\A.\ri 1 Meet Assured Peace As KKK Kicked ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ + ♦ + ♦ Holiness Convention Draws 5,000 flreatens To Send Out NG Units ATLANTA Georgia Gonrna Bran* Vaadivar this weak angrily threatened to call out the Natiooa Guard tt mowary to quell aq future Klu Klux Klan attempts at atyng rulMea on state property. erdar far a clash wife atate troop agjetoday .W at nearby Stow 1 win not la the future alloa «*F demauatrattoua ou atate prop arty whither by the NAACP or Kh dm Idea." the governor said. At a newa eonfaranoa, Vandlvai men la a troot that crashed Ba* urday with atate trooper* posted off the stati ccomutaii ft tm a> Cleric Held On Charge Os Assault WTNIWt BALPf <AHF> - See. A A Cover of the Holineu church baa a atng outside his houat which leafs: **No taguioa e* The mtalater meana Just what the alga aaye hooording to Made Frazi- In saurt W with. Trader, whs once Hved hi Pee. Caver's neipi* borhood, testified that'he had bear vial ting frtauda there and wai walking to a taw atop when Per war. Cover told him ha waa go ing to atop peapU gram throwtm g’JISU'SZ.Z&JZ wMt a platoL :,u« I Mm mWuj* ta ramatoai far three weeks. . Rev. Caver eetd he had been fc thurch and was in bed, (oepel music on the radio, when Am keord a notoe suggesting that soiie me waa trying to break in. Rev. Caver said ha opened Am toor and Frazier was outside. B< iontendad that Frazier started curs (coammau wi r*at a> 2 Drowning* Mar Sunday School Picnic At Wall BLACK MOUNTAIN What had started out aa an enjoyable picnic for aomo US member* of the Sun , day School of the AME Zion Church at Hickory,' ended in trage dy here Sunday afternoon with two Observations At NAACP Confab ST ALEXANMB BARNES Kalley Alexander, president of North Carolina State Conference led a leprawntive delegation to the Bird Beat aad they were quite ac tive. Attorney Floyd B. McKlasick took aart in the panel an how to go a bout integrating southern schools, the militant attorney was aqual to the situation. He received an award for the leadi i-fiiip that ha gave the Youth Group of the Durham Branch. The new and idea to expand the Board was attacked from the floor by Dean Hill. Durham Business Col lege. He and Rev. E. Franklin Jack son, Washington. D. C . who was presiding, over the conflict with die present constitution. Jackson finally won the argument by rul ing him out of order. The fifth region, composed of North Carolina. South Carolina. Georgia, Florida. Mississippi and ODDS-ENDS BT ROBERT G. SHEPARD ■And whan ye pray; say anr YMhw ** LET US FRAY that Divine Mted will direct and motivate thoee whe hold the destiny of Shaw Uni versity in their handa should bo tea loving teak of each of us who bap *a interest of the institution hi anr hearts and in our thinking. DaobQ sat, several thousand. God BffwSient tele land have been both shacked and grieved by tea naked display of selfish mortal perwsif !■ idaaalni an interest in tee. Ibwavar. tela is no time to The Carolinian North Carolina’s Leading Weekly 11 "■" 1 "" 11 11 -- i ■ • ■■ we——. VOL. 21. NO. 36 RALRIQH, N. C„ SATURDAY. JULY 14,1963 PRICK 15c Os Committee Heveats' FREEDOM TO VOTE NATHANIEL BOSTIC, JR. Durham Man Data 18-Yrs. In Murder ' DURHAM A 83-year-ell Dur ham man was sentenced to IR.years in prison by Superior Court, iudge William J. Bundy hen Monday af ter pleading guilty to killing a 90- year-old youth following a case (coNTwimi on pagi at athall boy* dead of drowning. ( The two, Howard Harris, 8, and Ernest Greer, t, drowned in a mall lake near here when a small boat began to take on water and partial' fCONTINUED ON PADS t) Tennessee had the largest number of delegates and rightly so. If tea southern delegates ware not going to rally to Atlanta quit a few would have questioned the reason. Just now there is a vacancy on tea Board teat should ha filled. Father Gibson. Miami, who has been persecuted and prosecuted for tea NAACP’s sake ia the logical candidate. However, Attorney Me- Kissick is said to have file majo rity of the vote*. The matter bm to be sent to the chapters. North Carolina delegates wars irtdinded to go along with Denver for the 1969 meat, even though Ca- CAROLINIAN ADVERTISERS BW FROM THEM PAGE t gar* ** PAGgf tat General Tin Co. Tewa ACmmtry Para Kara BtetHag Co. CakmlaJ Moras PAGE T aop poo4 Moasa taTnisSs * teras co. S/* “ ton tolrV Snasaae Co. 0 ** SuSss 1 r*£t M o >f wSi * f r W-^ghL No Voting Bias In Tartieeßa The bi-racial North Carolina Ci vil Rights Advisory Committee has rataaaad an addition to its IMI report on voting and voter regi stration in the Tarheel state for the year 1060. The nine-page Southern footnote to history, “Restrictions On Negro Voting”, goes bock to colonial days in the state and comas up with following conclusions; L Registered voters in North Ch rollna remain overwhelmingly and dhupproporttonately White. 1 Political activity increases atom IBSB have been confined largely to whites. A State polities aap loaded hi fa vor of whitee ia the Mack halt , The committee gild “We agree that ia rwpect to vothigl to yth &f£r. c sa-»&*a: bahaU ha denied the rftjht to registar. vote and to have that vote cooped on account of his race, religion or national orimftn ” The committee further stated that “where there has been discri mination in North Carolina against Negroes in respect to their right to register and vote, such denials of a basic righta of citizenship does not have the approval either open or tacit, of the vast majority of the officials and citizens of the atate.” The Civil Rights Commission mads the observation in its latest documentation, which will be in cluded In a bound volume of all the committee’s reports in its three-year history to be published next month. Members of the committee in clude: McNeil Smith, chairman; A. T. Spaulding, vice chairman; Mar garet R. Vogt, secretary; Paul R. Ervin, assistant secretary; Hector (CONTINUED ON FAGI I) Ufomia waa calling. To North Ca rolinians, California has become a step, while Denver mams to be a little distance. wEATH K R The five Say woatear fsrersst for tee Raleigh Ares hectninc Thenday, July u, and centtenfag te ranch Man day. Jnly Id, la. as fal lawi: Tempantnraa vU avaraga a te ns below normal with not araeh day ta day changes. Mat math rainfall sxpsetad teronghaat tea parted. Raleigh Pnasral Baste Raleigh aeefsed PAOR 11 BHPe, | lac. ___ Ratolgh*rM3SS7*eo rM *“ l * C *' •avaa-Op BsttMag Ca. Americas Credit Ca. *»ttah Paint A WaUpaper Ca. O. a. Tachsr Brea, tec. PAOR U wfjSjgssAs* sssrssr^ PAOR M Liwola Theatre Bsrrif Wheteaali*‘tee. ** PAOI 17 Capital Bargain Stora twr% dmartean Orte PgsgSTcfate Candracteag rSa* r 5 mmm * J C *‘ Bwflale Battery Shap tahraßt Pnradtera Ca. Betel! atal^ 7 **■ A DR. T. R MCKINNEY S' Smith Dnan Dies While •*> - • - etkiCjJ. ri- ■ * ■ On Vacation * T CHARLOTTE Dr. T. E. Mc- Kinney, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, Chairman of the Di vision of Ssoclal Sciences and Pro fessor of Political Science at John son C. Smith University, died eorly Tuesday morning in his sleep whila visiting his sister In Jacksonville, Florida. cuwtuiugp vow faoi i) Bill Miller, 62, Fireman, Die* Suddenly In Marsden A well-known Raleigh man who had worked at one Job for more than 40 years, died suddenly lest week shortly after completing a day’s work in Marsden. were much in action. They made The Norte Carolina youngetert a lasting improation for the contri bution made in the fight for free dom. Sever.teen Durham youths were given a special award at the Freedom Dinner held at the Phyllis Wheatley YWCA Thursday night Mrs. Willie Mae Winfield, Roper, was placed on the nominating com mittee. This scribe wet not able to she was able to do. determine how mudi nominating North Carolina even figured in the style display. Mitt Andre* Me- Kiatick, one of the first integrated children in tee Durham School System and a promising junior at Durham High, along with Miss Winifred Richardson, s North Caro lina College sophomore, made the front page es the ATLANTA WORLD as they demonstrated a special NAACP cap. throughout the state, who attended (cowroniri <w page n State News Briefs DAMAGES HOME DURHAM A Durham County man was Jailed Monday night on chargee that he went on a rampage at his home doing an estimated 9700 to 9LOOO worth of damage to the house and furniture Jimmy Taylor, 34. 2211 Apex Highway, was charged by his wife with assault aad battery on a fe male. She accused her husband of beefing her during the rampage. ARRESTED ON BOOZE CHARGE Meet To Last Til # Sunday The Southern District Bible Church MRpl and Young People's Holy AsSMtatlon Convention are hosts this week to the General Bi ble Church School and Y. P. H. A. Convention of the United Holy Church of America, Inc* at the Ra leigh Mmemorial Auditorium, Mon day, July 9, through Sunday, July 1», 1963. The program includes a Fellow ship Dinner at 7:30 p. m. on Mon day night: thlrty-onq workshops and seminars each morning; Bible lectures and topic, discussions each afternoaq? and PMngaiist services each evening akl» p. m. The delegation is expected to total ffve thonsawFhy the eng Os [’ Fifty-one delegates arrived in Rs »*h on FrldwfJtoy Ml from** islands of Bermuda and Barbados. Other delegations inchafe thirty two from California, large numbers from New York, Mass., Connecti cut, Pa., Virginia, Ohio, North Ca roline, West Virginia, Georgia, South Carolina. Maryland, Wiscon sin, Missouri and Washington, D. C. Nine hundred attended the Pel lowpiip Dinner. Clarence Young flf (CONTINUVT) ON FAOg I) Funeral services for William “Bin- Miller, 82, MBZHwget^^ Episcopal Church Norfolk Southern ® Railway as a fire- MR. MILLER man for 44 years. According to relatives, his death came suddenly, for he appeared to have been in good health. A native of Windsor, Miller at tended public schools there and started his work with the railroad company at the age of 17. icomninToN pads n I * jst&Q&nwßr IP \ If Iri mi I B—t • m HI BMh NAACP DELEGATES Crowd s of Negroee flow from the Atlanta Municipal Auditorium aa they prepared to picket 16 difterent hotel*, motel* and cate* in Atlanta in protest at segre- ' / m HI I I ■ IKK GANG ON THE PROWL Mrs. Eloyoe Banks, wife es Chicago Cub’s first baseman Ernie Ranks, looks a* M calibre bullet hole in window of their aouthaide home in Chicago. Mrs. Banka said she heard two abate fired at the pamagaway of their home and told police she thought the shots wen fired hi retahatien for her complaints to authorities about a gang of Negro teenagers. Banka was in MR waahas wtth the Cube for a aeries with the Braves. (UPI TELfePHOTO). Holiness Personalities «ngj .f I I H ■ t •< |V I ’Jr ; Wf'* A. I^B I f r ' mr 1 K Bm'- TV ' ’ SL ' K? .- mm%- -. i.JHKj'' rl ■ weV\rJKt Top photo show* the Bishop of the United Holy Church and hi* family. Left to right are Mrs. Sally Hairston, the Bishop's wife; Bis hop H. H. Hairston and Mrs. Hattie Hairston Gates, the blahop'a daughter. Second photo show* convention principals discussing the week’s program for the Hottneee eonfab whleh will be held here through Sunday. Left to right are Clarence Yeung, assistant general secretary of Raleigh; Mrs. Mattie Cunningham, general president of YHPA, of Los Angeles, Calif., and David William*, general superin tendent of BSC. from Philadelphia. Pa. Bottom photo shows the Rev. R. A Alston, (extreme left), paster of Providence Holy Church, the beet church for the convention with a group of delegate*. Delegatee are left to right Mrs. Clara Bowens, Philadelphia; Bishop T. J. Bow ens of Philadelphia; Mrs. Elisabeth Stoekten, Bluefleld. W. Va.; Bis hop Richard Skipper, Cleveland, Ohio, and Mrs. Delore* Manning. gation in the establishments teat week. Acion took place at the NAACP convention held here all laat week. (UPI TELEPHO * TO). Local Man Mutilated By Train A Raleigh man, about IS, who was said to live under a bridge on U. S. Highway 401 South, was *wn to bits by a train near th# s«« t his “home" last week. Killed was James, Jordan, no known address He was dubbed a modern Robinson Crusoo W potte* who aaid his method of livta* (in the open under the bride) was somewhat prtmtthr*. Police Mid the an gpoerently was asleep on Bta track* When th# south Railway train, believed to b* the 10.80 p. m. from Satoia. cents by and ran over him appar ent!* d raffing him severer bun round MO a m. Saturday. Brown was unable to be located for com ment at pressHm*. Police mid they found a-pay stub from th* Green Electric Co. tn hie -hirt packet which was dated July 2. They said ho apparently waa n day worker and held no steady tob. A friend of the deed nvn, Tim muth Doourn, 818 Bloun* f»t. aaid he had seen Jordan earl»«- In ih* evening and- that R>* * wo * lv * b#,n drinking. He said Jordan left him about 8 p. m. and headed toward the bridge. Doourn Mid Jordan had been living under the bridge since Christmas. He added also that he believed Jordan had relatives *h / (CONTINUED ON PAGfc It Durham Body Honored At NAACP Meet ATLANTA. Ga. Fifteen mem bers of the Youth Group, Durham Branch, NAACP, wera given a wards at the “Youth Freedom Din ner" Thursday night, for the pert they played in th* integration of the Durham schools. They were al so praised for their participation in sit-in demonstrations, th* selective buying campaign and th* picketing (CONTINUED ON PAGE I)

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