s3*loo Payroll Miming SHAW UNIVERSITY ROBBED | State News] [_ Briefs J MAN DROWNS WHITEVILLE Wesley Ward. 52, of Rt 1, Chadbourn, drowned lata Saturday, in a pond, dug for stock watering purpose*, in a wood ed area. Witness said that Ward swam 10 feet and then went down. The Chadbourn rescue squad located tha body about SO minutes later in about 13 feet of water. Coroner J. B. Long, Jr., said that Ward and companions were going swimming after harvesting tobacco. KimtElX MAN DBS KITTRELL Edward Brandon, Rt 1, KittreU died early Sunday after being found critically injured about 12 miles southwest of Hand •fKSft, The victim, who bore scratches, bruises and a fractured skull, was found lying in the road. Be was rushed to Oxford Hospital and then to Duka Hospital, in Durham. In vestigations were still continuing at Ike time of his death. WHIMfr REPORTED STOLEN ROCKY MOUNT five mem bers of a ring were arrested when it eras thought that they brake-in a whiskey store and took with them. 48 *»"“ of whiskey valued at s2,* 880.94. They were identified as Jessie Lee Mitchell, 34. of Goldsboro, who was charged with breaking, enter ing and larceny; his wife. Mix. Ge raldine Harper Mitchel, 31. charg ed with receiving stolen property; Wilbur James Beat, 29, of Golds boro, charged with transporting il legal sonskey; Leroy Manning, 18, of GoMboro. charged with break ing, onterbw and larteny and Hill, 48, Os Rt 8, Goldsboro, charged with receiving stolen foods. All are beta* held here in lieu of bond. ■HOT AT NIfERY Robert Bailey, 17. if *N JE South St was shot in Ite back of both lags Saturday nigt* at Ed na’s All Night Flaw by an un- Identified man. wielding * *ot gua. Ho youth was aaid to bam Sen standing bealds a mueic bcs taSringto eon* this whe; the shooting took place. Police termed the youth as ‘■serious’* when he was taken to Wake Memorial Hospital. AUTOPSY FOB BABY DUNN—The death of Mallnda McAllister, two and a half year old child, of LUlington, re quired an autopsy Friday to de termine why her body was cover ed with bruises and welts. Tha child died on arrival at Betsy Johnson Hospital. FAYETTEVILLE REJECTS FAYETTEVILLE All 32 ap plications by Negroes seeking as signments to white schools were turned down Thursday by the Cumberland Board of Education. The schools Involved were said to be too overcrowded and laeked adequate facilities to admit the Negro children. Moat of the children Involved are dependents of military per sonnel stationed at Port Bragg. fcewnrom on~ paou n VV EAT HER the Hr* day weather foreeaet fer the Weigh area be*tnnln» Thareday. July M. ami rontlnutn* hrwlk Monday. Jaly », le a* •egewe. teaaperataree wtU are race near aaiwil aaC rainfall le expected a* reend awe Inch. the Ugh and lew tempo rataree He lane day to day chawcea daring the period, •eattered afcewen or thander dwatn are expected Friday and ■atarday. and again on Monday. Iflplf . ' W* I I ll m J*. Ks /r*A I II if I J ■ Jr A,. &' f nil B jl ■ B* ll iB 4r v/ £ ■ * l '‘WLiA?*- I 4>a n ~z 1 ' ' w Er B h >■ . SMA SIDE VILLA STONED Rep. Adam Clayton Pomlt, D.-N.Y., told n# women in WaMmjton July 17 (M Che came “troop at fenetkeT who tried to gun down former Preeident Tmmtm r*~— * Me eee edt viffa in Puerto Rico. Powelfg houee wee etoned by rendeJe early July ltlrtdb tjejeifaond 6-week old child were amide atone. Powell wee m Mew York at the traea. ( V - THE CAROLINIAN • North Carylina ’& Leading Weekly VOL. 31. NO. 38 RALEIGH, N. C„ SATURDAY, JULY 28. 1962 PRICE lSe — ' “ "-V Parents Held In Concealing Birth +++++ + ♦ __ ♦ Raleigh Attorney Seeks Aid Os High Judge Stanley Refuses To Stay Sentence GREENSBORO Persons interested in the Herman Tay lor case think that Judge Edward Stanley threw it into a bigger muddle when he reduced die amount to be paid from $55,000.00 to $26,000.00. It was learned that the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeal-had alrea dy reduced the income tax from a reported $33,000.00 to $6,000.00. Un der this condition. It is believed that Judge Stanley had no alter dative. The Circuit b aaid to have ruled that Taylor could ant be held liable far any marc tax than that ordered bp it ‘ *4 Raleigh attorney wfs given a deadline to pay the $32400.00 as of Apgust l. The hitch is that the case has been appealed to the Unit ed States Supreme Court and Will not be heard until October. The new sentence, imposed by Judge Stanley, causes Lawyer to have to ask a higher court to stay the exe cution until his case is beard by the highest court of the land. There are some who believed that Judge Stanley could have stay ed the sentence until such time, If he had desired to do so. Interested lawyers are said to have asked the federal jurist to do that, but be re futed. This means that Taylor must seek to have sentence stayed by the Circuit Court of Appeal by August Laurinhurg School Enrolls Ist Negro LA UR Ih BURG The earth did not shake nor did the buildings tell when Samuel Littlejohn entered the classrooms of St. Andrews College Tuesday. He became the first of his race u» seek to further his training by enrolling at the Pres byterian School. A spokesman told The CARO LINIAN that he was accepted in the course of processing application and was receiving the same kind of treatment any other student was getting. He a<hnitted that it was an innovation but said that it was turning out nicely. Hospitality To Kenyans Stressed TARBORO "Hospitality” la the Key word in planning’ the weeks activities for the Agricul tural representatives from Kenya, according to the Edgeoombe County Kenya Hospitality com mittee. This group is composed of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Coefleld, Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Bullock, Mr. and Mrs. Manassa Slade, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Bullock, Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Baker and Mrs. U. S. Hart According to a proposed itiner ary by A. L D. (Agency for In ternational Development), the three specialist will be: Mr. Jos eph Klhanya, Kiambu, Kenya; Mr. Simon N. Kanal, Embu, Ken ya; Mr. Jacob O. Oyundl, Lum bwa. Kenya; all of whom speak f CONTINUED ON PAGE t> When asked if this meant that the college would open its doors to Negroes for regular session be replied that he could not speak for the Board of Trustees or the ad ministration. He could not aay whether there had been any dis cussion on the matter by policy makers of the school Littlejohn, 42, lives in Hamlet and is a member of the public school system. He is taking a course in descriptive astronomy, open to all in service teachers, who quali fy. The tuition is paid by the state. MRS. THELMA KECK Local Matron Honored In Natl Post Mrs. Thelma Mitchell Keck, di rector of Publicity at Shaw Univer sity, was unanimously re-elected to the poet of National Editor of the Jack and Jill at America organisa tion of mothers, whose delegatee, from 81 of the 06 chapters, attend ed the fifteenth annual convention, held at the twin-city St. Psul- Mlnneapolls, Minnesota,. July 10- 22. Mrs. Keck, along with six other National Officers, was awarded a certificate of recognition, in appre ciation of her services as a nation al officer, in contributing to the development end growth of the program of Jack and JIIL She was also highly commended by each individual chapter dele gate on the oustanding quality "f each issues of “Up The Hill”, the 1061 issue with the theme “Youth Speaks and World Listens”, sub mitted by Mrs. Keck -a 164 page megarine, and the 1062 issue carry ing the National theme “Jack and Jill’s Blueprint for Broader Hort zone’', a 206 page publication. CCOHTWPgP cm PAQg » ODDS-ENDS BY ROBERT O. SHEPARD “The Meet High raleth Is the r too"many*paba*ites Webster's dictionary defines pa rasites as something that lives up on, ir or at the espense of others. Lest Sunday afternoon, the Ra leigh Citizens Association held its annual mid-summer mass meeting at the centrally located Martin Street Baptist Church. Hm announced and advertised purpose of this meeting was to ac quaint the Negroes of this commu nity with what wee going on as far as they were concerned, to inform them of things needed .to be done and to enlist their aid and support in getting those things done, to beer about the results of the regi stration prpject, in operation here stnee June it and to make a don ation. A fairly respectable number turn ed out far this meeting. We noticed however that the chief beneficiaries of the efforts of the Raleigh Citi- Court $2,50080nd Set Father Rekeased LUMBERTON One of tha most sordid stories of how two alleged parents got rid of s baby supposed to have been bom dead was told to The CAROLINIAN Tueaday, by Wilbur Lovette, member of the de tective force of the Lumbertpn Po lice Department. It began with (ha*gM&at ana Betty Afajette, who is to Rave taken the name of Mrs. Batty Williams, due to the fact that she Is reported u hiving lived with Arthur Wil liams, as a common-law wilt, until about IB months ago. It wa* reported that rite gave birth to a baby girl on the nigh} ot July 7, or the morning of July 8. She told the police that she did not know whether the baby was alive when born or not, but that she stuffed a rag in its mouth in order that people in the next apartment would not hear its cries, in case it was alive. Arthur WlUiame, who Is alleged to have been the father of the Ill fated child, is said to have come to the house in the afternoon and to have aaked her if “everything" was over and she told him it was. It was then that she told him, accord ing to Lovette, that she had tied a rag around the baby and put it out (CONTINUED ON MOI I) m '>Wv 1 KItW jai ■ - ■ <mr ■ . » ~T \ ' MUGS MUGGER—Dramatic photo shows Rootevelt Pear son, sass, of Chicago * Tactical Undercover Function team at .he captured a mutter identified at Alendut Writht, 17, here in Chi cago /u/y 16. Paareon is one of team tent into areas of high crime rate to catch aaaailant* by meant of mint decoy. Portable radio tranamittar it seen in Paareon't hip pocket. Team members keep in ckwr touch at they tcour afreets /or muggers. (P tartan't face it blacked out to future undercover work will not be impaired). {UPI TELEPHOTO). Business Office Scene Os Early Morning Break-In It was reported that employees of Shaw University got a real scare when they reported for work Saturday and learned there had been a robbery of the pay roll office. Things returned to normal when it was discovered that only checks were stolen. Iff ’ t. T. WINSTON >■ ■i i am c Spanish- American Vet Buried Whan tape were aaunded for John T. Winston In the National Cemetery and soldiers stood at at tention. with a bereaved family gaxing solemnly into the grave, Monday afternoon, it is believed that he was the last veteran of the Spanish-American War, in Wake County. Mr. Winston was born in Frank lin County, September 39, 1877 and died July 10. He waa the son of the late Anderson and Henry Hor ner. He served many years In Ike army and saw action In the Span lsh-Amencan War. It was not de termined whether he went up San Juan Hill with Teddy Roosevelt or not. He married the former Madle Evens in 1908. To this union was born six children. HU wife pre ceeded him In death by about 8 (CONTINUE’) ON PAGE t) The allege robbery is said to have been discovered by C. C. Murphy, assistant to die business manager. He is alleged to have called police upon hit arrival at the office and found that the door had been broken. The officer* found a side window unlock ed. It waa theorised that die intruder enetred by the door and left by the window. Checks stolen were made out to the following and tor sums shown opposite their names: Carrie Harri son. ‘380.39; Prank White .0478.81; William Spann. $885.88; Elizabeth Co field, 8300.37; Clara B. Jenkins, 0379.61; Horace B. Davis, $919.94; Dr. M. N. DeLaney. $506.81; Marta Housecoat Mystery In McDowell Death From her cell in the Wake County jail, Mr*. Roaa Lee Rol ling told THE CAROLINIAN Wednesday that the public it at tempting to try her for the murder of Archie McDowell before the appean before the court of law. She empathically denied that the sent anyone to get Archie from the DeLuxe Hotel, on the night of the murder. She denied knowing one Lawrence Kelly, who lives at 4 Frankln Terraoe, and SPECIAL! Just before preee time THE CAROLINIAN learned that funeral arrangements had been made and that McDowell woald ts fuaeralised from tha Chapel sf the Ligktsier Funeral Hama, Sunday afternoon, at Slid. De tails were not complete. •aid that she did not pay him or aytwna else to i«t Archie for her. hk that Aa had better come add get her things out of her house. On the day of the killing, because she was icing to get Archie that night. Officials of tha DeLuxe Hotel, where Archie lived, told the CAR OLINIAN that Mrs. Rollins call ed Archie .at the hotel earlier In the day. They also said that she called practically every day for Arable. Mrs. Rollins denied call ing anytime and alleged that she did not know the telephone num ber at the hotel. The CAROLINI AN listed the name of the hotel as Lewis Hotel last week, but It Is to be remembered that the name whs changed sometime ago. Lawrence Kelly was asked If he had been paid, by Mrs. Rollins to go after Archie and he replied. "I (CONTINUED ON PAOB *1 N. Carolina Baptists To Hold State meeting DURHAM - The 80th annual session of the SUM Baptist Sunday School Convention end the 60th annuel teteion of the SUte Baptist Training Union Convention will open at Mt. Vernon Baptist Chuich. August 7-0, with Dr. E. T. Browne ss host pastor. The theme of the meet is "Edu cating to Evangeliem”. The Biblical motto: “And ye shall be witnesses unto ms” will be the keynoU to the training sessions. Each devo tional period will be keyed to “The Inner Life end Evangelism” The meeting is designed to take a clos er look at evangelism, by the Bap tists of tha SUM. E. M Butler, Wilmington, Is the president of the Sunday School Convention and Jamee T. Hawkins Is president of the Training Union Convention. It it expected that ma ny young people wtll be in rt tendance. The sessions are scheduled to be gin at 10 a. m., August 7, with en rollment. At 2:10 p. m, the open CAROLINIAN ADVERTISERS Bin FROM THEM PAGE t lertM'i Caafc Star# PAG I 1 Met tun tea A Parmer* laak Mitchell* BetUerant A Plains Boom Ugfetaei's Funeral Home ». V. Goodrich ■aethers Pnratter* Wbaltuli Ca. PAGE S ■aSset)-O* lk The Capital Ceea-CoU Bettllnt Ce. StaaSarS Concrete PreSecU Ce. Whelaaal* Electric Supply Ce. Carena* Passer a Usbt Ce. PAGE f Firemen* Mare* Setter* She* Mare Osteite PeShßere Ca. ■evea-Up Oectltn* Ce. Sestrlrss Creels Ce. Beleick Petal * Wallpaper Ce G. I. Tec her Brae, Me. PAGE 1 JkWtM DiKSVtt Cs. White Peed Mare PAGE i Cetealel ten* Streamer, 1183.13; Sadue E. Eaton. 0327.14. Murphy told police that he had ordered payment stopped on the checks, drawn on tha Mechnics and Csrmors Bank. A call to tha bank revealed that none of the checks had been presented to the bank. have made my statement to the officers and I refuse to any whether I was gent or paid to go after Archie.” The house coat which Archie is said to have been wearing when he woe shot looms bigger In the story. Mrs. Rollins sticks to the story that Is was one owned by her late husband and that Archie James Clarke Released By Court Order bum -~dbe quest Ma at wheth er James Clerks is guilty of a con tempt of court violation, for which he wee thrown In jell here, by Re corder’s Court Judge Woodrow Hill, Is being tossed beck end forth in ccutt circles, with many com menU. The most recent happening is that his lawyers, Robert C. Bryant and J. S. Bryan, succeeded in getting a favorable decision from Superior Court Judge J,. C. Pitman. Monday, to free Clark on a writ of hebeaus corpus. The whole matter stemmed from ihe fact that CUrk Is alleged to neve marched up and down in front of the Recorder's Court building, carrying a sign which reed, ’’Hea ven Is for the white man and hell (CONTINuir ON SAGS S) Assembly will be held with Butler preaiding. J. J. Joehnson will be Ihe devotional leader and Bartel Lane will preside over a discussion on "God's Love In Evangelism". A -less period will be held at 3:30 p. m. with E. Burns Turner, Mis. A. L. Filmore, Frank Dalton, James Kaye and MU* Miriam Ricks doing the teaching. The night session will begin at 7:19 with devotion. A welcome pro gram Is scheduled for 7:20, by the hoet church, with response by Syl vester Simmons. The Rev. Paul Warren will preach the annual ser mon. An offering for state missions will end the first day session. The cUss period will begin ai 6:30 a. m . on the second day. “Obe dience and Evangelism'’ will be the theme of the morning devotion Class period* will be resumed at *3O. President Butler wtll dellvet his annual address at 10:39 Th* Rev. M. M. Morgan will preach the "Convention Sermon" at high noon (COMTINttgn ON SAG* I) PAGE t UP Fees Store* Breach Baakta* a Treat Ce. B. I. Quine Furniture Co. Deaa'i Esao Service PAGE IS Deluxe Hotel Carolina Builder* Carp. Bld***ray'e Optician*, lac. Warner Memorial* DUloa Motor Co. Sevcn-Cp BottHas Co, of Oalateb Staid*h Paiat * Wallpaper Ce. Thomas Bed A White Pood Stale PAGE U Lincoln Theatre AnbeeaaSor Theatre PAGE M Terser Tire Service, tee. PAGE lk Beffale Battery teop PAOE M . BheSes MlMat* Use Ce. Baletfh Paneral Boom Bale If h SeateeS Acme Beatty Ce. S. M. Teeae Basdwat* Co.

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