"*’■ v^P^§Jp^ ■ iifii /*. ■ H Iff r-~ M> 1 :^S|i : JBpflfc-H * -s?» *l- II I f F^HI^h f ■ Ib fl 4 6li|MtMftl^tf^fa&ta»t-^»^-'-iiitiW«i"ti* : r-- (jlaF i—— FREED MI« Janie Phillips, Jailed recently, alow with two male eompaa'ons at Raleigh'S How ard Johneon Restaurant, it ehown. left, boarding a plane at the Rale lgh-bur ham Airport for Los An geles, Calif, to resnme her studies. Right to a delegation from the Cttlsens Association greeting K'a PhnUpe at the side of the County Court House Just after being released from JaflL (See story, this page). Freedom Fighter Returns To ‘Freedom’ Tta» iMt chapter tn the first Howard Johnson Trespass Case was written Saturday morning when Janie Phillips was welcom ed back to freedom by a delega tion representing the Citlsens As sociation and the NAACP. Miss Phillips along with 3 young Negro youth were given 30-day impris onment recently after being “con victed” in s Jay Pee Court of tres passing upon the property of the local Howard Johnson Restau rant. The trospasstug charge was mads after the two had requested service at the public eating place, “On the whole I received very geed treatment from the Jailors and was net directly mistreated In ear tray,” Mice Phillips reported In an Interview with a representa tive of the CAROLINIAN. “Thera wap* Ratos when it «*a» • to gd* mi a partial hunger efcrtkr ter purely tactical reasons.” die aaid. Captaining this Miss Phillips ssld that although the food was plentiful. Its quality was usually poor. She and other women pris oners were given the task of pre paring the vegetables eaten by the prisoners. She said these vegeta bles were usually old. moldy and stale. Prom time to time roaches and other vermin were in these ODDS-ENDS BY BOBEBT G. SHEPARD “The Lord our God is one Lord." RALEIGH LOOKS BAD Now that 4 Howard Johnson res taurants have been opened to all of the public in areas east of Ra leigh. the capitol city really looks bad in bolding fast to its pattern of racial discrimination in the Howared Johnson eatery here. For reasons real or imagined, all of the vast area east of Raleigh has been considered a stronghold fCOWTUuiitt ON PADS I) W&Z**£r^mA7JS& ■*** IB|Fs> 5525 * - m* Jfer * f Jl ’y'm&fa' .■ -■'-*■ 4k-■ -%j -. i^’C,^ s '^^l J?l ,_ ,V.t‘r&*y ■ '4* - | a : , v«. : .V : 'Tm dm # 4 '&rl flj !■■■■[ pH PROTECTED /In urudentifed Negro girl accompanied by Father George Julian, Rector, crow the echooi yard at St. Louts Cathedral Parochial School m the French Quarter at New Orleans September 4, which marked the opening ot Catholic echooh here an an integreterf been lor the lint time in hietory. {VPI PHO TO). vegetables. She said the white contained worms which had been bread was moldy and that the __ . corn bread she received always (contwoi) oh PAOB n r- W W ■ NO NEGROES WANTED That Is exactly What Neal O'Brian la alleged to have told a group of local citlsens Saturday morning at the SAW Cafeteria, located on Fayetteville Street. Shown tn picture, l-r: Mrs. Sarah Morgan, Dr. Grady D. Davis, president. Raleigh Citl sens Association (partly hidden); O’Br'an, asst-manager of the SAW, an unidentified white man and Ralpb Campbell, president, Raleigh Chapter, NAACP. The picture was taken when a group of citlsens went to get something to eat after welcoming Mias Jane Ph'lltpa back to freedom from the Wake County Jail, where the spent 38 days for trespassing at the local Howard Johnson Restaurant. The SAW re presentative told them point blank, it is alleged, “We feed everyone but Negroes.” Disc Jockey Dies In Freak Accident ROCKY MOUNT Can a per ron’* religion hasten his death? this is one of the questing being as >ed about the death of 23 year old Joe Louis Hunter, popular disc joc key and lay reader in the Kingdom Hall at Enfield. The popular young radio person ality lost his life here Monday when hi* car i* said to have tumbl ed of its props and fell on him. while he was fixing it. He is said to have lout an enormous amount At Charlotte Clinics Ordered Integrated CHARLOTTE—Thi* city reached another milestone in its effort to be a real big heart Monday when it integrated two of the major clinics at Memorial Hospital—ma ternity and dental. The action war prompted by a directive from the United Stale* Department of Health Education and Welfare and the hos pital’* board of manager mid they would comply with. The hospital has been under fire for sometime for alleged discri minatory practice* and was the ob ject of a picket line none time ago Dr Reginald A Hawkins. Ne gro dentist who initiated the inves tigation. said that he isn’t satisfied end won’t be “until every vestige of segregation is removed" from a hospital built with ‘local, state and federal funds. “The investigation shows wo caught them red • handed with Built” he said. “We will pursue (conpuinTos pass at INTEGRA TION-NATIONWIDE nr ALEXANDER luwu A look at integration (ram veer the nation gives one to under-stand that it is still the number one pro blem that school officials have to (ace. Rene in North Carolina there have been no incident* and there are moe Negro children going to Father And Baba Sitter Held In Child’s Death The Carolinian North Carolina *s Leading Weekly VOL. 11, NO. 45 U. S. District Judge Marshall Named Husband Is Shot To Death In McDowell Street Fracas Whiskey Said Cease In Tragedy Bad. bad whiskey is said to ba the cause of It all according to evidence given arresting officers by Haywood Smith, AV006,8. Har- ; ring tow Street, who to being held | in the Wake County. Jail for toe pistol killing of Robert Sparks, in \ fCONTOrOBD ON PAW S) Five'Persons Perish Cat' Crash' NEW BERN—Funeral rite* wert held here Wednesday for Mis* Net tie E. Henry, of Grace Street, who died by her own hands In a two car crato early Sunday morning on highway 70. Thu woman is alleged to have talked of committing suicide at a nite spot shortly be tore the ac cident Wiat took the lives of four other people. Investigating officers say that the woman had to be traveling at a rapid rate of speed and that die was on the wrong side of the road when the accident occurred She is said to have gone head-on of blood and died at a local hospi tal without the aid of a blood transfusion. He built an enviable reputation and began working for the local radio station even before he finish ed Booker T. Washington High School. Funeral services were not com plete at press time, but it was Relcuse’s Death Said Natural CLlNTON—Sampson Coun ty Coroner Coleman Carter saw no need of holding an In quest far Ernest Ayeork. 54. wha was found dead at the Dr. Lyons To Address NAACP The fall and winter meetings of the Raleigh Branch. NAACP will start here next Saturday after noon. Sept. 16 when Dr Charles Lyons, Jr. executive secretary, North Carolina Teacher* Associa tion will be the headlined speaker. Thi* meeting, which will be held at the Fayetteville Street Baptist Church Sunday afternoon at 3 30. will include, in addition to the featured speaker. Dr. Lyon. Ed Hall and his Sensational Evening Five Quintet a report by the Rev. C W. Ward on the Voter Registra tion Project and an announcement of speakers and plans for the com ing months. This meeting will be the first opportunity the general Raleigh public ha* had to hear and see tha newly appointed teacher executive. Dr. Lyons, a native of Edgecombe County. Although a young man. he has bad a long and varied career as a public servant Beginning his education in the elementary schools school with white children ‘hi* year than ever In W.naton-Salem a Negio couple applied (or a trant tor tor their (lrat grade child from all-Negro Kimberly Park Elemen tary School to aU-»hit* North Ele mentary School. Monday. The tranetn it alleged to have been requested due to the (act the RALEIGH, N. €., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15. 1962 ti.it WOOD SMITH into a car which five men were riding. The three deed men were Joe Louis Green. 34. the driver; Robert O. Green. 43. his father; and John Thomas McCoy, 38. Ray Collins was admitted to the hospital in serious condition, whils Saint Augustus Whitfield, 31, was treated and released. Tne CAROLINIAN was not able to ascertain why the woman de cided to take her own life. She was alone when she was killed. The men lived near here, but worked in N«w York and tha car bore a New York license plate. teamed that itiey would be held here, Sunday afternoon. He lived with his wife and son in a trailer, near (he radio station and It was at his home that he met his death. His wifa Is the former Ruth Hill Other survivors are his mother, Mrs. Annie Mse Brown. Enfield, three half brothers, three sisters, four uncles and two aunta. sdga of a field reeantly. Ho was known to have lived alone and the of fleer felt that he died of natural causa*. ■ f ' JMKSKr'' jlili /; u wkjt ■ ML CHARLES LYONS. JR. child livea closer to Sie desired school than to the one the parent* would 'lks to have her tranaerred from. Winston-Salem school have been desegregated since 1997 Wake Forest College admitted Mias Pstricis Ann Smith to full time undergraduate work She la S freshman and will live with her 54-13 Vote Carries In Senate BT ALEXANDER BARNES WASHINGTON. D. C —Perhaps the only people who ere not hap py over the confirmation of Thur good Marshall aa Judge of the Seoond United States Court of Appeals, here in the nation’s cap ital. are the 18 southern senators who voted against him. Thert was no evtdsnca of par tisan polities in tha matter and everyeoedtsela that Marshall's ap wrarisrarPAM *> I dK|) DR. ALFONSO ELDER Dr. A. Elder Asks To Be Relieved DURHAM Among the many people who voiced regret at tha announcement of Dr. Alfonso Eldar that he was stopping down as the head sf North Carolina College (CONTINUED OH PAOB I) of Bethel and Oak City, he entered Shaw University In 1544 after graduating from W C. Chance High School In Parmele. He graduated with highest hon ors fiom Shaw In 1548 and receiv ed a M.A. In Political Science from Ohio State University tn 1831. Fur ther study included a summer 0932/ at SChrol of Advanced In ternational Studies in WsMilngton. D C. the Gokhale Institute of Poli tics and Economics in Poona. India and the Ph D decree nl Interna tional Relations from Ohio Stota University in 1837. Dr. Lyons’ work experience# In clude 3 years MBS44-46) service. U S. Army, teacher. Raleigh public schools. 1848-30. the first Nevo to hold s teaching assistant position at Ohio State University (1831-83 > oottage supervisor. Juvenile Disc not tic Center. Ohio Dept of Wel fare. Associate Professor of Poiiti f CONTINUED OH PAOB 8) parents. Edward Reynolds, of Cha ns. became the first Negro to live on the campus. He has been as signed to a dormitory on Wake Forest's campus. Justice Hugo Black shook Miss issippi from its mooring* Monday (coarvrvta on mss n PRICE 15e IHft TV W '\mm s w ■ IBr . ~ B H _fl ■ | m JUDGE THURGOOD MARSHALL Nation’s Violence Is Cited To KLennedys WASHINGTON D C - Pred dent J. F. Kennedy and his broth er. Robert are being swamped by persons seeking relief from vio lence by race baiters and hste mongers. Jackie Robinson, baseball's Hall of Fsmer. stepped Into the breach State News -IN— Briefs DROWNS APEX—'Oravs yard love” Is said to have figured In the death of a Wake County woman Satur day when she asked her boy friend If he loved her and he answered “yea”. Miss Annie Chance drown ed In a farm pond near here. FAIR OPENS DURHAM The Durham County Fair hi alated to open here next week and promises to be bigger and bettor than aver. WUAON—Judge Allen W Har rell let Paul Evans, 54. know that a person who has tuberculosis has to stay In a hospital until he Is released by authorities As a re sult Evans will have two years to be treated for the disease or he will be the subject of the N C. Prison Dept for two years, for leaving the Eastern North Caro lina SanitorUun without permis sion CAROLINIAN ADVERTISERS ■ ■ Bin FROM THEM PACE I Jo* Murnlck’s Promotion Horton's Cask Stars PA f.r I Town A Country PurnMurr Community Plorlst PAGE I Hudson-Hoik Carolina Power A LJfkt Co Merhantrs A Parmars Bank lamas H Brows Central Dros Store Mite kali's Restaurant a Dining Room PAGE S Ratalsk Furniture Co. Seven-I p Bottling Co Soars. Booknck A Co. American CreSH Co. Pisa State MUk Ire Cream Rale If h Paint A Wallpaper Co G. S. Tucker Bros., lac. PAGE 1 Thomas Red A WkMd Pood Store Auto Discount Co. S. M. Touas Hardware Co. Ralclgk Seafood Co. PAGE f Colonial Store B. E- Quinn Purntture Ca. PI reel one Stores Mademoiselle Bounty Shop PAGE S AAF Food Mores Profeestossol Drapery Shop Branch Banking A Trust Ce PAGE Id Alleged -*SL n . • Beating Blamed Aooordfcig to Information fp* ceived by the CAROUNIAirtM Mias Sally Harris and WaltHrJU* llama, at the Wake County fat! Tuesday afternoon it will tafet IS Solomons to determine who is re sponsible for the death of a flea year-old baby girl The woman BBfl alleges that the father, Walter Ommlmmm Williams. bea! the child almost, B,n \ ■'. - : .''S , ‘ unmercifully Thursday night R*.n >- .* •:/'&■'' Miss Harris is Bii8BBEg»ll said to have been employed to look after the M^Pk.'S' ‘ two children of ■&pSippßfl& Williams, while ■ he worked. HHHPHBBM She says that * "' s HARRIH when the child f*'^Hßß awoke Fr iday morning she fl seemed to be In a stupor and that she acted strange 1-*. < >. *. ■■-'.'•&■ all day. She a! leges that when ■ the child became seriously ill siie ' .B?T'n£:;.£< called William.'' B on his Job and ,„ ■,„- i 5- told him Uu ,t .flSflfl child should be in the hospital. WILUAOIS I She further stated that when Wtl' I llama arrived that she took Uu child and got Into Williams' cat ’ and they headed for the Wake Memorial Hospital. Upon arriving at the hospital she said that the child waa pro nounced dead. It was then that it dawned upon her to have -an au topsy performed. She did not say why she suggested the autopsy. The autopsy revealed that the child had been beaten to Sooth. Williams said that he knew no thing about the child's condition until he was called by tha woman and told that the child Was des perately sick and needed hospital fCOHTPWP ON Mtt t> this weak and agrsad to bead • group to ralsa $36,000 to rebuild tha two churches destroyed by hoodlums, believed to be budnad up because Negroes have shown an Interest In first class eitlaen shin In the southwest Georgia sroe. The vRT felt the sting of preju dice when a veer old Oeergia farmer. Virgil E Puckett, was pul under s3o,non 00 bond for assault r.n one of its agents, when he at bmpte't to art Information on crime of violence The Rev B Elton Cox. North Carolina Intern atlontst. already under sentence in Raton Rouge, la , wes charged along with Rev. Arthur Jellls for defaming Dis trict Attorney Sargent Pitcher end District Judge Fred Blank#. It was not determined what the two leaders said about the legal offi cers. but It was alleged that they were indicted for something they sold at a rally, debouncing Louis iana Justice. Seven persona were given Jell sentences at Statesville, N. C.. for having taken part in a demonstra tion at a Howard Johnson Rest aurant Rufus Vasrar Horton, bro ther of Miss Gaytans Horton, one of the first to serve a Jail term In North Carolina, was one of the conMcted persona. Four Episcopal clergymen filed (rowiPfuir) mi paob i) Tha ft vs Say waatbar fersesst be* Innlits Thursday. September IS. end continuing through Mesday. September 11. Is as fellows: Temporaluree wilt averse* above normal tbrongb Monday. wMh Mi ll* dey to day chans os. BatnfaM will be very little If any. Deluse Hotel Carolina Builders Corn. Ridgeway Optician*, me. Warner Memorials Dillon Motors Finance Co. Sevan-l'p Bottling Co. Papal-Cola BoUila« Co. of Raleigh PAGE II Capital Barsala Store American Bom* Products Bruwnlnt's Barker Shop Thomas’ Bad A White Oraeary Wholesale Motors Charles Stores Capitol Vacuum Store Thelm’s Record Shop Colon Finance Com pair W. T. Grant * F W. Wooluorth Mr Lallans Buffalo* Bolldera A Co. American Credit Co. Raleigh loan Office Brooks’ Appliance Co. wood's e-te-ea store Joy's American Drill O'Neal Motors, to*. PAGE It IRscola Theatre PAGE IS p»ssiy • wissto Acme Realty Co. Relotch Femoral Dome . „ BugMEoaoral Mss Cm