[&: situations mi- CLASSIFIED RATES • **«• I'' MHB 18 BpSf£r r *" tr taH .. .Ms Ms- T%o T%e vs(i{ ktftlil m HjwSfc 11111 ""** "" f Dm RMMM MMMfcM Ct «M M •V want ad is U words. You will art ■MW tv ordering jour ad to ran B or U Mm. Weakly Want Ads may bo telapbao ad thremß Wednesday up to MAJL FEMALE HELP WANTED! gtedMAIXM: Uvo-ta-Jebs. Cowl. Orsat "£ .•*.**& Auction ter ■ 7 R^s»&r “Schools fc Instruction*” KfM AND WOMEN WEEDED Whin or Coljroa Wor to Civil torrtn Mo experience naeessary Train now m* ndnM for iota with Mcurlty land name address .non* number to RATICMAL TRAINING SERVICE. P P Bor 060. Rala«ab II C LAUNDRY TBAOtira DAY CLEANING. MM OMnwood Ave has maned ana Is now nsr s&jbs 1 ** MM * No * Dtol ~f ' - -- NURSERY Mt year Nursery Supplies and Plant*. FOOD SPECIALS Cooper’s Bar-B-Q 10-B-Q ul (Onr Specialty) fk aad CUata ia§ c. OAvnc st. J SERVICE STATIONS Qtijlma «aao iTATioti-aw » Mead Oansult our etosaMtod ada legutortr Otero wo many bargains ottered. FOR RENT! KENTUCKY •TKAIBHT BOUREON WHISKY, M PRODP, OLD KENTUCKY DISTILLERY, LOUISVIILI, KENTUCKY BOTTOMS UP 1 v FIFTH *8" WIT »2“ SOMETHING TO QUY, RENT, SELL OR EXCHANGE USE THE CAROLINA!! CLASSIFIED SECTION BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CHILD CARE PERSONAL CLEANING «l HAVUNO —“Low Cost Advertising /gHnSi —Low Cost Advertising POK WHAT HAVE YOU... DIAL TEmple 44K8 / IBEifSI TOR WHAT HAVE YOU... DIAL TBSqdtUM ANNOUNCEMENTS CARDS OP TRANKS IN MEMOEIAM LEGAL NOTICES REAL ESTATE ROOMS APARTMENTS LEBAL NOTICES their recovery. All parsons todStail to said estate will piaaaa make Immediate Administrator. Dae. lA. S 3. at; Jan. a IMS. WORTH CABOUMA WAKE OODMIY NOTICE Ohdar and by vlrture at the power at sale contained In a certain dead of trust executed by Story Alton Seek* with (widow), dated April 10. IMS. and recorded to Book WU. Page MS. to the office at the Begister at Deeds ol Wake County. North Carolina, de fault having bean made In the pay ment of the indebtednea thereby ft* cured and said deed at trust being by the terms thereat subject to tbcootoi ure. the undersigned trustee, will otter tor sale at public auction to the high est bidder tor cash at the courthouse door to Wake County, North Carolina, at U.-00 noon, on December 11 ML the property oonvoyed to said deed of trust the earns being In the County at Wake. Ctty at Raleigh. State at North CoitUnae and being non pirttouliriy described as follows: BEGINNING at e stabs to the line dividing Dote M and U of Will Armstrong Property, located to Bwtft (Seek TowMhip. Wake County. North Carolina. according to map at same tar J. L. Nicholson. Engineer, dated November IS. iMI; rune thence North T1 degreat 10 minutes West 110 feet to a stoke in aih*arts , « p«s U degrees SO minutes Beat M feet to a stake: thence with the line dividing Lets IS and IS. South Tl degrees 10 minute* West 110 feet to a stoke: thanes South IS degrees pUce”***BEOINNDKJ* <5d n b*tog an of the Lot No. IS to the atorS aaid Map at Will Armstrong Prop t^irafL^^wSl^ Open tor tod days to rSelve taafttoad jfSS »u. Jackie Reooevelt Robinson, form er Brooklyn Dodger atAr and the man who broke the color bar in baseball, was barn at Cairo, Ga., Jan. U, IBM. A negro named OHapue Attueks wag the first njartyr in the Boston Maaaaoro of March B. 1770 (AMP) 11m growth rate of North Caro lina’s vigorous dairy industry con tinues at the rats of B to 10 per cent eaah year. • V^f"ey.* program in this century than any other State in the Union.” Govern. V.’iSV'-c l M Terry Sanford told the Shaw f ■ t .X , . University atudento and faculty. r /%4* \ >'&&&& Dec. A L ’ f . :# Vg|W»>, “We star td from nothing In lit: ■-! i . . . fact we had less than nothing. H From where we started, our pro \ arrest hae indeed been rensarikable i- ■■ I ■ erty t -w*. I ague wars suffering corrupt gov- MM -•-■ rn t ■: B 1 S emmet >» m .« ■ dmpair, debt, despondency, and op- I preeeed by a vtndlctttve national ANNUAL GIFTS Tha abort piotara shows tbs ThaßhagMac fMo of food aahloß a»a gtvoaa aaMaßr HR| by the faculty and students of Barbara-Seotla College and distributed to the needers at the Cenoord ■ Community. Shawn above from left to right are: Shryal Kent. Late McCullough. Peggy Ervin. Doris Glenn. Panto Tfllery and Vivian Thompson. —— "~~ "' 11 " rl ‘ " 1 - ~„■ Tirnrinn- i 11 " ■'" l ■■■' Dick Gregory To Serve On Committee WASHINGTON eome I ’ ' 'V. ‘V - ' I mn Oirit •. «m« «»»ued >o I "/ ‘V ■ •-. ‘ ■ Washington last week to moot with ‘Me*. * Presidents Committee on Juvenile di«’iw a national role he can ptorll I to aid the committee’s efforts :«> a 'Veeh -«*o o make ,». guest *p pearance at the annual banquet of ■ I the National Awettion nf Inter I ; ‘ ■ A group Relation* ■ tftVmi* »■" conference with Hnokett at that time He offered bis «'<■*■>,"•■. e :)i * MWF 3 I I ''orll IS BOUmmm FOR iBW iWVWonoe Them* Os “It* Show '. ' :.; - >■» * cg£££& i ßs, 11