Ligon High Students Are Honored At 9th Annual Awards Day Th* student council nniiw tne ruidance of Mrs. T. T. Daley held it: ninth annual awards day re cently in the school's auditorium is held to give re cognition to those students who have contributed so much to iig ?“* total program and to inspire hem to develop their talent be tond Us present stage. * nd . P*r*ons receiving the Acedemlc Honora-iren and Marilyn SFgs&Z&&&&%£ k Ba-are Wilder; Baaket ?«U--Robert Height; Cheerleeder iacquellne Riche tU; Choral— Robert rwe. Benjamin “Butch" Curtis Mc- Howard; Danfor'n WtmS! tU 2l£??. urv * n * Deßerry and McCUllom; “•rnay. Lincoln Theatre Award yaljaan Myera; Football—Paul Dewey [*•; Onega P*i Phi Fraternity—Law BROWNED AGE SPOTS Make Hands Look Old BNow try FA YD, the am sang medi cated SKIN CREAM that fades and clean weathered brown skin spots, blotches, freckles from hands and face. Don’t let these ugly polka dots/ make hands look old. And don’t the sun blotch and spot your com plexion. FA YD must quickly make these externally caused skin discol orations melt away fast and easy or £ FAYD SKIN CREAM 30 Day Jar $1 phis tax AT DRUG AND DEPT. STORES # POSNERS .r - I 1 okmtona I 'CS’i SS AMAZING hf DtOOUiNOMf ' v -- ' I lightens, brightens skin I mrnmrmmmmm r I 65 c ,:ze '1 00 . ... I J.W. DANT 100 PROOF BOTTLED IN BOND < PM KENTUCKY |j STRAIGHT Ifgfi BOURBON |« WHISKEY KomarM . - ul&sk a™* 6 * 7 / I Boußto*l I WhisxF I “■ | J| PINT 14 THE DANT DIETIItMT COMPANY, DANT, KENTUCKY i fence Dickon.: Journalism—Madelyn [ Yarbrough. Carolinian Award—Kaur vana Deßerry; National Merit—Mari lyn Yarbrough; P. T. A.-OUxeiuMp - Viola High MathcmaUrt- Brenda Kre: Science—Samuel Kay: Social Science - Henri Coe. 1 Ruth 6, Wilson Citixenehip—Jenell King and Billy Robinson; Scholanhip i —Eleventh Grade Barbara McCoy; Tenth Grade—Dtann White; Ninth Grade Mildred SneUlnga; Eighth Grede—Sharon Hinton and Seventh Crade-Antionette FoxweU. Track—Raymond Bullock: Trade Leonard Farrar; North Carolina Mut -1 ual—Gloria Johnson; Mechanics and ; Farmer. Bank—Boise Murphy: Ni- I tional Honor Society—Armayne Duna ' ton and Joyce Cooke; Johnson-Lamt. 1 All Around Athletic—Jamas Howiri; Pullen-Win lams Award—Gilda Adcock and WUBe Dean White; Business A ward—Pilot Club Achievement—Se lena Jenell King; Home Economli a ; Awards Betty Crocker Marilyn Yarbrough; Ada M. Jamigan Mildred McCoy and Edna R Walker and Ma thematics Award—Scholastic Recogn<- ; tkm—Brenda Kee. Athletic Awards—Bssebsll Letter men—Robert Allen, Ray Debnam. ' Jamas Dickens. Melvin Glenn, Arthur Gntaam. Marvin link Bobart HAi ay. ■***■■■■«£ iKDjiFiisSSrß! naM WUdo. maud Bullock. Bobby Height (Co-Cap*.). Genkl Latter. MU tea Matthew* Lamual XU. Maywood Moya. Bucrem Snipes, Hones RoMb* ■on. R«SertWhitiand WUUa Doan White. (Junior Vanity) Xaviar Artia. Jamas CoflakL Juan Onfield. Walter Ellie. AUoaaa Jonas. Bobart McDowoU. Walter rrsna Thylor, Eddie Tumor. Curtis Gil' and Richard White. Chearlwidare- Duaana ClainT "sa^mh 0 Morgan! Rad dick. Jocquolina Ricketts Doris Thom as Cleotna WtUtema and Madalyn and Marilyn Yarbrough. Football Lattarman Raymond Barn** Jamaa Chavis, Froddis Curtt* Jamaa Dickens. He rely Evans, Coen Griffith. Marvin Harris. William Raw tana. Roy Btefc* Andrew Morton. Jims Howard (Co-Capt.), Christopher Hunt Jamas Hunter. Clao Jackson, Loymont Jantans (Co-Capt.), Wilbert Jonas, Stoart Laws. Paul Dowegr Lao, Alfred Leonard. Maywood More, Law rence Btid, Ronald fttad. Rudolph Rob .J^TssrissiiSss Earl Sbron. Robert Height. Christo pher Runt. Alfred Leonard, Ban Me- Cullom. Lamual Mlal (Captain). Bob art Claude launders and Wffiia Boon White. Battleboro Adults Form 4-H Club BATTLEBORO A group of Ne gro adults of Battleboro, most of whom are parents, have formed an organization which will ba known as the Battleboro 4-H Adult Load ers. The officers are as follow* pre sident Miss .Sophia Parker; vice president. Mrs. Annls Kankerson; secretary, Mrs. Lillian Thorns; as sistant secretary Mrs. Mary Owens; treasurer, Mrs. Beetrice Harrison. The first meeting was held Mon day night May 28, at tha home of Mr. and Mrs. George Harrison. Tha twelve members present agreed upon the first and third Monday nights as their regular meeting time These leaders pledged their sup port to organist Community 4-H Clubs and promote and supervise all 4-H and YMW acivities. Future meeting will take place at the Com munity House in Battleboro. Re freshments were served fay Mr* Beatrice Harrison. THE VETERANS CORNER Hero are aatborttsiivs an swers by the Veterans Admini stration te questions from form er servicemen sad their fa mi lies* Q —l have read that GI loans have ended for World War II vet erans. A— World War II veterans be gin te lass GI lasa eligibility after July *5. IMS. according te this formula: To tha ton-year period following their last dis charge Warn active wartime aervico and ana year ter each three months of active aervico. The date ao reached Is the ter mination of their GI leu -H fl ltty with these twe exceptions ' . (a) if that date is before Ja ly V. INI. they still have, by law. until Jaly SS. IMS. te mahe lean application; (b) the final termination es World War II eHftbillty la Jaly SS IMT. ne matter what their individual date may ha. Veterans should net that loon application moo no the actual application by the lending agency te the VA for guaranty and net tha veteran's request ter a teen. Q—Are there any VA education al benefits for children whose vet eran-parent is still alive? A—Ne. The VA'e educational benefits for children are based so the fact that the veteran parent is dead and thns unable P i i i ; 1 " * -jf- sMjtk&- ■■ Jj/jf^KL^ arfflfl HL F B IF J ; j p B>_ «*^B I B B.r;v W 1 pi B n I v/rs itr NCC.FINALS Framdent AHonto Eider, left, and Harry Golden, rigid, ate atari in a dote up during the 37th annual commencement celebration at North Caroline College Sunday. Dr. Eldar introduced Golden, who deli raced the main addreee to an oaar-tkm audience, larged in the hiatory el NCC, and tome 377 graduates YEAR BOOK TIME These eoatfs at AhT College could hardly wait Sa ft a that hok at tha 1963 edition at Tha Ayantaa, tha aoUaja yearbook, which aaaa distributed teat weak. Tha glrh are ham hit to right* Carat Arm Dhoti, Burlington; Otenda /ones, Waterbary, Conn., and Claudia Lytle, Blaek Mountain, Dr. J. S. Lee U New Director Os NCC’s Science Institute DURHAM - Dr. Jamas 8. Lea, protestor and chairman of tha de partment es biology, has bean nam ed director of the National Science Institute ter High School Teachers of Science and Mathematics at North Carolina College tor the com- DM. J. S. LBS lng summer term. Lea succeeds Dr. W. H. Robin son, physics department head at NCC. who died tit a heart attack in March. Dr. Robinson had been in charge of tha Institute since its founding bars eight years ago. The new NSF director, who is a member es the traveling, panel of lecturers for the American Associ ation of the Biological Scianee* was director of Ola NCC Summer Training Institute for Promising High School Students in Science. He wilt be succeeded in this capa city by Dr. W. H Pattlllo, Jr., pro- Ezra Totten, and Mary Townee; and visiting profdmore, Dr. Vinton A. Hoyle, University of North Ca rolina; Dr. Harold Delaney, Mor gan State College Baltimore; Dr. Jamaa Shockley. Jr., William and Mary College. Williamsburg. Va: Dr. C. Randolph Taylor Howard U niversity, Wellington, D. C.; and Dr. Louis Austin, Morgan State College. NCC protestors Vernon Clark. Dr. Adolph Furth, Dr. C. E. Boul ware. and Irving McCollum maka up the staff of the Summer Insti tute for Promising High School Studsnts. feasor of biology. Tha Institute ter teachers op erates from June 11 to June 21 on a *77,900 grant and ths one ter high ' te provide the ehlUTe education. Q—Can young people entering ttie service today take out GI In surance? A—GI iearaace la ne I anger being tamed. school student* also beginning June 11, on a $20,000 award. Both have been supplied by the Nation al Science Foundation. A native of Brooklyn, N. Y„ Dr. Lao earned hit undergraduate de gree at Lincoln University in Pa. and tha master’s and doctorate de gress at ths University of Michi gan. Dr. Pattlllo, s native of Bay boro, received his undergraduate training at Hampton Institute and was awarded ths doctorate degree in biology by lowa Stats Universi ty. The staff of the Institute for tea chare include* resident profemore, Dr* J. A. Pittman! Harold Powell. Science Shrinks Piles New Way Without Surgery Stops Itch—Relieves Pain New York, N. Y. (Special) - For tha first time science has found a new healing substance with the astonishing ability to elfik hemorrhoids, atop itch , and relieve pain - without IttlgSTJo la on* hemorrhoid ease after another,"very striking improve ment" was reported ana veri fied by a doctors observations. Pain was relieved promptly. Aad. while gently relieving pain, actual reduction or re traction (shrinking) took place. And moat amazing of all this improvement waa main tained in case* where a doctor’s ebesrvations were continued ever a period of many months I In fact, results were so thor ough that sufferers were ebl* to make such astonishing state- O® >fi» 11 i ! &9es g-" | I KB WDffife @«ilom | Carnation is the healthy family milk with extra Vitamin D if ~f 4 BHR Extra Vitamin D for aound teeth, sturdy bonee and steady growtm. Extra Vitamin D to give your babiaa a healthy start, and to help your ;£ children grow straight and strong and sturdy. Extra Vitamin Dto add \ Carnation is the healthy family milk-with twice the Vitamin D « v* i \ V ordinary milk, m every golden drop! \ jfl Even when you mix it with en equal amount ol water. Carnation is Hi! ' S’ mmeMk.^ -richer than sweet, whole milk.* Yet it costa far lesa than ordinary milk. No wonder Camatioo ia the world’s favorite evaporated milk, by fax, * S 5». Your family deserves the beet Your family deawv * Ex-Boxer It Given Ment&l T ests After Gambling Arrests PHILADELPHIA (ANP) Ar rested in a gambling raid her* re cently. termer highranking welt erweight contender Gill Turner was ordered to submit to a mental test after a policeman charged the box er" socked" him in a City Hall de tention room. At a hearing here last week. Ma gistrate Thomas Conner ordered Turner to return tor another hear ing after doctors a tPhlladelphU General' Hofiptial report their find ings of a teat of his mental condi tion. The Jurist said final disposi tion of the east would be baaed on the report. Turner was arrested along with five other persons In his Parkslde Avenue apartment on the gambling charge* Later, turnkey Harry Cherry charged "Turner socked him one in the detention room. Turner once fought ter the welt erweight title but was badly beaten and stopped in 11 round by former champion Kid Gavilan of Cuba. Russia has agreed to buy nearly five million metric tons of sugar fosm Cuba each year from IM2 through ISM. Cuban sugar exports in IMI ware about M million me tric tan* PATRONISE OUB ADVERTISERS r wm naTSi mmm I can be HURT I araewgs I damage. Soften up bard to I reach wax with sale affee* ■ live AURO eardrop*. ■ Wash out clogged wax r that may irritate, aHect I SSJStt flap TOOTHACHE t>e*'t tuffor Modltitly. tat ip«ay ro ll'* (ram throbDlAg pals of tootnaeba with (ait acting ORA-JEL. Pain f/gf*. goat In ttesndt. CuarintHd /Bggb. •r assay beckAllWugttaskfJJPjS ments as “Piles have ceased to be a problem!" And among those sufferers ware a vary vrida va* riety of hemorrhoid condition*, some of 10 to 20 years’ standing. All this, without tho use of narcotics, anesthetics or astrin gents of any kind. Tha ascrot is a new healing substance (Bio- Dyne*)- the discovery of n world-famous research institu tion. Already, Bio-Djme is in wide use for healing Inin red tissue on all parts of tha body. This new healing substance la offered in suppository or oint ment form called Preparation H*. Ask for individually sealed convenient Preparation H Sup- Sositories or Preparation H intment with special appli cator. Preparation H is sold al ail drug counters. UUTOR N. 0- MTCtoAT, JUNE » 3—3 PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS — "7* Build-Remodel-Addltion*. • £ *. CLARK’S— ***5 • ALUMINUM SIDING -J • STORM WINDOWS & DOORS ;U • ROOFING • REMODELING - ADDITIONS | • NEW HOMES All Work Guaranteed. See Us Today! ‘ We Witt Assist You In Financingt SSS SS V.mss CLARK’S. Inc. of Raleigh b=7~ !.,« I Carry Comfort hT j I With you tonight. | II J ll FEDDERS AIR CONDITIONER Goes from Carton to Cooling - •••In 77 SeCOndSWh,wanWewnmln' Installation crewel Why pay Inatallattan and delivery charges? Put ore of thaae aaw Fedders in your car and rajnyi cooling off tut. Install it youraalf aa easy aa raiaiagyoar window in 77 soeonda or lau following authoriaod instructions packed with tha air conditioner. No Wta to buy... no part* to ueamble. Install It yeerselfi .. SaraJ2s - In loss than V/i'mlnntes Wholesale Electric Supply Inc. 205 Bickett Boulevard THE CAROLMAN 3

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