Negro Education Rocks N. C. IThe Carolinian ■ ' *V -.; ■. v ■■ - ■ -• ' - — vX -~ . North Carolina s Leading Weekly VOL. 21. NO. 23 RALEIGH. N. C.. SATURDAY. APRIL 7.1962 PRICE 15c llonroc Committee Allege* Youth Shot In Jail ++++. + ♦ + + Citizens Ass ’n Says INTEGRATE NOW Survey Shows N, C. Behind In Schools The comment* on the report of a eurvey of the caltbr* of higher ed ucation being offered to Negro col lege student* have been almost u namiou* that it wa* right There were different opinions as to how it could be remedied, running from complete integration of all classes, from first grade to graduate work, to improving-*)!* present system. The CAROLINIAN attempted to reach Governor Sanford and wa* told that he was in Washington. A reliable source, in his office, said that the plight of the Negro stu dent. from elementary to college graduation, was a part of the gov ernor's educational program. Superintendent of Public Instruc tion, Dr. Charles Carroll said that he was not in position to say what the situation was among the col leges. in view of the ts'ri that he ended at the high school level. He was conscious of the fact that the educational system was not what it should be and that all of the people connected with his program are working sealously to improve it Dr. Rudolph Jonas, president Fayetteville State Teachers College, who was repotted to have said 'That tn'th* Negro colleges ilHter ates were teaching illiterates" felt that that part of his statement was lifted out of context, but he wanted it clearly understood that the work done by both students and teachers in so-called Negro colleges was not of the best grade and that he would not hesitate to say so. Dr. Jones said that he made a (CONTINUED ON PAGE t> Greensboro Hospital Answers Suit GREENSBORO The Moses Cone Hospital contended that the United States Middle District Court ot North Carolina lacks Jurisdiction in an integration suit filed against out in an unexpected move her# it and asked the judge to throw it Monday. The suit was brought several weeks ago by a group of Greensbo- I CONTINUED ON PAGE *> Fayetteville Ready For 85th Anniversary FAYETTEVILLE Educator* from a U over the nation wilJ con verge on the Fayetteville State Tea cher* College campu* thi* week to help celebrate the fchool’t 85th Founder* Day exercise*. The weekend program, beginning Friday, will be geared around the theme: “The Pursuit of Excellence in Teacher Education", and will feature the participation of num erous outstanding educators. Keynote speaker for opening ex jSBSk mar | H f ™ rJ K£k.2MAl& I HEADS UN COMMISSION Mrs. Angie Brook*, presi dent of the UN Conunieaton for Ruanda Urundi. is surrounded by hr*' women as she arrives at Urandi re tantly. Mrs. Brooks, Liberian delegate to the General Assembly, « i■■ P f J pPr Wj A m 11 jStKKKm 'Jb I Wr .Jfl |ma« ,yi PkOTEST INTEGRATION A smell group oI women demonftrnte *oi Nc*re Dame in flfow Ethane to protest what they tfryed imminent integration of CathoPz schools in the Archdiocee of New Orleans. Catholic officials or dered the echools integrated last week. (UPJ PHOTO). Monroe Officials Mum On Prison Shooting MONROE Jay Van Covington, 19. who has been active in the anti segregation struggle in Monroe. Wednesday, was shot in his jail cell where he had been held incommu nicado for several weeks, allegedly by a guard, the Committee to Aid the Monreo Defendants has reveal ed. The inside story is not known, be cause no one in the Monroe Negro community, neither relative nor friends has been permitted to speak or communicate with Cov ington since he entered his cell in the basement of the prison, but the Committee attributes the shooting to J. B. Eller. Covington'a aide of the story is not known, but Eller, a guard in the Union County Jail, entered Covington s cell where Covington allegedly “attacked” him and at <ome point during the "fight" a trustee threw a 38 caliber pistol to ercitea will be Dr Earl W Ander- I son, chairman of the department *of education at Ohio Stata University Observer* will alao hear greetings from North Carolina educational institution*. The Friday evening jeaaion will feature a pagenat, "Teacher Excel- j lence: Dream of Yesterday: Hope of Today: Vision of Tomorrow” : The pageant will be directed by ; (CONTINUED ON PADS r> Eller who shot the prisoner "to prevent his eacape”. It was in a basement cell of Ihe same jail that Riohard Griswold, a New York Freedom Rider, sustain ed a near-fatal beating following lioting by thousands of whites last summer when Covington led anti segregation pickets in Monroe. The basement of the jail where (CONTINUED ON PAGE I) Veteran Church Official Buried Here Sunday More than 800 persona paid tri bute to Claude David Rogers well known community and civic lead er, Sunday at the Martin Street Church. Mourners of: bot h races heard the Rev Paul H Johnson tell of If War' work Rogers had I '’»• done In the ift immunity and tSHL-K. J/ff the significance Hr i3Jg of his loss ■fcflT Rogers HMHHK last Thursday a his home at 818 S Haywood S'. MssSilsM He had not been seriously 111 ■BH Bom In Oran “ ville County he had lived In Ra- leizh for nearly half a century He married the for m e r Lola Hawklna In 1921. MR. ROGERS He had been a js a veteran in affairs ot state and specialist in international law snd diplomacy. She is a graduate of Shaw University and also ttended Howard University, University of Wisconsin and the niverstty of London {UP! PHOTO). Citizeiis Body Seeks Full Integration The Raleigh City School Board this work was asked to totally de segregate public schools in the city as of the 1982-03 school icrm A delegation of about 15 pesons from the Raleigh Citizens Associa tion presented a petition with more than 400 signatures urging the School Board to adopt a plan for systematic desegregation O. W. Burwtck. chairman of the education committee of the Associ ation. read the petition to- the six member board. The petition commends the board for such progress as had been made, but states that “we believe and have supporting evidence that this past achievement will not make for the pogressive elimination of the large segment of segregation still exist* in Ihe present school system." The petition adds: "We request tile above action be cause: (It We firmly believe that the School Board has a definite re sponsibility to anno'mee a plan: (CONTINUED ON PAGE NA.ICP Rally Is Slated Ta Te Held Here Sunday Sunday. April 8, has been desig nated "NAACP Rally Day” for Ra leigh and vicinity. Dr. P R. Robinson. Dean of St Augustine's College has been se lected as the Rally Day speaker The officials of the local NAACP branch and. Mrs. Virginia Newell, chairman of this year's member ship drive, feel that they have been most fortunate id obtaining a speaker of Dr Robinson's calibre for this occasion The St. Augustine's desn has not only attained a position of eminence in the field of education, but is al so widely known as a dynamic and member of the Martin Street Bap tist Church for more than 30 years and has served actively as a trustee, a member of the finance oommmJttee and on the Usher Board. He had worked for the Stephenson Music Company for nearly 83 years Surviving are his wife. Mr*. Lola H. Rogers, two sons. Marvin and Vernon, both of Raleigh; two (CONTINUED ON PAGE I) The flve-Say weather forecast for the Raleigh area beginning ThareSay, April A aag ceattania* throagh Monday, April S, la pa fel laws: Temperataree win average sear era few Se*reee above normal, firing temperature- through Bat arSay. Somewhat cooler Sunday aaS Monday. Shower* likely Sat urday and rain about Monday ex pecting to overate one-half to three -quarter* of an Inch. VV E A T PI E II Efkf . . -:FN bt - Bt ' ~'f- ffg *r,.f j|fl ; •> i <;, w . ej^jt MOURNS HUSBAND'S DEATH Mrs Lucy Paret, lighting back the fears, carries her weeping son, BennyJHnet, Jr., B, alter learning ol the death ot her husband, Bartfty'Kid" Paret, former welterweight champion. The Kid died Tueedey Controversy Looms Over Paret’s Body NEW YORK A family tug of war with pol Oral Implica tions broke out this week ovrr the remains of boxer Benny Kid Paret. who died Tuesday. from injuries suffered in a wel terweight title fight Maroh 24. While the Kid's widow Lucy maintained that he definitely will be buried in Miami, Fla., on Friday, Paret's mother. Mrs. Maxima Crespo, hoped that xhe could take the body bark to Santa Clara. Cuba for burial there. Adding lo the family squabble was the revelation bv Manager Manuel Alfaro that Paret had once told him he wanted to be buried in Cub.i, despite h's hatred for Premier Fidel Castro. gfcJWrs. Paret said lhai Benny s RSdy “will never go bark to Cuba as long a* Cubs is ruled by that man. My husband will be buried In Miami where I ean visit hit grave." forthright speaker and champion of Civil Rights Sunday's rally, which will be (CONTINUED ON PAGE i) NC Ministers Babk NAACP Some ttiree-arore representative clergymen of Tanheelis pledged In creased support of the program of the National Association for the Ad vancement of Colored People In its all-out eff' rl to implement the vot ing strength of Negroes in the Stste and over the South. The occasion was the special Re gistration and Voting Booster Meet ing for ministers at Raleigh railed by the Rev J F- Ametfe Holds bo ro, chairman, and Dr C.radv Davis. Shaw University. Raleich. vice chairman, N C NAACP Church Work Committee Field secretary Charles A McT,e§n. Winston-Salem, cooperated in the promotion of the conference which brought together several denominational leaders who “touched and agreed ' upon the need for more activity to come from the pulpit in the furthering of the cauae of fighting for freedom for all Americana, without regard to color The Rev. Coleman W Kerry, Friendship Baptist Church. Char lotte. was the keynoter He told of the enthusiasm of the Junior NA ACP 'under 17 .veers) group in his Church, who. when they go* fired up, went out and raised the money for a Life Membership in the NAA CP Rev Kerry Joined the Rev .1 Os car McCloud. Davie Street United (CONTINUED ON PAGE O State News —IN Briefs EDENTON TRESPASS CASES CONTINUED EDEN TON Judge Henry L Stevens granted Tms da yin the case of trespass her in volving more than a score of Ne gro students who participated in sit-in demensir*' or.i The Superior Court judge acted pending a decision o> 'he U S St j C I *. o * milds c > • Vt Tiff'll >rje- kif pfaM 'torn I'J€ SorXji Carolma S‘<;p rr **r,* Co c * (CONTIM LED ON CA6I 2> Atty. General Not Alarmed By La. Order r Attorney General Wade Bruton ! iof used to oomment this week as to whether the recent Supreme Court decision involving the open ing or Louisiana schools would have- any effect on the North Carolina Pupil Placement Act The CAROLINIAN in »n at tempt to Interview Bruton this week, asked the attorney general whether he thought U 8. District Court Judge J. Skelly Wright's decision to order all public arhool* desegregated through grades 1-8 would affect tire placement act in this gt*te which is similar to that lined hr th*. pate of Louisiana The attorney general declined to comment, stating that he was not familiar with the LooMana decision. Louisiana school segregationists v ere dealt a double barrel blow this week as. In addition to the i Supreme Court decision. Cathol'c church lields in that state also declared that all Catholic elemen tary and high schools will be Inte grated next school term. Archbishop Joseph Francis Rummrl handed down an order recently that all schools tinder jurisdiction would be Integrated as of Sept 9, 1902 The order was released through Msgr Henry C. Bewiu. superintendent of Catholic schools in the New Orleans area The announcement of the de segregation was somewhat a weed ing among Louisiana segregation ists, and Immediately brought protests from area Catholics " , In his decision. Judge Wright i wrote “To assign children to a i segregated school system and then require them to pass muster un der a pupil placement law is dis crimination in the rawest form. “The school board here occupies an unenviable position. But, thv plight of the board cannot affect the rights of school children whose skin color 1* no choice of their uontinued on paob n Negro Voters I’rge JTo Switch DURHAM Alexander Barnes, three times defeated candidate for the state senate, on the Republican ticket, charged that the one-perly system of North Carolina was re sponsible for the vast difference be tween the training received by CAROLINIAN ADVERTISERS —— BIA FROM THEM PAG! f Horton • Catli Store Mother A Daughter PAGE J i Rouo-i.rlffln UK op Co f Tire Sale* A l»ril<f Southern Bell TAT Com pan. i (immunity florist i orrell Coal C o Atlantic (srrihouiUl Un*i PAGR 5 Ht.fJvrsfi lie Ik - fflrd ► Mf'hjfilfk A hrinm Hank Thornak R*d and Whit* Pood Store Inßlor i N»»'\erv AMotT* ( afe Washington Apt* In* Standard (om retd PioducU ta PAGE « Auto Sale* A Part* Raleigh ( ommUato Bou»« H**hitik» A tirmor* Bank Stephen t Appllanr Company Amertran Credit Co Buffalo* C oriipan A Builders t a pita I Barratn i»o re Raleigh Paint A Wallpaper Co Capital Vacuum Stor# G S. Torkfr Brw l«. Auto laiaraarc Serrtee PAGE 7 l«'b fMarotmt Company Raleigh Paint A Wallpader to Vt>a>rr Bro* R fnhPr I f\*n« Shell SerVP Hotel A trill Browning** BaEbar Whop Da . »d*on * Krtljtinnt Booker % I Irißfft AM' rvon'i IphalfttfV Shop . morning in Roosevelt Hospital m Naw York where he had been since he was battered into unconsciousness by Emile Griffith in the 11th round of their title light in New York. March 25. (See related story page 15).—-I/P/ PHOTO. | SPEAK!Mb IX HALEMUI \ . 41,:.’91 i•» 9 ' IT If 4 . ■■■BM i a The above four personalities are slated to apeak in- Kalelgh thta ' week At top left Is Dr Walter Ridley, president of Elizabeth City fttate Teachers College who will speak Kunday at Martin fttreet Bip t’at Church In observance of the Church's Men's Day program. At top 1 right Is Dr. Helen G. Edmonds graduate professor of education at North Carolina College who will hr the krynoter at the Slat annual meeting of the Crown and Koeptor High Mrhool Honor Society slated for St. Augustine's College on April 14. Bottom left showa Dr, KUen S. Alston, executive secretary of the Woman's Baptist Homs and 1 Foreign Missionary Convrnt’on. who will speak at regular morning worship services at St. Paul’s AME Church Sunday for thetr ansmpl Women’s Day program. And bottom right shows Mrs. Augusta Bakae, [ coordinator of Children's Services for the New York Publle Ittuft, who will speak for the Librarian's d'vMnn of the North Carolina Teachers Association Friday. April 13. al I,lion High School. students In ao railed Negro rol legea and that received in other colleges. 'The strangle hold that the for ces of the Democrat pertv hss upon the hebita and moves of oui stste is deplorably and nothing will slop J SI LunStfortf I inS*< spini Plain how (ah f om| An* Blount §t Ha >hr r Shop P AGE • 1 olonial Store* R t Quinn Purnltura Co Kalrtgh f urnlt uri ( o Ralrlih funeral Horn# \r»F»a Realty t ompany PAGR * AA P food Uterus Branch Hanking A Trugf I o % M Young Hardware ( antral Drug ft'ore Plraatooe §t r» % PAC.f Id Pep*i-C ola Bolding < o of PLilngh Oillon Motor fmanr* f o feven-Lp Bottling ( ompany ( arolHaa Builder* Corp Ridgeway** Optician* In/ HUsod worth it ‘TourUt Home Deluxe Hotel Warner Memorial* PAGE 11 t Carolina Power A Light Co loiUirrn Furniture Whole hale C o WaytM# furniture Houte floneyrutt Super Market Ughtner * funeral Home PAGE 13 Joe Mur nick's Promotion Ltneoln Theatre P %OE id Pigglv Mtggly '••nn * l.tM terviif Serurlt* Market Hunt (.rnera! Tire Company Rhode* furniture Co , Ralegh Seafood t ompany our trend down th» ladder, but a »it'hing of the Negro vota". aaid Ram** He charged that tbe Ne gro had been muzzled by promises of Democrat* long enough and that tbe time had come for tham to .nova tout they will no longer foU :ow that type of leadership (hat lead* to a road of ignorance and a welfare dead end. The recent exposure at the type of education that baa been receiv ed by students in so-called Negre ' colleges was labeled as an ineojt to intelligence and a travestry OR (CONTINUED ON PAGE g) ZZ ODDS-ENDS HI ROBERT O. SHEPARD - All tbiag* are fell el laber”. HI (.RADIATE ILLITERATES” l>. Rudolph Jones, the fbrth i ghi pn rident of Fayetteville State T< College has probably Mi»d** it.- .harpy*t thrust at SM In adequate v of Ncrto education with- IIONTINUED ON PAOa *> ATTENTION CAROLINIAN NEWS DOTS You are Invited to a Special Weiner Roast Tuesday. April 1% at the Tee Off near Ralelglv You are to meet at the CARO LINIAN office at MS. Transport tat ion will be provided. *j* Any boy who would like to rt* a salesman please call Rev. D. WS Howard—TE 4-2437.

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