r. H|flM r M lSl?sfc : l!*jii^ 1 'M I MM1.21. ~ '«■■■»■**»<■■>' fl <m ; ’^^HH^BHR M m ■ ‘Vlwi Er^S ill Dnß ry #1 J ,^ r - "vjE'it m ~d^B >* - •£»*■ Bft ■ A A jk ■ / iIRIIBMnHHI Imk , *i > THIS IS YOUR LIFE These are scenes taken from the testimonial given W. R. OolNm, veteran principal, Johnson County Training School, Southfield. The celebration was unique, in that riT* 5 This is your life". The picture on the left shows Mr. Collins seated with his wife. The one on the right shows Lewis Watson, 36” tall, the smallest child to ever attend the achool, presenting Mr. Collins a gift from his class (second grade) taught by Mrs. Janie Keys, of Raleigh. W. R. Collins Is Honored For 40 Years Os Service Priest Says First Mass In Hometown WILMINGTON Hie Rev. George H. Artis, first Negro native of Wilmington to become a Roman Catholic priest, said his first solemn mass Sunday morning at historic Saint Thomas Church here, with the Bishop of Raleigh, the Most Rev. Vincent S. Waters, giv ing the sermon. Bishop Waters, who was the first Catholic, prelate to desegregate his diocesan schools and churches in the Old South, called the event on Sunday “a significant one" as it signified the catholicity of the Ro man Catholic Church and the Bro therhood of man. (CONTINUED ON PAGE I) Chavis Heights Tenant <3> Grateful: Praises Project BY DOROTHY NIXON ALLEN Jn the past-fcw-seeek I have been confronted by many of the senior citizens adßalptfhrwith this qdes ion: "What is yoi» opinion as a « tenant, of Chavis Hbighur’ \ I've tried in so many ways to ex press my gratitude and luck in be- State News I —IN— Briefs v MOTHER CHARGED IN DAUGHTER'S DEATH MOUNT AIRY Mrs. Josephine Long. 29. of the Eldora section here, is out on SI,OOO bond on a charge of involuntary manslaughter in the fatal burning of her three-month- j old daughter 12 days ago. A hearing in Mount Airy Record er's Court has been set for Apri 3. Investigators quoted Mrs. Long as saying that she had a cigarette when she went to bed and awoke toomnsokP on sao» n ■jHwm&. h : $ %jHB V a< taffi! - (—t .. - ’ HS| ' jtftmiL. -«-• W I P J29OP *■• JHf Jfl Va *J T*T '' w || ' jH ■ ft q££j9 <%* *»- $ ■ i '*/**- j»- JJJr ly ftp ■ AFTER MASS The abort team stows Faftor George ff Ards, S VD„ third from kit, back tom, after he had case bratad htsi tret solemn mate at historic St. Thomas Catholic Church in Wilmington- Father Artie is the first Negro priest to come out ot Wilmington. Pictured with Father Artis are, hack roWi left to rightfi Father Thomas Hadden, pastor St. Theresa SMITHFIELD Fond memories and tributes of praise were the or der of the day as friends and as sociates from all walks of life hon ored W R. Collins, vetersn educa tor and principal of Johnston Coun ty Training School at Smithfield, with a “THIS IS YOUR LIFE" pro gram Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Nora Evans Lockhart, prin cipal of Crosbv-Garfield School of Raleigh, served as mistress of ce remonies for the program which was divided into four parts: educa tional training, early teaching ex periences, later professional service, and fraternal and religious activi ties. Among those representing the early phase of Collins’ life, Nicho las L. Meekins, a childhood friend from Dare County and C. L. Graves, his high school principal at Roe* roke lnsitute in Elizabeth City. Charles R. Frasier, his Latin tea cher at Shaw University, J. E. Cromartie jnd Mrs. E. M. Spellman colleagues at Shaw, recalled with clarity his college days at that in zitution. Many-persons from Christ ian College, Frsnklinton, where ing able to regJ&jfcr the reart in ’the eimrAnmefrt Ts»4b' at we have in Chavis My first thoughts vyanddr back to what most of the tenants of Chavis Height* have accomplirtied oy liv ing here, and how it ha* helped our children. The closeness of both schools. Ctosby-Garfield and J. W. Ligon, recreational facilities, and now the new center. It is also so centered that if most of us don't have transportation and our churches don’t provide such, we can walk to most of the chur ches without too much hardship. The crime rate here is vsry tow and most of the children, and rtiall I say approximately 85 percent. The ftv* day weather forecast for the Enletth area hesinata* Thurs day, March ZS, and contiaalag through Monday. April A I* a* fol -1 Iowa: Temperature! wIU average near or (lightly below normal, with pre cipitation totaling one half to thre* quarter! of an Inch, mainly as rtMwen Thursday afternoon or nlfht and again on Saturday. Sta ins temperature! Thursday and turning cooler Friday and Satur day, a Httla wanner on Sunday and Monday. Collins served as high school prin cipal and coach were present In cluding members of his stats cham pion football and basketball teams. It was in the fall of I*3o that Collins accepted principalship at the Johnston County Training School. His major contributions to education and mankind, in general, began to unfold as H. B. Marrow, former supt. of Johnston County Schools gave ah account of the con ditions existing during this depres sion-filled area. Collins found in his new position a school housed in one building with a faculty of IS and a student body of 614. The school has grown to a plant which has four buildings on the main campus, faculty of 43, a sudent bo dy of 1,168,. and a south campus where one unit of a new high school has been built and plans are under way for its completion. Miss Mary E. Wells, former sup ervisor of schools and E. S. Simp son, supt of schools, lauded Collins for hit many year* of service to education In Johnston County. Since finish high school and 80 pe--ee*'t at -the children attend som# co*fr*c os university. Because of ttis low rest of fills fCOWTPfPEP OH PA— » Court Upsets Rape Verdict - The State Supremo Court last Wednesday reversed the conviction of a Fort Bragg soldier who faced a life sentence for rape. By a vote of 5-1 the court ruled that Charles M. Blrckhead. 36. had been placed in double jeopardy on charge of raping Mrs. Judith Fran cisco, wife of another Fort Bragg soldier. Birckhead was first brought to trial on a charge of attempted rape. After Mrs. Francisco had bo gun her testimony. Solicitor Mau rice Braswell asked for a mistrial so that ho tcould seek to indict and try the defendant on the capital charg* of rape. Tho soldier was convicted es rape but got a life sentence whan the Jury recommended mercy. Birckhead may still be indicted Church, Durham; Father J. Swift, S-S./-, pastor, Sr. Thomas. Wilmington: Father Arris, Bishop Vincent S. Waters, Raleigh; Father Mark O’Leary, Catholic Urn varsity. Washington. D. C ; (ronf row, a/tar boys left to right: Billy Gibbs, St. Thomas; two unidentified boys from St. Mary, Wilmington; Jamas Davis and Fred Walker, master of ceremonies, St Thomas. • . ’ ■ T :•' • «a————■ Durham Christianity Takes Holiday The Carolinian • •. ..:: :. I :-*-* ' **;-:*'*: :-:-:-:-:-:-:-;*:-:-:*:-: . i VOL, 21, NO. 21 RALEIQH, C-, SATURDAY, MARCH 31. 1963 PRICK IS* RALEIGH HOST TO 1500 CLUB WOMEN + * + + + + + + ,+ 4 Estranged Hubby Tries To 1 , *5- Burn Family Alive Churches Bar Their Doors To Students DURHAM Students from North Carolina College who tried on Sun day to “integrate" nine white churches throughout the city, were successful at six of them, but found Christianity taking a holidry at three other, tt was learned here this week. Quinton Baker, a student who or ganized the visitation project to initiate Religious Emphnts Week at the local institution, said that ushers at three white Baptist chur ches declined to seat the Negro su dents In their msin congregations. One of the three churches offered the students seats in the basement to hear the sermon over e loud speaker, but the students declined the offer and left. Baker said that the students re ceived cordial receptions at the ci ther six churches, one of which was Baptist, and that some invited them te return. Barton at two of the churches confirmed reports that the students ware denied admission. The pastor of the third was net available for comment. Baker said that the group raceiv afi ew-Hal reeeofions at Duke IV Shi* MetkrtJt Church. le.njß Baptist Church, Trinity Avenue Me thodist Church. First Presbyterian (casrnNttip m m» s» and triad on a charge of non-burgla rious breaking and entering of a dwelling with felonious intent This offense 1s punUhabla by up to 10 years in prison. Elks Poiiticai Eight JLooms IT). 6 BARREN ROCKY MOUNT With the an nouncement in Raleigh recently that A. A. Vance, a past exalted rul er of the Capital City’s Fidelity IB POEW (Elks) Lodge, is out to do battle to all comers seeking the poet of president of file N. C. IBP OEW Association whan the conven tion meats to Washington, N. C., to ■ MPP\wF ; ? - V'. ■ ■."aSI -s.; s v x; flB M i jpr\; v rmi v* asnj Bl JC I IS IT TOO LATE TO DO ANY GOOD?—This is a picture of former President Harry S. Truman as he faces a barrage of newsmen in Atlanta, Ga. Ha is reported to have told them, “Civil Rights are going to come and you might as well ewallow it." It is to be remembered that ha made no such statement while in the White House. (UPI PHOTO). Mrs. Vera Slade To Head Club Women Approximately 1,500 women crowded Raleigh's Memorial Au ditorium Wednesday, titan 53 coun ties, throughout tha state, for the S annual soaeion of the State ncil meeting St Homs Demon stration Clubs. Mr* LtzxeUe PearsatL retiring president, presided over the first session, which opened at t0:30. She called attention to the fact that there had never been a greater need for better understanding by She general public of the work done by the Home Demonstration Clubs than now. She threw out a greet challenge to the members when die said, “Are we, as leaders, doing our share to telling the story?” Mrs. Patricia Johnson Trice, choir director, of the AAT College Choir, began the meeting with musical preludes. The Rev. Cleo M. McCoy, director, religious activities, at Afr- T, made the Invocaton. The Madri- mid-May. the pot has begun to real ly boil. The Rev. Kemp P. Battle, Rocky Mount, who has been president at the antlered herd in Tarheelia tor sixteen years, successfully fought off a hard attack to unseat him last year when the convention met here. He is expected to contend again for the post, notwithstanding his re ported promise to bow eut this year. It seem* that the taste of po litical success makes a man want to go on until he U “shot down" ra ther than bow out gracefully and with honors and the plaudits of masses for being gallant. Mr Battle was for aeversl year* grand esteemed lecturer of the I | grand lodge of Elks prior to. and i ! during the Bob Johnson adminlstra- ' ; tlon. i But with the coming es the Hob- < son R Reynolds administration. 1 j Battle, like many others, felt the i CAROLINIAN ADVERTISERS ——BU> FROM THEM PAOB t Horton ! Cadi Star* Jo* Mumkk ! Promotion Mother A Omshtor PAGE 1 Til Imu f Be* and Whit* Food Store PAGE » ■udaon-Brlk - BftrS'i Cartsr’i. tor. Mechanic! * Parmer! Bank Security Market PACK • Major Ftoanr* Co Amertraa Credit to Ante toauraare Service W A O Upholder) Compear Nina « Grill The Fabric Shop Stephen t Appltancr Compear Doheton i T-xace Service Capital Vervain Store Hunuri Grocery Broun In l Berber Shop Sov’a Am* nr an Or BaJetch Paint A Wallpaper Co. Capital Bargain Star* Buffalo* tampan) A Buildam G. S. Tocher Broa.. lac. fhamaa Frmd Markot Cmetesd Tranof*r A Grocery Ushtaer’i Fuaoral Bom* Meehan In A farmer* Bash PACK 1 Anio m*'-all ( omnonr Sander* Motor Co. (ford Cara) Campbell and Bonerrott S Raletch paint A Wallpaper Co. PAOB S gal Singers, as fii* same college fumlebad the music. Miae Marjorie Murray song a solo. Maypr W. G. Enloe brought greet ins fgg the city, and told how all Raleigh awaited the coining of the ladies to the city. Me made them wwmwwß oh' Hgri) Winter! Declares Minorities Make Stronger America Raleigh City Councilman John W. Winters addressed a large group axe after daring to raise his head in a futile effort to gain the grind exalted rulership, a poet which Reynolds had had his eyes and heart eet on for many years • by his own admission. Not only did Battle get the ax* (CONTPSUgP ON FAOB *» Local Hight Clubs Raided After Heighborhood Complaints According to Captain of Detec tives, Robert E. Goodwin, the resi dent* at the 400 block of Blood worth Street are alarmed over th# noise and general confusion that if caused by the patrons of th* Mont Lisa Club snd Club ’’s4" and in ie sponse to complaint! made by these I r olortial More* t S. Quinn Purntture Co Raleigh Purnltur* Co. tinu b«llj unpur I H Brown blrlili Funeral Bom* PAGE • tlf Pood Store, Town a Country Furniture Co Correll Cool Co M e thing ton Terraco Ant* , lac. Branch Banking A Truat Co. ; Maxwell Garden Canter I Gem Welch Khop I k M Yoong Hardware p m.r i* Prpti-Cola Bottling Co. of Belelgh Dillon Motor Plnance Co. SeTta-Up Bottling Company , Carolina Ptilldert Corp i Ridgewe a Optic lane, lac Bloodworth St Tonrtat Home Deluxe Hotel Wiener Wemorlata PAGE II Wlnn-Dtxle rireetone St rea ; Standard Concrete Prodorta Cn {Carolina Pewar A Light Ce. I PAGE 1J j Lincoln Theatre PAGE 14 Larry'a Cnt-Bnle Grocery A Market : PAGE IS Piggiy wiggty Dana < Eeao Service Hunt General Tire Company Rhodea rnrnttnre f q Raleigh Seafood Company gr : Fire, Assault Raps Facing Gate City Man REIDSVTLLE Following what police described as an attempt to bum hi* estranged wife and four children alive. Worth Walker, 35. of Greensboro, was lodged in Jail here Monday. Walker, according to reports giv en local police, and said to be em ployed by the Sedgefleld Country Club of Greensboro, was recently convicted of non-suppasd and his i wife and children were staying [ with her parents here. Mrs Walker said her husband came here last Thursday end again i Friday to try to make up with her i Walker waa told by her father he could not stay at the Motley home. Saturday Mrs. Wslker said, “some thing woke me up. the baby was fretting. I raised up and saw the window buat Into flames, a blazing rock came crashing in through the window “I started pulling the kids out of bed and gasoline waa thrown alj ov er ua. 1 saw my husband outside the window". Mr*. Wslker aald she screamed end woke the rest of the family and they tried to escape through the back door.. They were held back by rock* thrown in by Walker, she said. Walker blocked . every eecatMt route and rraritad a- window and (ctomnigß oh nioi t> of foreign etudent* at N. C Stale College, Saturday afternoon. The occasion was a part of the International Student program ar ranged by a special committee ap pointed by Governor Sanford for this purpose. Speaking lo the group assembled in Harrison Hall on the campus of Stale College Winters said: "You see we do not have, spe cifically and srpamtely a Negro problem, a Jewish problem, a Ca tholic problem, a Mexican or Ori (CONTINUED ON PAGE t) I residents the Captain led a raid on tha two places Friday night about !0 Due to b*’. mg found Ux p.«iJ liquor, in an excess 1 "* amount, B vnd one-half fifths and one pint, at the Mona Li*a. William Bryant, Ji is now undei a FIOO.UO bond, sub ject to trial at 2 p m„ April loth The laiding party then visited Club ”54" where it alao found an excessive amount of tax paid whis key John Wr-sley Stewart lit alleg ed to have been arrested and will (CtWTIhUn ON PAG). (1 ODDS-ENDS 6y KORF.RI G. SHEPARD 'Tat off the aid man. put oo Ike new man." THE OLD ORDER ( HANOETH I NOT l The appointment Ui» week of Mr. C A Haywiod as a niemb' of the Ral'igh Housing Authorlt, mark* the firat time that a Negm ha* e'ver been given an appoint ‘ ment to serve on that important t«ody. Both fair-mirded N*gro*» and Ahite* will see in this appointment a growing awarenesr on th* part-of those entrusted with the duty of making appointment* to policy . making bodies of their recognition - of the Negroes’ right to have a share In th- responnoility of the things of wmch they are an inte gral part For that rtaion, we. along with (CONTINUED ON TAGS j | In The Xewg DETERMINATION—The bas er. the puncher. Emile Griffith, who gave former welterweight champion “Kid" Parel. Use heat ing of his ITe. Saturday night, displays a killer attitude, as shown In this pleeure i UP! PHOTO I. M m ', <‘ : - \ ■ f'gk wi, ON HOUSING AUTHORITY —Named to the Raleigh Housing Aulhorlty Monday was CharlM A. Haywood. Sr. of 726 S. f.»d Street, president of the Ralelgb I Funeral ilonte. above, wbflfp Mayor Will am G Enlor selected to fill the position left vacant by the death Inst week of Dr. L. L. Vaushn. chairman of the Au thority. L-f ? OttHr (ills APPOINTMENT John R Larkins, North Carolna hiJht Department, of Welfare, above, has bee* a(ps' pointed to a It-member Ctficaßt Advisory Council to work »■ President John P. KnuulyS. Committee on Juvenilo DotfiL iiurrvv md Youth Crime. The , '-emmltter represent* bath Igr and professional group* selected , n,- 'on-wide hast*. iMlt .NOTHKR PRECRDBNCB w hen < ham# JUffard Mm Mm Meld of 124 pro-seHers at tto Cape Fear Country Club, Wt? mincton. In the I3MHM Aagt lea Open. Tbareday, ht will M* another iM-eredent as bang Ss. first of bis raaa to enter & rich swri

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