300 MARCH ON RALEIGH’S HJ . *c ♦'‘•nSs.s ■. -?* • t^F^wUn^^f < " ' I Jv _ M Ji b J .. ■ >~««»»ira£lii4M!ii PICKETS AT HOWARD JOHNSON'S RESTAURANT are s/iown above as they ended their “Silent Protest” last Sunday. About 60 cars joined in the motorcade originating at the First Baptist Church, carrying approximately 300 leading citixens who I Vigorous Protest Begun By RCA,RWVC;NAACP, CORE BY AL SCHOVE In a motorcade of about 60 cars, approximately 300 Negro citi zens, joined by a few white sympathizers, converged on the Howard Johnson restaurant on U. S. highway, one north, last Sunday to stage what has been described as one of the most orderly protests in the sometimes bloody fight for racial equality. Some members of the vr |\ carried signs protesting the arrest and imprisonment of three young members of CORE the week be fore, but not a word was spoken until the picketing was terminated and they were led in prayer by the Rev. C. W. Ward, pastor of the First Baptist Church. CONFRONT MANAGER During, the picketing, several of the group approached to within a few feet from the entrance to the restaurant and came to a halt «*»«vti"g silently holding signs. In the doorway stood res taurant manager Tommy Walton, flanked by several members of the Wake County sheriffs department. No words were ex- SUto tmrpate'directed traffic on •m ci*in* the MSUatioo. but mad* na move to in terfere. The silence was broken on ly twice when, an both occs lions. 21 Arrested Charges Os Brutality Made In Statesville STATESVILLE A police beat ing of two young people and 21 ar rest marked a mess rally of 300 persons on the perking lot of How ard Johnson’s restaurant here on ll 'Wj mm ■V;:« , 1|B|1|B1I» fu. ■ J ►*. . W A l'jyikj JP 'W wmAJtPw I 4 WHHy r* ’ vwtJtpjr* r^* >WLfdw BFtTX -1 j rtj ” a ? | - 4* - T *** : jKfe- ' jL• ’*VJ& > 'V ': " NATIONAL HONOR WPWHI Ttoaaa tes Balaltto girts. Beryl ffsr sad Gflda Adeaek are sbewa ae they * splayed the trephtes M kr theas at the aatteael tennis tsaraaasent es the Aasnirea Ten ■k lserriit*r- held at WUberfaroe University, Zenta, Obis, hd weak. Ttea, Mthcllud antfer finals jrttk aS-t.S-1 seere.Tbey were next year te take a abet at the Id and eear ttUa. (WO TO IT lUnUES) vr ’V sue.,wd from passing can The sprinkler system on the lawn (CONTINUED ON FAGS S) Sunday, August 19. The two young people involved in the alleged police brutality were Patricia Long and Paul Ramsey, (CONTINUED ON” FAOB t) I were protesting the arrest the previous week of three young peo ple who had attempted to be served in the restaurant. This demon stration broke all records for orderly yet forceful expressions of I discontent with “Jim Crowism” in Raleigh, and was sponsored : 1 S B if- 1 - f9| GEORGE D. VINSON Raleigh Man To Head Randolph Hi LIBERTY When the 19-teacher Randolph High School opens Aug ust 29 it will be headed by George D. Vinson, veteran school princi pal of Raleigh. He was elected by the local authorities and began work on August 13. He comes to Randolph with a wide experience have resigned at Riley Hill School, located in Wake County, where he worked for lb years. It was under his leadership that the school grew to such wide proportions. He is s graduate of North Caro lina College, where he received an A. B degree He holds a Master’s from New York University He won a niche in the baseball history of the Durham college, where he was a star pitcher. He is still interested in athletics and says that Randolph will be heard from in both baseball and basketball. He lives with his wife and 17- year old daughter at 1112 East Mar tin Street Raleigh. Mrs. I net Vtn (CONTINUED OH PAOS l> JAILEE REPORT ■4Mar's Nate: The fadawtag Is Ihr text es mm es fee apee chee delivered si fee rally hati at fee First Baptist Cherefc last Swnday aft eras—. Mias fee earn, a Inter at gprlaiaa Cal lage to Attoata. Is a gradaato es Lfgea High, elaes es MSS. She to a etafer to FaMßeal ■stoats. bt Brrnr vahbma »|mm I am very happy to have fee op portunity tc addreos you tbig after noon As Mi. High told you to my introduction. I was a pertietpaat to the Atlanta Movement, and ao a result I was the guest es the State of Georgia for It days. The tact that I spent U days to Jail is not important in itaatf I consider this a vary small contri bution to the Civil Rights fight to comparison wife the contributions of others some who have even THE CAROLINIAN VOL. 31, NO. 43 RALEIGH, N. C , SATURDAY, AUGUST 35, 1963 PRICE ISc Religions Empire IS GRACE’S KINGDOM SHAKY? ♦ /♦ + + + + + + ♦ Burglary, Rape, Larceny Charged «. -1111 —.l .. ,1 ■ ... ■ I. 11l , 111 I lll. ~l . MO f w 1 ’’ y !■ ML. f „ 4 mkk- B ■jfii', ■b J \ ~, IMM hh VIEW WRECKAGE Lndrri In the Intergratlonlst “Albany Movement" fathered Auguat IS at the vreekafe «f the Shady Grove Baptist Church, Leesburg. Ga.. and prayed In the atlll amoulderng rulna Os the balldlng. Negro leader Rev. Martin Luther King charged the church, headquarter* for Negro voter registration efforts, was deliberately bombed. But local Investigator* said they could find no evi dence es explosive* or anon. Shown daring the dusk prayer aerrire are King i featuring! and Rabbi la rael Dreeener (second from right). Springfield. N. J. Others are unidentified. HP I PHOTO). Ga. Whiten Plan Reprisal* In Form Ofßoucott*. Firing ALBANY. Ga. Th« tenseness of toe situation waa increased her* this weak with tha announcement at plans on tha part of a (roup of white to conduct reprisals for ac tivities of Albany Negroes in their fight tor integration. R. H. Taylor, Jr., a bailiff for a Dougherty (Albany) county Justice of toe peace, aaid he and about 24 other whites mat to map plans for a counter-boycott "We want to do for the white people what the National Associa tion for the Advancement of Col ored People is doing for the color ed people." Taylor explained He pointed out that a Neg-o boy cott had forced the bus company out of business in tils south Geor gia dty. which has become the South's hot in the integration ft**. On School Integration j Three States Holding Out MASHVXLLC. Tern (ANi - The states of y l —‘—‘rr l Alsbe me and South Carolina continue as hold outs though 33 public school dis tricts to 17 Southern and Border states have announced policies of schools span in September The airthlhlr publication of -the B «*,JB' b jointly by The Raleigh Citisens Association, The Raleigh Wom en's Voters Council, and the local chapters of The National As sociation for the Advancement of Colored People and The Con gress of Racial Equality. Traffic was kept moving during the e BOYCOTT TWO-EDGED *h "The boycott u a two-edged | blade". Taylor laid, “and we feel Mrs. A. W. Battle State Leader, Is Buried Fridayj ROCKY MOUNT funeral services for Mrs Annie W Battle were conducted Friday, August 17, j 3:30 at St Jamas Baptist Church. Interment was in NorthesPern Ce metery. with Stokes Mortuary in charge ow fao a n i Southern Education Reporting service noted that only four of these district were desegregating by court order The others are acting voluntarily But toe die-hard states o Miss issippi. Alabama and South Caro lina are continuing their fight for hat our edge I* stronger" He said his group would meet this week wilh other whites who wanted to Join in reprisals against f Negroes Taylor seid his group discussed - the firing of Nerro employees, such 1 as domestics and cutting down on the amount of work time given Ne j groes in other categories, i "We re going to have a high class j group of people and not a bunch of j rabble - re fer* ". Taylor *atd Formation of the white reprisal groups apparently was inspired by I an announcement by Negroes that they were changing their tactics in 1 the Integration struggle VOTINO HTREAHED Dr W G Anderson, head of the ir.tegrationist Albany Movement. 'Sid that mass demonstration* weTe trowTUvrep nm rant *> , total school segregation In Mississippi, s federal court or der to admit a NegTO. James Me redith. to that state s university re mained tied up in a senes of legal maneuvers (COftTWW OP PAOft n W T ■ ■ ■. '■'»• I B r. ' ■ • <•. a/ j J\M W tj * demonstration by members of the Wake County North Carolina Highway patrol, and members of the Wake County Sheriffs de partment were also on hand to forestall any violence. (PHOTOS BY UPI AND HINTON). SO-Year-Old Woman Accuses King The saying about there are three ■ldes to a question, the sides of two people Involved and the right side may well be used when Samuel Lee King. IR. it tried on three counts, | burglary, rape and larceny He I: scheduled for a hearing Monday and his testimony will be weighed sgninsl Ihnt of Mr* Ruby Crockett, M), HIR S F-iat St He was arrested at his home. 801 (rONTfNurn on p*ng n State News -IN- Briefs HIT AND RUN CARTHAGE - James Junior McLaugnlin. 22-year-old Carthage man. who appeared to he struck by a hit-and-run driver, was found dead Saturday along a rural paved road State Trooper Cardwell reported that McLaughlins chest was cruto ed and the body dragged several feet from where (he incident happ ened TEENAGER DIES WALNUT COVE Artie Camille Allen. 19. of Winston-Salem, was i killed Friday when a Volkswagon , i convertible driven by one of her companions lost control She was ■ ppa-ently thrown from the auto mohilr two ronnpAriK>n« w er* « FROM THEM FAGE I I 1 Norton • Cash Grnrsrv FAGE > , Carolina Fossef A U|h« ( n Amburn Fnntlsr. Inr PAGE S Nueson-Nelk Ttrs Sales * Service S peeS-Wash Ulbtnar*s funeral Nm»s Meehan las A rentiers Bank Tbs Capital Coea-Cola NoUllns C» Stanear* c»«ereu Prague Is Ca. MUebalVt B*slauran« * plains Rnra Wholesale tlaetrte Supply Ce. Salelfh mrnlture Ce.. Seven-Up Bottltns Ce. Amerlean Credit Ca. Raletsh Paint and Wallpaper Ce C S Tueker Brothers, lat PAGE I Ants Discount Co Thomsi Red A While Puod Stefs S M Veuas lUrdnsrs Ca. PAGE S Colonial Store Madanaeiselle Beauty Shop to - Once Lavish Local Building Needs Paint WASHINGTON D C - Ii the kingdom built by Daddy Grace falling down, or will "Daddy ' Mc- Cullough expand It’ That U the question being asked around tha nation's capital and in many of the cities where the denomination maintains churenes The first signal was flashed here lecently when Bishop Wllllsm Mc- Cullough. who won the right to bead the flock, after a stiff court battle, filed suit foi $.'13,000 against Eldei Robert Samrtil Stephen and several uthei* for damages in build ing and naming a church. True Grace Men.nnsl House of Prayer for All People The suit rharged that this act not only served to divide the followers of the founder, the late "Sweat Daddy Grace ", but was in direct opposition to the principles of or i iniration ss practiced by the de nomination Bishop McCullough charged that it was an effort to weaken his influence. The suit is said to not have phas ed the self-appointed heed and ha and his followers went through v.-ith the derilratlon of the church Sunday with all the fanfare of the founder BEGINNING OF TROUBLE Rumors have it that this is tha beginning of trouble for the naw head P IS believed that quits • (CONTINUED ON FAGR l> | \aTk AT H 1 r»< The five rtay weather forecast for the Ralelsh area b*(lnatai Thursday. Auiust IS. and eosttau- Ini throush Monday, Auiust IT, to as follows Temperatures will average I te 4 degress above normal. A little cooler Thursday. Wtdaty srattarad afternoon and evening thunder showers rest es period. a E Quinn Furnitare Ce. firestone Stores Belter Brake Shop PAGE S AAP stores Branch Bask lag A Treat Ca. PAGE I Dsluss Hotel ! Carolina Builders Corp. Ridgeway's Opticians. Inc. Warner's Memorials Dtlloa Motors finance Co. ■evsa-L'p Bottling Co Pa pal-Cola Bottling Co es Raleigh PAGE II Mather A Daughter Joe Murnkk't Promotion FACE 11 Lincoln Theatre PAGE M Better Brahe Shop PAGE to Ftggly Wiggly Hunt General Tire Co Dun's Esse Service Baleish Funeral Berne lAc ass Realty Ce. ~ . . Southern Furniture Whetoaate Ca. ' Raleigh Seafood Ca.