Cathedral Scene Os Wedding MR. AND MRS. LAWRENCE HANCOCK Sets Precedent; Draws Big Crowd la a prscsdsnt tatting ceremony at tha Bam am Catholic Sacred CsMtedMl bars to Ralegh, Mia latella Margnsrett Smith was u altad la holy wedlock. Saturday noon. August 91. to Mr. Lawrence s——* of Roanoke. Va. • Tha wadding ceremony, conduct ed Mr the Reverend F. Ranas R. flfniflTT. the etiolating priest, was carted out ia eeafermity with the marrtaga rites at tha Holy Catholic Church. The bride h the daughter at Mrs. India B. Smith and the late James L. Smith at this d*. Mm is a grad uate at Besrsrd University and SPRING HOPE MAYOR INCENSH)__ tancad to two years on two counts, tha praoacuttog witness has re turned to New York, but the May er ad the town has vowed a sweep ing investigation on the incidents that secured hers Saturday night Mayor Jimmy Pearce told the CAROLINIAN Wednesday morn that there was no need of all the panic tad the unfavorable publi city aver what he term a routine Setardaynight affray Mayor said that there was no reason tot all roesmntmo ost paob at Senegal Official Sags Why Communism JYot Adopted nw YORK—Admut > bangc Os claims by fcto Soviet profagand* media the tCommunlsm is a god* amd to Africa, a wide radio aud ience tat the Soviet Union heard a difertng view, offered by an Afri can statesman from Senega. President Leopold Seder .Sen gher'e trenchant criticism of Mar xism-Leninism as die gospel for the newly independent African na tions was beamed to die USSR by Radio Liberty, the free worlds meat powerful shortwave network m^MT Wife, Guns Himself OAKLAND—Death began its de vastation in this rural communi'.y Saturday afternoon about 34 hours after the long Labor Day holiday aaaaon got started. The mishap was not an automobile accident, but the apparent murder and suicide es a wife and husband. Daniel Ray Carter, a collector tar ■ local clothing store went to the home at Sd Highsmith 36 a haul W§ pm and discovered the Mr at his wtft Margaret cn the fraat perch and when he realized there had been foul play he made a hasty rarest back to town in search a t an ofßcor. When the officers arrived they aha Sound die woman. They began to search the house, which sraa gtfS to ho aa aid delaptdatod was employed aa e dark in tha Raleigh branch at the Farmers -and Mechanics Bank. The broom is tha son of Mr and Mrs. Alexandar Hancock of Roa noke, Va. Ha is a Civil engineer ing graduate of Howard Univer sity and is pfUsiuillj employed by the federal government in Sacra ments, California, where tha cou ple will make their borne. Mias Smith .was given in mar riage by her '•wotoev. w>, » U Smith of Greer .. v«\. •,. t ' The bride wore a wedding gown at Empress Satin Ifcsu db Sole made with a princess bodice and long fitted sleeves pointed over the hand with re-embrolded A leneon lace The protrait neckline extended to the front of the very full skirt which fell into a Cathe dral train. The lace on the bodice as on the skirt was elaborately beaded with sled pearls She wore a finger tip veil of illusion attack ed to a pill box hat of A lemon lace embroided in pearls. Mrs. Rosetta Iseley was Matron of honor and Mr. Alexander Han cock, father of the groom was (he beat man. Attending the bride were Miss Mabel Patterson, and the Misses Delores Ann Ssmith. Joyce Cooper and Shirley Rodgers. Little Mias Judy Kay was flower girl, the ring bearer was Micheel Williams Ushers were Carl Jones, Leslie Dunnaville Jr. of Philadelphia, Pa. Albert Laws, Fonville. James Han cock of Washington. D. C. and Ro bert Howard of Raleigh Out of town guest included: Mrs Ger trude Shaw, Mrs. Pearl Raain, Mrs. Elveta Martin and Geoy Croom from New York City, all cousins (cowtptolcp ox paob r> broadcasting to the Soviet Union. In his statement, written for the Society of Friends of Teilhard da State News Briefs *4-TEAR-OLD MAN SHOT DURHAM Rufus Jenkins. 64. found out Sunday night that he cannot go around chasing women who say they are afraid of him. He is In Veterans Hospital where he was carried after hav ing been shot by Mrs. Hurtlne Mclver. 36 The woman readily admitted the shooting and said that Jenk ins chased her and that she shot him with a .33 caliber pistol to protect herself. Bhe was held on a 6600 bond on a charge of as sault and battery with a danger ous weapon with Intent to kill. Jenkins was reported in serious condition Monday night and was said to be suffering from pistol wounds in his groin and In his ■boulder. LOSES LITE IN DEBRIS SOUTHERN PINBS Fun eral riles far 64-year-eM Daa eou Jerdaa Livingston are stated to be beM at the Mk steawry Ragtlat Church Wad (twmwmna pars n The Caro uni. \\ North Carolina's Leading Weekly VOL. SI. NO. 44 RALEIGH, N. C.. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER «. 1963 PRICE ISc IFi/c Victim Heart Jab Fatal KICK RIDES AGAIN HUSBAND SHOWS NO REMORSE '"h’rle* Dunn. S 3, now held In ”? w >ke County Jail for the fatal stabbing of his wife. Mrs. Luvenla Dunn, 38, In a State Street candy store, Saturday morning, showed no remorse when he talked with a CAROLINIAN representative. Re said that he stabbed her when she told her nephew. Doug las Martin. “There he Is. If you don't get him, I will.” He *iv«gtf that he took this to mean that they were out to get him and ha was going to protect himself. Douglas Martin is the 14-year old son of Mrs. Dunn’s sister. Dunn further states that be wanted to talk with his wife about getting their four children ready for school. He silages that the told him she didn’t want to talk end that *s pbouid leave her a »one. He r;ruwr allegne Uha* mm had not been altogether true to him and that she spent consider able time awfy from home. Evidence by eye witnesses does not bear Dunn out. They are al leged to have told the police that Dunn followed his wife into the store and accused her of “run ning” around with another man. Mrs. Rebecca Warren, the can dy store operator, alleges that the Dunn woman asked him to not argue with her and that she also told him she did not want and argument. Mrs. Warren Intimated that she nor Mrs. Dunn thought that he was mad enough to kill. He is reported to have snatched his knife out of his pocket and to have sent It direct Into the heart of his wife. They are reported to have been married about twelve years and have four children. The children are reported as being taken care of by a sister, at the present time. Mm. Dunn was funerallsed from a local church Wednesday and burled In the church ceme tery, with Rev. E. E. Henry offi ciating. Dunn is slated for a hearing in City Court this week. He is now being held without the privilege of bond. Chardin In Paris, President Sen ghor declared that in the period between the two world wars, A frican intellectuals from the then trench colonies were repelled by the cold materialism, extrema ra tionalism, athism and blind deter minism of Marxist theory. When the African students were (cowTorcr) on paob t> CAROLINIAN ADVERTISERS Bin FROM THEM— PAGE t ■orien t Citk Store Jimi H. Brows PAGE 1 Betty-Gsy Psws a Country Pnrattare Wsshlastoo Ttrraeo Apia , lor PAGE 1 BnSsoo-Belk PAGE S Colonial ttore B. E. Qataa roraWare Co. Ptrostone Beam PAGE 7 AAP PooS atom PAGE S Doloxt Hotel Carolina Bonders Cory BMtoway OpUrlsas. lac. Wirttr Sevea-Cy Bitting Co. Popl-Celo Bitmap Co. at Baletfh PAGE S Mcleod. Watooo A Loaler Applteneo Coater Want General Tiro Co PAGE II Thomas Bod * Wktta Pood Store Aato DUtom Co. I. M. Tonne Bard wo to Co. Bololfk EsoisoS Co. iimi’riitsiu ce MRS. SANDBRg Father, Unborn Child Die In Crash Stark tragedy that stalled the highways of the nation during the past weekend ruined the future of a whole family. The father was killed, the mother hospitalised and an unborn child denied the sight of ever seeing the light of day. MR. SANDERS dead upon arriv (CONTDfVBD ON VAOB I) Lie Detector Test Frees Woman Os Baby's Death JACKSONVILLE—A 32 year old Wilmington girl. Mias Shtriay Ho wet, was set free by Onslow Coun ty Coroner, Talbert Jones, hare recently, when he found no pro- W HATH K K The five Say waather teracaa* baslaalns Thursday, Saptamkar 0, aa 4 eoattaulas through Monday. Septambar IS, la aa follows: Tsmparatnrss nsar or sHshtty balow normal Cooler IhuraSay an* Friday, warmer Saturday and cooler again on Sunday and Man day. Sainted will average around throe quartan es an Inch, eceurlng aa scattered ahowera and thunder showers slang tha coast Thnraday and osar this area mainly Saturday and Sunday. Donna Eaoo Etrriec PAGE U Tkc Capital Coca-Cola BotUtai Co. Wbolooalo Electric Soyyty. lac As letsh Parattaro Co. ■ovoa-Py Boultnr Co •oars. 800 Sark A Co. Aaacrtraa Credit Co. Pla* SUto Milk Ire Craaai Balolpb Paint a Wallyapor Co G. S. Tarkor Brat., lac. PAGE 14 ■ors-Plt Scat Cover Center Lotaao Dtotrlkatlas Co. ■tepheas Aypllaace Co PAGE U Carolina Power A Lifkt Co. Bros don Prod ore Co.. lac Branch Bonktas A Treat Co. Mocbaalro A Parsers Beak Lifktaer's Paacral Boose MHr heir a Bootoaraat A Dim* Booat PAGB IS Cmstoad’a Grocery A Transfer Co. Barrie SPholoeale. lac. Tire Sales A SerrVc Co. BeoChera Peraltarr Whoieeala To Speed Wash PAGE 17 Aaeerlcaa Credit Co. Lincoln Theatre PARE M BBTs- lac rear Wholesale Co. lac Peace Evans When Service ArHr MITCHELL Raleigh Att f yln Durham Hospital DURHAM Attorney BsiilgH g. Ifitohed. Raleigh praottoner. wm admitted to Veterans Hospi tal hare Sunday, suffering from what is believed to have been a ■light Stroks. The militant lawyer was brought here from his home In Raleigh. It was reported from re liable sourest, that his speech had been Impaired and that there were signs that his right aide was affected. It was later reported that his speech had cleared up and there were signs of lmprove meent to the affected parts of his body. A call to the hospital threw very little light on his oondltlon. One Dr. Dunn said that informa tion concerning patients eotdd not fcomHwin on pam «> bal cause la tho death at bar agar ben son. Tha cam bad • Strangs twite. hi view of the tact that H was alleged to have been bom somewhere bo twee New York and Jacksonville. The woman agreed So a lie detec tor teat and convinced the ooronar toe was telling the truth. When ahosm a picture of the dead baby she readily agreed that It was ben and that ahe wanted a picture of it Tho coroner obliged Mias Hewett area an her way to Wilmington to attend tho trial at fcowTWCTP am pa— to ODDS-ENDS BY ROBERT G. (RETARD l/OOEDM) AHEAD Now that the aohocis have un opened after tha long amunar va cation, every student tram the be ginners to the aeniors am looking abend to what the challenge and the prom let at the new school year. School administrators, auparviaoro and teachers should be prepared to accept this challenge and to make effective the promisee. This can on ly bedone through the recognition and toe acceptance at the tote that echooie am maintained eolay for tha purpose at enlightening and educating students, never tar toe personal benefit at the administra tors and teachers It la our solid conviction, a con viction baaed upon observation, contact and experience, that tar too many students are not given the opportunity of utilizing their potentials because of tha internal polities, bickering, patty selfishness and inadequacy within toe achoola and at the teaching and admtoiters five personnel Many Negroes resent toe fact, but nevertheless. It ia still true, that by end large. Negro teudants in this region are below the aca demic level at thatr while counter parte The ram on tor this sad sow (cosrtwnJm am rang a* CROSSES AFLAME OVERJA TALLULAH Certainly Tsllu lah Bankhead would not be pleas ed to know that the town that bears her name has suddenly be oome alighted with crosses In de fiance of the integration of schools la the state. That is what has happened here and throughout the state. It was reliably reported that the Ku Klux Klan burned crosses in 14 northern towns In the state and in toe ca pital during the weekend, In an ef fort to thwart integration. Reports coming from the state revealed that ant only were the children undaunted, but that state officials and law enforcement offi cers wem about seeing tost the schools were integrated orderly. In Baton Rouge, five fire trucks were called out to douse a four foot eroas that biased in bont of the 88-story state Capital building. The only racial desegregation In Louisiana at too elementary school levs! la to toe New Orleans gaai. Roman Catholic schools in tbs city era scheduled to desegre gate Tuesday and desegregation of public schools goes into Its third year Thursday with 187 Ne groes scheduled to attend 31 formerly whits aohoolt. The only other elementary (cowTproip m pam g Tan Teachers Instructing White Pupils CHARLOTTE Tea white yenngstors attended etaame with 888 Negre pupils at Be thnaae School In charlotte without incident. Originally 81 white young •tore were aaalgned there, but the ethers obtained transfers or did not attend Friday. The white minority desegre gation occurred ae 877 Negroes went to elneam with white youngsters in Charlotte and Mecklenburg County. The era celibated etty-county schools have MAM pupils. la. Governor Asked By SCEF To Stem Violence WWW ORLRMAB La. Gover nor Jimmie H. Davie of Louialnnn bee been naked bp the Southern Conference Educational Fund to oat to atom the tide of violence to north Louisiana directed against civil rights landers. Sa a letter to tha Oovemor, Dr, INTEGRATION IN LA. Two of the Negro children that integrated Our Lady at Go ad Harbor Catholic School Auguet 29th, in Bure*., La., march in the traditional Roeary Praoaastsm through tha Church Cametery an route to their firtt day of claaaaa in tha formally iflwMli echoof Cl/M PHOTO i. ■ 1 —II! ■ LINE UP CLERICS IN ALLEY—A group o/ 75 miniaier from the East and Midwest line up in an allay alongeida polio headquarters in Albany, Ga., alter their arrest. Tha pram chart wars arrested when they failed to obey police Orders to atari on alter holding a prayer service in Iront ol city hall. Tha fro up came here to help the integrationist Albany Movement in its protest ol city mgregation practicm. (UPI PHOTO). PIONEER NORTH CAROLINA DENTIST DIES IN N. Y. YONKERS. N. Y. Dr. Alax ander McAllister Rivera, tor., 70, who started practicing dentistry in Durham. N. C. in 1009. dtod hers Sunday. HI had barn Ul for several months. A native of Wlknington, N. C„ ha was the son as toe late Thomas *1 Elisa < William* » Rivera. Tha tr Rivera waa among the pto* neer undertakers of the state. Dr. Rivera practiced In Durham After finishing the Howard pnl voralty Dental School. Later he moved to Oreenaboro, N. C., Where he practiced until 1031 whan he moved to Yonkers. New York. Ho was among a small group of Negroes who activated a progres sive civil rights movement in North Carolina after the first World War. Along with the late Dr. James E Shepard, founder and first president of North Carolina College. Dr. Rivera served on some of the early Interracial commit tees designed to Improve human relation* in North Carolina A member of the board of trus tee* of Palmer Memorial Institute In SedaJla, N. C, he wa* likewise an ardent supporter of the NAA CP. He was a member of Kappa Alpha Pal Fraternity and a Ma son. He wa* also one of the foun ders of the Old North State Me dical Society. In Yonkers, Dr. Rivera served as a member of the Salvation Amy Advisory Board and tha Yonkers Dental Society, which honored him for 00 years of serv ice to the dental profession In 19- Jemao A. Dombrowskl, executive . director of the SCEF. sold six such violent attack* In northern | Louisian* in the past ten month* ( raised the question: , •'Can clttsens In Louisiana as sert s minority opinion without placing their live* and property to 80. He reoalvad a plaque tor sim ilar service from the Wlohaoter Medical and Dental Association In 1950. Survivors Include his wife, Mrs. Ohretta 8. Riven, at tbs Rone. M Haw throne Street, Yonkers, N. Y.; two daughters, Mrs. Doris R. Burgess and Mrs. Raven R. Elliott, Detroit; a son A. M. Rivera, Jr., (COWIWP to PAW n INSTRUCTOR IS CHARGED IN ASSAULT WILMINGTON —A shocking •- xamplt of immorality on tha part of a teacher In the New Hanover County public schools took place recently when Frank Robinson, teacher and basketball and toot bell coach at Willte6n Senior High School, was accused by a female student of aseaulting her. The alleged assault Is said to have taken place about ten mllee from the city whan Robinaen wag on a driver-education lemon with toe young girl who will be ■ senior (COMTDrVBD Oft' PAOg I) jeopardy?” Protest* aim hove been sent by SCEF to tha Department at Jus tice and the U. 8. CtvU Right* Commission The latest act of vtolanco WA* iLONTINf’KD StT PAOB *>

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