THE CAIOLDfIAM RALEIGH. N. C., SATURDAY. NOVEMBER S. IM2 6 “You Can’t Play It Safe” Says Bishop f.Rt.FNSBOnO "Hie world in v ►, vr livi if 100 dangerous for eytrung but liic truth and too m all for anything othn than bri - trr ood ' Btshnp John Lord de c!a-od in hi- Founders’ Day ad d.-i ss s' Benin tt fv.ilrge Sunday. Bishop Lord. who presides over the Washington Area of the Me thodist f*hurrh. chow- as his sub ject. “The World Has Need of You ” Point trr out that large segments rs the -••-Milt population are miffer ti-r from a fear of the world in v i-tv- thev live, Rishop T ond stat er that tiie true function .of the col- Irge today is to so shed its light in to the dark planes of the world t v a* ’he fear-ridden and lost may f ed the nine to the universe "Hurnantty " he *«id, “stands In desperate peed of those who run be Interpreters of Ihe hour through which we e-e passing Tliere are two things vhlrh von ran do on behalf of humanity First be will ing to become involved You ran’t p’ay it safe In a world hke thia Secondly, you must he willing to accept the disciplined life No man Is free until he has voluntarily dis ciplined hla own life ” In a direct appeal to the students Bishop lord reminded them that without continuous study, their 1 earned academic degrees will de- 1 rresse In value each vea- and that they should he prepared to give hack to tlhe world “manners, virtue, freedom a“d power ’ President Willa R Player. 1 who presided received from Miss Clewr gie I.alimer, a member of t.he Fng- COUNTRY Gentleman DISTILLED LONDON DRY GIN 85 PROOF DbfffW from 100% Groin tOM/fn C”J9/ Boltlad Br 11 OOUCHFUTY S SONS, lot, DMHW* Philadftphu, Pa. lig Value! I giNpRGE I WISHER I NOW ONLY ' \ s IBB B ® \ ■"' J Exchange I tXCLUSIVE SERVICE SHUT KSKR THESE TOP FEATURES MAKE] I Sav., y o Um on. yy .a,af..r WASHDAYS A MEEZEI A ■ year! Eliminates the cause of <1 i wajminh I . r ii /• . *—y4my tofenn Cw* W I ■ 1 out of 3 service calls. Cuts I rt p o ; r f ; m# onc j umt mm eewAToe - a«ii «a*m»r U V cost if service s-tsmp warn sxcnow - Rwto TIRE SALES & SERVICE 401 HILLEBORO ST. TE 3-2571 Allen President To Speak At NCC DURHAM Dr. Howard E Wright, president of Allen Univer sity. Columbia, S C., and a former professor and head of North Ca olina College’s psychology depart ment. will be the principal speak er at the NCC forum assembly Monday Nov 12 at 10 a. m. in ; the B N Duke Auditorium. Well-known in North Carolina | educational and civic circles. Dr. Wright has taught a l . North Caro lina College on two occasions from 1945 to 1948 and from 1953 to 1961 Prior to his first employ ment at the college he taught at Albany State College. Albany. Ca . and Prairie View State College, Prairie View, Tex. Leaving NCC in 1948, he served as chairman of the education division at Texas Southern University. Houston, whore he remained five years, re lish faculty, a check for $1,376 re presenting faculty.staff contribu tions to the college's endowment fund and from Miss Elizabeth Higgs, president of the Student Se nate a check for 11.325. FOR FLOWERS Community Florist CORSAGES—FUNERAL DESIGNS—POTTED PLANTS FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS ETC. 325 N. Tarboro St. Day TE 2-8305 - Night TE 2-2936 ■lll Tircsfotte HI MILEAGE BARGAIN » FIRESTONE Champion New Treads Applied on Sound Tiro Bodiot \/ Sam# Traad Width y/ Sama Traad Dapth \/ Sama Traad Daalgn \/ Same Traad Quality „ _ Aa Now Firaatona Tlraa You Don » _ n M £c«h QQgr;: Your Old Tir«t Mok* th# **vi foa «*d Votoppobl# Tiro 1 ALL sizes AVAILABLE Firestone Stores 41S FAYETTEVILLE BT. TE a-ls/4 ■» turning to Durham in 1953 and re maining until 1961 when he ac cepted the presidency of Allen University. He s the first layman to head the college which is und er the auspices of the African Me thodist Episcopal Church. The steady increase in world ci garette output the most import ant favorablr factor affecting the . level of world tobacco exports KAIIAI Words for the World “O KINGS OF THE EARTH! He who is the sovereign Lord of all is come The Kingdom is God’s, the omnipotent Protec- I tor. the Self-Subsisting." From Baha'i Writings. For Further Information Writ* BAHA’I LOCAL ASSEMBLY r O BOX 102*1 RAI.EIGH. N C. With Faith... Yon Are Never Alone r Attend Church Regularly » IwrnM icrfptfon for the Statue of Liberty r huddled masses yearning to breathe free, retched refuse of your teeming shore, id these , the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me: pomwi and Ik. kwdw *Wck w* kdd ■* H Ho Church for tfca taka of Nm welfare of him \Vjfl iastL. lufi V \ MR| PH ORB OR lURRVfa MyOOG TnOl, mTWWrwf, m \ \ iXZ umaa A..IJ laailiikla 1a aaa \ \ jij WVmj ptflOfl SnOUVQ vpnOKJ Oml pOmCipOTR IVI jjiz \ \ THIN INSPIRATIONAL MESSAGE APPEARS EACH WEEK TO HELP MAKE THIS INCREASINGLY A « 111 RUH-MINDED AREA. IT IS OFFERED FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION RY THE GENEROSITY OF PUBLIC SPIRITEP INPIVIPUALS AND HLSINESS FIRMS. S balcjgh ruunruii cowfamt ambbca* cbdr co. lALEKai mot 8 inunm ca IK-ISI Cut HargrtTlnToUl ISI 2T DW UMttl 000 S-07tS • • • SCABS. ROEBUCK A CO. PUB STASB MUL ICE CERA* G. S. IDCUB MOB. OK. CMWW.VUUI. -y - ■■MgU’y PMAi rarßOAik Dwto