Claims Principal-Moderator STEALS $13,340.08 RETAINS ACCUSED MIMSTER AYDEN—The opening at the to becce market ran a poor second to the indictment and arrest of erhool-principal, licensed-preacher and general dynamo H. R. Reeves for the alleged theft of $11,348.08 from tiie Free Will Baptist Church of America Reports have it that his handling of funds for the demoninatlon ax tended over a period at years and that he had unlimited access to said funds. He served as the ftoan cial secretary fore number at years and was later elevated to the highest post in the church—gener al moderator. He first gave himself up to Pttt County officials, due to the fact that some of the money is believed to have been diverted here. He gave bond there and the next day be went to Kinston and gave up. This is believed to have been done due to the fact that the warrant charged that he had failed to ac count for certain monies received from the building that once housed Kinston College, for many years run by the denomination. Mr. Reaves has been the prin cipal of the Gritton Elementary School for 30 years and is said to have never been short in any of his accounts. He got the becking of D. H. Conley. Pitt County School superintendent, who said that he would not fire him and that his record was one of honesty and loy alty. He is the administrator of the ccoumwQgw on mm n Sanford Declares Justice Is Needed James Parmer, CORE Rational Director, and Negro leaders from four Nbrth Carolina cities con ferred with Gov. Terry Sanford here on racial problems in this state. Os particular interest during the talks was CORE'* “Freedom Hihways” program, designed to epen facilities to Negroes in major chain restaurants on federal high ways. More than M persons have been ! arrested on trespass charges dur ing "Freedom Highways" opera- i tlons in North Carolina. CORE I members have made tests at How ard Johnson and other chain res taurants, end in some cases have established picket lines to draw at tention to the fact that these res taurants do not serve Negroes. In ■ statement released by Gov. Sanford, he said, “North Cirolin lans of good will in all races have achieved major advance* in this century In the cause cf human re lations. 1 am asking leaders in both j races to go to work to prevent any ( detraction from that goal” , Four CORE members serving 30- day jafl sentences at the Durham County Workhouse were released this week Meanwhile, thret others ( ccoarnwCTP on paob n I Bishop Shaw Off To Russia ; JB • r II :^m!f fl '"Vv - '■?' %^2H. : . pg, ■ ; "' > ■ BHI OFF TO RUSSIA These three ratigtoes leaders are shewn aa as the left Inirlri far Rees's where they win serve as a teem repre senting the National Council of Charches to an exchange program. Left to right Dr. E. J. Edwin Espy, American Baptist Convention. New York, Association General Secretary of the National Connell es Chef ehes; Bishop Heibert Bed Shaw. African Methodist Episcopal Elea Chareh. Wilmington. N. C- Bishop of the Thfrd Episcopal Area; and J. Irwin MUler. Coiambne. Ind., IndeetrtaHat aad President of the Na tleaal Ceaacd at Chnrehee. In St Louis Muslim Meet Draws Crowd ST. LOUIS. Mo.—ln spite of too bet that Kiel Auditorium here had hep previously desegregated by court order, the Black Muslim* shoes to seat approximately 13S white persona, many of whom were university students, in asper ated sections in a mass meeting here last week. Hhah speaking b nnirtitrr resembling the “un known tongue", haid forth for ewer m haw uhhab aurnaaa until one | The Carolinian 1 ! North Carolina’s Leading Weekly VOL. 21. NO. 43 RALEIGH, N. C., SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 1.1962 PRICE 15c FREED OF RAPE ♦ ♦ ♦ + + + Gov. Takes Positive Stand HHT jyfck. ’*!» k jM mL ir ' j^>wr*rilrnr DEATH TAKES A HOLIDAY This accident draw hundreds at eon and perhaps a thousand peo ple to the scene, at the intersection of old U. 8. It and ttra Jones Sausage Road. fUturday night. Per who sow this cm* could not soo how ftoyonc, rldlnf In It, could hove survived. Jones Wilbert McCoy and Miss Betty Lee Clemmons were sent to Wake MetnoMal Hospital. Jonathan Carey Coats, driver of the other ear, and three other occupant* were also taken to a hospital. He to alleged to have not raoog nised a "Stop Sign” on the Jones Seaage Road. Garner Highway Auto Accident Draws Saturday Nigh t Crowd Bcreaming sirens and screech- a car driven by Jonathan Carey lng ambulances made traffic on Coats, white, of Clayton. Rt. 2, Old Highway 70 move over Bat- coming Into the hghway without urday night as the result of an regard for a atop sign. The un accident at the intersection of the yielding car rammed Into the highway and Jones Sausage Road, front end of one being driven by A record crowd gathered at the James Wilbert McCoy, 20, 1024 ocanc. Hadley Street. Mias Betty Lee The accident was the result of Clemmons. Rt. 2. Raleigh, was a of the platform guests, the Rev. Amos Etc*, gave up and left. ALL SEARCHED AO those attending the meeting were searched before being per mitted to enter and throughout ths services, the "ushers" conducted a 'duegmg of ths guard' routine. Declaring that ha eras "teaching as God tauM>t ms" shout black su premacy and the white man Elijah said that it waa Gods prophscy that tba white awn should rate far NEW YORK ClTY—Bishop Her bert B Shaw along with twelve other American religious leedars arrived in Russia Friday. He Is a member of an American delegation which will discuss the ideal* of the Christian religion with the So viet Union. They will remain there for three weeks In return a group of Christian churchmen of the Soviet Union will visit the United States In February, 1963 and remain in this country for approximately three weeks. The two group* will meet to a series of face to face conversations, in both countries, in order to “in crease mutual understanding of church life and to further friendly relations between the churches of the two countries, “according to the plan for the exchange visits, presented to the Board prior to its vote of approval The exchange of Christian dele gations will be a joint project of the National Council of Churches in this country, and the Russian Orttodox Churoner and other (cownrop 'on PAQg n tJ3 OO yeais. and that his time would than be finished. According to Elijah, it Is time now for Mack supremacy to re place white supremacy, although the Muhammad did not make It clear just bow much supremacy was to be achieved. BO roues PBESEBT No St Louis police were sta tioned inside the hall, nor ware the paaaenger In the McCoy car. Both McCoy and MU* Clem mons are said to have miracu lously escaped death, the car be ing In shambles after the acci dent They were taken to Wake Memorial Hospital where they were reported In fair condition. Three passengers In the Coats car (coimutn on page » InffTc Predict 25 i Highway LD Deaths Highway authorities have esti mated that 25 persons will lose their lives, due to auto mishap* during the Labor Day we Send pe riod. which begins et t p. m. Fri day and ends 12 Midnight Monday. Several others are estimated to die throußi other violent mean* The past few day* havt recorded fcownwtJEP ms raot t) | State News Briefs EHIS SELT bt EXPLODING 1 BLASTING CHANGE IN MOUTH OM—MIO Airpi—An em- 1 ployee of the Bwlft and Company ' fertiliser plant took his life last week by placing a Masting charge ] la his mouth and touching it off. ; Ms WOtlam Robinson's body . CITY COURT Releases Youth The finale was written ta an alleged rape story by Assistant Ci ty Court Judge Tom Ellis Monday when he said, "There era enough things in the case to give me mom doubts about it" Eighteen-year-old Samuel Lae King walked out of the court room free and Mrs. Ruth Crockett, 30 year old woman had no solace In the fact that the judge did not (CONTINUED ON FAQ* t) For Justice Him STRIKER IN 13111 DAY BY ALEXANDER BARNBf Patrick Henry might have light ed the torch for American freedom when he said, "Give me liberty or give me death", and the famous words of Doris Miller might re round to unborn seeming defense less children, but the acts of Frank Nelson, 38, white Integrationist of New Orleans, La., will go down as one 6f the greatest blows for hu man freedom ever displayed In A merle* He is now languishing in the hospital of Central Prison, due to the tact he attempted to eat with an Intgerated group, at a Howard Johnson Restaurant In Statesville. He was arrested about two weeks sgo and sentenced to 00 days In (CONBHOW ON PAOI to ODDS-ENDS BY ROBEBT O. SHEPARD “Lord Oed at bests, be with ea yet. feet we ferret ” IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION Gov. Sanford made a move In the right direction last week when he publicly announced his Inten tion to aet up an interracial com mittoa that would try to work out the perplexing problem of racial discrimination In North Caroline It la unquestionably true that the governor's decision to appoint this committee was based on his desire to halt the entl-discrimina tion demonstrations which have recently been taking place in sev eral North Carolina communities. The governor had to be aware of the fact that in the wake of In discriminate arreete and jailing of so called treepeseers, thousands of the state’s Negro end white etti zene could very well turn this state into another Albany. Ga. as a CORE official had warned. It Is well and timely for this committee, members of which have not yet been announced, to pro pose ways end means looking to the end of racial discrimination In public eating place*, but unless It makes a study of and proposes ways for the elimination of racial discrimination in all affected areas, particularly in employment, it will ; nave failed to do the Job needing to be done. fUWMwiiip ON PAOB n * CeOeßeEs Eight Howard Johnson ladings i la Charlotte CHARLOTTE The firat Jail- j tngs of Howard Johnson demon strators to Charlotte. North Caro lina—where there hod been sev eral acquits Is in similar eases oc- : curved when eight CORE mem bers refused to pay the $23 fines imposed by Recorder Court Judge P. B. Beachum Defense Attorney Floyd Me- Klaalrk secured two acquits is and two aet prosaae. The other 3# - Jr Jm **WkotA f 'RKlPllStt’lßi JET ! *v -waTl .I»n iM mm KT - U ■■ Jr KM § 4 v Km SB ' 4 ; -n| ,5' IDENTIFY VICTIMS Members of a rescue team at Lake Talquln near Qulney. Fla., begin the grlto teak at Identifying IT children and one adult who died here when their overloaded fishing heat sag •toed In • to 1$ feet es water. (UP! PHOTO). f KMI I N. SHELTON Named To Hillsboro Board HILLSBORO 8 N. Shelton, orange County Agricultural Agent, waa sworn In as a member of the Orange County three-man Welfare Board here recently. He replace* Harold Webb, who served aa principal of Cedar Grove Elementary School, In Orange Co. Mr. Webb is now In charge of the State Science Program for the State of North Carolina. Mr. Shelton Is a graduate of Hampton Institute and hae worked with the North Carolina Extension (CONTINUED ON PAOB *> In Worthy Case Randolph Asks JFK To Intervene NEW YORK CITY A Philip Randolph, militant labor leader and pullman porter head. Is de ploring the action of the U. S. District Court of Miami, Florida, and has sent out an appeal to the general public to ask Intervention by President J. F. Kennedy. The plea U aa follows: Sometime in September Wil liam Worthy, correspondent for! the BALTIMORE AFRO-AMERI CAN. must return to U. C. Dti (CONTINUED ON PACE t> Reports Freedom Highway case* were con tinued until August 30. This brings to 15 the number of ' ' person* serving 30-day terms In North Carolina aa an outcome of CORE S Freedom Highways cam paign. which Is aimed at 1 gating Howard Johnson restau rant* along the main thorough fare* The other* lalled are to Durham and Raleigh. Sprayed With laser tie Me In Statesville. 300 protest dem (CONTINUED OW PAOB to Progress Report On Integration FEPC EFFORTS RECENT CASE RESULTS Rescheduling of sn employees' nlcnle because of discrimination at a resort swimming pool resolution at sn Incident Involving antt-Se unitor iwmeaks directed at a Jewish fleet worker, and *he employment Os their first l%gro driver-sales men by several food companies In a large city, were among the re sults of iecent rases revealed by the California Fair Employment Practice Commission. FEPC Chairman John Anson Ford also reported the reinstate ment of the only Negro woman em ployed In an eleetrnnirs mwemhlv plant, who um suddenly di«ml»«ed on charges of bonkmuking after working in the plant for four year*' There was no proof of the alleged offenae Nearly I.WK 1 complaint* of re quest* for InveMigation of idtargea of employment durrlm(nation have been filed with the FEPC ainee September IBVI Os the rme« ron cludd, more per rent have resulted In corrective action baaed on evidence that discrimination did occur Reader's Digest Features Grad Os A&T College GREENSBORO- A graduate of , A&T College, whoiie college career I covered 23-aummara Is the subject ! of a feature in the September Issue of READERS DICES T The life of Oddie Cox. deceased and former principal of the Ashe County School located deep in the Blue Ridge Mountain* of North Carolina, Is devr I bed In the maga zine's regular feature. “TTie Most Unforgettable Character I've Met.” "BIGGEST AND WISEST" Writer of the feature. Sam Shu mate. white, a rising senior at Ap- | palachtan State Teachers College. Boone, N. C. grateful for the Influ CAROLINIAN ADVERTISERS Bin FROM THEM MUI I Horton • (nh t.rnrerv Joe Murnlck « Promotion PAGE 1 AAP Blares PAGE » Hodson-Balk Hone vr till > Super Merkel Southern Bell Oem Wsieh Shop Central Dr«| Start PAGE • Colonial Stare Mademoiselle Beauty Shop a E Quinn PurnMura (o Plraetana Store. Batter Brake Shop PAGE T Johnson.Lamk. Co Goodman'. Ladlea Shop Standard Co nr rela Produrt. Co. PAOE S Deluaa Hotel Carolina Belldert Carp Hideaway'. Optlriana. ine Warner*. Memorials Dillon Motors flnanee Co Seren-C’p Hottllnf Co Papal-CoU Bottllns Co of Eaietfk PAOE II Aato Dlaeotutt Co Tiraui Bad * Wklte Pood Store g M. Teaas Hardware Co. DIHCMMINATION AT fICNIC PLACE ‘ ■era are details of tbs recent rases mentioned by Chairman *wd: % Negro employee of g large re tail rhain complained toFEPC that the employee* association had con tracted with an amusement resort to hold a picnic there, but that he (CONTINVID ON pact » Strassner Takes Job Out Os State Or W ilium R Strassner. former president of Shew University, la reported lo have accepted an ad ministrative position a tan educa tional Institution, located out of the state ThU Infnnruion ua* released (CONTINUED ON PAGE 11 | enre which the late Mr Cox had jon his life, snd others both white and colored describes him as, ”ona (CONTINUED ON PAOI to W E AT H K K The rtvs day weather ferae*** for the Ealetfh area beftaata*. Thursday. August M swd i sella* In* thrniifh Monday. Seats as her g. It ea follows: Temperatures will see rase aear normal with scattered afternoon and evenlns thunder ihewr* asset of the period Ealelah Seafood Co. PAGE 12 Plflly wissiy Hunt General Tire Co. Dunn't Eaao Service Bhodaa I "King" Greene Cleanera Ealelah Puneral Home Acme Realty Co. PAGE II W Oleaale Electric Supply Co. - Ealelah Furniture Co.. keven-Cp BoUltna Co. Americas Credit Ce. i Ealelah Paint end Wallpaper Co. ; G. s. Tucker Brothers, lac. heart Eoekurk A Co. Pine suu Milk. Ice Cream PAGE It Lincoln Theatre PAOE IS Carolina Power A liiit Co. Breach Ban kina A Treat Co. Terner lire Service, lac. f ommunltv Piortat Mttchell • Beatoureat A DtaiSf fisAß Town A Ceuatry Puralturo PAGE IS Vasco Event Shell terries Bettor Braho Shop PAOE IS Moehostea A Parmer* Bosk

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