Beware of *Can * Artists BILKED OF $3400 ENDS HBJSHG MM The I North Carolina’s Leading Weekly VOL. 22, NO. S RALEIGH. N. C.. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 24. 1962 PRICE 15c Civil Counsellor Says Meredith Case Becoming Cloudy SOUGHT BY POI-ICE Westport. Conn, police "->ave released this ewnpd \ * photograph of the man they suspect to«fae tjhe killer of Mrs. Isabel Milan and the abdactor of her 14-year-old jlaujfeter, Gall. Police questioned the ftirl most of the day in trying to get a deserip tioa of the assailant. Then State Police, with the helpsof a man who saw the suspect, put together this composite picture. (UPI PHOTOI. Baby Born In Jail Authorities on pre-natal care will have to take a page out of the books of Wake County Jail's histo ry when they begin preparing ex pert advice as to the place for an expectant mother to go to give birth. Night Jailer W. H. Bishop thought that Ethel Lee Smith was crying “wolf when she told jail attend ants, Monday afternoon that she was having a baby. It turned out that the information was no fairy tale and she really had the baby, in the cell block of the jail. Bishop is said to have not been Impressed with the woman's plea Shaw Observes 97th Year Shaw University celebrated its s7th Anniversary by receiving over $41,000 00 in contributions from Churches, organizations, alumni, faculty, staff, students and friends of ths Universiy. Dr. Nelson H. Harris, Interim President, who steered the drive WEATHER The five gay weather forerest for the ftsteigh area beginniitf Thursday. November 22. and con tinuing through Monday. Novem ber 2d. Is at follows: Temperatures will average about I degrees above normal, with only day to ray changes Indicated. Normal high and low tempera tures » and g*. Precipitation wilt total one half Inch for the period securing on Wednesday ntrht and early Thursday, and again about Saturday and Monday. ■ romxi's OAT PRINCIPALS—Left to right: Dr. Nekon H. Harris. Interim PmMnt mt Shaw Mwnttr; Dr. J*tu> W. White, chairoan. Traster Board: Dr. Paai H. Mum. (hairvan. Executive CmbMm rs the TT—tti Beard, and Dr. WeodeU Somerville. Psandtr's Day apeaker. all prtartpele at ■haw CaNendtpt eetrhratiea as Me founding and ignored it. He based his actions on the fact that she had been brought there a'oout three months ago and used ,the same "cry" as a ruse to get to the hospital. She is alleged to have laughed at the at tendants on being brought back from the hospital. The jailer also said that when attendants made their rounds about 6:IS p m.. the woman was laughing and seemed as if nothing was wrong with her. She sounded the alarm about 6:35 and when they reached her cell they found a seven-pound (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) predicted that the total donations will reach $50,000 when all of the reports are in. "Tomorrow Is Now For Shaw Universiy" Dr. Wendell C. Som erville, Executive Secretary. Lott Carey Convention, told the 1.000 persons attending Founder's Day j services. Friday. Dr. Somerville declared that there must be a Holy discontent on the part of the Trustees and the alum ni which should bring about a “re volution of rising expectation. Prag matic ways in which this can he done are as follows: Let each Trus tee of Shaw manifest his personal faith in Shaw by sending his own sons and daughters to Shaw Uni versity. 2 Seek to have each of the 1,800 Baptist churches of North Ca rolina send at least one student from the church to Shaw. 3 Let the Shaw men who are pastors of chur- Assails Gov’t In Miss. Case DURHAM According to Clar ence C. Ferguson, general counsel for the Civil Rights Commission, the University of Mississippi- James H. Meredith case U becom ing more muddled every day. The Rutgers Law SchoolTrofes sor. on leave to wprk with the Civil Rights Commission, sped*mg at the forum of North Carolina College Monday said that he was deeply concerned about the way the federal government has han dled the Mhple matter. He hinted that there End been some kind of a "deal" with the rebelling state. He charged that the way the government had handled the case was inadequate. “The attorney general has re cently revealed that there was an agreement between the Jus tice Department and the State of Mississippi In regard to Mr. Meredith's enrollment. “In light of recent events, and in light of the crisis engendered by the enrollment, it seems to me that we must think out whether the governmental re sponse has been adequate to the challenge hurled by Mississippi, which is the most serious since the Civil War,’ Ferguson said. "In this connection." he con tinued, “ it ls significant to note (CONTINUED ON PAGE *1 tions" among pastors of the com munity who are not Shaw men, but they ’ can become towers of strength. 4. Start a “whispering campaign" among the Shaw teach ers and have them begin renais sance in their local schools by se j lectmg most promising students and ! staving with them until they reach Shaw. 5. Contact Southern liberals fCONTIWPvP ON MB» «> Rest Home Dedication Scheduled For Sunday APEX A deep devotion for people, spurred on by seeing suff ering as a nurse, prompted Joseph and Clarice Atwater, to build a 'jH % *** CLAKE.vti; C. FERGUSON Farmville Cop Kills Young Man FARMVILLE The coroner's jury that will be called to heat the evidence in the pistol-slaying of Joseph Clinton Blue. 23. by police officer William Vines. 42. will have to determine whether it was done in self defense or whether it was another case of police bruta lity. The shooting occurred in the heart of what police head. D C Martin termed to the CAROLINIAN as "Colored Town" about 4 3(1 p m Saturday. Conflicting accounts were given as to the cause. Officer Vines refused to discuss I the matter and said that he would ' not make any statement until he testified at the pending coroner's j hearing He was not suspended and was on duty when the newspaper representative saw him Sunday Chief Martin said that he did not investigate the shooting, since it involved one of his officers and that he called the sheriff of P't County. He further stated that he was present, during most of the in vestigation. and he discerned that Vines shot, in an effort to protect ; (CONTDft'ED ON PAGE t) | modern "Rest Home” for the a red and Infirm on Lynch Street The imposing building will be dedicated, with a fitting ceremony, Sunday at 3 p m. P A William*, retired principal Apex Consolidated School, will | preside over the program Greet ing* are to be extended by Hon orable George T Roger*. Mayor; Wayne Johnson. Chamber of Com merce; J T Powell. Wake County Commissioner: Attorney F J Car nage. member. Board of Education. Raleigh: and Mr* E H William' in behalf of the local community I John R Larkins. Consultant North Carolina State Department of Pub lic Welfare, will deliver the Dedi catory address Riv P H Johnson. (cornacD on pack n STATE « BRIEF J ARE. CONFERENCE CLOSE* IN GREENSBORO GREENSBORO - Bishop S L Greene closed the Western North Carolina Conference of the A M E. Church here Sunday afternoon There were very ‘few change* in the pastors. The prelate jourr.«yed to Durham Monday and thence *o Norfolk. Va.. where he opened toe . Virginia Conference Tuesday. | Withdraws Savings To Join 'Cons’ DURHAM Worker* of the old “slim-slam game” round an easy prey in Mis* Minnie Hopson, aged local woman here last week and when they finished their "get-rich quick scheme" the victim waa out of $5.400 of her life’s saving. The 'trick” was said to have been pulled by two women. The first, said of a fat build, approached the woman and told her of having just found $20,000 and was looking for a “good bank” in which to deposit same Miss Hopkins is said to have recommended the Mechanics and Farmers Bank and the two started in the direction of the bank. It was not very long before the second woman appeared and told of having found SB,OOO. She, too, was looking for a reputable bank. The last self-styled finder is said to have changed the course of the other two women and they then headed for the Trust Building. The alleged finder of the $6,000 is said to have gone into the building to ask a man w'hether her find was really good American money. She is said to have remained in the building a few minutes and then (CONTINUEpToN PAGE t> JFK Kills Housing Practice WASHINGTON, D. C. Presi dent Kennedy is believed to have struck at the core of segregation, especially In northern states. In the signing of an executive order banning discrimination in housing in any manner where government money is used. Tuesday. Mr. Kennedy said hi* housing .order will go lntb Immediate ef fect. Asked why he took so long to sign it, the President replied that he frit this was the best time for such a move to be made. He said’ "There may be some adverse reaction, but I think we will be able to proceed with our housing industry.” Mr. Kennedy said he believed "some of the fears have been ex aggerated” about the anti-dis crimination order and. in addi tion. he felt the decision Ls “sound constitutional policy.” Mr. Kennedy promised during his 1960 campaign for the presi dency to lssoe shch an order. He has been criticised sharply for not having issued it before now. The order does not apply to so called conventional home loans made by banks and savings and loan associations without govern ment backing. Civil rights sup (conttnued on page » i 92nd Session - 1— Masons To Convene In Kinston With a record-breaking Grand Session - both in attendance and In entertainment - In prospect, the stage is fully set for the #2nd annu al communication of the Prince Hall Grand Lodge, Free and Ac cepted Masons, Jurisdiction of North Carolina, convening In Kin ston, December 10-12. King David. 24. host Lodge Some twelve to fif teen hundred men of the craft, from all sections of the state, to gether with fraternal representa tives from a number of other Ju- 1 rlsdietion. will be on hand for thi* i historic event, alerted for the "fall i of the gavel" by the titular head j of the 25 000-member organization the Honorable Clark S Brown of Winston-Salem. Mn«t Worshipful Grand Master and esteemed leader of the masonir host The local steering committee; Plovd H Blanks worshipful mast er, and Charles B Stewart, generi.l chairman, flanked hv a staff of conscientious workers have put forth extensive and pairp'aking ef forts, in preparation for this Grand Communication The city officials the local organiza'ions and th' general citizenry are co-opcrating fcONTiNiirn on pa«.» n WTLLIAMSTON CHCRCH MEET ENDS WTLLIAMSTON - The A be marie Conference. A M E Zion Church, ended it* annual on on a harmony note Sunday after the reading of appoiri'met '« by Bishop W A Stewart H<- ad-ron isbe<| the religious leader' to go back to their respective fields of ccowrorvEiTo* page ty ~Sf JgS I|| \ jk */ J, , 1 - • Hr M He || | JHHBH Hr H H m I! y ft K l ’s3—i CRITICAL OF It: U.. .Kii.l) POLICY Singing star of the Broadway hit, “No Strings." Dlah ann Carroll sounds off to I'PI reporter Cliarli* Justice. Nov. 13th. In her Central Park West apartment on what she believes Is the Jim Crowism attitude of Hollywood. Mini Carroll charged that Hollywood Is afraid of the color Issue because of poslble distribution trouble In the South. The t7-year-old star of the hit musical made the statements after It waa revealed that Eurasian actress Nancy Kwan had been chosen to play her role in the Hollywood version to be filmed bgr Seven Arts productions (CPI PHOTO). Freedom Dinner Interest Up i H Bp* i gjffc jMLgpgplP a .gjjjpFJHir IHHI FATHER FINHER FATHER GIBSON Local Woman Held In Knife Death Here So railed Indian givers are ra ther common in love affairs, hut 1 it is very seldom that one gives you something and then lakes yoin life According to testimony pre sented in City Court Tuesday (hat is what happened when a 37 year old woman stnhbrd a man In death at llu ir home, 805 West Cannon St . Saturday. Miss Nettie Virginia Tripp was bound over to Superior Court for I the alleged stabbing of Thomas Oakle y Evidence given R F John- { son the arresting officer, by the woman, proved to he enough to hold her for murder. It is apparent that the two lived at the same address and when Oak ley came home and demanded mon ey. the woman Is said to have re fused When he said "Money Hon ey ', she is alleged to have said nothing doing Oakley did not seem to like- her failure to respond to his request and threatened to dis member her with a knife. Miss Tripp had a change of heart and is alleged to have gone to the I kitchen to get the money. She not j only got the money, but ahe armed I CAROLINIAN j ADVERTISERS BIA FROM THEM PAGE 2 Morton » Cnh Stor* PAGE 3 P»-pal-Cola Bottling Co f Apital Furl Oil. Icr A Coni Co Prfson fttrrrt Blind C Iranrr* r* \r f 5 Hudson Brlk Mu lunln it Farmer* Krook a Appliance PAGE * Raleigh P»int A Wallpaper C o Amrrlfgn € rrdll C o. Pine Mate C rearnerv Co Raleigh Furnlturr C o. Rear* K/»ebu-i tr r Bro* Bam birr Aof o l»iai mint c « Rdtflth Hr food PAGE t Goodman * ladkt khop Raleigh Funeral Hoinr R I On inn Furniture Co Eirr*fone ktore* PAGE, » Ivev - Taylor Jmnn'n of Raleigh Hud ton-Be Ik Co Mother A Daughter Store* In* Mar -Jovrpn* EHUburg'* Belt\ C#av f.fNidfrm'i Ladle* Shop j i Penney** Page It Deltiae Hotel ( arolina Builder* Corp Rtdgewav Optician*, Inc Wirner Memorial* Dillon Motor* Finance Co Pr pat - f ola Bottling to ol Bairigh PAGE II Greene* khoe Repair Carolina Poarer A Light Co herself with a knife and when she ; handed him the money she also thrust a knife into his body Oakh-y is said to have staggered on to the fiont porch, where he pulled the knife from liis chest and fell, mortally wounded lie was taken to Wake Memorial Hospital, when- hr died later. The woman is said to have call ed the police and she said that she | was willing to subject herself to j tin- will of Ihe lailirr- for the crime Tin y arrived on the scene shoitlv and took her to jail She is alleged to have told the officers that she stabbed turn, after giving him the money, because she thought he was going to cut her. Dr. Williams Installed At Winston-Salem T. C. WINSTON-SALEM Amid pa- | I gentry, pitnse and challenges. 2.1KM1 j friends, guests and admirers in Whitaker Gymnasium and many. Mother A Daughter ktore* In* < raft* A Hobble* PAGE 12 Town A Country Furniture Mrtts-r Brake khop K F Page Plumbing Co PAGE 14 4or Murni* k Promotion , Lincoln Thraire I'V.l' IS Rhone* furniture Piggl*-HUgl\ Eood Klor* < Donn a I>m» Arniir Hunt General Tire t o King f ole Motel A* me R -dlf \ Co PAGE 17 I ( Perinea « Tire kalra A krralie V *ndard Concrete- Product* to Charcoal Town Hou*e PA/E I* H T Grant * Dept ktore H ood * 1 A 10 r ktore Pine Male Ideal Plumbing and Heating Griff I* food ktore f ontenlent Auto fn»uranre Major Elnanre Inr He baler A III* k • Grill Browning a Barber khop M*rv Carter Paint Co PAGE 14 Ruffaloe f o and Builder*. Inc. lov’i American Grill The fabric khop Goa Hutto* Hatter* A C leaner* Capital Vdriinm More fnrprf C enter Inr Poole a Pie khop larr''» Cut-Rate Gro«erT Raleigh Paint A Wallpaper Co Capita* Bargain ktore PAGE 22 j i Atwater Beat Homo I Interest in the second annual Freedom Day Dinner, sponsored by the Raleigh branch of the NAACP. Is running high here. Indications la '*">t the attendance at this af drh will be held Friday ev- Dec. 7 at 8 o'clock In the < Building of the First Bap tist Church, will even surpaM la»t year's high attendance. Last jfMT't Freedom Dinner honored the mem ory of the late Dr. W L. Greene, a tireleaa NAACP and freedom fighter. The dinner this year is In me morlum of the late Father George A. fisher whom all Raleigh will rq. member for his forthright advanc ing of the rights of all man to a life of dgrilty fa id freedom. This fear's featured Speaker, Fa ther Theodore Fisher needs no Ut trodurtion to the thousands of free dom lovers who have followed CIP brilliant career of this militant and courageous minister and rampalgn er for liberty and justice A grad uate of St Augustine's College and of the Bishop Pavne Divinity School Father Gibson is now rank ed as one of the nation's most elo uurnt and forceful speakers. Musje will be a feature of this vc»i".s dinner affair A choral en j emble under the direction of Har v (lil-Smvthe will spark this din ner with renditions prepared espe- I cim'lv for this occasion Mrs Millie Veasev is general chairman for the 11182 Freedom Dln nn A special comm I'tec headed by Dr Marguerite Adams has Just a. bout completed arrangements whb-h seems to insure that the ra- ae|ty crowd expected will be well pleas ed Tickets are prieed at $5 00 for ad ults and $2 50 for students and chil dren Mrs Virginia Newell who is In charge of ticket sales re - orts that the demand for tickets IS stea-tjlv increasing She advises all persons interested in attending this year* Freedom Dinner to contact her for I tickets at once. I many thousands more on television saw Dr Kenneth R Williams in -tailed recently as the third presi dent of Winston-Salem Teachers College The installation climaxed [ thtee days of inaugural activity at I the college The activities got underway with a press luncheon at 1 p m on Frl dev. with Dr C B Hauser, presldr ing while Dr Williams made A • lij'rn i rit and answered quest long put tn him bv the press At 8 p m. Dr H ownrd R Booncr. assistant di- fCOMTIHWE * GN PAGE t) ODDS-ENDS BY JAMES A. SHEPARD "«> thank thee and prats* Thy glorious unir " THANKSGIVING. 19« A few short week* ago this na tion was contemplating the horror of' atomic war Those who know about such things say that when Hn dent K' nricdy made hi* mem j oiable television speech telling tha American people of the steps h* j had taken to meet the Cuban mtl siie threat thi• - country wa* near er the brink of nuclear confront*- I tion than ever before In short. W* j were on tire verge of w»r. Although indications are that presently the Amertcsn-Cuba#* Russian situation is every thing M* satisfactory, there are also indica tion* that the threat of an tmmadl ate nuclear holacoust Is passed and that we. on this Thanksgiving Day. 1962. w hen we gather to give thaato to God for His goodnesa and maW* toward us. should find it exp*|p (CONTDfUKD ON RAM Q ~~