SOMETHING TO BUY, RENT, SELL OR EXCHANGE USE THE CAROLINIAN CLASSIFIED SECTION A y 2" - business opportunity iff childcare HELP WANTED PERSONAL CLEANING * HAULING ‘{fflfcffwßßlf —Low Cost Advertising nMBSsR\ Low Cost Advertising —- vfrlnLMßir 5, FOR WHAT HAVE you... DIALTEraple 4-5858 / iBBsHI FOR WHAT HAVE YOU... DUL TEmple 4-5558 v AN NOV NCM ENTS CARDS OP THANKS IN MEMORIAE! LEGAL NOTICES REAL ESTATE ROOMS - APARTMENTS HOVERS POR RENT CLASSIFIED RATES ■am 1 4 • a Seat par word to to 3c 9c Classified Display Par Lina Par laoa We 10c THe Tike Bach word abbreviation, initial or count as one word. Puneutattaa marks arc MOT counted •I words. The minimum number ad words m any want ad is IS words You will save money by ordering your ad to run • of n ImuMs Weekly Want Ads may be telephon ed through Wednesday up to 10 AM. FEMALE HELP WANTED! HOUSEMAIDS: Live-tn-jobs. Conn., Mass. 490 to |K. References. Bus tic ket sent. Barton Erap. Bureau. Great Barrington. Mass. FOR SALE! We will sell at Public Auction (or storage one 19M Bulck sedan, serial A4OO3IJP. at 429 Fayetteville St. Date of Sale. Dec. 91. 1992. 11 A M CAROLINA BUICK CO “Schools fli Instructions” UtN AND WOMEN NEEDED Whin or Colored Wor' to Civil gervies No experience necessary Train now a* home for lobs with security Send name, address, number to NATIONAL TRAINING SERVICE P O. Bos 40S. Ralelan N C. LAUNDRY TEAGUE’S DRY CLEANING 104 Olenwood Ave has merged end Is now known SS BAYES BARTON AND DRY CLEANERS NO t, Paul Easterling mFTno. L Dial Tt 9-4916: No 1 Dial n 9-JMg NURSERY Per your Nursery Supplies and Plants, come to Pewter’s Nursery. Fayetteville Ed, Raleigh. N. C FOOD SPECIALS Cooper’s Bar-B-Q BAR-B-Q ißd (Our Specialty) Pit had Ohlckca BERVICE STATIONS icAnrs uso station—wi s Bleed 7 worth St Phene H 9-44 W Consult our classified eds regularly: ftere ate many bargains offered JaaW* Roosevelt Robinson, form- Sr Brooklyn Dodger star and the man :wkO broke the color bar In baseball, was bom at Cairo, Ga., Pan. 31, Ul». ■ KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKY, St PROOF, K HH OLD KENTUCKY DISTILLERY, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY H I BOTTOMS UPI I I l I "fgUSfem I WZ-tS* I FIFTH >3" I | PINT »2” | The Roving Reporter BY REV. D. N. HOWARD NOTE: THE CAROLINIAN will give SI.S4 for each ques tion used in this column. Send your question to The Roving Reporter, P. O. Box S2B, Ra leigh. N. C. Winner this week is Mr. H. E. Brown. Ligon High School. This week’s interview with students nt the J. W. Ligon Junior - Senior High School, who are studying under the “New Programmed Algrebra” course being taught at Ligon. THE QUESTION: “Do You Feel That Tou Comprehend As Mnch or More in A Shorter Period of Time in the New Programmed Algrebra as Com- LEGAL NOTICES NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNiY NOTICE Under and by virture of the power of sale contained in a certain dead of trust executed by Mary Alice Beck with (widow), dated April 40, 1163, and recorded in Book 1501, Page 999. In the office of tha Register ol Deeds of Wake County. North Carolina, de fault having been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness thereby se cured and said deed of trust being by the terme thereof subject to foreclos ure, tha undersigned trustee, will offer for sale at public auction to the high est bidder for cash at the courthouen door in Wake ComPy. North Carolina, at 12:00 noon, on December 14. 1962, the property cohveyed in said deed of trust, the same being In the County of Wake. City of Raleigh. State of North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at • stake in the line dividing Lota 14 and U of Will Armstrong Property, located in Swift Creek Township. Wake County. North Carolina, according to map of sama by J. L. Nicholson, Engineer, dated November 19. 1388: runs thence North T1 degrees 10 minutes West 110 feet to a stake in the Armstrong Road: runs thence with the line of said Road North It degrees 50 minutes East 65 feet to a stake; thence with the line dividing Lota 16 and 15. South T1 degrees 10 minutes West 110 feet to a stake: thence South 13 degrees 80 minutes West to the point and place of BEGINNING, and being ell of the Lot No 15 In the afore said Map of Will Armstrong Prop erty. ■nils property will be sold stibieci to taxes for 1962 and the sale will remain open for ten days to receive increased bid aa required by law. This 27th dav of November. 1982. GEORGE R GREENE. Trustee December 1. 8. 15. and It. pored with the Old Method of Teaching?” MISS DeAN- ihm NE NEWELL. 1211 Fayetteville ■jmBMHBi St.: "I feel that Kg,. WHB I have learned much more un der the new pro pram than the regular plan. Un-H" * der the new pro gram I am able to work at rnymUaBMUsHMSB own pace. I think that this is a great advantage to many stu dents. It also explains the pro cedure to a problem step, by step. I really believe that I am learning more in a much shorter period of time in the new program." •-* SHARON HIN TON. 130 d E. Edenton St : think that. I am learning just ai BPI fast or faster fg .* fltS and just as Hfr,. •.* - Ju much, studying under the New Algrebra Pro gram here at Ligon. You are BllS&t J9H able to stay on a HHNHI problem you understand it without inter fering with other students. I feel that the new program is a greater help in that the explanations of the problems are made very clear. I would be very happy to see all the other courses in our school pro grammed in this manner. I be believe that this would Increase our educational out-look for the future." MISS BXTTTE fMMHmHMI J. SANDERS.^ Haywood St : In my °-■i'aF-Sss.'&S’S' pinion, this system of pro grammed Algre bra is most, ef flcient m achlev- Ing quality cdu ration You havr the privilege of p working as fast b 'K™?>'■?>?' 1 or as slow as you ■BHHmmM^^D like. Both the old and new meth ods of teaching have their ad vantages and disadvantage*. I prefer the the new system, be cause I have the opportunity to accomplish more in the game school year." CHARLES -tefi-SV 1 ! WORTH. 1415 E. ijfe t'GKS&B Jones St : "The flp' New Program- K Ji-med enables a Wt i'lij student to work WlmSiFwmiaßm as long and as faat u be de sires. If you have the ability you are able to ■ work ahead of mSfMBBf Istudf nti who HHHIRHHPi may baa little slower. Some of us will be able to oomplete one full year of work In one aemeater (one half the time). The new method is gening in in terest rapidly throughout the ■chool." MIBB DORO-B* THY BATTLE. 9, Iredell Terr./ "The new meth od of teaching Algebra U ao simple that the slow student 1* able to loam more The prob- f iema we well ex plained If help is needed from the teaoher. you get it individually. This Individual help enablee the slow student to oomprehend faster with the per- FINANCING RE-FINANCING 1957-1963 MODELS • Convenient Terms—Up To 36 Months • Refinancing—To Reduce Payment* • Individual Sales Financing • Quick Confidential Service O Bank Rates—Lew Payments • Convenient Location • Off Street Parking • Teachers Plan (“Service With A Personal Touch**) | Comer Fayetteville end Lenoir ftmett VA 6-7436 WOODY CABBOUL Mfr. JACK MOOBE. Aset Mcr Rock ¥ Roll Artists Jailed And Fined NASHVILLE. Tann. <ANP> - Sentenced to fine* totaling S3OO and three year Jail terms for indulging in interracial sex parties four men. ) including two rock Jn' roll singers, and William Throne. 32, and Thom as Kennedy, 33. Snaed was givan 11 months and 33 days In jail and a #IOO fine for conspiracy, and six month* and S9O fine for aiding and abetting prostitution. Cranberry drew an M month* and » day* sentence for conspiracy. Throne was sentenced to 11 months and 30 days and fined *IOO for conspiracy. Kennedy was givan six months and finad S3O for aiding and abett ing prostitution. The four wer* aentenced by Judga John L. Draper in criminal 1 court. Assistant District Atty. Gen eral Howard Butler mlde much of ! the carryinga-on between th* Ne groes and whites involved. Indicat ing that abortions and sulcida at tempta had resulted. Defense attorneys announced they would file p4titlon» within 30 days to have the sentences auapend ed. Meanwhile, the four defendants were raleaaed under sl.oo# bonds. The names of th# white girls, two of whom turned atate witness es. were withheld. The defendants pleaded guilty to the charges before an all-mal# all white Jury- . _ Both Judge Draper and Butler said th# chargee stemmed from a sort#* of interracial “petting and sox partita. Butler said two of the white women described th# affairs as a “aerie* of petting Jjartiea. j drinking parti** and. In SOW* In stances. nude partite.” Butler described it *• "JuM a mats that arose over teen-agars sonaliae help th* teacher 1* there to give. The student who cannot I read well or understand his read -1 tng will have a greater problem with Programmed Algrebra. HIGH, Jr , 519 8 Rg Haywood Bt.: ■ feel that I am| learning more in BlgE, .Jgjijfr 1 a shorter period of time under the new method Ulilris&SlMgltf > The problems ■ are explained > clearer than ■ some teachers | are able to ex- ’ > plain them. 1 you make a mistake you are able • to find It at once. The answers to 1 each problem are nearby. The ’ moat important thing about the 1 program, too. Is that you are able t to use your own ability to progress 1 as fast or as alow as you like." ) ______ Ij liigMari •Weill—T* waiting It" PTA Shown Film GREENSBORO Dudley High School PTA mat In tha school's au ditorium last weak, Ike meeting was prasidod over by its pnaMoat Mr. Samuel A. Rouaoo. After th* business aaaMen. the mooting was turned to Mra Luvonla Milling, co-chairman of the program committao, who introduced the program for th* evening. The program was conducted by two Guilford County Health De partment Officials, Mra Mary Van- Neese, Chief Psychiatric Social Worker in th* mental health de partment and Mr. Howard Qallty, going to places where Sneed and Cranberry were entertaining. Af ter these rock V roll eaasions," he said, “these girls and boy a, aom* colored and some white, andod up in tourita courts and what wo call good-time houses." He added that as a result of an Investigation, during which about 23 whit* girls and boys wore ques tioned, evidence was unqovered showing that there ware four at tempted suicides and three abor tions involving white girla ... ibi —. , ; Jin", i .r Ride In Style In A New Pontiac Or A Tempest FROM Stroud Pontiac, Inc. Fuquay Sprihgs, N. C V A We Offer The Best In Urtd Ctrl! SEE STROUD BEFORE YOU BUY! H _____ USED CAR | *——| THE 1963 BUICK SALES UA CADILLAC Coup* •sH HAVE BROKEN ALL RECORDS! cm SIS i We Have Traded For The Cleaneit Group of One Owner «• pJJ» Cars In The Area ” I THEY MUST BE SOLD.. HERE ARE SOME SAMPLES ’AO COMET 8-33 with ’/LA BUCK L«Bebre 3- unam . n ’/CO LARK ▼• • 4-dr buoknt ieaU, auto- 'AI PONTIAC Bonn*- w dr. sedan, auto- *CQ BO**TUC Catalina "• automatic trans- milt tranamia- WA rills 4-dr. hardtop. matte trsnamls- 4-dr. full power, mission, radio and aton. radio end full power, one slon. radio and radio tad heater heater, one owner. heater, one owner, owner. 11,000 heater. one (M9QC tow 21 oar 2700 actual 249 Q? one t]4QC rrwner Loyil mlleaae actual $219) miles CAOVO owner CIWD mllee ’AO FORD Country 8e- ’£l BUICK Leßahre 4- BUICK Electra 4- »CQ PLTMOUTK 4-dr. W san * paeeenfer. 01 dr. hard to p. full Wdr full power. »/LO Wl® Fatrtane 600 •" fully equipped, ra- SL’' w,, -~ ST'"“tsSR S?*«!r. trtl 2iSf‘-SJS ££ $2495 »"*•" 522,a S 5 $2095 * Wi> I/A BUICK Special sta-1 ’/LA OLDBMOBILE ’/LA BUICK LeSebr# »eQ BUICK Laßahre 3- tZ waton 4-dr 1 W 4-dr, full W conrertlble, full ° y dr. hardtop, fufl straight drive. •- ’tO CHEVROLET 4-dr. power, factory air power, low mlleace, power, factory air 000 actual miles ,to Auto Trane. MQC condition. white with oondlUan, one own ■su $2195 “ K J 52095 mS Sw A - * 1395 rDFAM DTTITCPQ I I ’/LA BUICK Electra 4- *CQ FORD 3-dr. hard tttMM rurra '*zn BUICK Leßabre 4-| W hardtop fun top. power eUer *ss BUICK Super 2 Dr. W *■ hardtop, full power rectory air ln«. automatic _ „ ~.. . power, radio and i condition. innaniawn ra ’s6 BUICK Special Tor. H. Top £* *1595: SL 8295 «<»* Pan Fewer. Radio and Heater 1 ynmn 7 you’re M7AOZ / //f///J/'/ ALWAYS A WI.YXER AT... Open Nites Til 9 431 Fayetteville Raleigh, N. C. r im-7411 ra-nn N. C. Dealer 1331 iFereeerty CeieHaa Betekl / —„ On Adolescence Administrative Aanatant in the Heahh Dayartmaat They showed the film "TTm meenlng of Adoles cence” pertaining to Mental Health. After th* film a question and answer period concerning the film was held. Door prtaoo won given to parents and teacher* holding the lucky tie kota Mias M. M. Martin, eo-chalr man, of the hospitality committee, conducted th* drawing in which ihrs* door prtaoo war* given away. Hi* prtaoo wore donated by Burn ■ldo American Service Station. Col lege Drive Inn. and Curt and Boyd Otft Shop. WALES ABOUND LADDER POE LUCKY. UR OETt HIT BDMONTON. Alta-An old au peretitlon worn*: Dent walk under ladders. lira Moira Nbkoa. S 3, walked a round a laddor in th* stroot but it didn't help her lucky. She was (truck by Roger Roulette. 39, a re pairman who toll Bum th* laddor. Mth roaaivod minor injurioa W PATS TO ADVBBTOB YRE gflTWUlffft l ? RALEIGH, N. CL, BATURDAT. fc IMS WISHES GOOD THINGS—Mim PmMh Hill («#), Phym oml instructor at Maryland Stef* CoUaga whhaa Miaa Natml Lam horn ol Camdan, S. C., tha bast ol ararythini, aa aha day aha Eta ooUaga oampua tor Paaoa Cor pa aarrioa in Bthtoyis. - Come In And See Our Beautiful New Styling For 63 And Check Our Prices Before You Buy Any Car A Satilied Customer Is Our Beat Aaaet Weaver Bros. Rambler ! Showroom—ss# W. Mr 8L !■ JjJJJ | sarvioo—3U W. Lenoir St JA TrS oar Dopt-414 W. Oatanta Bs. I RALEIGH. N. C. 7

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