4 Negroes Named To Polk Prison The State Prisons Department Pushed another step forward thia week with the announcement of the appointment of four Negroc* as fuard* to the Pope Prlmm. The announcement waa made by Geor f* Randall director of Pri sons on Tuesday. The appointments mark the first time Negroes hare been employed u guards at Pope. Appointed tie the new positions £*re Oamether Pridgeon. 1904 Hadley Rd.; Rufus Ballentine, 4903 "Oily Springs Rd.; Raymond L. Baugh. Washington Terrace; and Quinnie a Woods. 330 Gamer Rd Pridgeon, Ballentine and Baugh have been bn the job lor nearly a week. Woods is slated to start on Monday. The four men will be required to undergo a two-week raining period where they will learn rules and regulations of the prison depart ment defensive tactics in handling prisoners and other vital informa tion. They will start the training period in two week when the next dais is formed. Pope Prison is a minimum secu rity institution with presently 500 inmates. Ther ears a total of 82 guards. An integrated inatitvrtioa (ctwmNoipow. MW s> Mitchell Gets 7-Mo. Extension Samuel Mitchell local attorney who has been convicted in U. S. Middle District Court on incoma tax charges, waa given a seven month extension to raise more than $7,000 in taxes and fees, last week in District Court Judge Edwin !L Stanley, who convicted Mitchell earlier this year, granted the extension. Mitchell appeared before the court an June 1, and at that time was scheduled to turn over to the court the $7300. The fine and a sentence of one year in prison Wha imposed on him at time of the tciaL The sentence was to bo susptjbded on condition he pay the fine hr June 1. On the date of hie trial he failed th* P ffiu3bm* *° u * ht JttUflJttsLatx tarns an tend in MOO and 1907. Charged in a similar case -eras Barman L. Taylor, another Raleigh attorney. Four Youths Held In Break-Ins With the arrest of three men this week, Raleigh police say hey be leive hey have clean! up a aeries of armed robbery cases occurring In the Chavis Park area during the past month. Reid in SIO,OOO bond ach for,a further hearing on charges of arm ed robbery are James Louis Mitch ell. 22 of 2300 Stafford Ave.; Lon nie Everett Atwater, 17. 200 Lin coln St.; and James Claude Gra ham. 24. of 71- 1-2 E. Bragg St. The trio waa arrested early this week on information given police, according to investigating officers. The three men ere charged with robbing City Coach Lines bus driv er R. E. Strikeleather of about 075 Sunday night near the intersection of Chavis Way and Haywood St. Mitchell and Atwater are also charged with robbing bus driver J. D. Mustain of SSO on Haywood St in Chavis Heights the night of May 26 In a separate warrant Mitchell ! is charged with robbing a Checker Cab driver. W. J. Stevenson of sls la the 000 block of E Bragg St on April 31. Strikeleather told police that a man boarded Ms bus at Thomas' Store on Haywood St late Friday night fumbled with his money ter a few minutes and then pulled a gun and ordered him to hand over his cash. Mustein said ,twO Negroes board ed his bus and ordered him to hand over the mopay or they'd “blow vo*ir brains out". Officers said Mitchell had about glO worth of Bus tickets on him at j the time of afreet I Duke Univ. Drops Race ; Barriers Though Duke” University opened ita doors to undargraduate Ne- i gross this week, there probably i won't be an undergraduate Negro I entering the school until the fall ‘ Os 109$. 1 According to tha admissions di rector at the school the ctese tor i the r—*»g yaar has already been t selected. The selection wee made i ketar* the announcement of tea change of school policy. 1 University trustees voted early i this week to drop racial harriers in all divistano of the University sod admit all quaMted students regard- ] Ims of me*. v, Tha baud —r l^-1 i iturwwo on m«> *> rfy*Jtai --** in mßow«nwi—onw-iT"ui mi The Ca iu n i.m.w | , North Carolina*i Leading Weekly voL.«, wo. 3i halxiqh, m. c.«atpto*y, jowt %iw , fkiceh* Charlotte Hospital , .. ? , ' • Ready For Negro Doctor ♦+4*• • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Local itian Held On Rape Charge l Jj v ® jfl J (fc# dfl TpPjH iCjB *JjjMH MB -TjfeK?Bß : Jr' 1 juKt • ■ rl^' St r I 'jd | ;" 1 I I a ii WL Pi HP - H ~ jj CAPPING THE COMMENCEMENT -At Hr-ytyHd **f Iff «*!** **•#»• Hru« e**, Bland A St. Lotas, Bruce McGee's mirmry ecfioo/ c/es* was bain£ leuncfiadjMe Mo. nurasry tchtitSl. (UPtlr^alubTof. kinOargaTtSn status, hit fninommdt graduation Sap was pwt tvfo FOR ATI ACK—Alb.rt Crudup, Jr., who three with his wife end twe ehOdren. et 111 South East Street, is bring held in the Franklin County JnO. for an alleged a smelt on a white woman at pistol point, Mrs. Horace Bishop, in the preeenee of her hnsknnd. Sunday morn ing. It tuna reported that Crndnp left the heme es Charles Wiggins, at Fall-Nenae. hi eompany with the conple and another white man about 7:00 A. M. Sunday The CAROLINIAN Mold not learn when er where the other white man left the ear. He wae net reported aa having witness ed the ’nrident. Crndnp denies Be charge. Morticians To Meet In Raleigh More Ban 200 morticians and ! funeral directors will converge on Raleigh next week lor the 35th annual convention es the North Ca rolina Funeral Directors and Mor ticians Association. Dates of the meeting are June 10-14 and St Augustine's College campus will be used as convention headquarters According to members of the boat chapter at the amorietton. tha convention will get underway at • a m. June 12 with registration in Goold Hall At 10 a. m.. tb* body will boor greetings from W. G. Enloe. may or at Raleigh whose address wiU be followed by greetings from Gov. Terry Sanford. The public is urged Also on Be agenda foe the two day meet will be talks from per sisted to apeak are Gerald Wein tog of Be Social Security Admini stration; Jarir H Daniels of Bo Veterans Administration: Albert Waters at Be Btete Revenue De partment; C C Smith at North Ca rolina Mutual Lite Insurance Co ; C. K. "Jake” Walker of the Burial 1.1 i. I -.1 .ail I, , . J m. ....., I, 1 Local Man Held In Frankpn A 25-year-old Raleigh Negre may became another gas chamber tota lity if he h convicted of a charge of raping a white woman and at tempting to kill her husband. Held without bond by police os» such a charge la Alfred Crudup. Jr. of 313 1-2 Souß Street Making charges against Crudup are Mr. and Mrs. Horace Bishop of 704 Johnson St Crudup. arrested tat Sunday af ternoon. waa picked out hi a line up as the assailant by both Bishop and hi* wif*. The Bishops gave Bf following account of Ba attack: - The Bishop* had taken a eooafii to the home of Chortle Wiggins near the Fall* es Nfuse Sunday morning. The man who later allegedly ah acked Mrs. BMioo eras at the Wlr-' gins’ house Be Bishops said. - end asked them to drive him to his sister’s house near Wake Forest. The Bishop* agreod After they had driven several longer directed them to tana off mil as port Wake Forest tbs pss dowa a tom trail which tad' to a lone tobacco barn. He Jumped eut of he otr, gun in hand and told Bo Biritegu to get out Re told Bishop he was going to kill him and trim Itia wjfo~ and fired the pistol into the ground to show thorn tt would shoot. Bitaiep then backed to bo roar of Be car and ran into tha nearby woods. The assailant fired two shots at him. After the husband fted. Mrs. Bi- I shop said the men shoved tb* pis fcowTPtpgp now raw » CAROLINIAN - ADVERTISERS Bin FROM THEM PAM > Horten's Cash More I AOS • Clark'*, tee. et Aalaiak WkeSoaaJ# Stactrte flWfb," Ins. PAAS I_ _ Sheas* raiiianarttoe Co. Werkaotri A Par win Sank DeoaCa Bam lotto MsSa’nrtai s tea Sara American merit Co wSwnsTwiaHSo c# yitte Macorat ca. Smm dßt m • MMWr DR. CARL DeVANE Gov. Names Two Negroes To Body Two Wagren were among the 10 parsons appoined by Gov. Sanford to to* State Educational Council oil National Purposes Tuesday. Named to the body were Dr Call DeVane. Shaw University pro fessor; and N. H. Bennett of Dur ham. vie* .president at North Caro lina Mutual Ufa Insurance Com pany. ' Purpose at Ba committee is to promote better understanding of basic principals at American citi zenship and ftwadam under law In making Ba appointments, Swfori ssida *1 betters thia understanding ia impsndtrs if our nation ia to sur vive tb* cold war ia which tt is | ** He named High Print publisher Holt McPherson as chairman of tha group. Objective es the program were listed ar (11 erecting a better und (CAWHHUM OH PAQg rt itm c# pace a urvwfKwN t arnnuLMiil Cttim teyr^PkMmeCe^^ Sovawtag BoMHag Co. Nfiiiii BsesHag ca of Bidcigii IMS tt Thames Ba« A WhM* IM Mar* CeaAel anal AH. Im A Ceal Co PAAB » sors"— sasiw , 1 Physician Approved By Hospital CHARLOTTE According to in formed sources, Bara ar* two sidoa to tb* controversial hospital situation which has aroused much merest. In view es Ba fact that Dr. C. W. Williams has Just about qualified to practice at tha Char lotte Memorial Hoapital, thus be coming Be first Negro to enjoy this privilege, it is believed that much of the unrest ovaring the running of tha institution and Its attitude toward both Nape pati ents and doctors will disappear. The administration of the affairs of all of tha hospitals is under the direction of the Chariotte-Mecklen burg Hospital Authority. R. Z. Thomas is tha exacuiv* director; and John Rankin is the administra tor of tha Charlotte Memorial Hos pital The Authority Is composed of 22 commissioners, at which Rev. K. Melvin Taylor, pastor. Clinton Metropolitan AME Zion Church, la a member. He Is she a member of the Board of Management of the Good Samaritan Hoapital. (COWTDrtJgD Ota PAOI ») J State News -IN— Briefs YOUTH DROWN* HERTFORD - A young Negro boy drowned lata this weak white fishing in Perquimans River about two mites from Hertford. He wa* identified aa Horse* White, ir. 15. of Winfall HELD IN BOMBINO FAYETTEVILLE - A Fayette ville man wa* charged in Be dyna miting of a neighbors house her* Sunday. Harry Foushee. 42, held • me* early .Monday in connection • ith the nlasting of Weldon Mc- Allister's home has been charged ■ ith damaging property with ex plosive#. PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETS RALEIGH Tb* Planning Com mittee at tha Ministers' Wives Aux iliary met recently to continue plans for the forthcoming National Convention to he held at Shaw U niversity on June 3*40. A one-day butanes* session, in Heu of the regular State Conven tion. will be held on June 25 prior to the National Convention (cownxTJinp om paab n Police A»k Was Killing Murder Or Was It Accident? Bf HU ILATER WB the toSotlng of e 50-year-old Raloigh matron an eeoldont ar waa it murcMrT “It wee an aceldanf*. exclaimed Eddie Walton. 42, who ia being held without bail an a charge of first degree murder. "It waa murder", mid members of the family of Mrs. Willie Mas Bla lock Walton, wife of Eddie and vic tim of tha Booting. Raleigh police are still investi gating. They say they aren't sure which is the earn. Mrs. Walton. 50. M 0« Fitzgerald Rd, was killed tor ■ shotgun blast this waek. She was shot at dose range hi (he upper loft pert of bar cheat Foliee said they were called to the Wallen home about 10:20 p. m. Sunday and aaw Mrs. Walton lying in a pool of blood in tha kitchen. They said they ware told by Wal ton that he waa moving a shotgun from one eloeet to another when It accidentally went off, totally Injur ing Mrs. Walton. “It was an accident”. Walton ax claim ad to reporters In sn Inter view Tuesday. "I loved my wife. . . I never would have done anything to hurt bar. We had been married tor 8 years and had never had a serious argument or fight", he said from his Jail cell. “Why eouldn* it have been me instead of her. 11l never be able to target this. I don’t cere what happens to me now”, he added. Walton, an employes of tha Elec trie motor Repair Service, offered the following venion of the Boot ing: “Wo had Just finished eating sup per and watching television at tha same time. My wife went to the kitahen to wash dishes and I was siU at the TV set She went to the closet where our water heater ia Not State’s Policy To Reform Employers a asaoari rta«faanon NifroN wno expect uovvmv Tarry Sanford to opan tha grid! of tha State government and em ploy members of their race, found themotive# in a dellmna when he told tham Bat It was not tha state’s policy to become a reform organi-dl ration and attempted to guide the morals gad. thaamptopmant prac la to be remembered that Ne gro Mbdartrif the Democrat party wooed vqtas for Sanfoad by saying that there would be Job opportuni ties afforded race people by tha then candidate Ut baa boon known to have bean uoune of embarram ment to many ol Bass laadere tor the governor to run a deaf ear to their pleadings. During the recent meeting of tha Democrat party Governor Sanford was prodded again, but there was no assurance given party workers as to employment of Negroes. Ho was emphatic about the State and called for broader understanding that would brook down racial bor der* in employment so that mm* would come voluntarily. The chief executive attempted • to defend his administration by ray l Ing that the State ia showing the i way in its employment practices. : He raid “I think you will find that I The Mve-Oay weather forecast for the Balelfh area heftaata* Thursday, hat f, sad ceostaatas throesh Header, hae 11, M M follows: Traps raters* will svsraa* Bear aeraul with Haht day to day chaaa**. hatafall win average a hoat three eßarters of u Inch. i r.^J "zJjk 4| "A :: - Vf ' :gr Jjr mS. i Jr ■ mgs Hr iL H i W J ■ Ht 4. i v 1 m ■llllllll V : i \ I ■Hr rHri H * jftpF # , ! JSE^t, v . wtk ' ‘ Wm:, .. , .•.^*o—>.. PROTEST AGAINST “SABOTAGE ” BlLL—Police hold bock a —thing m— ei wQit* demonstrator* in Johannesburg, S. Africa recently, when 10,000 people marched in pmteafjb gainst the government' a " Sabotage" bill. The trouble broke out when pro-government whi tea bom barded the anti-government rioter* with aggp, tomatoes, and other rubbish. Many (fanorwtaßi were arrested. Meenwhile, the Parliament debated briefly May 2 Sth over controversial • "Sy tags' bill that would curtain civil rights according to critics — and ad/ournad until leat W&tk when it voted. (.UPI PHOTO). > . ■ . sg| aadeaed and noticed my Botgun c popped up against tha wall. s “She has always been afraid of guns, so Bo called me and asked r me to move it I picked the gun up ] to take It to another closet and tha t hammer must have hit against c something and it want off. Jarring it from my hand. It must have hit t her before the gun tell to the c ground", he explained. t i I »?' t, , * B i fj J " '1 1 Hll i /■ • 1 i fajfojT i B i 1 EDDIE WALTON < Members of Mrs. Walton’s fa ml- ] ly appear to have a different ver- , sion of the story. “I don't know exactly what hap- , pened”, Mrs. Lillian Brooks, sister t of the deceased, told reporters, “but ] I'd be willing to swear on a stack j of Bibles that it was no accident.” t “I told the police I thought it < i was murdar, and 1 still think so. Eddte always said ha would kill somebody before ho died, and ha tha State la not entirely without widespread employment of Negroes in governmental ports. It has bnan oumpUpy to hire lrrospocßri of 'Accent survey by a loo* daily newspaper ta raid to bar* rmreatad Brit Negro employment to State government was almost confined ta teJTL’sri^w'aTt, Utica an«!lmov«a utf thetbitili baa ted* «ha pattern throughout Bo yaws and the Sanford admtntstra- Uon is not different from any other. New Prexy Named For W-S College WINSTON-SALEM After al most a year on tha Job. Kenneth R. Williams has been named offl eiaUy as bead of Winston Salem Teachers College. The school's board of trustees made the announcement Friday. Williams has served as acting president sine* July, 1061. Inaug uration ceremonial are planned for this fall trustees said. He succeeds Dr. F. L. Atkins who retired last year after a long ten ure. Winfield BlackwelL chairman of tb* college trustees, raid ceremon (comtinukd on paoi *> did. rm only sorry It had to be my •iitor” slit stid. “If Eddie said he and my stetoq never had fUhts, he’s telling dTftr- He used to beat Willis Mas up W the time. He even hit her in frsßj. of our mother once. "And he was always shooting «W those guns of his. Ho cams to one of my other tartar's house once threatening to shoot somebody. Bo’s a bad character and everybody knows it.” aha added. Mrs. Brooks stated that her taß er had recently come Into a sisablt amount of money, and thought that might have had something to da with the killing. ‘1 “We haven’ been sble to find BO money yet, and I know she couldat have spent it all in such a BMfs amount of time. Even though he would beat bar up every time he started drinking, she would never leave him. She just loved him too much and be wasn’t worth it. We tried to make her see this but she wouldn't liaMfc. “Tm almost sure ha murderyg her”, Ba concluded At presetlms. no heering date IQf been set tor Walton. Police officers explained that tha first degree murder charge ia Just a formality until soma evidence is heard in tha caaa. Funeral services were scheduled for Thursday at the Maple Tempi* Christian Church at 4 p. m. Tfce Rev. M. F. Booker, pastor, waa scheduled to officiate. Burial TB scheduled tor Mt Hope Cemetery. Mrs. Walton ia survived by her mother. Mr*. Maggie Blalock; four sisters, Mrs. Lillian Brooks. Mks. Mary Lane. Mias Catherine Blaloek. and Mis* Susie Ms* Blalock; and three brothers William B. .William O, and Charles Rivers. ODDS-ENDS 0 ■ ■ MMta wa sal an am ftC WHO IS TVE OOVBBNOB, KIDDING? Wa wiU never believe that a wan as Intelligent a* Gov. Tarry,. 6*u foed aettataiy believes that thii state •i» showing tha way” in Ba matter of Job opertunltles tor Ita Negro citisens. , ’ Ya, Mr. Sautord i» quoted *s making Bat statement when M WW **M ***** »• jen tent tlr'l® unng wort afpotoaities If tha pattern as ernploymknt fta. lowed by thia state in its hiring of Negroes is "showing Be way" than tha ovomor’s plea tor batter Job opportunities for Negroos is a hy pocritical sham. This state “shows the way* tty employing a hand full of Negroes, on tha lowest possible levels. Thaa# Is absolutely nothing wrong with thia type of employment provided that those who are employed Id it are no qualified for anything bet ter. However, during recent years, many of these low level job* have been taken away from Negro citi zens and given to prisoner*. This unfair practice ha* been pointed out to the governor but he has ZS* fused to stop it. When it is remember that no where on Capitol Hill in Raieigh can b* seen one Negro girl sitting at a typewriter or doing any type of clerical work although there are hundred* upon hundreds of white girls working in these offices, you can begin to realize how realty *b serh the governor'* statement is. Surely there must be Negro men who are capable of manning some of the hundreds of desks in the ma (continueiTon paoi r> «*-

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