USA PLEDGES TO DEFEND WfcST .. | | . . -if - i ' M - >bK SB A JOB' ■ M rn ’M '' : :®- ;:^: " ? : : I jj^^m m sH ft m m m hh-^mH Mr %. ’ Os PREMIER AND MARTIN L. KINO MEET—Algerian ■ Premier Ahmed Ben Bella (left), gives a big anile as he shakes hands with In tegration leader Her. Martin Lather King, daring a meeting October 11th In New York. Fear was expressed In some diplomatic goarters here, that the meeting between the two might be seen as an intrusion into D. K Internal affairs. An aide to the leftist Algerian strongman said that Bon Bella, daring the meeting had invited Dr. King to visit Algeria and that King accepted. (UPI PHOTO). Kinston, N. C. Hotel Bars West Indian Diplomat KWBTOH America got anoth er blsclr ops, in Rm International taco last week wHfen WHstOn 1 visit ed the Depot? Mayor of Kingston, Jamada. hem for the bi-centennial celebration and then barred h)aa from the hotel, where reservations had been made. Balsfour Bameswell was desig nated to represent his off? and made the necessary arrangements to be housed at the Hotel Kinston before leaving. Upon arriving in Atlanta, Ga„ the reservation was confirmed and he was assured of a pleasant stay. Upon arriving here Wednesday night he was refused accommoda tions. He was said to have been greatly disturbed and attempted to prove his right to be boused at the local hotel, by presenting cer tain papers and credentials. This is' Four Children Perish Jttty PITTSBORO A working mo ther of the Holland community came heme Tuesday about 3 p m. and found that her four children had perished in flames that de stroyed the home. The mother, Mrs. Mary Jane Gra ham. tells a gripping story of how her husband. Robert Graham. Jr, left home about g:!5 in the morn ing. for Durham where he works in a tobacco warehouse, and how she thought she had protected the safe ty of her offsprings. nrr^r Tin five-Cay weather fmrul for the Balelgh an* tefUulu TharsCay. October to, u< reattnii tef tlireach MsaCay, October A Is as follows: Teeaperatares «U average • te • negroes he lew normal, high and lew temperature* to and 47. Me rainfall la sight Caring toa entire pertoC. CAROLINIAN ADVERTISERS —— BUT FROM THEM PACE 1 ■ertee s Cash Store Mother A Daafhter PACK |» [<n fca-tT |)Mf 1 Pereee St. «to 4 Cleaners Jesse Jones PACK Carter's, tor. ■reeks Appliance ■ant General Use Co. Msihitori A Parmer* Bank ptankafK Concrete PieCetU Co. PACK •sera. Kaeknek A Co. Anerku Cretot Co. p!SJh*pLtot l A Wallpaper Co S. A Tneher Brea. toe. saflTT Ante Btsreant Co. s£2*crr tStoPto-toto. A A Tonne ■erAware On. NNM ski A. to. have not meant anythi-ig to mt hotel cleft and he was sent (a Mark’s Tourist -Home. • i He apenfrdhe nighßl but fhus did not, Ml his Judgement, a " tone tor the Wrong he suffered, ts developed thqt the owner of the tourist home.. George Marks. Is the president of the Lenoir County Chapter, NAACP. and when he learned of the incident, went im mediately Into action. Mrs. J. J. Hannibal, former mem ber of the City Council, and the mayor were called about the mat ter. L. E. Austin, editor. Carolina Times, Durham, was asked to aid in the attempt to correct an almost unpardonable wrong. He, along with Mrs. Hannibal. Mr. Marks and others went sc far as to call the State Department about the fCQNTWTKD ON PAGE I) Mrs Graham said that in view of the fact she was going to a nearby farm to help grade tobacco, she prepared food for the children, which she thought would sustain them while she was away. She say that she left the three younger children In the care of a J6-year old mentally-retarded sis ter. She is said to have built a Ore In the stove and told the chil dren to not put any wood on It She also instructed them to go out in the yard and play. According to Sheriff John W. Emerson, the mo ther is mid to have warned the old er girl to not pa any wood In the stove or to not attempt to do any cooking. The family bred in a tenant-farm, three room bourn. It could not be atcertatoed why the fire was not seen by someone in the community and exact time of the tragedy. The other children ranged in age from one to five. Mrs. Graham is said to be expecting another child. Ktaf Celt Metal PAG* S AAP PeeS Meres Capital Peel oil, lea A Ceal Ce Acme Realty Ce. Craft* * ReaMcs Jehesoe-Lanbe Better Brahe Obey PAGR M Delete Betel Carolina Banters Carp. Ridgeway Optirtsa*. lac. Warmer Mewerlsl* DUlee Staten Ptaaaee Ce. PepW-Ceb BettMat Ce. at MitcbetTs Bestsaraat A DtaSM BMW PAG! II Care Una Pewer A Light Ce. Plresteas Meres t'eissn* Grocery A Transfer WsMtagtea Terrace Apts, Me. PAGE U * Ulinn Ce J **MaiaSch*s n ttrr - *"«**, PHH IM •CHICK Citizens To Hold Session To Consider Candidates g On Thursday evening at 8 o’- clock. Oct. 39 at fee Woodworth St. YMCA, the Raleigh Citftens As sociation will hold, m special pub lic information and briefing station regarding the candidates and is sues to be voted upon on election day, Nov. 6. In addition boa U. S. Senator, all the members of the General Assembly, the district solicitor and other area and local officials will be elected. Six constitutional a mendments. including the much discussed, "court reform" amend ment will be voted upon on Nov. 6. Because all of these matters, di rectly affect you and your future, you will want to be Intelligently informed about both the candidates and the Issues that will be voted upon. Persons who have made a study of both the records of the candi dates who are offering themselves for election and the constitutional amendments involved will be pre sent at this meeting to give you the information you will need in order to be better prepared to intelli gently cast your vote. ODDS-ENDS BT JAMES A. SHEPARD “Teach me thy way, O Lard." TURNING OUR BACKS Lest week. The CAROLINIANS forthright columnist. J B. Harren. wrote that Negroes in Durham had outgrown the NAACP” “J. B" did not accuse all of Durham's Negroes of turning their backs on the NA ACP. his >la*t was leveled at Dur ham’s “upper crust," the bankers, insurance men end Durham’s pro fessional and business leaders. It appears that whet really roused “J B" Ire was the failure of the particular group to mantfeet any degree of Interest in the recent meeting of the State Conferene of NAACP Branches held in Durham. These oersons were ccnspieous by their absence during the confer (nee Durham sessions. Well It may well be that “JB" knows whereof he speak* and that, in addition to the ado Trent lack of Interest on the Dart of those whom he Is accusing in that particular nha«e of the op erations of the NAACP. he has other evidence to support his char gor our pari we sincerely hope that these rharg< s are not true No Negro in Durham or elsewhere in this countrv is bigger than the NA ACP. no Negro in Durham or else where can truthfully aay he has not been benefited by the work of ♦his organisation. No Negro in Dur ham or elsewhere can truthfully mt that he dies not still need the help that the NAACP can give him. The particular Negro group In Durham accused by “JB". must be keenly aware of the fact that their achievements in the lust new and professional world were made pos sible by the support and confidence -rs the ranked file group of Negroes Even today, if that support and confidence were withdrawn. In stead of success, there would be failure Instead of growtii and ae rrescence. there would be stagna tion and low. We aril] have to agree. tfcet 100 often it docs seem that ia too away Accepts Keyßole In Crisis The Commander -in - Chief of the United States military forc es has mobilized eve ry branch to enforce his blockade against Cuba, in keeping with his mandate to protect the Western Hemisphere. WASHINGTON The Cu ban blockade formally began at 10 A. M. E-D-T Wednesday. The blockade took effect under the proclamation signed Tues day by President John Kenne dy. Baity Wednesday, the V. 8. Ne ij beeaa broadcasting warning* to merchant ships at sea not ts stray tee close to Cuba. The brief broadcast, repeated frequently, advises use of another route than the normal channel between Haiti ipij Cute. In Washington—high govern ment sources confirmed what congressional leaden learned In a Monday meeting with President Kennedy. That, aa a matter of what they call "military expedi ency." Invasion plans are being mapped. Sources say. however, that It is hoped success in the United Na tions will make any such assault unnecessary. In the U-N Security Council. The U. 8. has asked for approval of a resoluUon calling for dis mantling and withdrawal of Sov iet missile bases In Cuba. The Russians immediately countered with a resolution coil ing for an end to the U. S. block ade. Castro r in a speech lest night—vetoed the Idea of permit ting a UN Inspection team to en ter the eountry. The Security Council debate will continue to (Jm, Active-duty tours of an Navy and Marine men have been ex limilnd mdsflidWTi It Is thought an early step might be to freese Army and Air Force men on act ive duty teen .• also. • If the blockade becomes a drawn-out affair, the odds seeof to favor s call-up of some reserv ists under the authority voted Precldent Kennedy by the last Congress. Navy Secretary Fred KorthTiaa extended duty for all Navy men and Marines whose tour* would have expired before next Febru ary 28th. They oould be held as much as s year longer. Sailors and Marines at the sprawling Norfolk. Virginia. Naval (COSTINUID ON PAGE » Claims Brutality Cause Os Gan Blast David Harvey, 43. of Rt 1, Gar ner, who was killed Saturday night from a shotgun bl**t by hi* 40-year old wits, Em**- tine, will be bur- 4 .ed Sunday at Good Samaritan Baptist Church In Wake County. Funeral aervice* HP? WM will begin at 2 ■ o'clock. Mr*. Har vey 1* being held pfffl s In Wake County f was married 17 **'"* ' ' year* ago, MBl». HARVEY Mrs. Harvey told retubla sour ce* that Mr. Harvey was an habitu al drank and that everytime he was drunk he would assault her. Vio lent curse word* proceeded each assault and during and after his alleged assaults he alwayi threaten ed to kill her, On Saturday ni#it Mr and Mr*. Harvey had another of their quar rel*. She reported to Sheriff* dep uty Bob Linton that she and her husband were riding In their car when sn argument erupted. She raid that her husband threatened to kill her when they arrived home. (teswroa am pass *> Man Jailed In Wilson Murder WILSON Whiskey is raid to be the cuaae of It all. Inveatigating officer*, called to Eugene McAllist er's place. Carolina Street Exten sion. about I p. m.. Saturday, found that Henry Ruffin and Robert Hawkins could not agree over who should pay for s pint of whiskey and that death had resulted It wa* reported that Henry. 37, fCOBIMimss PAoe «) ' wmm epcs— wmmmmmma —a—qpnmaw^ The Carolinian | North Carolina *s Leading Weekly VOL. 22. NO. 1 RALEIGH, N. C.. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 27, 1962 PRICK 2S« 3 Men, 3 Women Are Held In South Street Killing ♦ ♦ ♦ + 4 ♦ 4 4 Participation in Boycott TEACHER FIRED It ! MRS. ROSA M. TILLAGE FourAW Coupleln Killing After a tip from an Informer and a rhase that ended In Fuquay, Ra leigh detectives arrested six per rons Tue*dty In connection with ♦he slaving nf Rudolph Smith. 38. of 408 Rmtthfleld St. The pollrr spent over 48 consecutive hour* working on the rase. Charged with murder are George I .on welt Gaston. 38 of Rt 1. Apex: and Gertie Gaston. 43. of Rt 3, A pex. Held on accessory charges are Rosa Mae Tillage. 32. of 1018 Walnut St., Dayton L. McKinney. 23, of 1028 Bate* St: Irene Goodwin. 28. of 1028 Walnut St: and Woodrow MrKlnnev. 33. of Rt. 1, Carv. The Incident occured Sunday on South St. Smith wa* found bleed ing and unconaciou*. with knife wounds and a hole in hi* head He died later at Wake Memorial Hos pital The Informer told police that he had seen a fight in thp area and that Smith was involved. Gertie Gaston admitted cutting Smith (CONTINUED ON PAGE t) CORE Files Million Suit TALLAHASSEE, Fla ln a new and forceful action on the ci vil right* front. *he Tallahassee Chapter of CORE entered a one million dollar suit In the U. S Dla trlct Court against three polic-men. the‘City Manager, operator* of the Carousel Restaurant In the local bug station, the City Commission ers and the owners of the Trallwayt Bus Station. Citing the City Commissioner* and the City Manager as having pursued and enforced “ a policy of apartheid’* in Tallahassee, the suit calls for 1100.800 in actual damages and 8000X00 In punitive damage* Lifted as plaintiffs are CORF mem bers Rubin Karon. James Hamil ton, Ira Simmons and Patricia Stephens The suit arise* from the arrest of the five CORE members at the Carousel Restaurant on Sept. 23 this year. They were refused serv ice and were bodily removed from the restaurant by local police The suit state* that the officers "acting under color of law" en forced a policy at "racial disrrlon to the million dollars, the suit asks (oumsso am pad* *> Victim Os Husband’s Past Record GREENSBORO Like Banquo’s ghost, the shadow of a crime, al leged to have been committed by her husband, stalked Mra. Alice Evans Jerome, last week, and rg» suited in her being dismissed from the faculty of Bennett College. The face-to-face ipeeting with her husband’s past happened Sat urday when She was called before the Trustee Board for what they termed a hearing on communistic leanings. Mrs. Jerome has been here only about 8 weeks. She was a member of the faculty et Bennett and her husband la said to be a free lance writer He was not connected with lit* school, hur *1 -two were raid to j be living on thg campus of the col lege. Persons close to the metier told j The CAROLINIAN that perhaps the story would have never been unfolded if Mrs. Jerome hsd not been active in the boycott of local merchant*, by students from Ben mtt and A&T. The picket Is believ ed to be giving the merchants r.-.urh concern and they are said to he using everything possible to stop the boycott. It Is styled as a “buy ing squeeze " All persona participating, except ( students, nre being serrenrd tho- , roughly. When Mr* Jerome came (CONTINUED ON PAGE » I NCC Prof Declares Ilegree Ms JVo Good Unless Teacher Is JMMade lie tier TAI PAHANNOCK, Va "Un less advanerd training makes you a bi’tlcT teacher, more knowledge able In understanding children, more familiar with better way* of leaching rnd more successful In leading boys and girls to learn, then the college degree is of no worth or value," Dr Rose Butler Browne, noted educator, told a ca pacity audience at the First Dis trict meeting here at the Essex County High School In her keynote address In th# opening session of th* annual First District meeting of the Virginia Teacher* Association. Dr Browne, Chairman of Ih# Department of Education at She North Csrollns College at Durham, raid: ”• de gree is only Important in terms of the difference It makes in your performance Dr Browne, discussing the pres sures which are placed upon A merlcsn education today, cited these- three as being the three most often refe. red to 11 pressure of Russian achievement. 2> the pres sure to produce leaders, and 3i the pressure to develop a clean-cut Attack On Union May Cause Possible Split Between NAACP And Reuther Seen NEW YORK tANPi lmpat ience over the slow pece of deseg regation in organized labor it pre opita: ng s showdown betwe-n the NAACP ard some of the nation’s top labor leaders over procedure Wslter Reuther. president of the lowcrfiil United Automobile Work er* and a civil rights stalwart for more than 20 year*, ts reported on th* verge of resigning e* a director of the NAACP. Earlier. Charles S Zimmerman, vice president of th* International Hjr - n blot . JOB OPPORTUNITIES Robert N. Merchant, special aaalstant to the personnel director, United Htates Department of Labor, discusses federal government employment opportunities with North Carolina College seniors Delores Harvey. Halifax: and Jamea McNeill, Durham. Hla vls’l highlighted by discussion* with faculty member* In Informal student groups. platfurm of morality and respect for rale The former VTA president, who a -hieved a state-wide reputation In the field of education while on the faculty of Virginia State College at Petersburg, declared, "people who are Intelligent are different. Pupils who have idiosyncrasls will STATE * BRIEF PEEPING TOM A Durham man has been Jai’ad for Investigation stemming from sn alleged “peeping tom" Incident her* • arly Sunday morning Jailed in connect with the Inci dent I* Charles Hilliard Royster. 47. of 80S Canal St Pelire said he v a* apure-hended a short distance from a 2U2 W Greer St restdenre and later reportedly identified by Iwo residents who told police they »»w th.- nan standing on their front porch 1 I-adie* Garments Wo-ker* Union, angrily quit the NAACP board oy er charges that the union has been discriminating again* Negro and other minority membrav Core of the breach appear! to be the techrllque* of Herbert Rill, ttie associations national labor aac retary. In an effort to head off a split between organized labor and th* NAACP. executive secretary Roy Wilkins has expressed confidence that tb* difference* between the not conform to the teacher-made i.old. and actually are. Dr. Browne Insisted, tine pupils on whom the teacher should spend time. These so-called fresh’ kid* ate In reality the boy* and girl* in your class room* who have the potential for (CONTtNU'r-' ON PAOE D ASSAULT Win TRUCK MOUNT AIRY Floyd Hughes, in-year-old Mount Airy man. was •entenred to sn 18-month road term after pleading guilty to tour charges Monday. Including two of a--nulling officer* with a truck Hughes waa arrested Oct 8 aft er a 'j.Vmile per hour chase that led '.ot of the city limits and ended ■ ben hi* pickup truck and a depu | ty sheriff s car collided on U. S. 82. (COgraNtm* ON PACK n two are only minor and can ba resolved. Similarly, the UAW. which Reu ther bead*, announced in Detroit that it had no quarrel with the NAACP. “but we do believe that certain NACP staff people have se riously weakened the work at the NAACP and retarded pmgraas be cause indiscriminate and iaaaearato charge* which made large head lines but got little PseuMs." (CONTINUED ON PASS •»

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