Raleigh Matron Buried Death la the (ate of endless joy and ret we dread to enter there could be clearly discerned at the First Baptist Churc.i Tuesday after noon when Rev. C. W. Ward en toned the last sad rites tor Mrs. Ada Mae Rice Jamigan. promin ent in religious, educational, litera ry and community life. From the time that the world flashed throughout the state that aha had succumbed at Wake Me morial Hospital, Saturday night, fftar having been stricken at the Sir Walter Hotel, a few days prev iously. where She was attending a meeting, until she was laid to rest in National Cemetery, there had bean a pall of sadness, hovering •ver Raleigh and environs. MM. ADA M. JAKNIGAN Her body *u taken to Universi ty Chapel. Shaw University at 13 Noon, where colleague a, student* and other persons close to Shaw, to which she waa ao devoted, got an opportunity to view it There were those who pictured her leaving as a ship setting out for another port knowing exactly where it waa go ing to dock and what those on the ether shore would say when the cargo reached there. At J p. m., the bopdy was car ried to First Baptist Church and sorrowing bears and saddened countenances took the long last look. Knowing her devotion to duty and her consecration to service there were few who left the bier with dry apes. Neither the station in Mia nor the dignity of office could hide the sorrow that pervad ed the auditorium. Promptly at tour, the funeral procession entered the church. Dr. P. H. Johnson read toe scripture AME^cms Confab Protests PIT I SBORO The annual meet ing es the District Conference, Durham District AME Zion Church composed of churches in Chatham, Durham, and Orangt counties which closed at Union Grove Church recently, implored both President Kennedy and his bro ther, Robert, to intervene in the peeing tide of berfaerism that is sweeping the South. The unwarranted attacks on Ne groes, the burning of churches, the Jailing of persons who attempt to enter Howard Johnson's restau rants, and toe shooting at two girls tor their Interest in registering and voting were termed as not only un christian. but inhuman. The confab was highly critical of the way ma ny at the law enforcement agen (CONTIMOED ON PAOB St Johnston County Man Hunt Still On For Earl Terry SMITHFIELD Scotland Yarda has a reputation for getting its man and Johnny Dollar can always track down his felon but according to Johnston County deputy sheriffs. La than Bari Morgan, alias Lathaa Earl Terry, has successfully elud ed them since Friday night. He is wanted in connection with the shooting of an 18 year old white hoY. Devrett Johnson, on a rural road, near Benson. Friday night. The report reads like a real west ern and bne that pitted crime a gainst lota-making. It is alleged ODDS-ENDS BY JAMEB A. KHEFARD "A reed name is rather U be aheeen than riches.' TO BET THE RECORD STRAIGHT For the past 5 years. Odds and End: has bern carried in The CA HOLWIAN under the name of Rob ert G. Shetwrd Robert George is actually a portion of the name of Jamas A. Shepard. Rie full name being James Augustus Robert Baorgs Shepard. Il seems that there was a great Bmire to ‘honor* all the uncles, so la order to do so. all of these un rles name* were given to the writ er. Robert G. Shepard was ehoeen as the author of Odds and Ends mere ly to give that column a special identity However, in order to put to reel some false rumor* that the b nwr w*i Dicing oenma ■)€ nunc A not her A tbanu Seen At Statesville The Carolinian North Carolina’s Leading Weekly VOL. 21. NO. 46 RALEIGH, N. C., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22. 1962 PRICE 15c Georgia Whites To Rebuild BURNED CHURCH ♦ + ++ + + + + Highway Accidents Take Three Lives Near Fuquay ■ ■ I# ** aTr " M ■■■ DEATH DEALING CAR—This IMS Pontiac, owned by David Bnllew, dealt death to two persons Monday when it strack a pickup track, careened off highway Ml near Pbgnar Springs and then tore into the tree shewn In pictare. Willie Richardson and Glenwoed Arnold loot their Uvea and Hal lew is In Wake Memorial Hospital. The three men wen on their war to Pt. Bragg, when they worked ae barbers. (UPI PHOTO). Three Cars, Track, Tree Figure In Death Os Three FUQUAY SPRINGS Thomas Lyon, brother of one of the three automobile accident victims killed here Monday, told The CAROLIN IAN. "That is toe way brother was supposed to die.” Thomas was weighted in sorrow as he attempt ed to toll how his brother met hit deeth. He could hardly hold back the tears because it brought toe death of another brother, killed a bout three years ago. in the same manner, back in focus. that crime woo. Johnson is alleged to have been see ted in the cer with Miss Carolyn Allen. 31. when a car carrying five Negroes and one white man drove up. The report furtiter stated that four of the Ne groes got out of the cor and de manded that Johnson take them for some gas. Johnson not only waa reluctant to talk with them, hut raised the window of the ear. locked the door and attempted to drive off. It was then it is reported. Johnson waa shot in the throat. The bullet came through the glass of tbs car. John son drove as far as he could and then the girl took over. She took him to ha home and later ha waa taken to tha hospital All of the men were caught and lodged in jaiL except Morgan. Ha ha* been the object of a man hunt, that has extended from the ex to Garner, on toe western side treme eastern side of Johnston Co Wake County officers. ABC attic fcoimroxD on page n N.C. Colleges Seek Aid So called Negro state colleges asked the Advisory Budget Com mittee for 93.117.944 Monday ss port of the 917.7 million requested to carry on education for a two-yeer .period beginning July 1993. ART College asked for 1.1 miO- Ion: North Carolina College. 1 mill ion: Elizabeth City wants 9415X31; Fayetteville see the need for 9990 - TOR while Winston-Salem Mama to be able to get along wito 5236J04 The Consolidated University Bak Tragedy struck this fanning sac tion Monday morning and whan the grind of car wheels ended, the failure of some one to respect the rights of others had been manifest ed, three people were deed and •even other* injured. Willie Richardson, 21 and Glen wood Arnold, 32. were found dead after a 1962 Pontiac careened off of U. S.-401 about one mile south of hare, Monday morning about 10:30, after striking a pickup truck. David Bailey, the owner of the to tal car, was mid to ba driving, and is now in Waka Memorial HoapitoL The three men lived in this com munity and were reported to have been on their way to Fort Bragg where they worked as barbers. Richardson, who is reported as being unmarried, lived in the Wil burn section. Funeral arrangement* had not been completed when The CAROLINIAN went to press Arnold was bom and reared In Holly Springs and lived with bis wist Katie here. Puneral ritoa have been set for the St. Augustus Free Will Baptist Church, it I p. m. Thursday, with Rev. J. M. Jackson In charg*. He leavee beside his wife, 4 sons, a mother, two brothers and five sisters. He graduated from School and Harris Barber Collage, Raleigh. Willie Glenn Lyon. 26. died In another accident when a. car listed to George Wilson. 594 E. Cabarrus St„ Raleigh, was involved with a car, carrying a traitor, containing two mules, and driven by Jeaae Brewlngton. Rt 1, Cary. Lyon attend Fuquay Consolidat ed School and was married to the former Lizzie Kirby He leaves a wife, throe small children, mother, I brothers, four sisters and three aunts. Puneral arrangements were incomplete at press time. ed for 10.7 million' The University includes the University of North Carolina. Chapel Hill; State College Raleigh end Woman’s College at Greensboro. The colleges had submitted ear- Iter “A" budget requests, th* mon ey required to keep th* schools op erating at their present level dur ing the next two years These bud get# of toe 13 colleges, including tbs three within the University system, totaled 963 million. Brewingtons wife and their IS year-old son were riding with him and had to ba treated for injuries. They were sent home after the in juries were treated. One of this mules waa also injured, but not too ccomw>s~oN paqr t> Rev . Cox Held In 17,500 Bail BATON ROUGE. La - Two Ne gro ministers, both integration leaders, were tree today on bonds totaling 937.300 The Rev B. Elton Cox of High Point, N. C„ was released Tuesday on bonds totaling 917.300 The Beet Baton Rouge Parish grand Jury charged Cox. a field secretary for CORE, end the Rev. Arthur L. Jelks. Sr., president of the Baton Rouge chapter <>f the NAACP, with defaming District Judge Fred Blanche. Jr . and Dis trict Attorney Sargent Pitcher at a Sept. 4 rally hare Jelks was freed eailier on HO, 000 bond, 93.00 for each charge Attorneys for Cox ported the SIO,OOO bond for the defamation charge and an additional (7.300 for (contnniFm. page n _ State News Briefs MAN Otn SENTENCE OXFORD Convicted in May or’s Court here Monday on a pip ing Tom" charge. William Mac Harris. 19. former employee of the City o 4 Oxford, was given a•• '<*d term of 19 months by Mayor T C. Jordan. Jr. TO ANSWER CHARGES WmgTON-SALEM -^Aid-.—sn Ga. Mayor Leads Canpaign DAWSON. Gt. - Some of the white citizens of this trouble-rid den community are out to prove that something good can come out of Nazareth and they have decided to rebuild the church burned by arsonists here recently. Mayor Carl Rountree said white people of Dawson and Terrell CO. would rebuild High Hope Baptist Church about three miles north of Dawson. The church was destroyed Monday *Tm going to serve as chairman of a committee to accept contribu tion* fob rebuilding," Rountree mid. “Wo 4gel Mat since this particu lar cmri was burned by people who live in Dawson and Tamil County, it’a our job to do this." Three white men and a 16-year old white youth, all of Terrell Co., were jailed in Dawson after they confessed to sotting the fire, the FBI said. The mayor mid white resident* don’t believe this incident is con nected with the burning of two Ne gro churches at nearby Saaaer more than a week ago. Arrested on arson charges were (CONTINCTD OIT PAOB tl Minister Is Found Dead WADtSBORO The body of Bov. Henderson A. McFadden, 80, Bock Hill, S. C., which was found near Ansonville Tuesday, is caus ing local police officers much con corn. He had last bean seen in Rock Hill on Friday, Sept. 7. He left his home that day to attend a church conference at Mt. Zion Church an Highway 31 in Chaster County. Friend* my he toft the meeting at 10 p. m., headed back toward Rock Hill. But ha never reached bit home at 723 Clarinda Street Police in Lancaster believe they stopped the man on Saturday night, Seept. S, In downtown Lancaster, during a routine license check He headed thorn a motel license plate •tamped "Rev. H. A. M." Early tho next morning; polios mid they found the same man walking the atreeta in a date They •aid ha was almost incoherent when questioned Police in Rock Hill aay the man has no criminal record, was not active In desegregation agitation and was not known to be in any trouble. SHAW FACULTY TOLD OF NEEDS “We cannot ba satisfied with ed ucation that meets the needs of on ly our own poeple." said Dr. I E. Ready, to the Shaw University faculty snd staff. Thureday, Sept 13. “Educational opportunity must be availsbto. excellent and appro priate throughout our nation and throughout the world " Dr. Ready, who is Director of Curriculum Study. State Board of Education, further stated that we have tradltioanlly tbougt of educa tion itself, a* universal education. Vary few people live in today's world who will not at some time need retraining in new ways of making a living In addition to vo cational neqdv the need* for und and for promoting social welfare attending the people of the world (tWflWlta OH PAM tt mg . ■ V n tv * v A v. A-*- |. %. s -:jtf£ — ; / . .. -.^pp^^HHE^D RELAXING BEFORE ORDEAL James H. Meredith, who waa ordered by Justice Huge Black U ba carolled hi Mississippi's State University, last week. Is shown with his wife and son. He toft th» state und went to Memphis, Tenn., to be with friends before he attempts to enroll at the school Thurs day. Ha has stated that he expects trouble but thinks that his experience In the service of his countn will onabla him to endure hardship Uke a soldier. (UPI PHOTO). Meredith Ready To Enter Mississippi Without Fear MEMPHIS -I don’t think I'll need any federal marshals. I be lieve Mississippi will protect Its ci tizens.” That waa James B-Mgre^th'i reaction when he was - informed that U. S. marshals. would pany him on his attgmlp to enroll at tha University of Miaaltolppt feta week. The 39-year-old Air Force veter an Is expected to try to register Thursday at the all-white institu tion located In tho pina-atuddod hills of north Mississippi, about 8Q mile* south of hare. Meredith, outwardly calm, and unruffled by the racial flormcioud over hie head, waved aside ques tions about whether he might ba putting himself in danger. ‘‘lf I went around worrying about that I'd be living a pretty miserable life," he mid. “I don’t worry a bout me." Meredith answered questions cau tiously. apparently not wanting to say anything which would touch off new firework* in bis home state He even spoke kindly of Mississippi Gov. Rom Barnett. . . “He’ doing what ho fools is hta duty". Mid Meredith. Horton s Condition Serious The sever* beating given Way land Horton. Raleigh City Recrea tion employee la causing much con cern in the city. The boating to Mid to have been inflicted by four teen agers tote Saturday night or surly Sunday morning at tho eorner of East Avenue and Worth Street. Investigating officers report that when they answered the call they found Horton about 18 ft. from his car. lying on tho ground. Tho light* waa bdratag on tho car and tho engine was running.. They My ha lost a considerable amount of blood He was sent to Wako Memo rial Hospital and was found to be In serious condition. An examination revealed that ha had been beaten severely on the heed and in the face It waa report ed that his jaw and noaa had been broken He also is balievad to hava suffered broken riba dua to having been kicked In the side. Officers who visited him In tha hospital Mid that be waa in such bed condition that ha waa unable to talk and could only write yea and no answers to questions they asked him The CAROLINIAN learned that his face snd head tori awollen al most beyond recognition, due to tba beating. His condition waa quoted as fair at press time but persons who visited him in tha hospital said that he was still in a bad con dition Officers are trying to run down a lead that he had chastized some teen-age boys, in Chavis Park, pri or to the besting for using profane language They have not been able lo msk- sny arrests. In the caM Horton has not been able to name his attackers The officers bops to obtain their names os soon ss tho I victim Is able to talk with some co- I herene*. Negro aWiools In Miaaiaaippi do “an exes Hint job", ha mid, but it was "common knowledge" they were not as good as white school* Meredith said ha had applied for • room In one of tha dormitonaP ..a A A Huge Protest Meeting Is Slated For Iredell Sunday ■TATE WIDE PROTEST MEETING AT STATESVILLE Negroes from all ova North Cs lollns have been invited to attend a state wide protest mass meeting in Statesville on Saturday, Sept. 32 beginning at 10 a. m. Describing tha present situation In Statesville ss "another Albany. Ga ”, leaders of the planned pro test demonstration My that, be cause of the news black out. the outside world I* not aware of the actual brutality, and tha outright denial to Negroes In Statesville of theM elementary constitutional rights. The Saturday mass meeting will be held In the St. John Baptist Church under the auspices of th* Statesville Civic Association , The stated purpose of this meet ing is to let the people In North Carolina and tha world see and hear wkat Is now going on in this Iredell County segregation strong hold. According to tha leaders of tha protest, here ere a few of the high lights of the “Statesville Story". (1> Iredell County was one of the 2 western North Carolina counties carried by segregationist I Beverly Lake during the last gubernatorial race <3> Tha States Record and Land mark, the local new spew to edited by • Mr. Haskins who uses his front page editorial "Down In Ire dell" to denounce the Negroes da sire for first cLtM citizenship (3) Statesville la tha home of the Rev J sines Dees, president and or CAROLINIAN ADVERTISERS Bin FROM THEM PAOg I Rortea’t Css* Iters Ms* (oupl PAGE I Jaae'a of Ralrtgh Washington Terrace Apt, tar Dr. ■ X Stnnette Merkaetcs A Parsers Baafc PAOg S RaOsee-gelk Uni stead'. Grocery A Transfer Professional Drapery a ho* ■pa*4 Waah •tephenaon Maatc Ce. Ufktswra Paaersl Mama PAGE S Mitchells leetaeraat A Dtalat Room Dillon Sasply Ce. Gens Wstrh ihep Raleigh P» miters Ce. •oar*, getbsrk A Ca. American CraOtt Ce. Plea Itat* Milk lee Cream Ratalsh Paint A Wallses*' Ca. O. a. Tor gar Area., lac. PAOg 1 Thome• RoO A White Poo* Otero Aate Dtaroaet Ce. a. M. Yatutf Rare war* Ca Rakish a*ifoed Ce. Towe A Couetry Pumlture Weed * I • II • Rs Store PAOg I Colonial Stare X X Galea Pemlturr Ce. al tha university but did to taka a role in tha campus social life. "1 don't expect anybody to sand Ms a letter Inviting ma to Join any tfftsrnltlM.'’ ha sold. ganlzer of tha States' Righter*. Inc a rabid segregationist group. (4) More than JO persons, Negro and white have recently been ar (coMToniitt) ois pads n Prisoner Is Returned Howard Terry, 36-yaar-old plast erer who fired a 12-guage shotgun into the Chest of John Otis Stall ings. mi sorrowful and silent in Ihe Wake County Jail. The victim, 23. lay In "critical oondtlon" In Duke Hospital. The shooting occurred Sept. 14 in front of Burnett's Sweet Shop Sitting with his face buriad in his hands, Terry looked around (CONTINUED ON PAOB 2) W E ATH E 1\ Tbs five Sty weather forecast for Ralelsh eras h#(tnnlnf Thuraddf. September M. and rontlaulßt through Monday, September H b ar follow* Temperaturaa will avorato soar normal, the blah aad lew teaa peratarea at and B. Moderate tam per atu rr ■ Thursday thronfh Sat urday and somewhat warmer Sun day aad Monday. Rainfall win averaga about one barb, ocealias Thursday and agala about Banaday or Mooday. Plretlana Stores PAG! • SAP Pood Store. John »on-L*mb* to Branch Rankles A Trutt Co. limn H Brown PAOg I* Dalusa Ratal Carolina Builders Cerp Ridgeway Opticians. Inr Warner Memorial. Dillon Motor* Plaanra Co Papal-Cola Routing Co. of Xalalgk PAOB it Papal-Cola BeUltag Ca. as Raleigh Jobnaeh'a Zawalar. Carolina Typewriter Ca. Geodman'a Ladle* Shop Ratty Gay PAGB U Lincoln Thoatro Carolina Power A Light Ce. W T Grant Dana . Beta Service Th* Capital Coca-Cola BottHßg Ce. PAOB IS Pt**i> • Wiggly Raleigh Ponaral Rom* Arm* Realty Ca. Huai Oeaaral Tiro Ce. ( hark* Dept Star* Kins Cola Motel Ounna Been Service MademolacUa Beauty Rep

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