PACE NARCOTICS RAP Three women arrive at Federal Court in Hartford in police eue iody. They are part of a group of 14 persons arrested as narcotics peddlers in a series of redds in sev eral Connecticut cities, (UPI VHOTO ). Judgment, Restraint Pay Off In Tense Flare-Up At Club According to information receiv ed from many of the people who attended the dance given by the alumni of Shaw University, at Charcoal Town House, Saturday night there would have been se rious trouble bad the affair been open to the public. Members of the Shaw alumni are former students of the school and represent a segment of citizens Kinston Celebrates Segregates, Insults KINSTON—This eastern town, lo cated in the money-making tdbsrrn section of the state, is celebrating its bicentennial this week. It has used tbs poses. radio and all other media to ask that visitors from ev ery where, including foreign coun tries, bo afforded the best In hos pitality. Itt Negro citisens were not only Ignored, but insulted. It was learned from reliable sour-. cee that Attorney Harvey Beech, along with James Cogdell, was call ed in when the idee wat first pro posed by one Colonel Lewis. They were made members of the Board and Mr. Beech was named vice president. A call to Attorney Beech reveal ed that he had been invited to one meeting of the committee, but be ing busy was not able to attend. He stated that he had not been in vited since. He did say that he had been In contact with Colonel Lewis. He is quoted as having told Col onel Lewis that unlew Negroes cculd have full partidoation there would be no participation. The lawyer is said to have pro tested any reference to slavery, whether by float, boat or carriage. The word got around that a float had been built depicting the grue some era. The Negro citizens Im mediately protested end Colonel Lewis is said to have told them that the floats were built by a com mercial firm and that he had no control. Prof Sees New Day Looming DURHAM—North Carolina Col lege students attending vesper services Sunday were told that the time will ootne when white people who hurl curses at Ralph Bunche, Thurgood Marshall, and Martin Luther King. J— will thank their lucky stara that such men exist." Dr. McLeod Bryan, profeaaor of Christian ethics at Wake Forest College, said that though these! men were “ridiculed, vilified, and HOSTISW" w >*c» »> ODDS-ENDS n JAMI.B A SHEPARD «0; that men weoM serve the Lord!" COLO - STUBBORN INDIFFERENT The facial spotlight has recent ly been focused upon Mississippi but so far as we am see. the only difference between North Cora lina and Mississippi in their at titude toward Negroes is a degree, when you take a look beneath the gurfaoe. that degree is not too big. r mmt Saturday night, right here In the Capitol City of North Caro- Hm the lid was taken off at that degree. For no significant reason that that whites resented the presence of Negroes In that part at the city, had you been in the area of S. Saunders Street and Pecan Read that ivantng. you who have the foresight to forestall trouble when they see it brewing. They were in attendance along with their wives, sweethearts and hiends. In many instances they are raid to have Ignored the jeers and insults coming from a mob of whites. It is out now—every since it was reported that Negroes had purchas ed the club, on South Saunders St., The Negroes did not stop there but took the matter to the City Council and were assured that when the parade moves through Main Street to Grainger Athletic Field Thursday, there would be DO such float. t The insult came wheta Colonel (CONTINUED ON PJUBB St Common Law Wife Kills Mate In Bed DURHAM—When a common-law wife gets mad she can be as death dealing as a wife you pay for if the murder of Luther Hedgepeth. W. Rt. 6, can be used as s yardstick. Mr. Hedgepeth’s common-law spouse, who gave her name ss Liz zie Crowder, is alleged to have got ten so mad over their relationship that she took the 12-gauge shot gun, went into the rofom where he was lying on the bed. about 7:30 pm.. Saturday and blasted away at him. The woman did net give a co hesive account of the killing, but is said to have told arresting offi cers that they quarreled over do mestic matters. After the shooting, she is alleged to have gone to a neighbor’s house and told what toe had done. The couple is alleged to have been living together for about 18 year*, but have never taken time to go to the alter and be legally united No children are said to have been born to the couple. They liv ed on the Fletcher Chapel Road, about six miles east of Durham Sheriffs deputies arrested the woman and took her to the Dur ham County iail. where she la be ing held pending further investiga tion. Sheriff Mangum said tost from Nation’s Integration WASHINGTON. D. C.—With too cloao of the 87to Congream, Jaw makers wended their way* bock home to concentrate on reelect ion. Many of them will find mixed emo tions about integration. In Albuquerque. New Mexico. Ohmer Ahmed, from Somali. Afri , ra. says that he had to leave the University of New Mexico, because he could net find a place to stay on the campus He attended toe university lest year and was ap parently rleaaingly housed He went to New York for th* sum mer and kwt that place Four per* m* are alleged to have called the director of student af fairs Sunday and tod him that they would rent Ahmed an apartment. In Martinsville. Vs.. Miss Hazel Ruth Adams. 17. cracked the walls of segregation and walked into the classroom of Patrick Henry Col lege Monday. She lives in the rural section of Pittsylvania Counts She is a transfer student from Virginia State College She wan the right to attend the school tlwough court proceedmfi- Martin Luther King told a mixed audience of 2JMO people, ta Win ston-Salem that 'the real ebaHangs facing Ami* firms’* is ta to* voting rights of aoutnern Negroes The Atlanta minister said "test of tax million eligible Negro voters ta ths South, only eoe and a half there have been rumblings and whispers that there was an element of white people who did not want the Negroes to have it It is report ed that they were of a hate ele ment of the white race and even though they had made threats, it was believed that nothing would happen. The pay off came Saturday night The parking of cars in the lot of a drive-in Is said to have been the excuse given by whites for making trouble. Due to «* tone crowd r the place where toe body was found and its condition, it was evi dent that Hedgepeth was in bed when the fatal shot was fired. They are reported ss living to a two room farm house. State News Briefs WARREN WOMAN RILLED WARREN COUNTY—A 41-Year eld woman. Mias Lucy Offer of Baltimore. Md.. waa killed when the car in which toe was riding ran Into the aide of a train at a crossing near Macon in Warren County. DCRHA MAN ARRESTED Df NEW YORK DURHAM— Durham police de tectives said that David Alphnso (continued on rsu i) million were registered to vote." He mid the "mast segregated school of toe week la the Sunday (CONTINUT ON PAOE f) CAROLINIAN ADVERTISERS — Blft FROM THEM Plrcstea* ESeree MBS S Horten * Cut Star* PAGE I Seat* Jaoea Carolina Power A Light Co. PAGE S Mechanic* A Parse*r* Beak The Capital Coca-Cola Co. CnAS Sumu/cmcnn Pros act* Co. PAGE S Baieigh Phrettore Co. Scar*. Boobocb A Co. Amettam OroSN Co. Bona Wst A Wallpopor Co. MfflM c# SS^StaT'iillb^ta PAGE «S At Shaw Homecoming Dance f NEAR RIOT AVERTED CITIZENS ASK MAYOR TO + REOPEN SWIMMING POOLS The Carolinian VOL. 21. NO. S 2 Tobaeeo Co. Shows Way Seek Equal Policy Members of the Council on Hu man Relations asked Monday tost Mayor C. W. Enloe and the pity Council reopen Pullen Park and Chavis swimming pools, oloted since last summer as a result of demonstrations by Raleigh stu dents. In addition, toe Human Relation* group requested the Mayor and Council to form a committee so "deal with potential racial prob lems in the Raleigh area." Mayor Enloe replied tost a de cision on reopening toe pools would come before summer. He added that ! a negotiating committee, auch a* the one auggested by the Human Relation* group had been formed ; two years ago, but “extenuating rircumatancea” limited any action ] by the committee. One member of the Human Ha lations committee. Jtev. Oarer Mc- Cloud of Raleigh, said toe oatej •hint tntevferring with the’ flute-' tibns of the committee was dis agreement over who should serve on toe group. Dr. Howard Miller of N. C. State College presented a statement call ing for “the reopening of swim ming pools next summer and in ad dition a plean for the desegregation of all publicly-owned facilities which will result in their continued usage, not tn their being closed. “That the City Council enforce Its announced policy of non-dis crimination In the hiring of city employee*, securing an amendment to toe city charter, If necessary" The City Council received toe suggestion of the Human Righta Council, and promised that the old committee would be reactivated un (CONTINUED ON MOI I) In State Meeting NAACP SUPPORTS TWO PARTY SYSTEM DURHAM Kelly Alexander, president of the North Carolina Conference, NAACP branches, closed the annual meet of the or ganisation at Mt. Vernon Baptist Church on a ringing note of a two-party system In the state. He traced moat of the evils that beset North Carolina and the south to the fact that a bigoted one-party (Democrat) had be ootne so docile and disrespectful to the changing world until It had saddled Its dtlsenry with a de spotic hate that wag devesting to Its future. He told the audience that Oor. emor Sanford should be told, In no uncertain terms that had it not been for the Negro vote he would not have been elected. He ■aid that Negro leaders should let Mr. Sanford and other politicians know that they were dissatisfied with brooms and shovels and that the only way this could be done was by changing political parties. He pictured Mr. Sanford’s pat- Ooa Watch Shop Ct—**r Floiiet Cootrai Eros Store PAGE M Deluxe Betel Carolina BoilSer* Cor*. ■Mgeway Opttrlaa*. tec. Warner Memo rial* DtUoo Motor* Ptaaae* Co. Pepet Cota Bottling Co of Baloigk PACE II Capital Puntatoeo A SppWaoce Co. Adame AppMaoee Co Tow* A Country PurMture Better Brahe Shop Mr Walter Chevrolet Co. Weaver Bros. BaatMer. Inc. Vtatet Spray Aute Wash too on cm Eteeete'lhaotre Proeaettea Capital Margate More PAOE M pigsty • wissiy Steal Opera! Dr* Co. Robbs lea* Service Aral Beatty Co. i v : .V, f t ,. 4i,« CLVUII JOHNSON ERWIN JON s Two Men Charged in “Noah Ark” Robbery 1 Two Raleigh men, held In Wake County Jail under 12 .MO bond Vald Tuesday thc.t they aggrl framed’ on chartin' of oreakidii Into and robbing Juke boxes at fteah's Ark. a candy store on T&rboro Road. Clyde H. Johnson. 25 and Erwin Jones Jr.. 24. were bound over to Superior Court on charges of breaking, entering and laraeny. Both men pleaded Innocent to the hearings Friday. Officer D. 8. Allen testified that Pass New Picket Ordinance EDENTON— Integration leader* here are pondering over what to do about a new city ordinance which requires pickets to register and get a license before holding a demonstration. The new law, passed last week ronage as a gross Insult to the of a segregated office on Hargett Negro people of the state. He de- Street cried the fact that there were no He praised the young people Negro engineers, no Negro clerks, (they made up the bulk of the au no Negro anything, beyond that dlence) for the part they played Woman Dies In Car Wreck WADESBORO Mrs Betty Jean Lowery Reid of Winston- Salem was killed Sunday night when she was thrown out of an apparently speeding car which went out of control on a curve and overturned. The mishap o curred at midnight Sunday on N. C. Highway 742 approximately three miles south of Wadeeboro. fCONTDtUED ON PAGE Z) I HVi II ■ ■ m mm > m: fS&v’" 1 B I NAACP PRINCIPAL*—« how n In thi* group of Picture* are per spbs who were principals at the anneal meet, held In Durham last wash. The picture on the left is that of the officer* of the Youth Grasp of th* state. L-r. Brae* Saiaee. fletd secretary; Walter Riley, trees ore i; Vivian McCoy, secretary; Cuytana Horton, president, and Mrs. Alma Taraer. advisor. Upper right show* Rev. W. H. Poller, protadißl of lb* Dwhsm Breach; Leslie Carter, assistant In the de- Edaeatton end W>lfare who delivered the prta- RALEIOH, N. C.. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20. 1962 i he found Johnson and Jones tn- I site Noah’s Ark. He said Jones waa stendHq beside ft smashed Juke < bos -AUi his i suds fUi or Client*. . Johnson was near the Juke box with a tire tod in Ms hand. Allen 1 added. But both men said they were , picked up by police about a block , from the candy store. They said their car had broken down and , they were on the way home. Johnson said the officers got (CONTINUED "ow PAOE t> by the Kdenton Council requires pickets to notify the Town Clerk .14 hours prior to picketing The law also require* that pickets pur chase a |IO a day "picketing li cense.'’ (CONTINUED ON PACE 11 ln focusing attention on the in equities of the state. He also ad monished them that they would have to be prepared. He criticized the education that the Negro had been receiving In the state and was loud in hi* denouncement He said that competent people were hard to find to fill positions of efficiency and responsibility. “Negro college graduates can not spell, write nor speak correct English. This la due to the fact that they have not been exposed to an educational system that tea ches these fundamentals. In thn: : true form " We must have it an the only place to get It Is to get j it where the white students get It. he thundered. "•ftvtTvryg n«rp tv U. J. Reynold Co. Heads South In Job Integration WINSTON-SALEM - The R J. Reynolds Tobacco Company is be ing acclaimed as toa model firm for desegregating a businew that began in toe South end has operat ed there since Its beginning. The program was tried when the company opened a 132 million plant, in April IMI. All of its fa cilities were made available to all the workers. Including the cafe teria. and there was not ■ sem olanre of Incident It announced, a* t- to* plan worked it would be put in operation at toe downtown plant. In February of this year the pro gram went Into effect in all of the company's Winston operations. It is estimated that Negroes represent 35 percent of the employee* of the company—totaling about 12.000. In tn account of the situation, ths New York Times said that “the ftevaelds complex represents ere i%;»e r \ extensive programs of Industry desegregation by a home grown Southern Industry " Whites end Negroes hold the same Jobs at the same pay on the same production lines It was said, and waif Negroes work as fore men or salesmen in the field. No figure* were given for the letter categories. Mrs. Evelyn M Halreton, who Is one of several Negro Inspectors who checks the work of both white and Negro worker* on a night shift, told Times reporter Hedrick Smith: "I was ■ bit skeptical of being transferred here at first. "Some of the other worker* were a little rhltiy to begtn with But It s all worked out now and the cooperation Is wonderful ” The Times gave this further ae rount: L > #*. '4 * ** 'T RMVbi V-, si Jim' I ' of the North Carolina Conference. Bottom right is a ptotnre «f the Youth Conference of Durham. These young people hare haaa tew work harass In fighting discrlrelnation In the Bull City, ta plsbst Unco, sit-in demonstrations, voter registration and mam protoada. It is to be remembered that Durham wst the first city In the sdhdu where demonstrators went to Jail. This group is compsstd of adndsttea from North Carolina College. Durham Business Ached gag ftp. Abater's Beauty Ached. PRICE 15c The company has had a pregram to upgrade Negro#* tor about 10 years. Desegregation of produc tion lines began in April IMI, with the opening of a modem $32 mUlton Whitaker Park plant The plant had an Integrated pro duction line from the start Doeeg legation then spread through the remainder of Reynolds’ 115-acrs es tablishment "W# got very little kickback," mid a company spokesman. “What little (CONTINUED OsT PAOE S> Dies By Own Hand WINSTON-SALEM— It is being called euietdo In some quarters, it is being tanned accidental death by others however, there is no doubt that Joseph J. Barnet, (12. 2131 E. lJt hStreet. it dead from a wound Inflicted by himself, Mon day afternoon. (CONTINUED ON PAOt O WKATHER Th# five-day weather forecast for the Selfish area beslnnlng Thursday Oct. It and continuing through Monday, Oct. It, Is »s fol low*: Temperature* will average I ta 1 degree* he low normal, the high and low temperatnre* II - SS. Cool er Thursday through Monday. lUlnfell will avorate near one half Inch or mart during th* period.