tAILS OF EXPERIENCES Carl Braden, 2nd from left, waa keynote epeaker at Sham University last week and told of hh experiences in federal prison for defying the House Unamerican Activities Committee. Shown above with him are left to right, Dr. Grady Davis, Dr. Horace Davis, both Sham professors, and Dr. O. L. Sherrill, executive secretary of the Baptist Convention of N. C. Woman Freed Os _ , k. • Murder Charge A M# woman, who earlier tois.yaar was shatged in Am mur- Car at her husband, waa treed this week by a Superior Court Judge. Stand not guilty at a charge at second degree murder was Mrs. SlerfaM McClain. MOO 8. Blood worth St She had been charged with shooting to death her hus band, Jawan / Testimony iatreduced at the tri al aUagad Mru. shot her husband following an argument and a tight an March IT. Man To Face 10-Year-Old Charge Os Homocide WINSTON-SALEM (AMP)— A laborer poetised of frilling two white non the wine night ben 10 years ego to men telly able to ■tend trial, state phyofaiwtrists Mid test week. Authorities at Cherry Hospital salt Robert Hall. 30. la competent to plead to the eharies against Urn and participate in his own defense. Hall Is charged with murder In the deaths of Floyd K. Cline. 80. a taxi driver, and Horace O. Tal bot 40. a salsomanbill coUec- i » - Croeby^fcarfi Hononfpur tbo «t s*toelr teach tester outstanding Honored before scene 100 persons at foa stbeol wars Miss C larln* E. Christmas. Mrs. Margaret R Swain, Mrs. Mary t Watson and Mrs. Garnelle 8. Watte. Each one of toe bonorees had earved at least 89 yen st Crosby W \■: ATH E R The (tv* day weather telecast “3 *££& thrMghfcoaday, fcay XL, Is a* fol lows: Temperatures wig mnn a ronaS 4 Iwmi short normal. boss or svtotee ttuaSov showers. / ’V' tV I I ... vB ",’i ipfAf- j Hi JL ' ’* Jpgai j|B| 'Hmwß FINALS SPEAKER The abase panel shows the finals speakers for the Shaw Cnlserety and St Aagestine’s CaOegs gmtemtisn exercises. Left texrws Lawrence E. Spivak. producer and permanent panel Tmlrir of “Meet tef itesa* Sflnt wfli Oslltst the eeuuneneement address at Shaw on May 2S. 2nd bnas left, the Bee. Warren Carr, paster of Watte St Baptist Church, Durham, who will deliver Shaw's Baccalaureate Barman. Hay *7. 3rd tram left Is the EL Rev. Daniel Corrigan, dree tor es the Heme De partment of the Preteetnnt Episcopal Church. wLo will deliver St. Augustine's commencement address en May It Eight Is the Bar. Step hen Mackey. Sector es Calvary Episcopal Church, Charleston. S. C. m will prunes the nenealeereele sermon at St. Angusttne’a May 20. ———————— •''ifflrffiffrrirri T1" ii «tgiOMMta- Ti"f-"-*'- "'iWrilir iMTiW MMiIMfTtIHWHi 1- mk' . I HB LBgteHD 1 r Mten ww temHA te M NOTIUU non PIWCffAU ak principal par- Hr*i la the aaaaal Mathew N!ght Pncna a»aiwi hp the Cieahi OafliH ScbaoTa Parent Teacher AaaariaHea Far teach man hi at the affair. PletanC left la rteht, are: Atteraey r. J. Caraeaeta- r JOernace, MrahgnMchajßhaw. Mra Mary Mrs. McClain entered a not guil ty plea and contended she hurt her husband hi self defense. She said CO March 17, her husband, who had been separated from her, came tp bar home end started beating her. She said she uaed the pistol in self defense. McClain was shot about two in ches above the heart. He was pro nounced dead on arrival at Wake Memorial Hospital. Investigating officers were Jamas Days and Joe Winters. CUne and Talbot were shot to c’.eath with the same .22 pistol the night at January 4, 1982. police said, but the two murders remain ed unsolved until Hall was ar rested last December. At that time, according to po lice. Hall confessed to the two murders and to eight armed rob beries of taxi drivers beginning as far baqk as December. 1951 H years ago. He would have been 15 years old at the time. Hall laterjgepudiated the con (CQNTgwuini ON pack n leIdPTA Teachers Oarb-Slwe sterling silver service pins for their years of service. The pins bad the numerals “25 Years” engraved on them and else were marked with a torch of know ledge. a book and a scroll. In addition, each honoree was pinned with beautiful orchids* Keynote speaker for the occasion was Mr*. Mary E. Carnage, direc tress of the Tuttle Community Center. Other program participants in clude Mrs. Annie H. Hooker, who rendered a solo; Mrs. Lucille Shel ton, vice president of the PTA, Who introduced Mrs. Carnage; Mrs. Bernice Rainbow, who presented the Superintendent of Raleigh Schools; and Jesse O. Sanderson, who presented the awards. Mrs. Dorothy Lundy, president of the PTA, presided over the affair. Harris Resigns School Board Post The Carolinian VOL. 21. NO. 2! 15-Year-Old Boy Held In Rape Tries 4> «|» ♦ ♦ + 4 + a ; • • ?• *■>♦*. * Mortician Says: Train Accident Gory ... IsjK Yi REVJEWIING PARADE —The peratoto shown in this ptetui«MlK considered the top brass In the Shrlnaas of North Carolina. They are shewn as they watched the dtals Day Parade in Goldsboro. IsMp &» aiu, ?f. J®priL fttnk OJBuraett Imperial Matrlct Deputy, Durham; George E. MeKelthaa. General CMriHi Char latte; J. D. Diggs. Commander of the N. C. Valley. Wtnstan-Satera; an onldenDfled Matter tram Virginia: Representative* of the city of Goldsboro and the saperiuti adapt of Goldsboro aehaels; Daaghter Mollle Poag, fnparfaJ Deputy of the Desert of North Carolina. Wianton-Salem and hSf husband. J. »■ Toag. Says Negro Likely To Be Named A DURHAM The possibilities of another Negro being named to re place R. N. Harris who resigned his position on the Durham School Board this week are better than 50-50. (CONTOnnuToN PAOg » aree; Dr. K L. WaUa. Jeaae O. Sandman, superintendent es Raleign 8 sheila: E. R. Swain. Mrs. Margaret E. Swain, konoree: Joseph Cbrtetaaas. Mas Ctarlne Chriatmaa. henoree; Mrs. Laelllc Sheldon Mrs. N. Evans Lockhari. principal of Crosby -Garfield; aad Mre- Darothy Lnady. great fs to as the FT A. North Carolina’s Leading Weekly RALEIGH. N. C., SATURDAY, MAY 19. 1962 ■F m m ■' B. N. HARRIS Hospital Suit is Set For June 19 GREENSBORO Justice De partment attorneys will ask the federal district court here again June 19 for permission to inter vene in a hospital integration suit. The suit was brought In Febru ary on behalf of nine Negro doc tors and dentists and two Negro patients who maintain that the se parate • but - equal clause of the Hill-Burton Hospital Construction Act is unconstitutional The Justice (CONTINUED ON PAGE tt Says Youth Attacked 2 In Week Wearing two black eyes, and showing a bruised face. Mrs. Lil lie Mae Hinton. 46. 314 Love's Lane, sat In the front room of her home Wednesday and related one of the most outrageous Inci dents of Juvenile brazency brought to the attention of local police, in a long time Mrs. Hinton told The CARO LINIAN that she was taking a short cut home, eff East Street. When she noticed Joseph Hedgo peth, 16. standing in the path. She says the youth walked up to her and said, "I am going to .have you tonight." She replied, “Not me, I am too old for that stuff.” It was then that hs grabbed her arm and began beating her in the face. She alleges that he threw her to the ground and began choking her with one hand and trying to rip off her underclothes with the other. It was at this point that she became dased and waa net able to know exactly what transpired. She does refoember that while she was still on ttw ground that hs ran back toward East Street and that’s when she was able to get up. She managed to make it to her home, which Is about 500 feet from the place es the assault. The youth was arrested, on a w a rant sworn out by her Monday and tried in Domestic Court Wed nesday. Due to his age there Is much conjecture as to where he will face the charge of attempted rape. It was also found that the bey was being tried for having amulted another woman on May 9 The CAROLINIAN representa tive talked with the boy’s mother. (continued on rao« i> I ODDS ENDS BY BOBEBT Q SHEPARD "The Lord gtvetb wisdom." WHAT ABOUT IT MISTER PRESIDENT! Reports are circulating that Pro vldent Kennedy has asked the news services to suppress or tone down the reports on racial incidents In the south. According to these reports, there has been such an upsurge of these incidents, triggered largely by the civil revolution started by Negro college students in 1900 that Mr Kennedy is very disturbed lest this nation's already badly damaged image become further tarnished in the eyes of die many newly creeled I African nations. (COWTOUTED ON PAG! S) Wake Man’s Body Tom To Threads FDQUAY BHUNOB -Ha waa an tom to pieces . . . his leg waa completely torn off and bis body was out into twopleees. It was the moat gruesome tiling I had aver seen.** Thaw wan the wards as Hunter Rnßock, manager es Haywood's Funeral Homs in Fuquay aa ha deeeribed the eoadition as the body sf » U year-aid man who waa ran ov er by a train here Sunday KXUadSrths aooideat waa Dare lay lloMriL Rt. 1. Fuquay Springs, aruiaed through. Conductors told poltee they raw the gran lying between Die tte-lioea at the tracks and aaondad toe whistle but teas uaahla to atop In Brae. They said (CONTINUED OH VAGI I) ALFRED PERSY Perry Named To Head New School Irani educational «Mn wary not surprised, but a little shaken aa Superintendent Jesse O. San derson announced that Alfred C. Perry, 29, 1113 E. Lane Stoat, bad been appointed to ths principal ship of the new school, bring built in BUtmore Hills. Parry has only boon In too local teowßMvm am ream *> CAROLINIAN ADVERTISERS BUI FROM THEM 5S a? rsu. Speed Wash Tmts J Coantry roraNate da. Carotins ton a Light Ce. IAOR » _ JEMT? Earner. Raah ■oat General fire te. Dana's tea Service Central Bras Store The Capital Coca-Cola BottUnf Ce. Coauaaalty Sterlet lUetiit Concrete ProSacts Ce. PAGE f Colonial Store* ttalelfh Seafood Ce. Arm Beatty Ce. R R Re tan Pornttore Ce. PAG! T AAP Peed Stereo Rhode# Bzterminattes Ce. Pehtte Servtre Ce., el N. C-. tar. rtrrWoae Stereo PAGE S Ante bwaraace Ce. American Credit Co No. 1 i Sakrir Shop i Raleigh rernitert Ce. Seven Up Bettltaf Co IG. S. Tocher Grot.. In' Mr Walter Chevrolet Ce. I IJ ■ M L ■ r" .JpiMpF *& LEG CURED BY MIRACLE Ten-year-old Antonio Cabraar Pares, of Tenerife, in ths Canary Islands, points to his leg—cured by prayers to the Peruvian mulatto, Brother Martin da Porrae—odhida St. Peter’s Basilica, in Roma recantly, attar a ceremony beatifying Brother Martin as St. Martin de Portae. The boy’s cuts wee accepted by the Vatican as ‘miraculous.” With Antonio is Cuban actor Rene Munos, who plays ths part of St. Martin in “Pray Eecoba,” a film on ths Sainfs Ufa. (UPI PHO TO). r- “ r- Shriners Hold Festivities* Big Parade In Gcldskere * PRICE 15c GOLDSBORO This eastern town that prides itself as being The friendly city of progress, in the heart of the farm belt almost closed up Saturday when the Shriners staged its mamouth pe radec. It should be remembered that the parade started at high noon and by ths time it reached Center Street there was not a clerk In a store nor ■ customer at the counter. The marcher* begun at Leslie Street and went down famed Elm and up John to Mulberry, thence down Center Into Spruce and down James, back into Elm. The psrade was led by a crack outfit from Ft. Bragg- There were quite a few bands and floats that lent gayety Lack Os School Mixing Also Due To Parents Lack of complete integration In ths Raleigh schools cannot be sole ly blamed on the School Board, ob servers raid here this week. The School Board has taken much of the blame for the lag In the Integration of city schools, but It is felt In the city that much of the slowness Is due to the fact that Negro students aren't being en couraged to seek reassignment of the predominantly White schools A CAROLINIAN reporter, after some research, learned that less than two dozen Negro students had actually applied for reassignment to white schools since the Supreme tgourt decision of 1954. An in recent year*, only three Negro students who requested transfer have been denied. Nine o thers ere now attending integrated schools. Reason for the leek of Interest among Negro parents as well as students Is undetermined. An indication of this lack of Int erest can bee seen by the fact that Negro students living in the Ober- rtoi • Carter 1 !. Inc. i i. Fallon Co., lac. Johnson Lem he Ce. richer Wholesale Co.. Inc PAGE II linCrn Motor Ce. Wholesale Electric *»F»I> Inc Ante Dteeenat Ce. PAGE U Butler's KeCIo a TV lertire Filfly WMdr ahodcs Furniture Co. TAGE l« Bosse Jewelers J<hn ton's Jewelers Mac Josephs Jean's of BaJelch PAGE li N. C. Mutual Ufa Insurance Ca. PAGE M Mechanics a Parmer* Barf PAGE 17 Pepsi-Cels Hottltnc Ce. Goodman's Dress Shop Dsndee Breed PAGE It Bet It Gsy PAG! t» Irev-Tsyler PAGE M Jehnsaa-Inmbe Ce Walhar Marita, lac. to to* coca sion and pomp and spsndor to the participants. Ths parade was the climax of pubOe festivities, highlighting Os lo Day cerstnonies that bsgan with a dance at ths Victory warehouse North Carolina ware in attendance Friday night. Masons ft-om all over with their wives and sweethearts. Business sessions were closed to the public, but It was teamed by The CAROLINIAN that new tet erest was aroussd for ths Youth Bowl game and Imperial District Deputy. Frank Burnett vows to make it the biggest and bast ever held. The gamd was not played last year, but it has been the outetend (CO NT INUSD ON PSUS n lin area are transported to LlgoU nigh School by busses every morn ing when the Broughton and Dan iel ihcools ere much cloeer to them. Only one student from thst area has sought transfer to Broughton School. W. O. Enloe. mayor of Kalslgh end chairmen of the school beard, said In an Interview this weak that he didn’t think the time would »v. er come when a student would be arbltarlly assigned to a aehool ha didn’t wish to attend. This statement could aaaoß.fwt it a Negro student would prefer to attend a high school othaCJßm Llgon, he would be aaslgngY to that school. —• “Under the present law GHrFu pll Asslgnement Law) all a dated who wishes to transfer need do te make en application," he asserted. He added that no discriminatory reason has ever been used In deny ing reessingment of any student •The Board does not Ilka to te flon any student in his last year es school to another school", be add ed -We feel thst the student baa become adjusted to bis old sehool and Should not be uprooted in his last year. However,- this does not (CQNTpruip oN raos n State News Briefs PIBST NEGRO JP CHARLOTTE The fleet Negro Justice of the Peace has bean ap pointed in Mecklenburg County. He is Bishop Dote. 09. who waa ap pointed by Superior Court Judge Francis O. Clarkson. Date is a real estate man aad gas station operator. KILLED IK WRECK .... RICH LANDS John Garvey, 19- yaar-old Richlands farmar, waa to-

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