WELCOME MORTICIANS I r , - M,i r:r :: ’’ ' b ■ ; N ' '"* ,;.' BP*** w, wl.Bf B « .>'■• Pmr Jr .- :- L. J.C ju ABOI’SED BY WHITE GROCER’S SNUGGLING These pk tares we shown In the front of Marvin Wiggs’ store, H<gh Point, white grocery nun who wu freed of a charge of ineleatlwg young girls in hit store, by an oil white jury, loot week. Be faces ether chart* eg es the same nature. Shown in picture, Hr, Mbs Sylvia Maltary. Rot. D. D. Mason, Mies Gwendolyn Graham, Burt Rucker and Mr*. Della Mltchsß. The NAACP Initiated the boycott for the alleged tamrita to lirb, ranging in age from !• ta U. Funeral Directors Close 3-Day Meet The Old session ad toe Funeral Directors and Morticians Associa tion ad North Carolina got under way at 9t Augustine’s College Tuesday morning when Governor Terry Sanford greeted them. The chief executive told them that he knew what their problems were and they knew too. He suggested that they do something '' a Ye did net tall them what ‘a 4q» oowever. Dr. John K Larkina presented v m -% ■ !Pv-^^BE&Jr• i- ' • ?»;’■>; 'f- si*** .■*** ' ’'’ ' V? »***»«* w ■ ■ |S|£gv. ''*♦?&* ; , * **&**•%, PRINCIPALS AT FUNERAL DIRECTORS MEET TTmm tour people were the principals at the 55th annual meet- Ini el the Funeral Directors and Morticians Association which began here Tuesday. L-r, J. J. Pi!trim, Hendersonrilte, outgoing president; P. J. Brown, Greensboro, executive secretary; Mrs. J. J. Pilgrim, wife of the president and head of the Woman’s Auxiliary and Oliver Edwards, vice-president and stated to head the organisation after the election Thursday. CAROLINIAN ADVERTISERS BW FROM THEM PAG* t Motti'r A Daughter Horton'• Cash Koto I AG* 1 Rare-Pit Root Cttft Confer Inart Bsokiag A Tort Co. PAG* S Bullion -Brilr Stephen* Appliance Co- Inc. Phelosale Etectrtc Rnpply. toe. Bsleigii Paint A Wallpaper Co. Piaher Wholesale Co- toe. Dana*! Cm Reroic Bsleigii Prmitorr Co. Reren-l’p Hottltoß Co. lUleifH Paint A Wallpaper Co. G. A Tor Per Brae- toe. PBGC 7 Ante Drttnt C» Wearer Brae. BaaaMer Whoieeale Motor* Rtroed Pontine, toe. PAG* I CoMOlal Rtorrs PAG! I Blare. 1 Governor Sanford and Dr. John It ■ Larkina presented Mayor W. G. En - loe. Others wno appeared at the , first session were W- C. Allen, J. . H. Thompson, Rev. F. H. Johnson, , O. H. Edwards responded to the , governor and to* mayor. Frssic-nt , J. J. Pilgrim pi* " 1 -d P. L. Rh-* s. ! chairman of th* uoard, mad* a re art and V e Aetoey chaired an (open forum The subject What affect will coNnNDCo~irmoai fags n Peprt-Caia MNhl Co es Balelgh PAG* U Ainanra Gwrtlti, toe. Tire Rale* A Rerrtre Mcrhsatcs A Parmer* Bank Leanne ntotrlhatlag Co. PAG* IS Carolina Power A UrM Co. Capital Bargain Rio re Main Bsterartnattoß Co. lirertawa Btore* Capital Pnet Oil. Ire A Coal Co. Gem Watch Shop PAGE U AppHeneo Comer, toe. Renter-CanAer* Tractor Carp, toe * Rport Rhop ; Oaten Plaanee Co. •Wart. Watson A Lainer PAG* M tortn Parnitor* Co. Plggly-Wiggly Rtorc* SL Tonog BarSware Co. PAG* IX ■Hi. toe. ; KtanhrcH’a Paramos Co. •etty Gay PAG* |g Oarh-a. tor. Trtra A Cinotry Pnrnttnre nariDWTiifimli Sac. PAG* » U totrtcjj Crayt^a. Peaoij •* PAG* « lUneato Ttaatre iKSL?., c- I Chapel Hill Board Reverses Earlier Segregation Policy [THE CARQLINi AN | HBH Raleigh Is Test City In Registration Campaip The Raleigh Citi zens Association, in cooperation with the churches of the city, the pastors and forty participating organizations, hr bringing a group of students Jure. n«a weekend' d* aid in pitting tst'4)o additional names gma Msdo dr m l~i - f-. r. ritsm <*" ' B IB JCfUUluOll DOOKS. R to to be remembered that J. J. Sensom. defeated candidate for (he County Board of Commissioners, sold following ths primary that th# time to being electing nee members in Wake County was now. The banker to chairman of this drive and asking full cooperation from-’the citizens. (cownrosp on pao« r> Court Frees Merchant In Morals Case HIGH POINT Local citizens wera left in a state of wonderment here last week when Marvin Wiggs, white grocery store owner, was acquitted by an all white jury for having molested young Negro girls, while in his store, in one sc tlon. The CAROLINIAN learned from reliable source* that the jury de liberated for some considerable | time and even came back to ask the presiding judge, of the Supe rior Court to permit them to hear the testimony of a prosecuting wit ness. A defense lawyer objected and th* Judge sustained his objec tion. The testimony in question was said to have been that of W. E. Ptsnton. principal of the Leonard Street School, which Me girls at tend The school head to mid to have testified that Wiggs told him that he had put his hands under the dram of ana of the girls and it tend ed to help his business. Ha b also reported as having said that ha had enough money to pay for any thing h* might have done to the girls. The testimony of the girl's moth (commugn <m page t> IODDS-ENDS BY ROBERT G. SHEPARD "The Wall was finished be cause the peepta had a mind ta wart" HELP POB A NEEDED WORK This weekend, a group of 15 col lege students will arrive in Raleigh. They ate coming here at no ex pense to ue tor Rw sob purpose of helping us do a job we all mould agree b a job badly seeding to bo done. These mutants an coming to help us start our people to the im- , portonco of registering. They are ' coming to work with us and tor us in the hope that whan their 8 weeks , stay will have ended, thousands at names will have been added to our ' voting hot here in Balaigh. Probably yon will be mocked to ' barn that percentage wise. Raleigh .has the lowest Negro regbtraUoa ( 's% . ,lw. \ ..mad i - i_»'i «ji *p #rv > i Wm ■ K3L3^Bl'^Bwitf ; - 8 •#; ■■BiMBBIKBr '- * 4 ' i!BpP^ 88, \ W * MM Hop IMlw jgKks *■ Jjy * , * j>< » ngHnlf ifttfilll gHagnHjMMh . v‘ y ' SUB 3 AND YET THEY COME Negro children continue to regieter in New Orleans, La., to enter its newly-accepted inte grated school system, ordered by a Federal Judga, in compliance with the United States Supreme Court ruling. (UPI PHOTO), Funeral Rites Are Held For Miss Mary E. Phillips Pf^sSp5 l P^MgS!|^2^wv sw Raleigh educational circle*, flank ed by friend* and admirers, filed into St. Ambrose Episcopal Church. Friday, « p m snd peid the last f -respect to a veteran educator. Miss ‘-fe. Mary Elizaoeth Phillips, who da s V '-I- parted thia life Wednesday, at the Mum Phillip* was symbolic of th# j educational Ilf* of Raleigh and her ■* contribution to same was evidenced time, a school was named In her m w honor, the Mary £ Phillips School. recently built in th# Washington Terrace section. She graduated from St Augus- L#’x tines Normal and Collegiate School m 1893 and later entered Shaw HL ?.< ■ * University. She began teaching in Hayjjgbfi V J t Warrenton and returned to Raleigh m£ when a parochial school was open- Sgtymr ed at St Ambrose Church She r t *tk entered the local school system in ■■B** ■§ J 1913. She ended her career with MIRR MART R. PHILLIPS (eOWTDTOBD raOM FAOB I> STATE*BRIEF I noun AT WAKE POBEBT WINSTON -SALEM - From 20 to 29 Negroes art reported to have registered lor the aurnmer aeaaion of Wake Forest College The exact number could not be ascertained before The CAROLINIAN went to Mooimnn drinkers foiled RALEIGH White whiskey drinker* in toe area are bemoar ing the fact that 4SO gallon* of the illegal “stuff were taken by off;- A WELCOME STUDENTS car* Saturday night in Garner Sylvester Dixon is cnarged with telling ATT agents 180 gallon*. It i* argumentative whether this large quantity will be displayed a* evidence at the triaL WOMAN CONVICTS HERSELF WILKES BORO Many strange ; thing* are known to have happen ed in a court room, but the climax j was reached in Judge H L Rid- . (comNvnm page »» Four Charged With Rape In Past Week i The saying that in the apring time a young man’i fancy turns to romance has been stretched somewhat in aad around Raleigh for tta past week. According to arresting officers, one old man, Herbert McLean, SB, and three other* are being held in (he Wake County jail for rape. Th# CAROLINIAN visited tbs jail and talked with Herbert Mc- Lean. H* to charged with having raped a 13 year old girl whose name is withheld by tha paper, dua to her age When aaked whether ha was guilty or not, ha replied, Ta not guilty". Ha seemed con vinced that he did not commit tha eciM. Jail attendants chided him, in saying that h* was too old to b* charged with such a crime. The order of Domestic Relations Court was that he he held en th* charge end await the next term es Superi or Court, Ho cay* (hat he farmed la the lower section of th* county tor to* greeter portion of his Ufa mid that he was the father of nine children" It was at tha home es one of hi* daughters that tha crima is aaid ta have been committed. Ha sage that when his children grew up he had 111 "- 1 ■■— * -r - 1 ■ ■■ - Tragedy Strikes Family Mrs. Elizabeth Stewart, 1001 Ob erlin Road, was reported fighting tor her life at Wak* Memorial Hospital Wed. morning, where ah* was taken Tuesday as toe result of Waltca Is Exonerated In Wife’s Death Eddie Edward Walton. 43-year old resident of 3408 Pttagersid Drive, walked out of City Court a free man, after first degree mur der charge*, against him, were dropped because of Insufficient evidence, recently. Mrs. Willie Mae Walton was k>nnd b* the blast from a MM jljM shots un fired at close In m the kitchen of mKv their home. Det. flft Bow llllEllfg,'gil ers testified he th * body ■▼l: JB 'ring on the floor when he MRS. WALTON answered a call to the home at 10:35 P. M. He stated Walton was In another room lying on a bad. Officers John Baker and T. T. Street ware present. Wine, Dog, Gun Result In Hospital One mould be careful how he treat! a dog snd If he thinks he should not. esk Robert Curdlty, 807 S. Person St He was Riot in the face for slledgedly up braiding Otis Rogers for kicking the dog. 1 Monday afternoon. Witnesses to the mooting said i that Curdity and Rogers, along with smother man were sitting on Curdity's porch and Rogers' kicked (ccwnrosp nm raoa n The five-Cay weather terecaaS far the Baletfli area Seftaurta* TkersCay. last 14. aa* cawtetwSw* throat* Massay, ina SS, la aa (Ottawa: Trmpcrataree will average (raw i *to 4 Basra** Vo low sorsul Tfcer*- Say thread* ISoaSay. StaUaro* •feowtrs sweat Sly tkrauskoet pari a* wl» average areaas three geartora at aa kck Recreation Commission Adopts BBL Precedent *4m* CHAPEL HILL—The hand ,of fate moved rather swifjßy here and what teemed like an impossible venture Inst week IHB bloasomed into a real tool of democracy. The disbanded Baseball League, which sponsors sandlot baseball, came to grip* with Toan Seism, coach, last week when he refused to resign, due to the fact that he insisted on playing s Negro boy on one of the teams. Ha was put on the carpet and was told that the league was for “White On ly" Seism not only refused to resign but told She "powers-that-be" if ths league continued Negroes would play. Officiab of th* league decided that they would disbond ths lea- I gue and they proceeded to do just I that. Monday night there was a no one to help him make a share cropper s farm end he cams to Ra leigh and has no regular employ ment Three other accused rapists. Cle veland Abrams, James Goings and Sylvester Williams, Jr., are being held tor raping Misses Lucille and Hattie B. Williams, E. Hargett St. two sisters, on e road back df Me redith College, Saturday nigh. Thsg wera arrested by Deputy SharMf Wiley Jon*4 who told Tha CARO LINIAN that the girls signed war rants far their arrest. jU. Jaraaa L Goings said he was |he»t» to the'o*i «nd Ralto nothing of (Ms women bstnfto ths car Clarißsad Abrams alls't** that tha women joined them at • drinking ON PAOt 1) wsU—— ■ .in iino '———ran—— I a mysterious fire hi her hasre, where she suffered multiple burns, diagnosed as first, second and third degree. I The CAROLINIAN was told that Bowers as id Walton told him ha eras cleaning hi* gun and it went off. He said Walton “told a different story at the police sta tion." There, Walton allegedly said he was moving the gun from one closet to another and it went off. The rusty gun was found in (CONTDIIIBD ON PAOB I) i i — “ 1 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ i I i ■ ’ I I'- MBII jtFs mk~- PLANTED BY GOVERNMENT—-Mrs. Mlt Brown who WBB B totmktr of the Cftaltl Party sad when the disavowed II MB* hired hr tbs FBI U r—ttner her connection to gather as amah hto forßMtton far It as poasMe. She hat been the ■overasaent’a ttar erit m In s bearing bah* Md la Washington, abont the sarG a dafcWß. (UPI PMOTOI t - A unanimous decision to not •* reactivate the league but Lao Wag ner, commissioner of the diaben&d league and chairman of the beard of directors, had the following to my after the Monday meating. The new league will be open to every boy, regardless of race or ability, (CONTDOJED ON PAOB S) ‘ B HERBERT MCLEAN Mrs. Stewart was in the procsss at cleaning paint from th* floor n< on* of the rooms when fumes ar* said to have ignited from the clean ing fluid and enveloped her body. She to reported aa having been badly burned about the legs and face, and head. It was furhter re vealed that her leg* were so badly burned, when she fell, tryinc to free herself from the eauldion. that much of the flesh was seared and that it wee feared that some of th* fluid penetrated the tissue* of her I nody. The fir* la aaid to have burned 'he eurtains and many other con tents of tha room. The fumes gr* said to have turned to flames when they came in contact with the flame* from a hot water heater. This to said to be unusual and par, sons familiar with the operation of heaters say it to quits mysterious.

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