Durham Files Suit To Open Movie House DURHAM After failing in to'-ir demonstration* and pleas to get a local theater manager to op er his facilities to Negroes, the Durham Youth and Collage Chap* tars of the NAACP. this weak filed a Federal county suit seeking non discriminatory use of the city-own ed Carolina Theater tat Durham. Tha suit, tiled in U. 8. Middle Distiict Court in Greensboro, was directed against the City of Dur ham and Abercrombie Enterprises, Inc., which leases the theater from the city. The students claim they have been denied admittance to the main auditorium of the theater and state in tha complaint that they are seek ing equal right of all citizens. The plaintiffs, both Negro and white, also seek a preliminary anft permanent injunction enjoining the defendants, their agents, employees, lessees, attorneys, and successors and all person in active concert and participation with them, from con tinuing to enforce cr permit to be enforced any policy or practice of racial segregation or exclusion a gainst Negroes in the use of the Durham theater. Tha students said that when Biey sought admission to the main (twmmjjT: on mm n l j. a. MaPf'..; Mj A W REGISTER ljtfSfe— Students %working with the voter regh (ration campaign weiesucceesEti in registering the l,oooth voter. Pictured above center tk James Ruthland, 1008 Pooh Rd., the l.OOjfft registrant, beinM put oaTtlhe books by etudents taking part in the driva. * ' ■ ' “ sll Million Is Sough tßy }. A&TAnd NCC For Future Expansion, Building Needs Tha State Advisory Budget Com mittee finds itself in s peculiar situation with so-called Negro col leges making demands and many Negroes are now wending their way to so-called white colleges. Last Rites Are Held For Veteran Lawyer GEORGETOWN. S. C. Attor ney Roger D. O'Kelly, for more than SO years a prominent Raleigh attorney, died here last week after a longtime illness. He was 82. O'Kelly, for more than 30 years Served as attorney to the Mechanics and Fanners Bank ot Raleigh and Durham and for the Acme Realty Company. Funeral services were conducted Saturday at the Raleigh Funeral fCOOTPrt?»P ON >A6I t) W E AT H E H iin i i—r ii Tha firs-Say waatfcsr forecast . ter tha BaMsk area begtaatac taws: TWaparataras wm avaraga > la 4 Sasraaa Maw aaiaul lor parte*, taewart peatabla heavy asainly aver weebaaS. ™ .£ • MmttiL -> w X HADED POE JAIL A null group of Negroes an Em be tap lacted to Jafl altar Mag amM to Albany. Ga. toet weak far ■Mr pilnl march an the etty. The Negrece. ynlto«im the amt w l "« 11 » ■■ T wmrnmn m—miax———ww—mmni wwt* wir > THE CARO UNI An| North Carolina *g Leading Weefily VOL 21, NO. 37 * RALEIGH, N. C., SATURDAY, JULY 21, IMS PRICK lSe rip : H it M i m 1 rnsiees Upheld ♦♦♦♦♦ - ♦ + ♦ /•. ' « Woman Scorn* Sex Approach + + ♦ ♦ + ♦ + + Over 1,000 Are Registered VOL 21, NO. 37 Ki Dr. Alphonso Elder, North Ca rolina College, is . reported as hav ing asked for $5,000,000.00 while A&T is seeking $6,000,000.00. The two top Negro colleges are said to have asked for the money to p T^A § j I ATTY. ROGER O*UU.Y Students Jubilant Over Efforts A mass citizens rally to commem orate the closing week of the regi stration drive which has been go ing on here since June 15 will be held here next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The rally meeting will feature a talk by Charles McDew, chairman of the Students Nonvioleni Coordi nating Committee with headquart ers in Atlanta, Ga. McDew who has been ahfestad and jailed 37 times for his civil rights activities, led the Student Nonvio lint demonstrations in A Many, Ga.. McCombs, Miss, and tat Baton Rouge, La. At present, 7 ad the stu dent participant* are now picking (roNTonm on rug *> make capital impovements. North Carolina College is said to want to buy property from George Street to Burlington Street and from Fay etteville Street to Alston Avenue. Reliable sources say that th* ad ministration plans to build m new athletic field, a student union build ing and another dormitory along with, a science building, at North Carolina College. At Greensboro's A&T it is also expected that many capital Improvement* will be made. Woman's College, Grsensbo (COPntNCTP ON PAGE t) 17-Year-Old Oh BBS ■■ S xaifnc I nilsl a One Drowns SNEADS FERRY*- Mart Ray Evtrett Jr., 13. drowned in tbe New River late last week despite efforts of a companion to pull him to wtfety. The accident occured just 100 yards from where four persons drowned two years ago. Tbs boy was swimming with Jo sephus Davis, 11, and Alphana Hobbs, 17, of Sneads Ferry. Young (COWTUfCXD ntOM FAGS ty a rheas; to dhpww by pitot. PaEw Chief Uarte MEett said to Z^MM^rnJnSto* tnf fla signals ani Maefctog the flan es traffic. » fcL. ■ S MRS- ROBB LBB ROLLINS Man About Town Shot WithPjstol Playboys should take a leaf from the book of Archie McDowell, well known Blobdworth Street persona lity, who now lies in tbe morgue ot Lightner’s Funeral Home, dead from gun shot wound* inflicted by Mrs. Rosa Lee Rollins, of 3 Frank lin Terrace. Mrs. Rollins, who told the CARO- T TWA y tfcgt to* was 57 years old. I while she sat In I a detention room |of the Raleigh I City Court Tues |d a y afternoon, ■ that McDowell I came to her home I about 11 o'clock I Monday night I ind they talked I n general con- I -ersation about Ime half hour. 1 1 B Vtß MCDOWELL 3be alleges that she was sewing up her late hus band's house coat and that Archie took the coat from her and said that he wanted to see how it would fit him. She further alleges that he put the cost on and then made ab normal sex approaches to her. The woman said that she told Archie that her husband had only been dead about tors* months and that toe was not intersssd in any love affair and ceralnly not any abnormal way. Bh* further stated that Archi* became violent and told bar, "I am going to have you the way I want to have you" tt was then that aha began retreating and (cpnnvn oN fags tv Board Fails To Rescind Shaw Order After nearly four hoprs of haaa llng, the General Baptist Stats Convention of North Carolina tamed down a resolution made up by the executive committee of the convention calling for trusted board members of Shaw Univers ity to rescind their action in dis charging the school's president, Dr. William R. Straasner. The Oonssal Convention also turned thumbs down an a resolu tion which stated that If any fur ther action taken is not favorably complied with the convention may understand that they are under no obligation to the trufeeea. More than 3M delegates at tended the session held fe the chapel at Shaw University. The < vote on the resolution to mfetof their action Was 87 tm and ltt against. The group also passed a rant* Intlon asking the trustees to give their reasons for the action and calling sorta conference between Irusteea and representatives of the convention. This resolution, passed by a 103-M margin. 2 The one-day special session was spotlighted by numerous orations, accusations and, at one point, talk of splitting the convention. More than a score of people took the floor to offer pros and oons as to the dismiss*! of Stress ner. ' Common point among the op position was that the method used In announcing the dismissal was not proper. Orators In favor of the action taken by the trustee borad stated the board has been given the pow er to run the school and their de cision should be final. At one point In the meeting. Dr. Strassner charged that the trustee board never talked with him a (COWTPfUXD ON VAOK g) Girl, 9, Falls To Her Death From Truck ENFIELD A nine-year-old girl tell to her death from a mov ing truck here this week as to* triad to catch bar hat which was blowing away. A (wording to State Trooper B. Q McDonald. Bobbie Jean Horton was riding in toe rear of a pickup truck with three brothers and sis ters when the trapsdy occurred. The trooper said the girl’s Ist blew off and in her effort to catch it she lost her balance and tell bead-first onto the pevement of a rural rood five miles south of her*. (coNTfwvxn on page tv CAROLINIAN ADVERTISERS — Bin FROM THEM page i Morlee'i Cato Mara Baffala Battery Map PAGE } tncw4rtffli I baa Ca. MltebaU'a Beauaraat A Dtatag Baaat C»—aatty piertat tuna a hrttw onu PAGE * WatotogUa Tarot* Apts., tor. Marhamca * Panaart Baafc Ambara'i paattae. tor. Whaiaaala EUctrtr tappty Ca. Ceauaaatty Oraaary PAG* • Plraataaa Marat “-■-lift Paiatteia Ca. •aanMTp Becdteg Ca. Aataitaaa Crate Ca. ■Ulrich Patot A Wallpaper Ca. IG. a. Tar bar Brea, tor. PAOB J 1 Wearer Brae. BaatMar PabHc Parrtea Ca. at M. C. Abu Dlinaal Ca. PAGE • i Celaatal Maraa PAGE • AtP PaaC Maraa CORE Delegates Meeting Stiff Opposition In Attempt To Integrate Res taurants Demonstrations stated at Inte grating a number «8 stating places around several North Carolina ci ties, including tbs Raleigh area, are planned tor toe beer future, it was learned this wade, Among toe aree restaurants which may be Bated as targets for th* integration attempts is the Howard Johnson's Restaurant n^iti The program of coordinated dem onstrations may also include "park ins'* at soma McDonald's hamburg er chain establishments in the state, it was further reported. Rev. B. BHon Cox ot High Point % SR ■ ' v ...B^Pp’. •j-iidiifei' it... ...—...... IN REBUTTAL Dr. William R. Straasner, ousted presi dent of Shew University is shown in rebuttal oi statements made against him at a special meeting ot the Baptist Convention 7uas day at Shaw’s chapel. Behind Dr. Straasner is Dr. R. St. Fitts, preeident at the convention. M. L. King Vows To Stf yln Albany, Ga. Until Charges Are Dropped Against 700 . ALBANY. Ga. (AND Rsloaete ed from an Albany jail against his will integration leader Martin Lu ther King, Jr, vowed at a mass rally that he would not leave tho city until charges are,dropped a gainst more han 700 Negroes ar rested with him last year. Rev. King said emphatically at Shiloh Baptist Church that he was "not happy" to be freed. He had hoped his jail term would rally for es* against discrimination in this south Georgia city. Hearing In. Atlanta School Mixing Set For Augusts ATLANTA Hearing on a mo tion by NAACP attorneys calling for complete desegregation of schools here was set for Aug. 2, by Federal Judge Frank A. Hooper last week. Th* motion calls for complete reorganization of the city schools on a non-raclal basis. Including faculty and staffs, extra-curricular activities and all classes. Judge Hooper noted two attor neys seeking early hearing of the motion that no attack of the present grade-a-yesr plan for dasegrega tlon has been made in higher courts and tost no Negro pupil has com plained of discrimination to his court. Mrs. Constane* Baker Hotter Charged With Robbing Relegates A t NAA CM* 3Meet ATLANTA (ANP) A member of the NAACP welcoming commit tee was placed under a 1 1.000 bond Bcaarh Basking * Trait Ca. A E. Qtilaa Pornitura Ca. Central Drat tura tuatarl Caarrata Prat arte Ca. Dnaa’t Eaaa tarvlra SAGE5 AGE It elaaa Bawl Carettaa BalMara Cara. Ettfawar'i OpUctaas. toe. Warner MrasrUla DMan Meter Ca. Prraa-L> Battling Ca.. at Kalalfh Ralalfk Pa tot .A Wallpapar Co Tbainaa Bat * WhMa Peat ttara PAGE 1/ CaraHna Pawer * UgM Co. Gani Watch thep Terra A Caaatry Parnltara Ca. PAGE 11 Itorato Theatre lee Maretrk’i Prato at! an Atokaaaatar Theatre PAOE U nttiy-wiffir Heat General Tire Ca. Carter"a. tor. Balelth Paneral Beau Balalfh tea teat Acaw Beatty Ca. t. K. Team Baatrrare Ca. said this week that 40 Core dele gates at a blrectal workshop last Sunday in Greensboro had agreed to face arrest if necessary in th* demonstrations planned tor the Greensboro area. Cox, a field secretary in North Carolina for tha Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), said 78 Greens boro area residents, mostly stu dents, also will take part In th* two-week workshop. It was understood that some re presentatives of protest groups in th* Raleigh-Durham are* also at tended th* workshops. Discussing th* plain for th* Tar In Washington, a spokesman ter th* Justice Department said A tty. Gen. Robert F Kennedy had given a “full report" on the King case to his brother, President Kennedy, who had requested a complete In vestigation. Th# attorney general issued a statement expressing gratification at toe release ot Rev. King and Rev. Ralph Abernathy, a fellow in tegration Ist Pqllce her* ordered a uniformed escort to accompany Rev King as NAACP attorney from New York, Mid the present plan should have resulted n ‘‘substantial deagrega tlon" test year Instead of being ii inied to nine Negro students. Mrs. Motley said Negro** do not expect the reorganisation to take effect until the 1963-04 school year. Judge Hooper remarked that Ne gro attorneys had not askad for ‘‘wholesale and Immediate” deseg regation in the original suit on which he ruled in June ISSS. He Issued the desegregation order and approved the present plan. Noting that dissatisfied students had had plenty of time to bring eompiainta to bis court Judge Hoo (CowTPrpxn ox page *v end bound over to the Fulton Coun ty Grand Jury on charger that ha ■tola I*oo from a fellow delegate and at leatt three other robhniies were reported at th 93rd annual convention closed here lait work Held under the 11.000 bond wat Prank Holloway, 23, who wat ic cutad of entering the room of de legate Mr*. Deborah Moseley of Chicago and taking a purse con taining S3OO in cash Recorder* Court Judge Luke Arnold ordered Holloway placed under the bond, pending the jurr'i investigation of the burglary charges against him. Holloway wa* Identified by po lice records a» an official "holt" and, a member of the welcoming committee of the convention Po lice reported he had about $2«4 on hli be non when he waa arreited a day before the convention e’nsed Capt R. E. Little, a member of the police robbery detail, raid Hol loway admitted the theft. It wai not immediately known what action the NAACP plana to lake against him. Meanwhile, three other delegates reported losing cash and personal belonging*. One of the three was idntifled as Hames Stewart. 49. of Oklahoma City. Okie. Stewart re- heel demonstration, Cox said that negotiations with the McDonald's chain have been unsuccessful. According to reports, th* targe program of Tarheel demonstrations is to be called "Freedom Highway**. The 40 CORE delegates sttasxi ing the Greensboro workshop will visit a number of citlss in North Carolina during August to help Vo cal groups with integration prob lems, Cox said. He said that if integration ef forts proved successful in North Carolina, they will spread into Virginia, Tennessee and South Ca rolina in the tell. Brownings Take Three Lives In N.C. Three persons in North Carolina were killed as a result of drowning* this week. In Lumbarton, three-yeer-old Tammy Ray Lowry, daughter of Mrs. Leth* Lowry, drowned in a term pool Tuesday evening. Chief Alton Carroll of th* Robe son County Rescue Squad mid to* child wandered to th* pond near his home on th* H. M. Bakar term, seven miles east of hers, and tell Into to# pond before being discov ered. Efforts at resuscitation by rescue rquad members tailed as the child was being taken to th* hospital In Roanoke Rapids, Joseph Champion, Jr., 0. drowned Tuesday 'n a lake at to* Rochelle Park hous ing development here. His parents live In the development Another boy with whom he was playing was rescue dby a man whs was working nearby* The Roanoke Rapids ratals* ■quad recovered to* boyUlwgy. At Chowan Btosh, It pear iM lone as he stays ia flrig saAaUy ten«« city where there were flare* upi Ju»t before hli releeie. King and Rev. Abernathy had served Just two days of their 48- (cowTiwurt on PAoa t> ODDS-ENDS BY ROBERT O. BRETARD “Open Thou mine eyes”. A GOOD MEETING The special one day meetnc of the N. C. State Baptist Conven tion held on the campus of Shaw University last Tuesday was a food meeting. Called sos the expressed purpose of havtnf the convention act upon resoluions passed previously by lta executive committee relatinf to Shaw and Is president Dr. W. R. Strasener, this special session, af ter succeeding in getting some bugs out of Is machinery, showed Rut there is no split within the ranks of North Carolina Baptists, that the convention was not going to be ruled by a few publicity seek ers, that it did recognise the au thority and the functions of the board of trustees of Shaw Univer sity and that Dr. W. R. Strasaner was out as Shaw’s president. In defeating the executive com mittee's resolution by a vote of 138 to 92 which demanded that the (CONTINUED ON PAOB » I ported at least 9100 in cash, a Swlga watch valued at $l9O and a gold j i tng were stolen from hig dormito | fCONTINL'ED ON PAOE t> State News -IN- Briefs i COP SUSPENDED SILER CITY A 48-year-old rookie policeman has been an* 1 spended after the death of a Negro man ha had arrested and toot in an escape attempt. Joe Kucinlc joined the force a week ago and waa auspanded Sun day Tha victim was Meivtn White, 28. Rt 1. Graham. Juctnlc is under 8100 bond. KILLED BY TRUCK BEULA VILLI A tractor* (COVTWCDON PAOB I)

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