Mr*. Ckirio Mcfhrain uiiflj •cream* “ret eat •* my way leave ■« alone,” aa she arvtvm to Oakland. Calif slth her three children from New Orleans. Trtp wae wwarH hy White OHt 'St ■», Mr. sad Mrs. WOltam Sbetey (wife earrytac bar) are welcom ed to New Tech after trip tea 1 New Orleans. ■■■■■■■■■■■l 4 1 ! S ' ' I i ■’'iliftl ' W!m ! < I i m a mmL. I|§ t jmm\ sdsancs flMWst itoewa MM- \ 99 ter the tickets. ■a i i i I < 1 ■ I ttataartred to Las Angeles wKb mat way tickets was this famflv of 12. They are tbs Foote Den ham family of New Orleans. The T. J. Lewis Family Is Honored It has km* atace beta eetabliahed : that a family that pray* together ■Qayt together. The Family Service Society of Raleigh ha* aim found that a family that work*, pity* and pray* together make an idea) fami ly. That ia the yardetick hy which they meeaure the "Family of the Year." Thome* Jackson Lewi* Family, ft .1 '*• Kli to A■ | ¥ WHtfl ■ i *- -m I W ’ l^ r ' . ■ ? Htofe to v »'h*NWß ’ W‘- -I * -A* . jßjtot’ l "f * ” ’\ '*' " *,■(, ''j " if"; htfif'v j\i tor ;;Bn B *l[ ■■ A. &C j|j|^| r FAMILY OF THE YEAR — The Thomas Jack son lami* family at 6 Hyde Terrace wa* Ase pml dubbed Family at hte Year. Pictured, hit ta rijht, Aey are Monica, it; Ronald, 11; Mr. Lawn; Diana; Mr*. Laaie; Thomm, 14; and Kary, 16. • Stop Segregating Yourself—Register Now And Vote May 26th Police Are Bcffled In Mystery Death The Carqlinian >—MMMMM—TINfirr ' Tlgf Tl ' r ir i TMTIITTI nun ~i HIT riIfMMMMM man———NMMM—l l ——ama—aa fforth Carolina's Leading Weekly VOL. 21. NO. 27 RALEIOH. N. C. SATURDAY. MAY It 1982 PRICE lSe At State NAACPMeet “ Jackie Mails JFK Claims Prexy Backed Out On Promises Jackie Robinson, on Sunday, May 6, at toq Raleigh Memorial Audi tortum addressed more than 3JSOO North Carolina citizens at the Annu ual Freedom Day Celebration spon sored hy die North Carolina NAA CP. i. Jackie Robinson urged North Ca rolinians to give more moral and financial support to the program of toe NAA CP. He stated that toe NA AGP had contributed effectively to hwgrd minorities in this country en- Ktng equality under law. Ute emphasised the importance of igHteteund stated that it was toe nNalit site that pot President Ken- Msy t&hitkse- He criticized the JMatMß»iter no t signing an Exe fjjmttee QnSfe. banning discrimins mm and iitfkgatlon ip Musing. It WBtf his opinion that the President ImcmM done m*»ught for Negro edvMMncet by Vigorously push ing tee-additional civil rights legi ' -pl&2w*dedtuV Attorney WSji.l» M 8 stand on Negro riffhtav Ra ateted that Robert Keo» nedy had toil courage of hta eku viction atoile tils brother dees not Robinson mid that Nobby Ken nedy is right in saying “our racial problem is as important in the eyes of the world as the race in space.” (CONTINUm ON PAGE I) Mae Mallory Get Stay Os Extradition CLEVELAND, Ohio (ANPI - Mrs. wile Mae Mallory, wanted to Monroe, N. C., on a kidnaping charge which grew out of that city's racial strife, last week won a 10- day stay of extradition from the Court of Appeals (COOTHHJSP OS PAGE S> Hyde Terrace, was seelcted aa ona of the families of year Tuesday. The Lewises have five cSQdren, Kary. 16; Thomas, 14; Monica, 13; Ronald, 11 and Dana. Two of the children go to Ligon, one to Lucille Hunter and two to Croaby-Garfield. Thia means that the mother and father an members of terse Parent Teachers Associations. Superior Court Judge Acquits Rev. Dunn H b ■ ■V • Jr>i ■ ■ m • ;. £.?” '■‘*l*’' a' •—.- * M- rirk-aeruf-J integration Sought In Whtteville WHITEVILLE A remlution has been reosived by too WhitevUs Board of Education asking that too Whitevills City Schools be integrat ed. The resolution, signed by seven Negroes, all leaders of groups in Whiteville is due to come up this week et the school board meeting here. The resolution charged that "ma ny children in toe City of White ville are assigned to schools which ere • great distance from their homes, primarily because of race." The resolution also charged that toe buildings at Central High (COHWoiD~OW PAGE to The entire family belongs to Mar tin Street Baptist Church and la puite active. Kary la Junior organist at Ligon School and Monica plays the piano and handles a rood in strument in Em Ligon School or chestra. The Lewises wars married 11 _____ t (CONTINUED ON PAOB t> Rebtnsetoatenste meaner, Mrs. Virginia Newsß sf ItaMgnt And Na lsigh Mayw W O. EntoG MV. It K. DUNN TRESPASS CHARGES DROPPED WBLDOH - "Tha truth will fin ally prevail . .• has long bean tha bel klot to* Rev. W. K, Dunn, local abaa la this araa tvrar a parted of 97 yam But h* will tall you now that eoamtimm it takaa truth many daya. even ante to praaant HmU when avil foreaa ara ■Maine te dathrona on*. MMiaiiw on ram p OODS-ENDS Dm meO ece wht eitovsd JACKS BOBDTMMr - A CONTUSED MAN Wa hopa wa have aaao tha laat of Jackie Bobteaon aa thia atate’i ann ual HAACP Traadom Day*» (peek*' ar. His appearance hara te teat rate laat Sunday dearly damanalratail that ha la too nonfnsul te hia think tea |to| ha tha hmdltnßtL featured “TXndd ha camamharad teat Jackte waa an all out aupportar of Bfcted Nlnoirt unaueeaaaful bid quoted aa mytea that K—lady waa ite man and teat ha had mada a "‘OSn? lyteir'ilSrt^rancaa Shaw Student Sought In Assault Case A wsitssM has base Issued for a Shaw University stuaent who has bean charged with aamulMng • fel low sosd. Miss reports this weak showed tost too warrant has tern issued for tbs arrest of Chivia McDonald, whose aifdrms was listed as Cost, vsnttoa Hal) on Shaw's campus. IBs complainant to Miss Joyce Robinson, If, 4M W. Canon At. Po lice reported Mias Robinson told thorn McDonald struck her several times la toe face at a weekend denes st Shaw. Hie later cams to tbs police statical and signed • war rant Mrs. L. H. McClennan Succumbs In Raleigh Funaral ritea wars half from St. Ambrose Episcopal Church, Mon day, at 4 p. m, tor Mia. Louisa Hoover McClennan, M. with Father Arthur J. Calloway and Father J. K. Green la charge. Mia. McCtennan’s death earns aa a surprise to Raleigh and rietolty. She waa aMckan Wednesday, tak en to tea teNgftal Thursday and died at S p. m. Friday. She waa a native of Raleigh and ■nant moat of hw tifc hara. She at tended tea public schools of the ci ty and received a B A. degree from Shaw University. She was the MBS. L E SCdCUNNAN mr 9 . iillii TtmTiTTranir v.VlraKe/i , \ •> JPV Say Death Caused By Head Injury Was tha death of 23-yeas-old Eu gene Banka accidental, or Was it murder? This is tha question Raleigh po lice art asking as they atmept to solve tha man's mysterious death. Banks was found lying dead on his front porch aIMMHM| 208 1-2 Cuba arly Sunday bye BHPMPBnk neighbor. Polict mid an autopsy ■S i *‘ ... . 4HI showed he diec 3p*fi® of a fractured MJ. • ,2T'" : '‘JR skull. m&.dikußb JHf Mrs. Ethel Whi- 1 ;4fcag taker of 1024 Manly St, who RlMhk&iMiß found the men’s <J|; , body, told the M CAROLINIAN he BANKS / was lying on his back wMen she to oOte f^ 1 ** W Wm *“ IMnt SiSWK ■ear his hand , . . there was elosd ou the porch and It looked fibs he hud been foaming at lbs mouth", she described the scabs. Mrs. Whitaker expressed belief that foul play might have been in volved in the death. She said toe had seen him earlier on Saturday end he appeared to ha'in perfect condition. Banks, a former serviceman, was employed at a local title company. (costtinusd on page s> Dunn Woman Gets 500 Stitches DUNN Weekend brawls, fights and seen murder don’t usually cause much excitment around Dunn, but whan it takas 800 stit ches to does up cuts and lasers coosnuspgp ON PAGE to daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wesley Hoover. She mar (CIONTUIUaU ON PAOB t) CAROLINIAN ADVERTISERS Bin FROM THEM Ikwur Re« A White PeeS Store ■ortea'i Cash I tor* PAOB I Ualea Plaaeca Ce. IAOBS PAGE *4 W, °* ,ho> CtlMUll M#fM Raleigh Puaaral gm* B. E Qotaa Far altar* Ca. Aeaw Realty Ca. RaMfh SaalaeS Ca. PAGE f AAP PaaC Stem Asnnrtcaa CradM Ca. Wa. I S^gsSm^yjimiea^ApS^* 1 to &' fThlto'ct, toe. fit Laata Ca. Rot Gcaaral lira Ce. glakor Whalaeala Ca- toe. M Rataigh Data* Ratal Warner Maaarlili WOT VICTIMS IN L. A.— Three vtettem witch were felted dar ing a riot to Lea Angeles toy sprawled east tea ground awaiting am bulances white psUea standby to avert MUmr rioting Tbs Hot start ed when offleers (topped two men Htowtsi of burglary near tbs Blask Muslim temple One sect member was kUlsd and several others injured, and tbrss policemen wars lnjard la tbs shooting metes. (UPI TELEPHOTO). Elk Head To Be Elected At Meet WASHINGTON, N. C. The week of May 18-17 will bring toe annual convention M toe North Ca rolina Association W toe Improved Benevolent Protective Order of Elks of toe World (IBPOEW) to thin "The Original Washington” (N. C.l ‘And don’t call this town “Little Washington” because you will offend the resident here. Hiey resent It'because this was toe firft town “in American named after the First President, great General and Father «f Our Country). Clinton Youth Shoguns Dad For Beating Mom 1 OtINTEJN - Whether Binor Fai son, Jr., 18 year old son of Binor aaxnssa^S'l be mid tote he khewflEto to him a rifle threuW a dins when his dad dy to bestow hto motoer This really happened in Halls Township Sunday night. It mss re ported to officers tost the non shot through toe door of a room in which his mother Is alleged to have Veteran Newspaperman Dies In Washington, D. C. Loul* R. Lautler. 08, veteran newsmen end special assistant to Republican National Chairman Wil liam E. Miller, died Ssunday, May 0. at Washington Hospital Center where he had been a patient about two weeks. Commenting on toe death of Mr. Lautier. Chairman Miller said: •TWe nation has lost a fine Ame rican and toe Republican Party a loyal and tireless worker. During his brief but highly productive ser vice with the National Committee, he won the respect and admiration of all his colleagues. Throughout mi mum* 1 m WEAT H E K Tha (tvf day weather for ara at for tho Ralatgh araa tot Inning Tharaday, May IS. and roattnotn* tbraagh Monday, May 14. la aa ftUnws: Tamparaturaa will avsraft near normal. MtUa day to day eluasaa. (howara stoat Friday and again a hoot Monday. Rrla (all will ave rse* totwaaa so* half and thro* PAOB U Bandar's Meter Ce., Used Car* AW* Discount Ce. M hole sals Motor* Wesvar Bros.. Raaahlar PAGE U Rhodes Pnraltnra Co. Carpet ( rater Inr. TMoma Roeord Shop m rt f,,x Wood’s > A tor Stora Aula laauranra Co. American Credit Co. Fabric Shop Ralotah FurnHorr Co. Sevan Up BotUtn* Co. Ralalfh Paint * Wat! Paper to &S. Tar her Bros., tor Walter Chevrolet Co. PAGE 14 Csralotgh Farattar* Co. HarrisWhalaeala. lar. O. I. Tar her Broa.. lac. Voacyratt Paper Marhot FAGS U W. T. Grant Co. Capital Bargain (tor* Branch Banking A Tract Co. Tatra A Country Farattar# Co. Moetonle* A Farmer* Hank fThrf-r Kate no mating Co. nholeaalr Etectric Supply, toe Fire atone Stora* Lawrence Bras. Ca. JatMaraltk'i Praasattoa Liaeala Theatre PAGE S* Triangle Specialty Ca. Elks and Daughter Elks over the state, and South east for that matter, will be watching with aagemeas tha outcome, of what is expected to be a three way race for tha pre- Sidney of Tarheel!* Elkdom by and between tee Incumbent Rev. K. P. Battle of Rocky Mount; Alpohnao A Vance, Raleigh and John W. Faison of Seaboard. Although wa have not seen a formal anouncement of Talson’a (CONTINUED ON PAGE I) been the object of a bed alat, held in tee bands of her husband. It waa JUrther reported that, tha **hor leak'd tli* dentin an effort to keep im boy from sluing hia mother Btnor, Jr., is sala to have armed himself with a sawed-off 39 catlbei If rifle and is beWtve to have aimed at hta father with such corrector}* that he woupded him In the si*. (CONTINUED ON MOI St his career, Louis Ijmlier fought consistently lor the betterment of his rare. Riving freely of his time and keeping his door open to ail who aought his counsel. He will be sorely missed." Prior to his appointment by Mr. Miller. Mr. I,autler wss Chief of the Washington Bureau of the Na tional Negro Hrrsa Association Lautier who assisted the GOP Chairman in the general areas and campaigning, became head of of public relations, press relations the NNPA buresu in 1954. He cov ered most of the major news stories of that time. He accompanied Vice President Nixon on his 1997 Afri can tour and covered the opening of the World Fair in Brussels. Mr. lautier was a member of the Con gressional Press Galleries, Tha White House Correspondents Asso ciation. the National Press Club and Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity. Lautier was named Assistant Director of Civil Liberties for the Negro Flks at the national conven tion in New York City. A native of (CONTINUED ON PAGE ft State News —IN— Briefs CRITICALLY BURNED JACKSONVILLE James Sand erson. 48. was on the critical list at a local hospital, suffering from second and third degree bums which according to doctors, cover ed more than one-third of his body. Sanderson was burned when ha was caught in a fire at hia home. ■HOT TO DEATH (•RANK LINTON - Matthew C. Askew. 41, died here this week after being shot, officers reported. Askew's brother-in-law. Alvin Wheeler, was arrested in connection with the mooting and is oeing held in jail in Louisburg. HOSPITALIZED DURHAM - A 27-year-old Dur ham man was considered in serious condition late tois week at Duka Hospital where be waa undergo**® surgery for the removal of a JB (CONTINUED ON PAGE I)

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