bAw NO Hin t baovn u .... .. iv or. Arthur L. ix^ui.u, * Nacre denttat and head es the Trenton. N. J. chapter of the National daoeiatiea far the Advancement of Colored People, who took hia awn Use. September 26, and blonde Mrs. Mary MncctorelU. linaet) whose body wae found beside that of Thomas. Mrs. Mocelarelll was the mother of three. Thomas left a note sayinc “There is no hope for hu manity." (UPI PHOTO). NAACP Official Dies in Dual Pact TRENTON. N. J. (ANP) The militant leader of the Trenton branch NAACP was found dead last week in what was described as a murder-suicide pact with a blonde white woman he had befriended. The bodies of Or. Arthur L. Thomas, IS, a dentist and a 1 crusading inte- aHgglw' gration leader, JM and Mrs. Mary *3 Mucciarelli. 25, f the wife of a gro- pilllfe JZt ’ eery worker, were ■■Hk” found dead in Thomas’ base- * ment endag an I apparent interra- I lap- Mm- fteeclareUi ——i i ii « ——— .—mi- ■■■ ' ■ ■ i ■ ■ ■ 1 * *" * - Money, Whiskey, Love Lute TwoTo Death APEX Tobacco money, white whiskey and suspected love sre be lieved to have figured in the death «f Mite Dorothy Mae Wynn, 27- yeer-old woman and her four-year old daughter, near here Tuesday afternoon. William Thomas Thornton. 31, of Itoute 3, was scheduled to face A pex Recorders Court on two counts of manslaughter, at 11:00 a.m„ Wed nmiij The finger of suspicion pointed to him when the bodies of the two people were found in s ditch. Prom toe pieced together evidenced giv en from one officer to another the following is believed to have trans pired. V\-~h A I j At llw i«r wssthsr forecast for ■M liMlik tru beginning Thurs |u, October 4, ul continuing through Monday. October I, tt u tha* W temparatara will a rerage, high n. lew M. MIM through latartir. n little wanner Sunday Mi Monday. Batafall will arerage ana half Inch, eccarlag on Thors iay and again on Sunday or Mon- itg - —natm a»winM parently resulted from chlorofrom and neither body bore any marks of violence. However, police said Thomas had hemorrhaged around the nose and mouh. They found him with a pastic anesthesia mask over his fjee. Thomas had been dead about three hours, police said. His consort. in the tragedy, Mrs. I j Mucciarelli. a mother of three [ daughters, aged 8. 4 aad 2. had been I dead about six to eight hours. [ Therefore. It is obvious that Dr. [ Thomas saw his companion die be [' fore he took his own life. I! Although at first police reported I there were no suicide notes, a cryp- I tic note was found later, written I by Dr. Hioma* te his Negro wife, I Hermetne. expressing hia despair. (CONTINUED ON PAG* I) Thronton was first arrested for drunken driving about one-half mile south of where the two bodies were found by State Trooper James Huffine. He is alleged to have told Huffine that he had sold some to bacco in Durham and got drunk on white whiskey. It was believe that he was the driver of a two-ton truck that wrecked, in a ditch, after crossing Highway 64. from the Green Level Road. While Huffine was taking Thronton to jail Deputy Sheriff Connie Holmes got a call that a woman had been found dead in the ditch ard there was an injured child near her. Holmes is said to have gone to the ditch and to have found the woman and injured child. The mo ther is said to have died of a bro ken neck. The child was taken to Apex and thence to Wim Memo rial Hospital where die is said to have died about 9:50 p. m. On top of having to face the man slaughter charges, Thronton is said to have had a 25 caliber pi stol, in his possession, upon arrival at the Wake County JalL It has not been determined when or where Thronton picked up Mias (roiTwr-n ns PAOP ** ‘Ole Miss’ Enrolls Meredith I———MtaareereWM——gMgWWS’aWg——d——wsaa’wwcvm— re—ms*&», inmnan nwsisn—snssoms—m—si The carolimas North Carolina *s Leading Weekly VOL. 21. NO. 50 RALEIQH, N. C., SATURDAY. OCTOBER 6, 1902 PRICK 15c Hoanoke Rapids Mother Slain +♦.♦♦ ♦ + + a A&T And Bennett Students Threaten Boycott Suitor Kills Lover GASTON Curious crowds are expected to fill Gaston Baptist Church Wednesday afternoon to witness the funeral of Mrs. Annie Lou Moody, who is alleged to have been killed by a drunken sui tor Wi'l Jones. Saturday night when he alleges that she would not keen a date with him. The Rev. W. T. Edmonds will have charge of the rites. Hie vic tim’s husband, Will Moody, is ex pected to be one of the mourners along wltlf her two children. The report of the killing as told to arresting officers by Jones, re vealed that Jones went to the wo man’s home, 1921 Church Street. Roanoke Ranids. and argued with the woman because she would not keep a date with him. The alleged killer Is further reported as saying that he and Mrs. Moody has been “going together” for nine years. Re gs not reported as saying how they' bad been able to carry an the fl)f> ett relationship, over such a long period of time, without, befog vrath ssd the wereao's huaheuel dawn on them. - Jones is alleged to hare pfcbad tap a 4 x 4 ernes har. of a telephone post and to have hit the woman ov er the head with it She is reported as having died Instantly. The home la situated in the Hodges town sec tion of Roanoke Rapids. Jones de nied the crime when arrested, but after he Is said to have acfcered up Sunday morning, he told the offI fCONTPTOPPOW fAQI «1 Operator Dies By Electricity BURUNOTON Funeral serv ices were not complete at press time, for Henry Rogers, 49, who was electrocuted here Monday, When he was successful In saving the life of a fellow worker. The two men were members of a crew that was putting In a sep tic tank in the Olen Raven sec tion of this community. Rogers was the driver of a crane that was about to put the tank into the hole, when the machine came in contact with a power line that sent 22.000 volts of electricity rac ing thru the crane. /rnwTHWJV-' w pass r» w / . .i.t .U «Ui/ i Eire beu»-vc.i sit by arsonists dur ing a near-riot in suburban Kinleeh destroyed this Dunbar Elemen tary School In St. Lou’s. September 25. Several flrea and seme shoot ing were reported In the mostly Negro suburb. More than 29 persons were-arrested. She violence stems from the fatal shooting of a Negro yonth In a scuffle when Kinleeh policeman Isrel Mason tried to serve him with a traffic summons Sept. 22. (UPI PHOTO). Durham Readies For NAACP Meet Oct. 11 I. B. BARREN DURHAM The Durham N AACP chapter. Youth Councils and College Chapten are pulling out all the stops to make the forthcoming 19th NAACP-Tar haella convention October 11-14. one of the biggest and best in the twenty years of operation of the If. C. NAACP Conference. The Rev. W H. Puller, president of the host chapter. L B Prasler, housing chairman: A tty. Floyd B. McKlaslck. state youth leader: the youthful Rev. Lafayette McDon ald. a youth leader, who recently marshalled pickets to greet Oov. ODDS-ENDS BY JAMES A. SHEPARD Wlsiliss Is ton high for s fsnt." “MiIST SHARE THE BLAME* During his Mireireippi commen tary last Sunday night. President Kennedy said that the whole coun try must Share the blame for the terror in that unhappy rtata Os course we have no way of knowing exactly what Mr Kenne dy had In mind, he did not elabo rate What we think he meant what we hope he meant la that the un (coinwonToa riot n Interracial Group Meets RALCIOH Baptist laymen of both races, win journey to Wins tan Salem Friday, for a two-day conference to dtaeuas many of tht vital taauas relatli* to problems confronting the Christian church. The meeting will open at the Terry Sanford, as the Tar Heel executive visited local schools: are among the' leaders working to make this convention successful. Back In Charlotte, the office of Kelly Miller Alexander, Sr , presi dent for IB years of the N. C. NA ACP, has been especially busy pre paring for the convention and keeping in touch with the James Meredlth-Unlverstty of Mississip pi case. (Altxander U a member of the National NAACP board of directors and Is frequently sent on missions for the board. Tha state convention will open Thursday. October 11. when one hundred ministers, of all denomi nations. are expected—especially Invited—to attend the ministers' conference and banquet with Rev. J. E. Arnette and Dr Orady D. Davis In charge. Theme of the conference Is: "The Future Os The Negro In An Integrated Society " The St. Mark AME Zion Church. 891 South Roxboro Street the site of the convention. The Rev. R. L. Speaks Is minister of the host church and Is an ardent NAACP supporter Among the speakers for the ♦- day sessions are: noted editor publisher-humorist. Harry Oolden of Charlotte—the man who ridi cules •segregation with humor; Mrs. Ruby Hurley, dynamic south eastern region NAACP secretary j working out of Atlanta. Os.; Jack rcomnier on paob n First Baptist Church. Sth Street at 3:M P. M Friday, and will doss with tha noon session on Saturday. It is known as the State Bro therhood Conference, and like an other meetings of the Baptist D-Day Set For Gate City GREENSBORO—The aero hour of D-Day arrived here at 12 noon Wedneeday and there was no algn of when the Mg push would oome from the members of the local CORE program, own posed of stu dents from Ad»T College and Ben nett College. The battle of the bulge eras set out In a letter sent to the mer chants Asscoistlon by William Thomas, as president of the A&T Chapter of CORE. The letter pur ported to give the merchants until Wednesday to comply with what it termed fair employment poli cies and other unfair practices where Negroes are concerned. Stanley C. Culbreth. executive vioe-president of the Merchants ! Association told the CAROLINI AN at !S:M P M., Wednesday. ! that the latter had been reoetred land had been passed on to tbs ; participating members of the As sociation, fttr the*' eonnMeraMon, He said the Vm* cifcm, as M*rh. tion taken would hare to he taken by the member. The stores of the cHy have been the object of CORE for almost two months. The organisation has shown displeasure about the prac tices of many of the stores and la understood to be ready to begin a boycott. They have been picket ing the stores but the letttr pur ported Id go farther unless their was some Inclination on the part fcqpTPrpgp on dsoa r» Two Dead, i 7 Injured In One Car PINEHURBT—A car, in which two children died and seven oth ers were injured, went out of con trol. about midnight, Saturday, on highway 70S, four miles north of Robbins. The fatal accident is said to have occurred when Willie Mc- Laughlin. the driver, came out to the highway, on Browns* Mill Rd., to s dead end. and caused the car to skid through a stop sign, across the highway into an embankment. The driver was thrown clsar of the car, while the other eight oc cupants were crushed together. The dead were identified as Oeorge Smith Jr., 12, and his sis ter. Olorta. 10. Injured were another brother and slater. Oeorglana. I. and Wil lie. 8; their grandmother, Mrs Beatrice McLaughlin. SO; her son. (continued on pads n State News —IN— Briefs CATAWBA COLLEGE ADMITS SALISBURY While Oovemor Rosa Barnett was fuming over his loss of prestige with segregation -Ist* in Jackson. Miss Tuesday. Catawba College. Lutheran-re lated. opened Its doors to persons of all races, who can qualify. The announcement came Tues (contdsukd am paos n State Convention. Is desegregated. I It Is estimated that there will be i 800 persons In attendance and 80 are expected to be Negroes. There ! will be four seminars. The theme (COWTIWCSD UR MSS S) Barnett Deposed Victim Enrolled OXFORD, Mias. Governor Rom Barnett Mat his position as the chief road bloek In the march to a better life for all oitlaens of America and Jamas Meredith be came the symbol of true demo cracy this week when he entered the classroom of the University of V-- HAMM'S MuKPMV, JK. . . . Passed . . , He went Immediately to class Monday, after having been enroll ed under the watchful eyes of United States marshals, deputis ed Mississippi nstional guards men and more than 6000 soldiers. The campus of the once allwhite unlveraity. except for nine months when Harry Murphy was there, had the semblance of an army poet Helicopters were dropping from the skies, army trucks were rolling thru and sentinels were placed all around. A room In the Lyoeum building, where Meredith was enrolled, served aa a stockade for persons who had been arrested for taking part In what has been termed an Insurrection. The event which kept President Kennedy from visiting his sick father and kept Robert Kennedy from going to Norfolk, Va., brads wide open Sunday after Oovernmr Barnett la alleged to have broken faith with the administration In Its effort to avoid having trouble. Ha,’ yitt is 4tigrged with withdraw- •y* l * . ■ ' * 1 ■ ■ Alleged Rapist Bound Ovei To High Court A kitchen knife and a dirty un dershirt were ths Items of Interest as the State f.vund 'probable esuse', rVMsy that Frank Thomas, 28. of 311 S. Bloodworth St., Wiould stand trial on charges of sexually assault ing Mrs. Minnie Williams, S 3, of 228 S. Bloodworth St. Mr*. Williams, mother of six chil dren, charged that Thomas entered her home Sept. 28 through a bath room window about 3 a. m. She said that Thomas climbed Into her bed and forced her with a knife to yield to him. Mrs. Williams quoted Thomas as saying, “I've just killed a police man and on# more won’t make much difference.” She added that Thomas pulled down her clothes, forced a knife under her throat, and sexually aaMulted her. "He wav wearing black pants, no shirt, but he had a T-shirt tied a round his head. The shirt had holes In It and there was a white spot In the comer of hia mouth. “I asked him what ha was going to do and he said It was ‘hia bu siness’. I was so afraid with that knife under my neck, and after he said hed killed a policeman, that I didn’t tlhlnk about reflating him" Mrs. Wllllama Mid that when Thomas finished, he warned her not CAROLINIAN ADVERTISERS ——C-- Bin FROM THEM MCI I Mortal's Cash Star* Bottar Brake Shop PAGE I Ambori Poaliar Co Goa Wotah Shop Brooks Appliance Co Sirsflt host Covor Colter PAGE t Hudson Bolk JPSBB JbMi Tht Capitol Cooi-Cois Boa Wilt Co Coilrsl Dm* Store i hosts Jewelers 0 C rifts It Bobbisa Stephens Appliance Co Southern 801 l PAGE S Colonial Score Ptreetans Stares a E Qilnn furniture Co. Uncoil Theatre PAGE t AAP PooS Stares Wlleoo-Parrrtl PnmMire Co Adams Appliance Co. PAOB S Dolma Motel Carolina Mol 14are CofP BlSfOwsy Optician*, toe. Warner Memorials Dillon Motors PI nance Co Pcpsl-CoLa Boultog Cl. If H*lat(h PACK t Tire Sales A Serein Harris Wholesale. Inc. Baines' OU Co. toe. of Batolfh Community florist PAOS IS Jo* Mnrntrk's Promotion Los*ns Distributing Corp PAGE II Alto Discount Co. Thorns a a*4 a WhMs Poos more S. M. Tnn< Bar#ware Co. Bololgh Soafoog Co. Arms Baalty Co. Doha* Esso Sonin tn* highway patrolmen from ne- Ure protection of manhala m MLnglngMwedltk to thMllttM The Mams for the SSSSm demonstration, against tbs UMbMI States government has bare Md at the feet of the governor by peo in alt w*i>* «•“ T' f* «vg§ JAMES MEREDITH ... Nat Mistakes ~. expreaomd better • om « of the .V4^ of the 111 school who said WWis « f they could eeat forget about M gtj Meredith end go J lon with their studies. There were students who said that ■ -Kw'd to „ii* ■ fer and they did ATTY. MOTLKYnot want either Barnett or Meredith to stand tat their way. A few student* are said to have taken part in the demos strmtlons. but moat of the adverse 1 display wee takeh part In by rare bating vandals and riot-Inciting I beck wood Mississippi people, who ; were spurred on by Barnett aad other race-baiters. Former Major-Oenerat Walker. ; who led the soldiers into Little ! Rock, is new a prteontt of the 1 United States for the pert Be (CONTDfVBD OM PASg » to call police. She said, ’that’s when I recognised his voice. I don’t know anybody else who talks llkt that" Under the eross-examlnatlon of Thom»«’ oourl-aopolnled attorney, furl Churchill, Mrs. Williams test!- f l"d that die d*d not recognise Thomas’ voice when he first ent ered her room. She said Thomas had visited her house before and talked wish her 10 or 15 times. The nnllremar who answered Mr*. Williams’s call tealfted that .after Mra. Williams and on# of her children had fumlahed Thomaa’ name, officer* went to his house, and found him In bed. about an hour after th» alleged incident. Thomaa told police he had rone to hed early with the reat of his fam ily about 9 p. m. He admitted to police that he had been drinking, but he denied having assaulted Mrs Williams The nolle* mand Mid they made him dreaa and took him to Mra Williams’ home, who Identified htm at the man who had entered her room. After Jailing Thomaa. they re turned to his house and found a soiled, wet undershirt on a clot he lm# and a black-handled kitchen (CONTINUED ON PAOg n PAGE U Rhodes PnrnUurs Ring Colo Motol Hunt General Tire Ca. Balalgb Poaaral Bom* Pifgiy - wiggiy Hill's, tor. TAGS II Johnaon-Lamba Ca. Halalgh Pirniture ta. Soars. Boobock A Co. American CroSll Co. PUBO Stale Milk. Da Cream Halalgh Paint A Wallpaper Co. G. S. Tnrkir Bros., lac. PAGE 14 Appliance Center. Inc Planar Wholesale Co., toe. Spood Wash Mitchell s Restaurant a Dining Blow Ugbtnar's Pnnaral Bom* Standard Concrete Predicts Cs. Sooth* r a Wholesale Co. PAOB IT Joy's American Ortll Woods' S-M-ZSr Stare American Credit Ca. Wb oil sal* Motors Baiotgh Paint A Wallpaper Co. frosty Hint Baiolsh fommlsston Boose Carpet ( sour. lac. Capitol Bartato Store Major rtaaaea Ca. Bohor Shoo Shop Thomas Bod A whit* •rpeoiy Cheap John’s Browning Barber Shop PAGE IS McLeod. Watooa A I Qatar PAGE M Town A CooaSfy Pornlloss Carolina Power A Usbt Co. Tomer Tire Sortie*. toe. Baiotgh PCS Serein Mocha ate* A Farmers Bnafe Dr. R B. ghmssis

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