Mm ' BMHKSwB'J |mh| JMv? ■ jc' \- -4i-Ji k flß|pi|^|:> One Survives While Five Wake C’nty Residents Perish In Watery Grave ZZBULOON A funeral is al. ways sad. tat to attend m when tores people are reoeirinf the last rites weald be bard on a seasoned mourner. They held such a mass James OBvto W&tns lay SmvP side in St. Johns HcSlnesa Church and Rev. Thomas intoned tod fun* oral words. Benjamin McArthur Ferwll was buried from New Bethel Church Tuesday at 1 F. M.. ami Lonnie Hinton had the last words said by Rev. C. E. Askew, at Wakefield Baptist Church, at 3:00 P.M., Tuesday. The quintet were victims of one of the most gruaoms accidents that this farm section has ever witnessed. It is apparent that four of the victims were riding in a car Friday night that went over the rail of Little River bridge, about three miles north of here, on route M, at a rate of speed described at various speeds by several people. The most awe stricken person in the huge crowd was 17 year old Victor Baker, brother of one of the victims, Beatrice Baker, and brother-in-law of another victim, James Davis Watkins. Victor was BOt able to tell the CAROLINIAN exactly what happened. He said that he was a passenger in the fatal car and only remembers that the ear crashed the rail. He does Tragic Moments MOURNERS Above pictare shows family of Lattie Jones at his faaeral held in Gamer Taesday. Sitting at left end of pew is Jones* rffe, Mrs. Roveila Jones. Next to nans an Jones’ two sons. He was killed by a shotgun Mast Friday. PoUee an holding Jones’ brother, Charlie, in eonnect’on with the fheoUng. ACCIDENT nCTUTS FUNERAL - Manrners end pa» hearer* leave New Bethel Chanh in Zetataa Tneaday with the body es Rm jaatin M. Ferreß. who was kilted in ateo accident Friday night. He ana ene es five kfiteti. ■ 4 WAKE TRAGEDY Above picture shews the smtehed IMS Pon tiac te which five persons wen killed hut Friday night new Zebulon. The ear ran out as control, Jumped a bridge and landed Into a river. Picture left la that as Vletor Baker es Zebalen, the only survivor as toe accident. Above left are pictures as the victims. Left to right, they are: Lonnie "Heavy” H'nton, Rswjnpln McArthur Ferrell, Milton Reid, and Mrs. Beatrice Baker. not know sribstoer ha was thraUrn > from too igßMpl* death-dsqllhg ; vehicle, or #iether he climbed out , after it wae submerged undgK. It I Lit able to say.w|ie> ‘ tow’there ww 'screaming and i groaning 'from the water-trapped victims or not. Thbmas Dickerson, who was traveling in another car i composed of other members of i the party, which according to tes timony given, were on their way to a night spot where It is said that Beatrice Baker said they were going to have a "ball”, told reporters that the car was travel ing at a rapid rate of speed and outdistanced the car in which he was riding by a long margin. Dickerson said that when his car approached the ill-fated bridge that Eugene Mitchell, white, stop ped the car and told them that the people m the front car had gone over the rail of the bridge and were at the bottom of the riv er. Some of the riders of the sec ond car dived into the river, in an effort to rescue the victims. They were not successful and even lost a member of their group to the ravages of the water. Milton Reid, said to be 14. was not seen alive after he took off some of his clothes and dashed into toe stream. It could not be ascertain ed whether he loot his fife strug gling with one of the victims or whether he struck an object Bktn divers and rescue workers tried, in vain, to rescue the vic tims and found it Mjncgt impos sible to W-S Citizens Attack Biased Drive-Ins WINSTON-SALEM—As citizen committee composed of student* and adult* staged what they call ed “drive-in" demonstrations her* this week, making two drive-in movies their prime targets. Under fire by the Forsyth Coun ty group are In Winston-Salem Drive-In and the Flamingo Drive- In theatres. They have refused to admit Negroes on toe premises Late laat week and early this week, several carloads of Negro student* sought unsuccessfully to gain entrance to both theatres. In both Instance*, carloads of Sheriff's deputies were called in to break up a traffic Jam and maintain ordsr and a flow of traf fic. No one was arrested. The drive-in movement sms dis cussed Sunday afternoon In a meeting of toe Winston-Salem branch es the National Associa tion for the Advancement oi Col (tesugroto OIT PAOB f)- Daily News Criticizes Wilmington GREENSBORO*—The Greensbo ro Daily News, influential white newapaer of this city, was highly critical in a Monday morning edi torial of the manner in which two Wilmington Negrope, suspected of crime* against white women, were declared "outlswp." Said the Nnh; “It s something again ter an individual, merely facing a charge, to be declared free, legal game by an interior court on tty superficial basis of a Solicitor’s affidavit”. Thd pop* was , wtuttßmak . , * 1 ■■ ■ * ■» '■ l .■ "■ " —■ According te information re solved by The CAROLINIAN ' as It wont to prooo. Wednesday, James Edward Nowklrk. to, assistant chief of police, Wilm ington Folic* Department, says was arrested Immmedlately af ter being declared aa eatisw, by nine police, waa scheduled to face preliminary hearing la Re corder’s Coart for first degree burglary and attempted criminal assault. The officer Is said to have not mad* It known where Newkirk had been held, ay to the ttine es the trial. Andrew Jackson McCoy, who was also declared an eatlaw, has. been the object of aa Intensified search sines Jnne 11. Ha Is charged with too brutal beating of Miss Catherine Farrow, white, 39, while he is alleged to have been In the process of rob bing a store at Fifth Avenue and Caatlo Street, where she was a clerk The editorial. In full, follows; OUTLAWRY AND DUE PROCESI 'Two men. wanted in separate (coNTomih fm mm ») Wilmington Editor Blasts Outlaw Order EDITOR? NOTE: hi M ef fort te got background materi al and both tide* of tho “Out laws” case in Wilmington. The CAROLINIAN la ropradnetag this week’s editorial as the Wilmington Journal, our stater publication. This editorial la scheduled to appear In Satur days Journal and la written hr T C. Jorvay, Journal odttor. In hta widely-read weekly rslnmn. Once-A Week. The CAROLIN IAN believe* tola editorial Is an objective one and reflects gen erally riewt of the Fort City's Negro population among whang tbo Journal la a popular and well-supported nsw^opsr. WILL WILMINGTON EVER LEARN? Wilmington seems to hava away cf its own in getting bod publicity (COWTPfCTP won PAPE D ODDS-ENDS BY ROBERT O. SHEPARD MAKING HISTORY "Love thy neighbor.’' The 16 Negro and white ooOega students representing the National Student* Association (NBA) hi a concentrated drive to ewaken ggr local people to the importance of registering are making history here in Raleigh. It Is the first time an attempt of this magnitude has been made ban and its results will he ckwehr (coirmvxD ost run a PRICE 15c