12 THE CAIOUMIAN RALEIGH. N. C„ SATURDAY. DECEMBER IS. 1*62 *- - ~~~ -w>--y - ***" V b e *STf F^K ■** \ jk>^V^ uf I J Ww ■- ->kJ A ■ wf jflf flfe mfsSAffifO&GmkX. JRk ' ■jk Alp ,»jH|iKßlS)Pww@|' mm JH ; _ jlJj ■ $1 000 GIFT FOR BETTER DAIRYING — J. E Whittsett, left, personne/ m«na*« o/ the Greensboro Sears, Roebuck and Company, presents a check for SI,OOO to R. L. IVynn, ri*W, d.wry specialist with the A&T College Extension Service, as a gift from the Sears. ****** rJTLrs# toe 4 H C/ub Dairy Calf Chain Program in operation in North Carolina. W. C. Cooper, , H club specialist and secretary to the North Carolina 4-H C/ub Foundation, look, on /torn <*n rer. ____ t-_ Youth Reaches TV Stardom "She Is bill of ring She shakes with rhythm. Her dark eyes shine with Irreverence in » pretty tare nf high cheekbones with a frim chin She is a Negro girl who could be Johnny Mathis’ little sister" wrote Times marine last week about I# year old Uggams who has been in and around TV for 12 years Starting w'hen She was seven Miss Uggams has appeared with Arthur Godfrey Garry Moore. Sid Caesar. Peter Lind Haves, and Bob Cfosby. She won $25,000 as a con testant on Name That Tune Mitch Miller, saw her and signed her to a contract, starting her up the charts As a TV performer. Miller invited her to sing along with him and finally made her a permanent "As the atar soloist on Miller’s eing-along program." said Time, “She has proved herself the best girl singes- since Rosemary Clooney. Her talent is evidence that not all teen-ager singers are Indiscrimi nately scraped up off the sidewalks and shoved into echo chambers. She has the range of mood and inflec tion to do everything from Clang, Clang. Clang Wpbt the Trolley to religious songs at Christmastime. Raised on 164th Street In Man hattan's Washington Heights area, she now lives In a new apartment building near Lincoln Cantor with her parents. Miss Uggams has stosdfastly held onto her own name even though announcers hacked It up tor sev eral years. She says that Fie has the blood of both the Cherokee and Seminole nations in her veins and that her parent* have told her that Uggams is an Indian word meaning "sweet one." Buick, sponsor of Sing Along, handed her a Wildcat last year and will soon come through with ano ther new ear. (She also gets $2,500 a week and her guest-appearance fee is SIO,OOO. Her allowance is S3O a week. PATRONIZE Oil ADVERTISERS INSURE YOUR HOME AGAINST PIRE —Consult— YOUR LOCAL AOENT BANKERS Fire Insurance Co. Durham, N. G. Champion Bourb on b li>chenlei| nllkiiH 8 mwk sj,os YEARS Kfl JZZk i old ■■■« $255 t | y I ■ I ** h* 1 I h w old tom mash trumw tou—ok it fwoof. oim icHpmr dwubi col imp LARGE FRESH KILLED |p§|j HENS O Os Prices Effective £OO I, Thru Sat, Dec. 15 Lb. ARMOUR’S STAR KRAFT’S MIRACLE WHIP BABY BEEF m mmm ROUND SALAD STEAKS DRESSING Pound Qk ar 7 3>’ 1139’ BETTY CROCKER MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE ff Lb. Bag 3 packages JQt s|oo «“"•» II muakißT STRAWBERRY mcplllTC PRESERVES BldbUl I 0 18 Oz. Jar 4 Cans 45’ 37* HEW BERN AVE. A GARNER STORES OPEN TIL *tM P. M. “Operation Freedom*' Extended To Delta CINCINATI, Ohio "Operation Freedom” is extending its work in to the Delta Area of MiseiasippL where it is assisting persons harass ed for registering to vote. The hoard of Operation Freedom voted to expand into Mississippi after receiving reports of wide spread and Utter hardship result ing from the drive to register Ne groes to vote in that state. The Rev. Clarence T. R. Nelson. Detroit, board chairman, reported that thousands of persons have been cut off from surplus food. Oth ers have been driven off the land, denied credit, shot at, and arrested on trumped-up charges, he said. For two years Operation Freedom has been assisting farmers and oth ers subjected to similar harassment for registering to vote in Fayette and Haywood counties in West Tennessee. Cash grants and loans helped to save many families from being driven off the land. The Delta region of Mississippi adjoins one of the Tennessee coun ties. It in chides some of the richest farming land In the world, produc ing fine cotton In great quantities. The ares Includes 18 counties In which Negroes constitute up to $0 per cent of the population. Oxford, scene of the riots of the Universi ty of Mississippi, lies on the east ern edge at the Delta. The vast C FORA Mctrij Christmas l C AND AN Easier New Year } GENERAL ELECTRIC G/ffM&G/Mud* DISHWASHER! NODS INSTALLATION! / J "r~ " WASHES, MliT “'X ly PUCE SETTINGS FOR J r 12P£0PLE« TpARKUNB^-7 $ 149 95 *SSfc#SUt“ ** wumMAcneM •STS’-SSMS \pl^ r ’^ r I^*3 . .T.w, a SEE YOUR 6-E DEALER S •s=£T_ FOR A DEMONSTRATION. * T -V »«r- mm NO PAYMENT UNTIL SEE YOUR NEAREST G-E DEALER These* nothing “just as good as’General Electric . plantation of U. S. Senator James O. Eastland is in the heart of the Delta, south of Ruleville in Sun flower County. m DEWAR’S JL White E3a Label tBSA SCOTCH WHISKY SLCNOED AT MJ PROOP •CHKNLEV IMPORT CO.. NSW YORK. M.T. New York Tines NEW YORK The How York Times has celled "Freedom In The Air," a documentary record on Al bany, Ga. produced by the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Commit tee (SNCC) "the most effective doc umentary recording to prow out at the Integration movement." Singles Oat Freedom Seng The 12 inch tang playing record . was mwto in Albany by folksinger Guy Carawan. It features songs and testimony by leaders in the Integra- ' KING I'OLE MOTEL 2418 Murchison Rd. Fayetteville, N. C 19 Rooms - Private and Adjoining B&tha Individual Heat - Air Conditioned Conraniently Located Batman Wayettarilla State Teachara College and Port Bragg REASONABLE RATES! A FOR RENT Apartments and 4 and 5 Room Houses ALL WITH HOT AND GOLD WATER AND lAMI f UT * 5 aetahberfceeda andTta flnt-otaaa nJi*T *** See Us Today For Better Living! ACME REALTY CO.: US S. HARGETT AT W*l n **• T . tion struggle in ADaaR. FATRQNCaOUR