Local Cab Rates Slated To Be Hiked! STILL OFF LIMITS—This picture of one of the buildings on the campus of ths University oI Mississippi, (Oh Miss ) which Governor Ross Barnett says is off limits to James H. Meredith. Ths unreconstructed rebel governor has defied the United States govsmment in his refusal to permit the Negro to the school. He called for the spending of time, money and even lives to preserve what he terms the sanctity of the institution. America and the world awaits the next move by the Justice Department. Husband Accuses Wife For Arrest In Sex Crime Here When Atete fchnson b triad lor the rapid of o 18-year-old girl the court n| ten to deckU whether ho is toevtottoiod a mad wifs, or tempted'if interview hjfc witoSrii* b mM te'havo Sworn out the War rant tor kb arrest Whan asked if she would discuss whether she double eroseed her husband, she replied, "I am not admitting nor denying anything In this case.” She continued, “1 don't care what other people say, I am not saying any thing." The following transpired in a CAROLINIAN interview with Johnson in the Wake County Jail: “My wife pvade the child say I raped her. Just to make trouble tor me.” said Algie Johnson of B 1S Washington Terrace, who is a watting trial en charges df raping his 19-year-old neice. Johnson. 88. denied having touch ed bar. Ha said the girl told police h* had forced her into his room and made her yield to him by Method Postmistress Is * Resentful Os Treatment lbs arrest and detention of Mrs. Kerralelgh White. Method pnatwbtraw and civic leader for a Miner traffic Incident has be gun to haunt high police officials, ettr Rsoordsra Judge and even Mayor Rnloa. It aO began an the morning of ■antembar 11, when Mrs. White wie returning to her home, in j u~i:,\ r i \\ \7\{ ter katetgb area begfiateg Thars *ay, Septraker at, ut ceatteatag Wraagh Mia lay, October I. Is as Man: tbaweiatens wM average sev -Basl degree* below aersssl. wtta today a boat oat half CAROLINIAN ADVERTISERS ===- — Bin FROM THEM MH • lT»y-T*jier c*. Iir1»i« Cnffi Ce Wnlirt CwniH rrMwtt Cm. ft- ft. IkMDtti MM • |M»« Wash Bn Bain * Knkt Cntu t lhlWn r*M» Inn, Intacl 4 C*. Miirtna CriMT Cm. * wMTim Os sa\ B,sra "“ Cm. *®sriLw *** threatening to beat bar with a i tomato. He added that his wife. Ma- i tJ SUzabetb, "made up” the inci dent. | fused to li«r for dtotafc shaft - iLlfr die-Vireat eEt&pt girl jusT lifts Mia was my oWn Rilld.” / ; , "I was reading be pap* whan the child toft tor school Friday morning. When my wife came home from work, she accused me of bo thering the child because she went to scboadr without eating all of her breakfast. "The police asked my wife it she bad taken the girl to a doctor and she hadn't They don’t know whe ther she's been raped or not.” Although no evidence of rape had been established, police said the girl admitted having had sex- 1 ual relations “several times.'' 1 Johnson said his niece and a 19- 1 year-old nephew had been living j with him since their mother died ‘ in IM9. He said the girl had “got ’ Negroes March On Statesville STATESVILLE - Sat. Sept. 22, marked another attempt to hold a statewide strategy meeting on toe problem of discrimination in chain restaurants. It was held et toe first Baptist Church, here. Thb site was selected because of the fla grant violation of civil rights a gainst those who demonstrated at toe local Howard Johnson Restau rant. The meeting did not draw a large crowd but those who did attend showed a keen interest in the pro cedures. After the opening devotion and to# singing of the Battle Hymn of the Republic, the meeting was called to order by John W. Flem ing, who stated the purpose of toe meeting and some of toe goab to be accomplished. The Rev. Wilson W Lee, pastor of St. John Baptist Church, told the "Statesville Story”, in which he described an ever-growing op position to the struggle for free dom. It was disheartening to learn that city, court and police officials have been in toe vanguard. leading the fight tor denial of constitution al privileges, to a portion of the citizenry. He told of the “spraying incident”, in which a city-owned Jeep sprayed insecticide on demon strators. gathered in front of the Jail. He told of in subs in court of a girl being dragged to the police ear, and of a youth who objected to officers’ manhandling thb girl, being struck in the eye. Another minister. Rev. J. C. Har ris sooke on the "Implications of the Statesville Story”. He laid the story meant that the people must be willing to suffer and sacrifice, and above all. there must be a spi rit of unity among those people who are being persecuted and pro secuted. (cosmmiau on mm n State News Briefs CHEATER SHOT BT HUSBAND OXFORD Thomaa Jonas o t the Boon Chareh community is being Md in Oraaviite County jail pending of^thc via, wonndod by a shotgun bloat at the Jones' home. Sheriff Hoy D. Jones yootod Jonas ao oaytoc he toot Chavis whan bo found hhn to tbo bod- | The Carolinian! VOL. 21, NO v 4* RALEIGH, N. C., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1962 PRICE ISc Claims Double Cross In Child Rape ♦ ♦♦+♦ + ♦♦ Barriers Down At MEREDITHCOLLEGE 9 r'' ' -v-■■■ 'V-' '’ P ■ £vmfwsW' *■ c* .■ ■ ■ j? ',- u ■ ,v,' * ,v.'■■■ .V ■' • W **&•? ez&tei- ,. ;:,p IgMv. * GETS TWO MILLION GOING DOWN Miners make when he gets He divvy from all the sources connected with the money by going down in the earth for certain minerals and me- fight. Sonny Liston, even though ha won, gets only $400,000, but terials, but very few people ever make 2 million dollars tor going that ain’t hay. (UP! PHOTO), down once. That is what Floyd Patterson is reputed to make Record Gate For Championship Fight CHICAQO (Combkey Park). 111. The shade* of Tommy Burns, Joe Louie end Rocky Marcbno hovered in this ball yard Tuesday night as Floyd Patterson pulled himself up off of toe floor, after he had lost the world heavyweight crown that he had twice won and from the expression on hb fact will never wear again. The fight though it lasted lew than the required three minutes for the first round proved conclu sively that I*loyd Patterson no long er had It and tended to bear out Sonny Liston’s story that he had been by-pessed. The real story b that no champi on has ever collected as much mo Cabarrus Street Poses Big Problem For City Council Tin Raleigh City Council hi» iU problems. but it appear* that on* of its moat perplexing prooiems u how to police East Cabarrus St. They cannot decide who is going to pay the polk* for extra duty, protecting the property in that area 6. JL Frinks Seeks Relief Gordon A. Frinks, who raiaad the ire of Judge Chester A Morris, whan ha refused to answer to his name in Chowan County Superior Court, ask ad the North Carolina Supreme Court to decide whether be was in contempt when he tailed to answer. Frink* was in court when his name was called, but contends that his case was not set ter trial on that date Frinks was quite active in inte gration drives in Eden ton and wav awaiting trial on charges that stemmed from his activities. He was styled as a leader in integra tion circles and did not enjoy the friendship of many of the white people in the area. Frinks got some rebel last week when Amorists Judge Clifton L. Moore panted Urn a stay of execu tion from tee sentence imposed by Judge Morris. He was sentenced te M days hi Jafl on the contempt charges. Me is free oa *SOO 00 baud. It ney for winning to wy nothing of losing a prise fight. It b estimated that when ranerson get through collecting from all the interests connected with the fight that he will have a cool two million. Sonny Liston will not be collecting pea nuts when he picks up $400,000. The promotors built the fight into a frenzy and the radio and televi sion people were vicing for rights. Under the terms of a contract between the two fighters, Patterson can dictate the date, place and pro moter of the return match which is to be held before Sept. 30. 1083. Liston geb 30 per cent for toe re match according to that agreement. It was man against boy with the and how many officers will be needed to watch lew violstors. All toil came to light in a meet ing thb week. One councilman laid the city ahould stop using all the taxpayers money to pay officers, doing special duty in the 4AO block of E Cabarrus Street. City Manager W H Carper seems to breed no goodwill for the area and told the Law and Finance Com mittee that the section had been the source of a number of com plaints He noted. However, there had been none in the immediate present, he said, "the problem b still with us. apparently ” Freshman Councilman McLaurin who was not entirely forgotten by some of the property owners, when (COWTPrpjp OH PAOB 0> ODDS-ENDS BT JAMES A. SHEPARD “Take wy yoke apaa yaa sad laara as aw.” THE “GREAT MODERATE” Whan Luther Hodges, former gov- j emor of North Carolina and now President Kennedy’s Secretary of I Commerce, wy* in hb not yet re- }j leased book. “Rusiaaw Man in the 1 Governor's Mansion", that he had ' to restrain the speebt legislature ! he called In 10» to put a block on j the U S Supreme Court dewgre- j (COM IMP— OH PAOS f) 214-pound Liston with hb awesome 84-inch reach and hb 14-inch fists, quickly cracking tha shell of tha overmatched 180-pound Patterson. Liston who said he would end the fight quickly if it was a cold night and It was s chilly evening at the Chicago White Sox ball park row has won 27 straight in 7 1-2 years His only loss in a 34-1 career was to Marty Marshall in sight rounds In Detroit, Sept. 7, 1034, his eighth pro fight. Ha never has been floored in 33 starts and has knock ed out 24 opponents. This, of course, was Patterson's second knockout defeat. R was a * jfp' j/PEj 22|!2*P3r jWffTJMiMT*-. • i —frJPMU Th T m|| Jls. ibui w- *ffSr r:: XABI ' iiTFTih^' ig NEGRO CHURCH BURNED IN GEORGIA— Rev. H C. McLain views (he stiU-emolder mg debris of thm High Hop e Beptist Church, which was burned to the ground neat Dewon, Oe., September 17. by what authorities celled en “amateur arsonist" It was fbe fourth Negro church burning in the area. (JJPI PHOTO). „ * * 5 ~* real shocked in 10M when Johans san. a 5-1 underdog, dropped him (emmNurp on paoc n AME Zion Prelate Warns Group Against Insecurity MAURY Speaking to a Wo mans Day audience at* New Hill AMP. Zion Church here Sunday, Bishop W. A. Stewart aaid that Ne groes should fight for every right 25cF