I THE CAIOLOfIAN RALEIGH. W. ft, SATURDAY, JUNE 9. 1961 8 North Carolina College Sets Summer School Registration DURHAM Registration for the regular session of the summer school at North Carolina College gets underway Saturday. June 9, with classes scheduled to begin the following Monday. Dormito ries open Friday, June a Dr. Joseph H. Tyalor, NCC sum mer school director, says enroll ment far the regular 9 week’s term, ending August 7, and the six clinics, institutes, and work TOP QUALITY KRAFT RECAPPING i On New Tire Cost 1 \®t\]rtvya J Modern Tread Design VV\(f * Same Quality Rubber S' §Hk pft f“» ■> S " U«ed in New Tires Ilf - ■ * Easy to Balance 1 BIUm V JmmM iKCAPPmo) y tniM mtsnmtJ Terms To Suit You! 14 and IS INCH TIRES RE-CAPPED HUNT GENERAL TIRE CO. «s 8. McDowell st. phone te 1-0571 i. toA. he. !< <; i. ■ f •* " f |"l ' Hi mm Re E. Quinn Furniture Co. 10k E. MARTIN ST. Your Capital City Tel. TE 2-4471 •050 i®^ ?W | MOO Jk ** BOURBON DE LUXE ns MMn K luxe oonuonr comm, louimiL kehtucky. m mot-umm 49% gxaw nbitul iwin « ir shops, June 11 • July 21, la ex* r peeled to reach an all-time high. * Over 1,200 students attended the q NCC summer school in 1961. i- Courses In all departments of the college will be offered during the l * nine week's term. Dr. Taylor said, I- making it possible for both NCC s and transfer students to continue e their college work without inter > ruption for the summer. T*"* 1 '"-'■^w , '» |, »'TW"i t ,i| mn ■ - "’ Vm U z . - .rMMEMKm " Tro : '^Wl Rk J; : • s E4:!'/£.;V j: 4 A , IS • ■ . BRAINY COED GETS JOB IN INDUSTRY Another ‘break-through” was recorded this week when Betty Barnes, North Cerolina College eenior, wee employed as an employment in terviewer lor the Atlantic Relining Company of Philadelphia. The oretty coed, who was “Mite NCC’ lor 1961, receivee the congratu lations above ol William P. Malone, director of placement at NCC. A native of Weldon, Betty, an honor student, it a peychol ogy major. DEAR SALLY BY SALLY MAW DEAR SALLY: Our 22-year-old daughter i. engaged to a fine young man of whom we think the world and ell. The only thing that bothers me 1. the hours they keep. When ever they hsve a date. It teems they don't know whqi to say “good night.” I lie in bed and can hear the murmur of their voices and thair giggling and laughing until two and three Jn the morning. Do you think I'm being old-fashioned In believing this Isn’t proper? Since they have dates, three, four, and five times a week, thi. meant I lie awake three, four and five nights a week until all hours, and It means I’ll be losing lots of sleep between now and next September when they'll be married. My hus band thinks ! shouldn't say any thing to them about this. What do you think? MOTHER O. DEAR MOTHEK O.: 1 think 9 you’d be juattfed hi mention ing aomdihhif te the yeemg peo ple. But not an moral grounds. Rucreet that they hasp mere respectable hours simply be cause they “should get mere rest”, and because you Hi on Id. ton. Handle the matter in a light vein, and I’m snre they’ll ge along with yen. DEAR SALLY: How does a man tell a woman it’s all over? I*m a bachelor of 38 and have been going with a woman of 35 for throe yean. She's well fixed financially, holds a wonderful position owns her own home, and drives a flashy converti ble. She has seemed very fond of me and. In fact, accepted a ring from me about a year ago. But whenever I’ve tried to pin har down on a wedding data, aha has kept putting me off business raa sona, s vacation trip, a redecora tlon of her home, “more time to think things over” and so on. Now, about a month ago. I met a girl with whom I formerly went in college. She waa widowed tour years ago, and now the old slams seems to have rekindled. We get along beautifully, and Tm aura she and I could make a fine married couple. You’ll probably tall me I’m a no-good two-timer, but 1 can’t help it. I’m absolutely convinced that this old girl is batter for me than my present fiancee. 80, will you please advise me? DOUG. DEAB DOUG: I dent think, from what you’ve mid am. that yen’ll be breaking ydnr flan shied away from the altar aa she has doesn't have the urge te amalgamate. Tall her frank ly as aeon aa possible hew things are. and I think shell probably be relieved that yen are taking her eff the hoek. DEAR SALLY: My husband and I live within walking distances of his parents, and his parent* art simply eraxy about our two lltfle children. Within the past twe years, my husband has had twe wonder ful opportunities for advancement, but because they both meant mov ing to another town, his parents pleaded with him not to accept, telling him how heartbroken they would be If we moved away, how much they would miss the children, and so on. And each time my hus band, swayed by their tears, re fused the promotion. Now another opportunity has come along, and again the pleadings are pouring forth from his parents. What dtall we do? SHIRLEY. DEAR SHIRLEY: Decisions like these are for yen and year husband te make net his pa rents. t think It’s unfair and selfish of ths elder folks te try te fence year family In this way. By all mss as, aacearags year husband la aeeept this Ist set appertain tty Thera's noth ing, after all. te prevent yes and hit Daunts from exchang ing visits fatter. DEAR SALLY: A girl friend of mins borrowed my newest and best dram for a special date last week end. and when she returned it. the dress waa stained with some kind of food and the hem was ripped My mother was very angry about tills said It served me right for lending out my clothes, and she wants ms to teU my girl friend off about It Do you think I Hhould do this and. if so, what should I say? MARILYN. DEAR MARILYN: Year so called friend la a vary thought tarn and unappreciative one. Barely. If Ska ted an considers- Man at all, tea weald have had year dram clean ad and repair ed tefare returning It. Howev er. If yau wars te tall har eff stent H new. sheet all yea would sccentpHte weald te te areas 111-will. I think yea should Inst r sitedar this aa a lemaa. and the next tens tea ■aggiaia borrowing anything. teß her politely bat firmly that yea do net like te lean eat year elethea. Cate’s alliance with the Sino- Sovtet Bloc dimupted trade tie* with die U. S that dated beck to Cuban independence in 1902. Food consumption in Cuba drop ped IS per cent from the first of 1909 (when supplies wars adequate) through 1961. My liigkhri ' "Tod’vu got his plate." PLEASE DRIVE SAFELY!! I jmLEMEMT RALEIGH SEAFOOD -I Fresh Seafood Daily r “ v^wS«“ e 410 a DAVIE ST. DIAL TE 8-7748 j f /\ HZZZ groupoTt^wmbe >4 mi W’ depended upon for die FOB RENT - fiSSSs Apartments and 4 and 5 Room Hou»e« e^ffMSSjo£j ALL WITH HOT AMD COLD WATER- AND RATHE den. lAfb Ini oHlmf b bbbfArhhrl ot Nusbb Wb ibb bC* far rennet wrtdiilttM| inj! —lghbarhsoAa and h> ftnt-claae repair. undersold for value received. see us Today For Better uvmg! Raleigh Funeral Home ACME REALTY CO is.MWmif. ALSI L I MjU- | ~-M- BAA EXTRA GOLD BOND If 9 STAMPS WITH THESE COUPONS gj} zmmmmmmm IHB*® 50 extra H NATUR-TENDER... THE BRAND OF OUALITY AL | gold bond stamps 1 ■ ■■■ mm ISmai II E!Ks| o WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE Os Sj JV I 1 "" - ■ J I A 2-ROLL FKG. VANITY FAIR FAMR TOWELS 'I ■■ U Hm M IN LOCAL COLONIAL STORES (3 ■■ ■■ ■■ WBk VOID Amt JUNE %MU HgM i__— ROAST w B GOLD BOND STAMPS |§ natur tinder full-cut . 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