PICKETS SWARM ENTIRE STATE HCtE.HAACr Draw Strong N.C. Support DURHAM ln order that w|> regationista- and all their allien will know they are in for a ftght, two « the moit powerful militant or gan>zations in the nation have join ed hand* and vow that thev are in North Carolina to make freedom H'"hway work. Thia was demonstrated when farmer of CORE and Roy Wilkins, NAACP executive seereta *T • l, l** r *d on the same platform ai St. Joseph Church. Sundav after noon and told more than 1.200 per son* that the four peoole who were serving a 80-day jail sentence in the Durham County were makine a hi* sacrifice and that the least those who were free could do was to let the world know that they were not in iail for a losing cause. Rev. B. Elton Cox. who faces a prison term in Baton Rouge. La. for sitting in the front of a bus vowed that he would rot in jail so that Justice could prevail. He was Join ed by Attorney Floyd McKisvick Rev. W. H. Fuller, Council J. S Stewart and many others. The A. M. E. Zion Church through Bishop R L. Jones, told the crowd that the denomination was fully behind the movement and would lend all the support necessary. Dr. Reginald Hawkins, Charlotte dentist, was determined that he and many others were tired of being mistreated and were out to enjoy the full citizenship that the consti tution guarantees. The leaders served notice on ma ny other cities that they would be there and if they were not ready to get in step with the intemation r ’ wave of freedom that they would be out of step with the world. The speakers pointed to the fact that America could no longer say to the rest of the world that it was the essence of democracy and yet de ny a citizen the right to eat in rest aurants strewn along the highways of the nation because of their color. It was reported that some pro gress was being made tn towns like Green boro. Salisbury and Wilson The following report came from Green boro: The Hot Shoppe chain of restau rant* In Greensboro announced this week through their attorney, ArmtaUsd Sapp, that ita facilities are now integrated and that the Red Shoppes had decided to serve Nkgraet if the; sought service This ahtion was the result of con centrated CORE sit-ins and pieket tef demonstrations which were conducted during a two-week Con gress of Racial Equality workshop was held in Greensboro during Ju ly. Two Negro couple were served, for the first time, shortly after noon on Monday. Two bodies of the Baptist Con vention, meeting ip annual session here last week went on record as supporting the drive and told the leader of the integration fight that they were behind the movement with all the force they could must er. ODDS-ENDS BY BOBEKT G. SHEFARD “God baa not riven as the spirit or feu-.” FEAR.' FEAR! FEAR!! It Is always a pitiful sight to be hold grown men completely domi nated and controlled by fear Tt is pathetically pitiful when fear grins the hearts and minds of men who have been Invested with the public trust of seeing to the law being executed without bias partiality, discrimination or prejudice. Perhaps the greatest spectacle of fear ever witnessed in this city wes displayed during the last meet ing of’the Raleigh Citv Council by Counrilmen En loe. Reid. Tomlin son, McLaurin and Hoover during the stupid discussion whether or not Negroe* had a right to use the swimming pool at Pullen Park. We say It was a stupid discus sion because each person taking part In tt wes over aware of the fact that Negroes had as much right In that pond as Mexican*. Japa netc. Caucasians. Indisns or any other racial group. After the long and pathetic dia eussion about the matter despite the practical. ’or : ">' '■id common tense argument of Councilman Winters, who was seconded in his stand for rea«on and fair play by Councilman Coffov. *he five fear ful. little men. Er.lne. Reid. Tom linson. McLaurin and Hoover, suc cumbed to their prejudice and vot ed to close not only the pool at Puller. Park but also the Chavis Park pool. And what did they base their er roneous conclusion on' The mayor taid that the presence of Negroes in the pool would frighten white people sway and *hen the pool would not make enough money. Tomlinson said in effect that he weait going to have minorities fNegroes' telling the city what to da McLaurin. who has been herld ed as an upholder of the law, said faeh a thing was premature. Can vea imagine the enforcement of anything legally and morally right t»»ifig held back because :t is pre mature Councilman McLaurin said that the enforcement of the right of Negroes to swim in the Pullen Park pool was premature. And what does all of this add up to and prove. Well, among other things it adds up to the demonstrat ed Met that 5 of this city's elected (cmaa'u on pass n 7 INDIANS SCORE The Carolinian VOL. 21, NO. 41 Howard Johnson Protestors 3 Jailed Here JP Metes Prison Sentence BY ALEXANDER BARNES Four persons were sentenced to prison terms here Tuesday after noon in a court held by Justice of the Peace Thoma* E. Wheeler, in • back room adjacent to the office oi Wake County Sheriff Robert J Pleesant In the Wake County court house, for trespassing on the prop erty of the Howard Johnson Rest aurant Many interested persons, includ ing the writer, v ere bar ed from the hearing, by members of the sheriffs department. On being barred from the trial the CARO LINIAN representative went out side and called the office and, was told by Deputy King that the Re pertinent found it necessary to lock the door. \ fCONTPfPKO ONPAOB W- 4 ‘YM’ To Fete E. L. Raiford One of the main features of the meeting of the Association of Sec retaries of the YMCA at the ann ua! meeting in Blue Ridge will be the presenting of a 20-year Merito rious award to E. L. Raiford. exe cutive secretary of the Bloodworth Street Branch. I I B. L. RAIFORD The award will be made August 24 and is given for outstanding work as a “Y” executive, according to Guy E. Weeks. Savannah. Ga.. chairman of the Meritorious Serv ice Committee, who will make the presentation Mr Raiford is quite active in the affairs of Raleigh and has made an enviable record. He is a lay leader in Wilson Temple Methodist Church: a member of the North Ca rolina Council on Human Relations. Fellowship of Southern Church men. Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity and secretary of the local Ministe rial Alliance Mr. Raiford left for an extended vacation Tuesday and will not re turn until after the meeting in Blue Ridge Red Flag Is Up At Lebanon LEBANON. Tenn. Crosses were burned on the lawns of two residents and dynamite sticks we-e discovered at the home of two oth ers following an attempted CORE wade-in at the Cedars of Lebanon State Park. The attempted wade-in was con ducted by a newly-formed CORE group here Group members were met by a perk guard who announc ed the pool had been cloeed ten minutes ago because of “a failure m the chlorinating mechanism" The pool had oeen emptied and many persons were still standing around the entrance The CORE members proceeded to icorrnazr oiT pagb n North Carolina’s Leading Weekly RALfeIGH, N. C„ SATURDAY, AUGUST 18, 1962 SENTENCED FOR TRYING TO EAT These are the three per cent who were sentenced by Wake County Justice of Pesee Thomas E. Wheeler, in a cramped part of Sheriff Pleasant’s office Tuesday after noon. L-r Miss June Jolla Phillips, Henry Lockett and Alfred David Jones. They plan to serve the sentence given them as a direct pro test to the policy of Howard Johnson. (UPI I'HOTO). '&■ <■-’ ■ -•%B| :■ -4*' PI BARRED FROM HEARING These are persons who were barred from the hearing held in Sheriff Robert J. Pleasant’s office Tuesday afternoon when three persons were sentenced to Jail for attempting to eat at the local Howard Johnson Restaurant Monday. They were quite d'storbed when they were told they eould not hear the trial. Justice of the Peace Thomas E. Wheeler heard the testimony and passed the sentence. (PHOTO BY JEFFRIES). South Carolinians Boycott Dime Stores Two of the nation’s leading Five and Ten Cent Store* were the ob ject of a statewide boycott in South Carolina this week as the NAACP continued its protest against their segregated facilities. S H. Kress and F. W. Woolworth stores throughout the state ere scheduled for spirited demonstra Atlanta Medics Drop Color Bar ATLANTA (ANP) The Fulton County Medical Society has voted by mall ballot to drop radii bar* and admit Negroes to membership. TTie vote was on changing the So ciety’s constitution to eliminate a section on scientific membership which made it difficult ts not im possible for Negroes to attain full membership. A spokesman said die vote to open membership l>*ts were by more than a two-thirds majority. CAROLINIAN ADVERTISERS ~ Bin FROM THEM PAGE t NbaKuk Meters •peeS-Waah PAGB ) Beset Usastea* Grerery A Transfer PAGB S Buetoa-Belk Carolina Power * Ll(kt Ce. WaaSiinyt— Terrace Apta., lee. Mra. W. Prank Brewer PAGB * Central Dm Here Wholesale Electric Supply Ce. BaJelfk Purattnre Ce . •even-l’p Bottling Ce. Anwrtcsn C reSlt Ce. Bale lab Palm an* Wallpaper Ce. G. I. Tacfcer Brothers. Bsc. PAGB 1 Ante Btaceut Ce. Thewtaa Be* A White Peed Store Town A Cenntry Pu mite re Ce. Tnrner Tire Service. Inc. PAGE I Celeste I Store B. E Qnlaa PnrnMwr* Ce Plrvttiet Mem PAGB • AAP Mem • I. M. Tenn* BarSwtrr Ce. tlons. some of which have alresay begun. In the state eapitol of Columbia, a one-hour picketing was carried out on Monday. Three Negro men took up battle stations in front of Woolworth’s and three Negro wo men picketed Kress Spartanburg stores have been picketed for sev eral weeks since * sit-in demon stratiun there. Charleston stores have been boy cotted for several months Picket ing is also being carried out in Greenville. Florence. Darlington, and Orangeburg Rev. 1. deQulney Newman, exe cutive secretary of the state NAA CP, said, “We'll be back tomorrow.” (cowntcm on paob *> WKAT H E R ■ m The five-day waathar foracaM tor the Balalch area beflnnln* Thursday, Aucuat IS. and rontlnu te* through Monday. August to. la aa follows: Temperature will average e little holow normal with no Important day to day changes. Batnfill will he moderate to heavy occurring mostly around Prlday Community Plorlat Oom Watch Shop Branch Booking A Trust Co PAOB P Deluxe Betel Curettes Builders Cory Bidgswuy's Opticians. Inc. Waraar's Memorials Dillon Meters Finance Co. Mvea-Cp Bottling Co. Pupst-Cete Bottling Co. of Balelgh PAGE 11 ■elilg -Lovteo Mechanics A Parmors Bank Standard Concrete Product* Co PAGE U Lincoln Theatre doe Murteck Promotlou PAGE M Better Brake Shop Pag* II Buflale Battery ghep PAGE M mS£ r dSS(& TP. c. amt General Tire ce Bmta’a Eeao Service Wayside Pumttore Co Balelgh PuneraJ Beaae tome Beatty Ce Baletgh Isafsod Co Lengthy Practice Broken LUMBERTON The Indians hava done it again. Down here In the county seat of Robeson County where there has been a continuous warring by Indians to get better >H-r of c Am ■ forose F.pisco- WmF InSIIH pal chinch and fn/jem ' H an arden civic I worker. She *'IMP ' Sr was a mem ff all l ’.Tk H her of the Vie tnrians and ( h"ms clubs. The funeral Til. ' TSjflwßF I service* will HMBMi be conducted MRS. HAYES by Fattier Ar thur Calloway on Thursday. Aug ust 14. at 4 p m. at St Ambrose Surviving are her husband Hu* oert E. Hayes. Sr.; one son. Hu bert. Jr. a grandson. Hubert the Third, other relative* and many friends School Board Defies Mayor SAN FRNACTSCO. Calif. Twenty-five CORE members con ducted an ell-nltfit eit-tn at Notira* Auditorium on August 7 following a Board of Education meeting at which that body voted to approve racial imbalance at Central Junior High School The Board to voted slthough Mayor Georg* Christopher, follow ing negotiations with a CORE com mittee. had recommended redraw, lng the school's boundary line* *o as to eliminate the proposed pat tern. At planned. Central's enroll ment Is 60 percent Negro although the city's racial composition is on ly 80 percent Negro "1 think your requests are rea sonable.” Mayor Christopher had told the CORE committee rega-d --ing Ita request for redrawing the boundaries He also favored the committee'* proposal for study group to Investigate the entire problems of de facto school segrega t.on in San Francisco AJC Salutes Dr. Martin L. King NEW YORK Dr Martin Lu ther King i “valiant fight afairrt injustice" wag hailed this week by Rabbi Joachim Print, president of toe American Jewish Con grew, as being “in the great tradition of the religious leaders of part centuries ” In a telegram to the Negro minu ter currently serving a jail sent ence in Albany. Ga. Rabbi Prina declared: “The Biblical tnjuction. ‘Proclaim liberty throughout the land and to all the inhabitants thereof must be more than a mere inscription on the Liberty Bell” It is given life and meaning by those who refua* (coktiwved om page si jBBBBtfBBBB^^i^BBBB^^BIiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBi. . H '* ' r ' *5 ■<• I v - , ■».. J. . \rjt* * fi. . ■ H-cirr i —rr Jm .M - rif - > ~»e -A’ 1 T Lj / ( 111 ■ PRICE 15c DEFYING JAIL These pickets are not one bit disturbed about what the Howard Johnson paopla might do to them and are shown me they picketed the eatery here Tuesday. The atgns they are carrying tell the story and also gives the courage of their conviction. They have vowed to picket until Howard Johnson gives. (PHOTO BY JEFFRIES). Foul Odor Emanates From State Dome In Bar Exams World Photo Kews j ~ ' St |L A 1 Mk Wi , RHE Birr LOOKS ON This la the beginning of the biggest dem iKiiObb against Howard Job neon Restaurants h*M In the stetc. The ptgture shows one of the depgty aheriffe looking on as demonstrator* set up the public Address system la front of the Howard Johnson Roe tearsnt In Durham Sunday. Mora than ISO* persona attended the af fair and heard Roy Wilkins, James Farmer and Rev. B. Elton Cox de clare that Negroes will o*t In Howard Johnson. (PHOTO BY PURE t OY). BE OF GOOD COURAGE Senator Kenneth B. Keating. Re publican. New York and one of the most forceful liberals In the 11. H. Senate I* shown talking to the Honorable Thurgood Marshall who Is awaiting confirmation by that august body, aa a federal Judge. Hen ator Keating has charged that thq law makers are dragging thrir feet due to the fact that Marshall la a Negro. He seems to be telling him to be of good courage. tUFI PHOTO). Ik.. HsiK r l M J| I jnfl Jp,‘ '■%&*.. - y t'l'* j I 1 ' ® STAND-I'P LIBRARY— In answer to a federal court desecra tion order In Montgomery. Ala., cJtv officials removed all chairs and tablet from the public library and modern art* museum under the coyer of darkness Wedneaday. The derision forced patrons, like elderly man at right, te read the newspaper standing up. (I'PI PIIOTOi. f j^j Jb I JB V MIMMT IRK KEEK NEGRO LEADER S FREEDOM—About 10« ministers marched on the White House recently te seek President Kennedy's support for the release from Jail of desegregation leader Martin Luther King tn Albany. Ga. The ministers most of them wear ing black suits or freek costs, and a few women, represented several faiths and included Negroes and Whites. Here, part of the group marches along the White House fence. il’PI PHOTO'- State Board Os Law Examiners Creates Big Stink With a majority of 163 candidate* for the Bar flunked out by the Slate Board of Law Examiners and 2 Harvard grad* numbered a mongst the “slain.” the whole state Is focusing It* attention on th- hi- onestlon. “How come?” Apparently, the answer He* hid den tn the hesvllv marteM ged hlghlv ssr.otifted records of 'he rs crossnct examinin'* Hoard he-»n*» is of InMav. pnhndv hut ne’w'v hss | ha*n able to get anv rwwsonaVile ev -lanatlon or anv detailed fjeureg th justify the failure of e* 0 "t of '«1 -nnllcants on the 1042 examina tions. Lew School Dean Heni-V Hr-w4‘s of the tfnlver*|tv of North Cam Mn* who I* without a ahsdow of doubt one of th# best que’lfted le csl brains In the slate, if not the best, was completely fshhe-epsiad !>v ihe action of the 1(142 Board. The chairman of the licensing hoard. Rux’or Mldvette of Tsrksow. has conslstcntlv refused to make any comment, a« have members df hla staff In the Slate Bosrd• office. Speculating on the posshllltv that the color line h*« stain been drawn, reporters of the staff of tfill newspaoe-r endeavored to find oyt ttic number of N*gro appllcanta vho applied and pa«*rd or failed hut were informed hv official* gt the Board office that "no »tirh fig ure* are available" and referred to other source* for po**tble “esti mates " Dean Braidi* came flat out with the statement- " the Board of law Examiners somehow Is testing trOSITINfEn ON PAOB D State News —IN— Briefs nntfMM MAN KILLED DURHAM Walter Allison. «*• v»ar-nld farm employee, was acci dentally killed while fertilizing a on m field on the farm of D E Townsend Mr Alllaon la survived by a wife and several children and had wruked on the Townsend farm for about three year*, having mov ed to Durham from Loulsbtirg. ' According to Sheriff Jenni* Man rum S' ho headed the investigation rs death Mr Allison failed tAtr-lc»»e the clutch and the 'motor V was operating at the "me rollc\ backward* and toppled down a «’x-foot embankment WAHL TAXER PAYABLE The new tax svstem which will enable loeal people to pay both ci ty and countv taxes from the aama •l ine will have Its InauguratiOß ttm week as the first bills start through the malls Arrocding to an announcement bv Wake County Tax Supervisor. J. V Brothers, toint billa will he sub jected to a one percent discount if payed bv Rorteo-.ber 4 “ JACKSONVILLE BOY FREED - JACKSONVILLE - In a tanglf of dorneetle trouble* a Jsok*onviHg 14-ye*r-old boy was freed from • heavy >lnk chain padlocked to HB inkle when two deputies happetP