused of having Airport Seating Attacked In SC CiRKKNVILXfE, S. C. A Michi gan mar Friday had on file in Federal District Court here . com plaint seeking to wipe out separate j waiting rooms for white and Ne groes at the Grec-nviUe Municipal Airport. Richard H. Henry of 1 pro ICOVTtNUEL ON PAGE ft | CAROLINIAN i ADVERTISERS FROM THEM PACK * Korion's Cash Store page a P nr slate Creamers- ( ft E. ttulru! Furniture Co Hlinn Sc Loan Amocuuos l>.-ivlf Street. Coin Laundromat t'.vralelgh Furniture Compuav PAGE a Ifudscn-Belk Company Southern Bell First-Clilzens Bank A Tru»t Ct> Famous Bakers ftalclth Commission Bouse, 3nr,, Uaipljh TV Service, liaison shell Service Stailon Wist Homes. Inc. Mr. John W. Winters PAGE « Carolina power «• LtjlH f n. Capital Loan c O . Crustead's Transfer Co Firestone Store- Gem Watch Shop The Bood System Industrie! Bank Raleigh Seafood Company Kelson's itaJelgh Funeral Hosnr PAGE 7 Sir Walter Chevrolet Cormwr, Bofllt Vaughan Co, Waehhjgton Terrace Apts, Cooper’s Bar-B-Que PAGE * Colonial Stores ithite 011 Compa.ii' OBojua Cut Kate Stort seinbly. Till* organizational meeting was characterized by ! high enihusiasn, and pronounc ed unity of purpose, as U laid the ground work for this his tory-making campaign. This undertaking embraces a co operative effort on the part of the 1,700 Baptist churches, the sixty • one Baptist associations, the five i auxiliary conventions—comprising the North Carolina General Baptist organization -with a total member ship.of 312,000 including also in this mammoth campaign arc the thousands of alumni oi Shaw University and hundreds of other friends of this Christian educational institution. i tried to enter she place illegally 1 was also given time. Miss Dorothy Mae Bullock, jof Railroad Street, was given tup i 2-year term after pleading guilty i to charges in City Court Monday. The woman aeeoiding (o of ficers, broke into the shop in the morning and, in a and frenzy. heaved merchandise and equipment Into tbe street whiie sweeping the counters clean and smashing a cash register and tuilk shake ma chine. Damages to the building and ip contents was estimated at SI,OOO by police officers, who said ii was “one of the must completely wrecked places they had seen in years.” Evans Thompson, 38. who gave bis addre-m as "anywhere, (CONTINUED ON TAGS 2) Mr. C Karl LRrhman ! Taylor Radio 4- TV Service Standard Cinder Block Co K. M. Young Hardware Public Service Co, of N C,, 1m Modern FLuajice Co page A & P Super Markets Greene Cleanern Host Fowler's Barber shop j PAGE !0 I Bloodworm (it Ton list Home ; Healer We!! Company j Caveness Insurance Agency I Pcpal-cola Bottling Co. of Raleigh i Carolina Builders C,jrp Watson’s Seafood A Poultry Co,. Inr, ’ Cm Mead Transfer Co. A Food Store Billon Motor Finance Company Dtmn’s Esso Service ■ Ridgeway's opticians Warner MemorUlv ; Deluxe Hotel | PAGE il fowls Sperling Goods t'o. | Mother 4 Daughter Store Mechanics 4: Farmer* Bank j Wrenti-Phirr Boys' it Met? » store j PAGE hf i Rhodes Furnilure Company ! Sullivan's Grocery 1 Kearney's Grocery ! Wlmberley Electric Company Martin Street Self. Service Laundry | Acme Really Company IS. C. Products Goldsboro Boy Denied In School Case /■:.:: ::^il2S^iL .v:':• :•>.-:••• y^^'' : ... •■ ----- VOL. IS, NO. 19 Golden Decries *Lack Os Wisdom * •f - 4* + f + + + -4--f + By Two Unknown Mem Fraternal Leader Beaten In City N. C. Author 'Touches On [Many Topics | BY MARCUS H. BOULWAKE Although nearly 40 minutes late, the audience waited patiently and were rewarded for Harry Golden told an interracial audience that j the tragedy of the last few years ! has been characterized by both the j Sack ot wisdom on the part of the j two races and the lack of com munication betw'een. J “We have lacked the wisdom to : accept the decision of the Supreme i Court,” he said. ' Actually, it was I not a decision but simply the con* : firmation of a sociological change. If the NAACP disappears tomor row, the movement wouldn't mist <CONTINUED ON PACE TWO) I Surrenders ! To Sheriff i |j In Slaying Edward Lane, Jr 34. H3l Sawyer's Lane, u cemetery worker being sought as a murder suspect since midnight Sunday, gave him self up to officers last night. The suspect was charged with murder by city detectives and ! jailed without privilege of bond. He Is charged with the knife slaying of Pete Junior McNeil, 2.i, of the 300 block of Fisher Ntrcc't. Lane called Knightdale Con ntablr Jesse Barbour Tucx* < CONTINUED ON PAG?. 2) High Court l May Hea r Kiss Case I MONROE-Attorneys a ay North ; Carolina's much-publicized “Kiss j n.g Case ' likely will go to the - State Supreme Court on appeal I this week. Earlier this week, Robert ¥' WJ j liams President of the Union ! County Chapter of the National i Assn, for the Advancement of Col - j ored People, -aid that transcript:, ! had been mailed to AHy. Conrade •1. Lynn in New- York, and 'hat the appeal from a Superior Court decision should be made ‘‘some fCONTlNUt'D ON PAUR 2) i Shotgun Butt ! Kills Woman SPARTANBURG~~S. C— A wo j man, Mias Lillie M. Fry, about 28 years of age, died after a short time in the emergency room of the Spartanburg General Hospital at about 11.20 Monday night after bc »CONTINUED ON PAGE t? CAROLINIAN HOME AND FOOD SHOW SET FOR MARCH 26-27 North Carolina’s Leading Weekly SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7. 1959 RALEIGH, N C TESTIFIES FOR PROSECUTION Pvt. Rage iSayfoP,, ex-Korean prisoner of war, now stationed at Fort Bel voir. Va„ confers with 0. S. Attorney Robert Schnaeke, prior to testifying for the prosecution at the trial of John W. Powell, his wife Sylvia and Julian Sfhuman AH three are being tried at San Francisco. Calif., for publishing false reports on gerns warfare and battle casualties. (UP! TELEPHO TO), Wake Credit Union In Yearly Meet; Reports Sound Financial Condition The annual public meeting oi, idson. reported that the orgamza i the Wake County Credit Union j tion was in sound condition. | was held at Bloodworth Street Y-j Guest speaker of the occasion j MCA Monday at 8 p.m. at which was Harvey R. Alexander, busi time the treasurer, Clarence Dav- j ness manager of Shaw University, Country Club is Assured i For Area; Option Taken A groan of Raleigh men took an, option on a 43-acre plot, five; miles north of Raleigh, off U. S. | Highway 1, Wednesday morning, j Located on the plot is a brand new sportsmans cottage with all j modern facilities, It- comprises be tween IVs to 2 acres of lake that is well-stocked. Electricity has al ready been poured into the struc ture. which Is adjacent to the lake. There Is also a pump houjN* for water, h boat, house at the lake and a fishing pier. An ultra-modern country club building and golf course to accommodate various af fairs is in the planning stage Mrs. C. C. Spaulding, Jr., Ex-Raleighite, Succumbs DURHAM Mrs. May Bast, Spaulding, formerly of Raleigh, the wife of C C. Spaulding, Jr.. of Durham, died .Sunday at 11:30 r».m. She was the daughter of Mrs. Maude L. Baas and the late Dr. Urbane F. Bess, Sr. Boro in Fredericksburg, Va., Mrn. Spaulding attended pub- for the site. The tentative name of the proposed country club is ’“Robert* Country Club.” 100 members are being sought as incorporators of the project and it is hoped that the member (ship wIU eventually grow to 500 or 600 touching men all O’er the state, The first 100 will be the in corporators, however. Since the first meeting at Rob erta Center on November 6 of fif teen men, there ha* been well ov er a 100 persons who showed in fcerest in the venture. To build and develop such * project a* a country club, of she (CONTINUED ON PAG* SV he school* there and «u »TTuloated from Shaw tjntvoe oUy, Raleigh. She studied at Columbia Cnivcrslly and taught in the Durham City School* for almost SO years. Mrs. Spaulding was married to CCONTOTO*® OK tA&V 0) PRICE t2e IN N. CL; ELSEWHERE ISc who discussed “The Implicat ion of A Credit Union—An Aid to Eco nomic Self -Suffiency." Mr Harvey said that a credit union is not the complete answer to all of our problems, but it js one of the answers to start, a part of our "economic self-suffiency.” “Much of the flnianeia! help we need rest upon our.selves” as mem bers of minority group, said the speaker A creidfc union encourages self sufficiency through the members own efforts, offers a chance for people to develop managerial skills, and makes possible for peo ple to secure money to repair homes and Improve their proper ty, declared Mr. Haney. TREASURER’S REPORT Stressing tbe financial Noumteess of Hie credit union, Davidson, stated that the lo ta! asset* amounted to $4,416.- 36; entrance fees total sl3.2s*, interest received, $857,52 dc Hared dividend*. $131.40; a mouni »n reserve, $57,18; un divided profits, $175.04. The credit union has made (CONTtNUED ON BAGS *> SCOOTS' RASHLY or THY TEAR Mr and Mm. Sylvester White and family were ehosea ih* "Family of the Tear” by the Wake-Johnston-Wilson area Girl Scout Council at the annual meeting held *4 the Occidental life Insurance Company building last Saturday. All members of the family are act tv* in scouting except the two youngest children. f BohlS Rfr Moraiij IS.Wilcox J II e% a ifSn Si «s*'*§* ** mourn nut 151 BY CHARLES ft. JONES Two unknown men reportedly! stepped out of the darkness last) Thursday night, grabbed one of the city’s best,--known fraternal | leaders, best him savagely about | th* face with a brick, and fled! when the glare of car headlights j threatened to expose their ident- ! t>Beia» S, Wilcox of 724 Taj. etevUJ* Street, was attacked ie ibe 400 block of S. Swain i Street. Following bis ordeal lie stumbled bleeding and *nd half-fonsaiou* i-o * near by druirstore- where he was given first aid for cuts in and around the left eye. Several of h*s teeth were also broken in the melee. He is now a patient at- St, Agnes Hospital, where (CONTINUED ON PAGE #> Three Begin Terms For Assault Rap Three Raleigh men have begun | serving prison sentences ni con nection with the alleged assault, on. a white female with intent, to! commit rape. Originally charged with rape, j the three were convicted of the; lesser charge Thursday night.! in Wake Superior Court. The jury deliberated for over seven hours j in the case. Judge W. IT S. Burswvn commented after the verdict wa* returned that he felt “the. trial was embarrasing to Mrs. j Gardner (the alleged victim), but her conduct possibly caus ed the jury to take a more lenient view than it would have otherwise,” Ralph Milton Fuller. 34 of 'Washington Terrace, received 5- 1 0 years; John lat Jackrwn, 23. 3-5 years; and Luke Smith, Jr. ; 19, j 2-4 years The ail ged victim wa* Mrs.! Louise Gardner of 1428 Curfman j Street. Testimony revealed that Mi's ] Gardner went, te (he residence ot Willie Douglas, 3104 Carver Street, on the night of December 18, bought whiskey, drank, some and visited for quite a while. (CONTtVUEP ON PAGE 9? Serviceman’s Son Nixed in School Bid GOLDSBORO -M. Sgt. Fred Ar cher, a Negro stationed at nearby Seymour Johnson AFB. lost, hi* bid Monday to have his 8-yeat-old son assigned to the «’l-v hits Mea dow Lane School The action of the Wayne Count* Board of Education in assigning the boy to i Negro school, however, paved (lie way for Archer to seek reassignment of his son to e whit* school under North Carolina's Pu pil Assignment Lew. Board sssembers told Arche* !h*t he could not request res# signnient to i white aeheo! tu* tM after bte son had hem gs , algned t« * Negro school, Vh* ecoNTENtyeo on page a* Important Med j AM eithotu who are interest ed in better housing and (he Urban Redevelopment Program in areas occupied by Negron* of Raleigh, art- invited to atttusU the E'ehruary 10ih meeting of the Burtons'- and Prot'c»rtons.l league of Raleigh and Wake County at 8 p.m. The. meeting he hriq at the Biuoihvurtb TMCA. A c Hall, Jr., fdy Planning Dir'-rtor. and Bruce S. Clay, Bpedal Building *n sfHvrfor, will he Die speakers. | ! Peace Still i Prevails In Virginia RICHMOND, Va. - Virginia moved into its second day cf token race mixing in its public schools- Tuesday with new promises from the legislature that future integra tion will be resisted. President Eisenhower, Gov. J. Lindsay Almond and othei leaders expressed gratification that there were no fiareups or violent cro" da Monday when 2! Negroes entered .-even previously white schools >n Norfolk and Arlington. The day passed without <n incident reported, it could well have been a near normal school day exrc.pt fo* the qiiir-t crowds of curious spectators and the swarm of reporters and photographers who gather ed at the schools to record the historic, event. (CONTINUED PV PAGE 25 State News Brief BELLHOP FACES BURGLARY RAP CHARLOTTE - A bellhop at s Charlotte hotel was. bound over to Superior Court Saturday on charges of first degree- burglary and attempted rape of s bote! guest 'Die alleged assault took place about 1:45 s m. Saturday in the Selwyn Hotel. Sleeping in the room with the woman was her 10- y cur-old son, Arthur Btakeney, 2.3, is being held in Jail without bond on the burglary enlarge and CCONTOIUS® ON PA(;r. #)

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